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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Strengths: an MPP Freak, always out# my enemy and most of the time Win with that factor Very strong defensive Perfectionist, no loss strategy I push until the breaking point Weaknesses: Too Axis Oriented Do not finish all the manuals Always react slowly to new strategies Forget the bigger picture for my valuable pieces
  2. I put in 9 chits with Yoda in a game for around a year game time, what 15 turns? Not sure all 5 where in Jets all at once, but definitely 4... I was hoping to give the man a game, I didn't manage to. I got very upset and posted my fighters up for wholesale slaughter outside of Essen peed my 5 chits didn't so much as give me 1 Jet tech or any tech for that matter... sad since he seemed to have 1 jet and 1 lr Tech is very tricky I am shocked half the time I get so much from 1 chit and zero from 5 chits. Plus Germany has to work for her chits, Russia, USA and UK just tag along Well not so much UK but still... Axis without Tech is like iceskating uphill... Now with Rambo, hehehehhe. I've gotten some damned luck, AA when I didn't deserve it back in the day. I remeber 1 chit gave me 5 hits LOL, more than 1 game... Several tames... AT hell all I have to do is breath on that Research area wrong and I get breakthroughs...
  3. Hey, I'm comming to Croatia some time or another! I'd love to visit Austria, Venice, Croatia
  4. with 1/3rd again more land units and totally equal air to you it's over Zapp. Face it I am about to steamroll Russia, you have sent 7 of your 12 tanks there and about 2 or 3 HQs, 4-5 Corps and probably an army<the cost has been staggering, I merely moved several corps 2 or 3 armies in. You're short on what you need and my units are now uberexperienced. D-Day failed and 3-4 invading units have already died trying to take Scandanavia. It was a desperate measure and the gain was what 35-45 MPPs? I'm making that up by killing of 1 of your units per turn. Now Russia is wide open and each turn I double my hits there over what damage you do... It has been a nightmare. Even if you ever hit Jets 3, it will be too late. Russia will be finished. You're only prayer is Jets and Carriers to save you but if you'll never break Germany now. My armies are too strong, I probably have 14-15 level 4 armies. 10 Fighters. 6 HQs, 10 German Corps. 15-20 mixed Italian Minor Units. What do you have? 20 Russian mainline units? 12 of which are tanks. 3-4 Western Fighters? Maybe 3 or 4 American Armies left... You're toast
  5. Really Heh! I lost to you in this tourny now I beat the guy who beat you? I guess I may win afterall? Dunno. HR and I are still at it.. Rambo and I never had an official Tourny game, dunno if we'll even bother. This Tourny is falling a part I Think.. More for the fun DH Next time I face you I will beat you DH You're much like Master Yoda but I shall take you down! Power to the darkside!
  6. 1. Terif 2. DH Rambo tied 3. Tied HR Liam<we're fighting to see who steals this spot now> 5. Zappster 6. ??? Dunno where Sombra is lately not played him not sure if he's kicking butt, and I haven't played Condor lately either so two big ifs...
  7. Well Zapp Runs out just as my forces are whooping his arse outta Sweden He's chasing after Yoda's Ghost... Germans at AT 4, Brits never reaching past Jet2s cause of RAI... Reds failed to make a move buying too much armor and I'm now reading to plow through Russia like a 5 turn plan and clean house... Just operated 6 airfleets to do the job and there is zero resistance in the West. No Royal Navy, USA Army to contend with they're too battered after failed D-Day... 10-15 Reds sit in Sweden being picked off by the LW 1 by 1... basically a slaughterfest... easy kill for me...
  8. well, zapp is loading sweden with 10-15 red units and trying to hit bergen sideways and crush axis forces, so far we hold strong and the allied infidels are in a weak position Italian frogmen off Washington D.C. were only stopped by a brave detachment of operating 1 strength RAF unit to cover the coastal defense. We dominate the scene in the East and West is all quiet
  9. ROFL, JJ is C3PO He's a fortune chest of knowledge! Hubert is our R2s and all the staff at BF Rambo is definitely what's that guys name? Hmmm, Samuel L Jackson from the 1 through 3rd series He whooped the Emperor but got amputeed and shot out the window. ROFL HR Hmmmmm, he's definitely Fetts? He's the awesome clonedude P.S. my arse will end up being Obi, I just know it. Everyone whoops me and in the end I end up old and dead LOL<but well, my legacy lives on> J/K we all know I'm the Count, and there is no Avatar to defeat me now!
  10. I sense you're avoiding me young ZappWalker "Strike me down!"
  11. Zappsweden is about to fall Rambo has fallen, his RAI will nolonger work DH barely survived the tourny Only that little green man prevails "They do not realize the power of the Dark Side!" :::EVIL KACKLE::
  12. Interesting all the conflict of Europeans vs Americans about WW2 and the deeper meaning. Especially about Good and Evil being involved. I suppose the Native People of the America's could've argued God was on our side, just our God wasn't a bountiful as theirs? The Ideologies and Fanatical belief of the Nazis and their followers was nothing special or original. There has been so many radical sects throughout the ages with MUCH power too. Look at the Crusades The fact of the matter is that you'll always have people picking up guns in the name of God and fighting the Just Fight. Either way it's brainwashing, no matter whether Politics, Science, Ethics tells you it's a Right War. One fights for what they feel independently is right, and that is the only right I feel. One's experience and one's own ideals = what comes of what...... WW2 Generation was clouded by past War that had gone on for Centuries in Europe. The Struggle for more... In the United States was an Exodus of people wanting new Ideas and New Wealth and to break from the old Code. That in itself has been clouded of the centuries as well. Nothing is perfect, fundamentally everything is failable. What is good and what is God, and vis versa is what we make of it... We have our own free will for that. Were the Nazis evil, or rather the German Cause. Think hard on it, it's not so different than our paranoid, delusional expanionist Cold War everybody's gotta be Democratic Cause? Aye? Which we were will to nuke the entire world to achieve, same for the Communists
  13. would be rather easy if you back up and reinforce with full entrenchment! then focus on taking out the UK that is short on Land units and holding Paris and retaking Rome rather quickly. You have the air I think.. the AI is dumb it'll fumble against a human player, not so easy, Axis are are going to get maulled
  14. Well, sorry for the late AAR Report folks but I've been busy and my brain has been on the schitz, I've lost so many games the last month or so and I cannot focus or concentrate well.. Anyways, No excuses... Zapp played a superb RAI and he took some early advantages but it cost him much valuable chits and MPPs. With ALL the Minors Germany has made a comeback. I played on with near zero tech till well past Barbarossa. I got lucky finally got Jet Tech 3-4 turns into Barby. He did well in taking France as I couldn't move in Russia<after Finland fell and he reinforced with his own AT and many tanks> I have managed to kill several armies and several corps even still. Knocked out a Red Cruiser and interdicted few his Russian Planes After I got Tech Reds retreat their Air, I operate back Took Paris cut USA's forces in half in LC and Brest. Then proceeded to mop up with superior Luftwaffe now his focus went to Norway and Sweden... That's where the game will be decided. Germans damaged UK Carrier to 2. Reds going to take Sweden lets see, fun game, great one in fact, Zapp has proven his best game vs me here..
  15. Regular Cookie Cutter style after the initial opening. I nailed a few British Surface ships that weren't mentioned here. I don't mind losing 3 or 4 armies for 3 or 4 Top of the Line UK Battleships so long as I have the MPPs to replace them later. Which I would have, all the Minors are mine, and I'm moving in for a Barby and final Minor take down... I'm not sure if I caught a UK Carrier or Fighter as well? I think I may have? One thing is sure UK is a non-factor without luck for awhile and Germany leads in any tech race if there was one
  16. Jon J Rambo, you wanna game get WW2Online, still plays 'alright' on 56k if you got the Ram? 256k minimum for infantry or vehicle, 1gig for aircraft<and suggested DSL or Cable for AC> It's a first person shooter with a strategic angle and a learning curb. You might feel like you're playing Medal of Honor at first, but it's not like at all. You gotta get involved. You can demo it for free for a few weeks at WW2Online.com or just search google for it.. Top notch extreme tactical first person shooter, most accurate WW2 Sim of Battle of France ever recreated in History I'm an amatuer over there, have made Colonel after 2 years slowplaying it. Something like Capt or Major in the Luftwaffe. Collected up around 3 or 4 thousand kills. Each one took a level of skill, patience and timing.. Well most of em... It has something about it. I love getting together a Panzer Column going out with 20-30 Tanks, 15-20 Infantry, few trucks and planes and we coordinate to take down a whole city. It has some qualities and skills about it there. Few Men last in this arena.. You gotta have skill, but most men can use an SMG and go out and waste a few dozen frogs, limeys, or Jerrys... Your choice try her out I spent a good solid year in that game, highly addictive if you let yourself get addicted
  17. Jon J Rambo, you wanna game get WW2Online, still plays 'alright' on 56k if you got the Ram? 256k minimum for infantry or vehicle, 1gig for aircraft<and suggested DSL or Cable for AC> It's a first person shooter with a strategic angle and a learning curb. You might feel like you're playing Medal of Honor at first, but it's not like at all. You gotta get involved. You can demo it for free for a few weeks at WW2Online.com or just search google for it.. Top notch extreme tactical first person shooter, most accurate WW2 Sim of Battle of France ever recreated in History I'm an amatuer over there, have made Colonel after 2 years slowplaying it. Something like Capt or Major in the Luftwaffe. Collected up around 3 or 4 thousand kills. Each one took a level of skill, patience and timing.. Well most of em... It has something about it. I love getting together a Panzer Column going out with 20-30 Tanks, 15-20 Infantry, few trucks and planes and we coordinate to take down a whole city. It has some qualities and skills about it there. Few Men last in this arena.. You gotta have skill, but most men can use an SMG and go out and waste a few dozen frogs, limeys, or Jerrys... Your choice try her out I spent a good solid year in that game, highly addictive if you let yourself get addicted
  18. HOI2 can be run on 56k, but you have to have a good host and it requires a lot of time and vigilance Paradox Forums is where we all meet Rambo, if you get involved and like the MP play, invite me over... Tell DH Too
  19. HOI2 can be run on 56k, but you have to have a good host and it requires a lot of time and vigilance Paradox Forums is where we all meet Rambo, if you get involved and like the MP play, invite me over... Tell DH Too
  20. Oh and on behalf the Swedes, I'm not sure on what actually occurred there, I do know great tensions and war but I don't even know how they prevailed against the Reds did they win? I never read that portion of history. I know Sweden had their 1700s hayday but that's about it and about a war between them and Mother Russia
  21. Insightful John, two very ambitious arrogant men who failed to do what was very possible I think Hitler had a better chance considering the Russians were disorganized ramble in comparison with the Wermacht and in 1812 the Russians were actually a formidable foe with good leaders<well decent ones> Time was on the Russians side in '41 as it was the 19th century and time wasn't on the aggressors side, now adays none of this really matters with Nukes but odd wouldn't it be if to this day we were without nuclear technology? Russia would still be a very hard to steppe to step across The Scandanavians managed to take out the Reds so did the Crimeans but these peoples did it in a different fashion and different age when the nation was still virgining
  22. Hmmm, DH our young Padwan is learning fast, but he still has much to learn I saw you in an EU2 game, I had to mow you down, it was only fate as you'd mowed me down in SC but I didn't know that were from both forums! You did impressive considering you were new, I've taken a break from EU and HOI I've never quite developed a taste for it. It didn't have the following neccessary. Vicky was entertaining on it's own for a few games, a Super RTS Civlization type game.. Gets boring after awhile SC2 will be a welcomed edition
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