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Everything posted by Hueristic

  1. Congrats rambo but that sure shows an inherent flaw in the system if terif has a 200+ and 2 record and gets bumped to second.
  2. Then why is the HQ in Romania only supporting one unit and the Corp 5 hexes away is not supported at all?
  3. Your right. Looked better in the editor. corp and army in the north corp in the south. The Corp in the northern Polish city is the important one. There's 6 Hq's with 25 units. None are under the cut shots. there is a cut shot off to the side of each hq and it's attached units. I'll see if i can make a better picture tomorrow. Little beat to do it tonight
  4. why are my units not in C&C?
  5. Excellent thread. I do like the repair limiting of ports. But turns are not of a uniform time scale. And yes if there were limited units, conquest or joining minors should adjust the manpower ratio's. Maybe only minor "Type" units could be formed. I.E. no C&C.
  6. IT would be a great Option in the initial setup of the game to set Unit limits. Maybe something that SC2 should incorporate?
  7. My thoughts exactly. will do.
  8. Is there anyway to convert a pbem save so the AI will take over the opponents side? I have a game I'd like to complete.
  9. use winzip..right click on file and choose create filename.zip it will also compress it to about 20% of original size so if your playing multiple games as well as recieveing other files your inbox won't be filled every 2 days.
  10. The host side opens a port (6530 IIRC) and listens, the client side can use any port to connect. So if your O.s. will run with 2 sessions it should work. But directx really does not play well with others including itself so i'd disable it.
  11. Probally been there since day one but never noticed it till now. Hexes 30,30 and 53,35 don't work I'm guessing it's cause they are dual land/water and have been set with land attributes with a ship movement exception. Probally have to manually add them into raiding subroutine.
  12. How Embarrising to be quoted in the same breath as Buckaroo Bonzai. I think that was Rambo Kuni The only place I operate Bomber units to usually is Malta. Yes Night Denmark is a great training ground for axis fleet.
  13. I would recommend to you the "Civilization" Series by Sid Mier. My personal favorite is Civ2 MPG. It can be had for $10.00 all over the place. There are fanatics about it all over the web and there is a room for it on microsofts zone as well as other places. If you want a Turn based European theatre Strategic Scale Wargame then SC has no equal.
  14. WELL Said. Edited cause well someday i'll learn to read entire threads before replying. Yeah what Bill said [ July 25, 2003, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Hueristic ]
  15. Your contribution to "Bridgeing the Language Gap"?
  16. My "Last Turn Summary" screen shows the outcome in german now. I'm pretty sure my opponent is german.
  17. I just did a turn and checked it out and before I did the turn it said 0 reloaded but after I did my turn and the new file was created the old turn reload counter is blank.
  18. ALL "House rules" are stupid and unnessesary. The reason for the bidding system was to make it thus. If suddenly one side has a huge advantage because of a new gambit then BAM the bidding should reflect this. Twisting the rules around so that you can keep the bidding Axis plus Mpp's is stupid. If your afraid rome will fall on turn five then Bid Allies 1500. It is my opinion that you peops want the Fall Weis to be Skewed to the Axis.
  19. I always buy one first turn then hopefully invade Low and get my armies some experience and then if Axis is stupid enough to let me get some entrenchment. well we all know what can happen there. Counter attacks against units on the Rhine can cause massive damage with a hq behind them. And those that like to attack the Maginot with a corp to entice Italy's readiness uisually pay for it when a HQ is backing that line. But these are just my opinions. If you don't escape with it then you made a costly error.
  20. I'm guessing it may have to do with the Beta and final patch. I just looked and i've got alot of blank ones from a guy that i know is straight up and we upgraded half way through this current game. What worries me is when i lose a size 7 battleship 70%+ readiness to a size 11 sub in one shot. then my carrier takes 5 points then all my armies take 4... that's when the chance factor really sux. That is why I'd like to see a chance selection on game creatiion that could increase or decrease depending on how serious you wanted to get. But remeber in the end PBEM is for fun. It's not like the ladder so if you make all the right moves but chance was not on your side. Start another game
  21. A couple of clarifications. An EXPLOIT is not a GAMBIT. A gambit is a legal move that does not change the way the game works. An exploit is actually a bug that has not been addressed. Think of it as moveing between the code. Some Exploits cannot be patched without considerable effort and therefore stay in a game. The Transport Full Supply Exploit - Waltero and The Bogus UK landing - Terif should be addressed in patches. Exploits are cheesy. Gambits are not. IMO Offnote: I have never figured if the Supply exploit is worth it in a small city if you give up entrenchment. That would have been a nice exercise for Waltero to follow up on. Obviousley Terif found the Bogus landing while checking readiness levels for various UK invasion scenerio's. As far as the Rome invasion...The first I heard of it was from OLD MAN. When I started using the Italian Gambit he asked if I could take rome in one. I was only able to reach a 48% success and therefore scrapped the idea. But now that Rambo has got it working I see my problem. I was trying to get it on turn 4. I remember Condor Saying that he had a game breaker in rome 6 months ago. I don't know what his percentages were as he didn't post them. Now on the LOW Gambit. It is my opinion that anyone who has been playing or studying WWII is aware of the debate of whether France should have done just that. It is nothing new it has been used for years in various forms. Double Gambit is nothing more than the use of the Italian Gambit and the Low Gambit concurrently. What I'd like to see is a 1 or 2 turn Turkey invasion! that would be the ****.
  22. LMAO...been there before Lol. I'd rather see an incrementor. I use this file convention when playing PBEM PbemXxxVsYyyTz.zip Where Xxx is First 3 initials of Axis player Where Yyy is first 3 initials of allies Player Where Zzz is Turn number I'd like to see the turn number at the end increment. But it's not that big a deal0 either way. WHAT I'd really like to see is the PBEM files get saved in a Compressed format!!!! Now that would rock.
  23. Well in my latest Pbem I decided to make the Ictalians a superpower so I took france,Vichy and Egypt with them. But when I took London with the Germans Egypt changed from Ictalian control to German.
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