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Everything posted by RSColonel_131st

  1. Goodytwoshoes, not only did you fail to mention me you also fail to send the turn number 75. Is your whole life a failure?
  2. Understand, but what is an example of a vehicle with "bad" ground pressure, what is considered "good"? I can not judge the numbers of my vehicles because I dont have any comparison.
  3. My new PBEM versus Sublime turns out to be a rain map. That seems to imply some possiple "bogging" problems. Could someone tell me up to what PSI stats vehicles are resonable safe from bogging, and from where one I should start to worry? Also, does moving slower reduce the chance of bogging? Any info would be appreciated, because I dont have a clue what to do with the given PSI Numbers and if they are good or bad.
  4. Strange. I'm pretty sure I had chosen Juli 1943, Mitte (Middle), both times.
  5. Strange. I was setting up a game at work (har har) using my laptop, Juli 1943, I could select SS Mechanized but Guards only had normal infantry. At home I try to set up the same game again, now I only have SS Infantry, but Guard Mechs are avalable? This is running on 1.01 BTW. What determines the avalability of mechanized SS/Guard Units?
  6. I prefer the smoking version with the "destroyed" sign on it.
  7. Goes by the name of Sublime around here. I wasn't to happy about the setup (I think it favors the defender), but did not say anything until I started to get chewed up. He would have been perfectly right to finish the game and declare it a victory. Instead he grants a rematch and less crazy setup conditions. Most honorable behaviour, and I can only commend him for that.
  8. Strange...does fatique affect targeting times, maybe? Other than that, it could be a bug. If so, savegame to BFC certainly would be usefull.
  9. I too have been using Jeeps stuffed with Half-Squads for recon. A modern austrian recon troop frequently uses the "Pinzgauer", a 3 axis, open, all terrain vehicle with around 4 or 5 crew, an LMG, and an Recoilless Rifle. That's hardly different from a jeep with a half squad in it. I think it might be considered more gamey to use jeeps without additional crew, though - it's not like a single guy could do all the work. But if you combine a jeep and a half squad, it seems resonable priced. Of course, additional bonus is that you can dismount the HS and use it to sneak up or recon locations where the jeep can't go - again, very lifelike praxis.
  10. I thought that the Panther and the T-34 85 are quite even...lots of round front armor, high powered 76mm canon...
  11. Hhmm, this is indeed a cool idea for the new engine. You sacrifice points for some intel, and then you get a slight look at what your enemy is using or setting up in turn...like, for example in real life it could be know that you'd be facing such an such an armor division...
  12. Yikes... First, it's not like BF1942 where every soldier can do everthing with just a few mouse clicks. If you are an infantry man you ain't going to steal a tank... What would work is having enemy stuff captured during the run of an operation...that is, if they fall behind the new frontline, they should be yours, repainted and manned with your people. Empty tanks dont blow up like ammo depots...they aren't ammo depots. There are no additional buildings avalable, as far as I know, only reskined (repainted) exsisting ones.
  13. I thought the biggest advantage was that you could fit an auto-loader easily because the gun breech didn't move around in relation to the turret? Here in Austria, we fit that thing on the old Saurer APC's. Excellent Tank-Hunter, light, sneaky, and quick to get off the first 6 rounds before running away. Edit...here's a link to a picture showing the shilouette of our vehicle. http://www.bmlv.gv.at/images_skaliert/kuerassier_6_1050x735_1050399395.jpg [ April 15, 2003, 05:33 AM: Message edited by: RSColonel_131st ]
  14. The reason why the turret reminded you of a french design is the "nicking" design, if I call it that (Wippturm), dunno how you call that in english.
  15. I assume your 7 flags aren't all the same size, so you did the right thing concentrating on the 3 or 4 main ones. Personally, I would NEVER voluntary spread out. Try to hold more than 50% of the territory, with the possiple option of a counter-blow later after you anihilated most of the enemys main force.
  16. 4 to 5 Vet Tigers in a 2000 Point game is boring, bordering on "gamey" me thinks. I played a 2000 point PBEM set in December 1942, and even though I had only one Tiger I felt a bit slimey about it already... Anyway, I would say that captured Stugs are your best bet. I had a hellish respect for them when fighting the PBEM. Of course, if he has his Tigers concentrated in proper Platoon formation, you will get a lot of echo if you stick out a single StuG. Flaking from two sides, sacrifying one or two T-34 to get the enemy turret turned the other way, and then bring a StuG into LOS... But basically I agree with Jason, find another opponent.
  17. Madmatt, if you're still interested... I tried the whole deal again, no Cigar. Tried the new Refresh Rate Tool...doesn't change anything. Please take a look into Win2K SP3 - it only started after that. Is your test maschine running SP3?
  18. Okay, as per Matt's Idea I tried the whole thing again, clean install, and refresh rate tool 2.1a It still doesn't work. Still the same text problems. Schrullenhaft, I'm not upset at all the other game developers because all their games work with my maschine. They work with FSAA, without Alt-Tabbing to hell and back etc. Madmatt, if you're reading this, please take a look at Windows 2000 SP3 - this only started after it. But I need SP3 to fix a bug in another game I use... I think I will abandon CMBB until a solution is found. Maybe I can get an old Laptop somewhere or similar...it seems CMBB needs it's own computer to run proberly.
  19. Madmatt, I dont use drivers without FSAA...it's pointless having a Geforce 4 Ti 4400 for 3d-games when you can't get image quality from it. Like I said, I did a clean install (actually it were two clean installs) of drivers just recently, and it did not change a thing. I used default VGA Drivers and a Nvidia Removing Tool. As for removing Nvidia Entrys from the Registry...Detonator Destroyer does not work with Windows 2000. And doing it by hand might kill my system. I can try the new Refresh Rate Tool, maybe that will improve things. [ April 05, 2003, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: RSColonel_131st ]
  20. For me, the driver issue is pretty much at a point where I will abandon CMBB because of it. I use the old 30.82, but still have problems with the FSAA and Black Screens, and since Service Pack 3 for Windows 2000 I can not use any refresh rate fixes or I'll get unreadable text in CMBB. That means I have a few games that will run at 60hz screen refresh rate. If not for CMBB, I could tweak my system to give me maximum performance and image quality in every other game I have currently installed. This needs to be fixed.
  21. I love the Med Setting, but I'm less than thrilled with the current technical problems CMBB gives me. If these are not fixed I dont think I want CMAK.
  22. Hhmm, you should be able to get a replacement CD. In the meantime, if you dont have moral problems with the idea, go look for a No-CD Patch and play without the cracked CD.
  23. Okay, did not work. I applied the refresh rate fix, rebooted, deleted the pref file, and started CMBB. Even the screen resolution text was blocky already. I dont know what the Fix got to do with the Drivers, other than that it also writes some values into the registry. It has nothing to do with FSAA...I tried 4x, and while the black screens go away with 4x instead of Quincunx, I STILL get blocky text. It's a clean installation of 30.82's on a Win2K SP3 Maschine with 2000 XP+ AMD CPU, 512 DDR Ram, Geforce 4 Ti 4400 Graphics Card. Problem exsists since applying SP3 for Windows 2000. BTS please fix or do somefink...I can not constantly downgrade my gaming experience with other games just for CMBB. Everthing else would run fine...
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