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Everything posted by Terif

  1. July 25, 1943: Russia developed Lv5 Jets. Russia kills a german airfleet in Denmark. One army lost under heavy airattacks. German reinforcements arrive each turn in Norway. In Russia the front retreats to Kharkov-Sevastopol, Smolensk lost. [ June 27, 2003, 01:46 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  2. June 13, 1943: German scientists love to research things in a package: Lv5 Jets nearly immediately after Lv4.
  3. May 16, 1943: Germany reached Lv4 Jets. Odessa surrounded, will fall next turn.
  4. April 18, 1943: Russia reconquered all Swedish hexes. The first units reach the outskirts of Oslo. German army destroyed. Russian tank lost. USA reached Lv3 Jets, Russia Lv4 (Germany Lv3). Romanian oilfield lost.
  5. Russian units from Romania evacuated. Only one left to defend the oilfield. Russians advance in Sweden and kill another italian corps.
  6. December 1942: In the last turns nearly no Axis advances in Russia. They kill 2-3 corps per turn, Russia replaces them and next turn the same procedure . Every time accompanied by heavy airfights.
  7. October 18, 1942: Germany has Lv3 Jets. Heavy airfights in central Russia. Italian corps destroyed in Norway.
  8. September 20, 1942: Russia has now Lv3 Jets, so they can attack in Sweden again and kill a german army - but a tank will be lost next turn, he took too much damage. USA reached Lv2 Jets, same as Germany. Yugoslavia surrendered.
  9. August 30, 1942: The russian corps in Belgrad will receive a medal. With their last attack before beeing destroyed they managed to kill an enemy army .
  10. August 2, 1942: Russia catches up in Jet technology: Lv 2. Only USA stays at Lv1. Still heavy fights in Sweden, a german army and tank nearly killed, but without airsupport it was not possible to finish them off. German air arrived in Yugoslavia, now it will fall soon. Kiev still alive, Axis retreats from the dangerous hex east of the city. Italians land in Ireland, capital taken - US corps had been moved inside the island to prevent from beeing bombarded. That was more expensive than loosing Ireland .
  11. July 19, 1942: Germany uses the new technology to kill a russian airfleet in Sweden. The cut off german army is destroyed. Near Kiev US armies attack a corps that breaked through, but it survives. Now Kiev will be lost next turn. Still trench warfare in Romania and Yugoslavia.
  12. July 5, 1942: Bad luck for Allies: Germany researched Lv2 jets immediately the turn after Lv1... Now airwar will become very hard. In Sweden a german army is cut off, reduced to strength 1 and will be killed next turn.
  13. June 21, 1942: Germany moves air to Spain and attacks the US fleet. In Sweden the next german corps is destroyed that marched too far south... Russian reinforcements arrive. In northern Russia the front line retreats to Leningrad and Smolensk. Trench warfare in the south. Finally 3 US airfleets arrived. No free shots for german air any more, now they face air resistance . Germany reached Lv1 jets, Russia Lv1 anti-tank.
  14. May 1942: Two strong task forces face each other at the border of Norway-Sweden. Each side has 10+ armies, tanks and airfleets in the trench warfare there. Norwegian mine reconquered from Axis. Allies abandoned Bergen, taken by Axis the next turn. In the russian center Axis are slowly moving forward towards Smolensk. US armies and russian corps are fighting side by side... Romanian oilfield and Yugoslavia still allied. Trench warfare. US transports approach the spanish coast. [ June 27, 2003, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  15. November 30: Russian air attacks italian transport near Oslo. Airbattles take place. Fortunately Russia developed Jets Lv1 to have a chance to stand against the very experienced german air (11 airfleets now). Axis advances in northern Russia. Russia moves in the south towards Yugoslavia. Land connection established, russian forces operated into Yugoslavia to help the defenders. Romanian oilfield captured. Romania and Bulgaria cut off from Germany.
  16. October 5, 1941: Russia DoWs Sweden, captures the capital and Sweden surrenders. UK army transport moves near Copenhagen, where Rundstedt and 2 airfleest are waiting for them.
  17. September 7, 1941: US troops land in Scapa Flow and Ireland. An army transport has a surprising encounter with a german Hq transport near Denmark. Russian garrisons in Africa and Iraq move to reestablish the land connections. Axis move towards Riga. Russian transports near Sweden.
  18. August 24, 1941: Manchester and London occupied by Axis now. But UK forces continue to fight ! Too many units left in England and the Med . In the last turns UK Med units developed into kamikaze pilots: landings in Albania, naval battles in that 3 UK ships got destroyed and the last one will follow next turn... but 2 italian battleships are also at the sea ground. Only one damaged italian ship left. UK Med corps operate to Russia as cannon fodder.. Finland surrenders to Russia.
  19. August 10, 1941: Montgomery is dead. He died in a bomb shower. Manchester will fall next turn. Russian forces move forward in Finland, supported by Zhukov. If no enemy reinforcements arrive, the capital will fall within the next two turns. South of Riga, heavy battles take place. 2 italian corps destroyed, some russians lost. Russian counteroffensive near Odessa. Only Minor armies and italian corps defending there. The german elite forces are still in England: intelligence counts 5 armies now... [ June 26, 2003, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  20. July 13, 1941: This was very close... Russia at 98 % readiness and Germany in the outskirts of Manchester... But now war will go on for a long, long time . Russia occupies Allied territory in the Med to secure the ressources after the fall of England. And this is only a matter of time with 6 airfleets, 3 armies, tank, corps and 2 or more enemy Hqs at the island. Finland declared war to Russia. Axis DoWs Portugal.
  21. April 27, 1941: Finally Allies conquer Tobruk. London cut off from northern England and attacked with airstrikes.
  22. March 30, 1941: Bulgaria joined. Germany wants to cut off London from northern England. 3 UK ships lost. Tobruk survives again with strength 1.
  23. March 2, 1941: German air kills 2-3 corps per turn. One carrier lost. Romania and Hungary joined some turns ago. Tobruk survived with strength 1.
  24. January 5, 1941: Axis landed in England. 3 armies, tank, corps and Hq. 7 airfleets are killing UK corps... Time to use the royal navy. 2 corps transports killed. Carrier-airfleet battles. In Tobruk the allied offensive continues: Tobruk army reduced to strength 5.
  25. November 11, 1941: Tobruk under attack. Wavel Hq with ground and air attacks from Alexandria. In England 9 german transports are sitting at the southern coast. UK buys some corps around London for defence... no need to sacrifice some valuable ships at this stage. Perhaps later...
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