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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Joseph Shaw Have You No Shame? Following a stellor opening performance by Boo against the less than capable Elvis, I am stunned..., no... agape at the manner in which such loyal service is dispensed with as if it were the last puff on a morning cigarette. Now who will you call upon when next you travel the wilds of America? What loyalty can you now expect after such a despicable act. Yon lies the poor Oaf, resigned to the permanent stigma of being an Ex. In other developments the current Justicar has resorted to the most amazing sleight of hand gaining first shot kills time and time again. This after mastering the technique of moving in the desert without raising a dust cloud. I think Boo should remain on the job. Someone needs to keep close watch over the nefarious Joe Shaw
  2. Buffalos, Wildcats (all they had at Henderson Field IIRC), Dauntlesses, Corsairs.</font>
  3. Morning Dreams Wake up it's time to start another day Soft light of morning in your eyes The music from the radio seems far away Your mind seems partly hypnotized And now you face yourself, reflected in your stare Water running in an endless stream As you splash the coldness you become aware As if awakened from a dream But now you're dressed and heading out the door The dew is damp, the air is clean The old car is waiting from the night before You hope the lights alon the way are green Sooner or later now You must learn to give in And be reborn into the race You can try to catch another wink or ten And cheat the clock that sets the pace
  4. Admit it, you worship my every excessive flight of verbal fancy as though I was a god, you silly litle bugger. </font>
  5. I'd love to take credit for this, Boo. But can we really call it a flanking maneuver when all I have to do is park my tanks on the reverse slope of a hill and wait for you to drive your AFVs aimlessly back and forth across the battle zone? Papa </font>
  6. Truly, there is great potential... Very well, return to your Grogdom, I will be watching, should you reconsider. Carry on, gentlemen.
  7. Ah, the sweet and gentle sound of Emrys spreading joy and sunshine where ever he goes.
  8. I am truly saddened to hear that. I had hoped to take you to Squire with the mission of tormenting Seanachai. But, much like your love life, I guess you're just not up to it.
  9. Well, here you are Mr T. I caught your posts in the MBT the other night and in them I could see the problem you are having, so I am here to help you "see the light" as it were. Jason C has been very polite in alluding to your problem, but, based on your Peng postings, I feel the more direct approach is now necessary. As has been pointed out your "issues" revolve around perspective. You have developed a habit of viewing the world from a "bottom to top" point of reference. By continuing to place your visionary recepticles so close to your bottom, your head has subsequently become lodged in a very dark and lonely place. The time has now come for you to "get your head out of your dark and lonely place", rise up to full height, take a deep breath of clean smelling fresh air and take another look at the numbers. This obsession you have with #2 detracts from your otherwise brilliant dissertations. PS-If you desire further assistance, feel free to return to the Peng Thread and we can continue your rehabilitation there. All the best! Your friend Jim Boggs
  10. I love playing somebody who knows when my reinforcements are arriving before I do!!! As far as sending you a turn, see Radley's response to a similar request from Papa Khann. The one that had the dirty four letter word in it that terrifies you and him so much: I am at WORK!!!!!
  11. I read the whole sorry exchange a couple of times, and if anything, my vision has improved!. Sheesh, another night of sodding boredom. It's almost like the set-up for a joke: A Swede, a California Surfer Dude, and Michael Emrys went into a bar... ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz...
  12. Mein Gott!! It's Emrys spreading sunshine and joy. QUICK, HIDE!!!!
  13. And if I read your post correctly, you only think you get it. Very disturbing mental imagery...
  14. His head! Edited because Papa Khann double posted and tried to make it looked planned. [ May 06, 2004, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  15. You Ohidiot, there's more than chicken on the Early Bird Menu. You really should get out more. Oh I forgot, your ankle bracelet will go off.
  16. Nice try Boo, but explaining jobs and work to Papa Khann would be like trying to explain paragraphs and run-on sentences to Seanachai.
  17. I think you might be squeezing the throttle just a bit too tightly. Use more choke. Find a rhythm. You probably don't need to use your entire hand. Two fingers should suffice, as after all, it is a Belgian Throttle now isn't it?
  18. Nice try Emrys, but your arch-nemesis has already poked his misshapen head in here looking for you. I don't think you can dodge the Big Twaddle forever. Now pull yourself together and get back out into the Grog Threads and give him a taste of that "sunshine and joy" you're spreading. Oh and be so kind as to remember to flush that last batch, it's attracting flies and Belgians!
  19. CMBO???? You are still playing CMBO? Did your Atari 2600 crash? Pac-Man becoming too strenuous? Falling in love with Mario? Thinking Donkey Kong might look good with a nice ascot? I am encouraged, however, that you had a derivative of the word "Broad" and the phrase "Do me" in the same sentence. Perhaps there is still hope for you lad.
  20. Well, isn't that nice. rune told a funny. And it did cause much pain. Now then, back to business. YOU (rune) who constantly demand feedback, whimpering and crying like a baby when it is not forthcoming, have the audacity to REFUSE to acknowledge the receipt of said feedback? I have sent you TWO fair and balanced reviews. For all I know they ended up in Snarker's in-box, as you have never indicated that you have received them. In one, (Buffalo Soldiers), I even went so far as to recommend that it would be a perfect scenario for The Cheery Wafflers as it contains all the prerequisites they require (huge explosions, lots of big guns, two story buildings being flung high in the air, the flaming debris coming to rest two to three blocks away, etc). Do I see any follow-up? Any offers to the Wafflers? Do we dare to hope that maybe... just maybe, you have answered all our prayers and retired from Scenario Design? If it will accelerate this process I would gladly accept a scenario to test for the young lad. I have need of a slightly deranged battle in which to severely spank a certain Lurkur if and when he gets done interrogating Dave H about the rules for the BDLRM Tourney.
  21. Yes, that is a question we would all like answered. Where were you? After reading this... this... ????? I must congratulate you on completeing the Mididoctors School of Coherent Posting. May Fred help us if you decide to attend the advanced course.
  22. Not again! Sheesh! Something has to be done. The Graveyard Shift of the Peng Challenge Thread has once again allowed all sorts of verminous, mentally challenged, wayward vagabonds to drop in and splatter their excretious pronouncements just about anywhere they choose. It has reached such pitiful proportions that they have stooped to begging for help from Michael Emrys for crying out loud (Lars' specialty). This just Will Not Do!. While the brave lads of the "Day Shift" continue to terrorize and squash all the little cockroaches that attempt to gain entry, the "Night Shift" stumbles in and throws open the doors to the Roach Motels and invites everybody in to relieve themselves. So where are the Twaddles and the PairaBellies today? Back hiding in the shadows? Gazing with fear and paranoia at the sight of a fully manned and sober MBT? We shall now see if they dare show their pimply, greasy, scum-sucking faces here today.
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