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Everything posted by RSColonel_131st

  1. I'm wondering if my new Notebook will do fine...yeah, I could simple install it and try it myself, but by the time I get to it I might have tons of answers here already... It's an Acer with a ATI MOBILITY RADEON 7500 (sorry for the capitals, copyied and pasted that) I know there have been some fog problems with Ati as far as I remember. Anything else worrying I should be aware off before trying my luck?
  2. There's a PBEM Helper Utility out there which allows that. But of course it still has to load the files one after another, so it'S not really a full-time movie...just the automated option to watch all pieces after another.
  3. Seems resonable, Para, but if the Panther entered production earlier, then why wasn't it avalable in the field earlier? Also, from lexikonderwehrmacht.de, about the Tiger It's not exactly clear when they named it "Panzer 6" but they started building prototypes in May 41. According to them... So the Serial Production of the Panther seemingly did not start after November 1942, that's 17 months after they started planning the Tiger. Sadly the site does not give an exact date when the Tiger entered production.
  4. The question is simple enough, yet seems hard to answer: The Tiger is the PzKmpfw VI (Panzerkampfwagen Sechs), and the Panther is the PzKmpfw V. But from all I know, the Panther entered service later than the Tiger, no? My internet source says Henschel got the order to plan a 36t Panzer in May 1941, but the project had been going on since 1937. Daimler and MAN only started planning the Panther in November 1941. Somewhat strange, isn't it?
  5. Seems like a LOT of detail if that would be the case...actually I dont think the engine is that detailed. Or is it? Am I guessing right that a "pinned" unit will also suffer a LOS penalty?
  6. Say, you Maggot (yeah, you with the red face) did SgtGoody flee before your sight...or before your breath? And why the hell did you send him running off in my general direction so I have to waste him now? Sheez, if you dont do it yourself, nothing ever gets done.
  7. At least that thing will have problems following you around if you run away.
  8. Easy enough for me. Unlimited Force Selection, Random weather, random terrain, random trees. That way everyone gets to buy what he can use best, but has to realize that muddy ground, city fighting, or heavy woods will make his AFVs useless. Similar, his infantry could be useless if caught in an open map. The player who can pick the most all-around force mix, and make the best use of what he has in difficult conditions will win.
  9. Your hunch is right. I play two or three different games each evening, amongst them IL-2:FB, Combat Mission, and either Flashpoint WW2 Mods or BF1942. The later two mentioned need a CD in the drive when playing, so I try to play CMBB and IL-2 without CD. I almost killed the IL-2 disk once when switching...it just takes a moment of carelessness, and you can go buy a new game disk, if you can still find one around for your old favorites. Not taking that chance myself. And indeed, 1.02 has no No-CD exe avalable. I'm still left wondering, what kind of data set is used when you play TCP/IP between 1.01 and 1.02? Since there are obvious changes in behaviour and stats for some units, it must conflict somehow.
  10. Interesting... I'm still running 1.01 because I dont feel like swaping game CD's three times each evening. I could connect to another guy who uses 1.02 and play PBEMs with him. I'm also playing the PBEM with Sublime currently, who I belive uses 1.02 The only thing that I found not working is that when I do the setup in 1.01, unlimited force selection, it will come out as pure armor battle for 1.02 players. But other than that, we played along fine. What problems could this cause? What set of data is actually used when a 1.01 version and a 1.02 version connect via TCP/IP?
  11. A Hollow Charge Round with a large "Stiel" (Stick) to shove it into the barrel of the 37mm...front-loaded indeed. I guess the 37mm diameter was to small to produce "real" hollow charge rounds, and it the standard APC Round did not work at all against the T-34, so they invented that.
  12. Another hint...use a different year. I've been playing two 1941 quick TCP/IP games and a 1942 one yesterday. The first, albeit ended due to problems with the setup, could have been interesting for it had Panzer IIC and Panzerjäger 1 (I didn't even know these exsisted). The second, 1942 game ended with some PanzerIIIJ beating T-70's silly. In the third, actually the second 1941 game, I told my opponent to get a KV, and I'd try my luck around it...ended up with a platoon of selfpropelled 150mm sIGs. Couldn't quite kill the bitch, but it was fun nonetheless. Of course, from late 1942 onwards it's either StuG III's against T-34/76 or Panthers and PZIVH versus T-34/85. But the early war stuff is really fun.
  13. And I'm happy to have finally found out that Charles is indeed a bodyless brain floating in a jar.
  14. I think the weapon weight plays a huge part here. After all, the recoil is still the same as a standard 7,92 bullet, but the weapon is a lot heavier than a rifle.
  15. We had much discussion about MG's firing on the move on the Day of Defeat Boards (Halflide Modification, First Person Tactical WW2 Game) and some guys produced reports about MG42's being used in a house clearing role. They used 50 round assault belts, or the 75 round drum magazine plus a sling over the shoulder. So yes, that thing could and was fired on the move.
  16. Mumpfel...how do you manage to have your LMG's keeping up with the main infantry force? Do you player longer battles to get enough turns, or does it work in standard lenght battles?
  17. Would be interesting to know if they fixed their buggy FSAA implementation in these, but alas I'm to afraid to shoot my system with yet another driver switch.
  18. Okay, some pet peeves of mine (sorry if they have been mentioned already): 1) Give Infantry the chance to fight from HTs, or use the cover of other vehicles. This could be something similar to the "embark" command, but different from that it would allow the units to still fire. You'd see them crawling on the ground next to the vehicle, keeping the vehicle between them and the enemy to provide cover. Of course only works when the vehicle is standing, or moving slow. Right now I have a PBEM going with infantry in the open, but tons of tanks and HT's around. They wouldn't need to suffer from lack of cover if that was realistically modelled. 2) Related to 1): When a MG Gunner on a HT dies, allow him to be replaced by another member of the mechanized squad. I dont think in real life they'd have that powerfull MG Gun unused if anyone of the dismounted squad could get in and use it. 3) Of course also related to 1) Allow vehicles to find cover behind other vehicles. Also would require more realistic formation handling by the player, if you can't shoot trough your leading tank etc... 4) That is a mean one, but give us the option to lock the player to "first person view" (view level 1 or two, as per Francos Iron Man Rules), to better simulate the tactics from the perspective of a commander on the ground. 5) As has been said already, ability to replay the whole battle in one single movie, and give us the ability to take multiple screen shots without the need to paste them from the clipboard. That way you could watch the battle, and click away at the screens you need for your AAR. Would also be cool if the replay option for after the game has all enemy units visible from the start.
  19. From what I gathered they are up at guru3d for those interested.
  20. The link to B&T seems to be broken? Can't open it any way.
  21. While I generally agree with you, I find this strange... Sounds nice in theory, but what happens in practice when you have a single platoon lead against a dug in enemy? They will get under fire from 3 or 4 enemy platoons, and not at all be able to "surpress defenders". The idea to advance with only a few units and have them surpress the enemy/giving targeting help to heavy weapons so that the rest can move up easier sounds nice, but when you have a solid line of enemy infantry and you are in range, so are they. You dont want a single platoon out there me thinks. Nippy, nice idea about the additional LMGs, but remember they are damned slow. Would in effect be slowing down the whole squad it's supposed to stay with. That is not a problem once in the fight, but on the advance to the target it will deny you the advantage of quicker deployment of your units. You can of course workaround that by making your infantry motorized, but then you could as well get a HT with a built-in LMG, that would serve the same job. [ April 29, 2003, 05:06 AM: Message edited by: RSColonel_131st ]
  22. You'd simple say: Untersturmführer (enter name here) (enter text here) For example, "Untersturmführer Meier, melde gehorsamst..."
  23. I dont think CMBB offers us a good way to simulate leaving the LMG's behind as base of fire and closing in with the riflemen. At that point, you find the border where micromanagement no longer works. Okay, you could use Split Squads, but I'd guess that they will get mixed up badly because they have a moral penalty as per the handbook. But it's an interesting tactic that deserves some testing me thinks...closing in the final meters with a multitude of split squads... Anyway, by the time you are closing in to handgranade range, the work should be done already. You ought to have the enemy squad supressed by at least one HMG, and their heavy weapons should be dead. If they are busy lieing on the ground then they won't put up much of a fight.
  24. What would the average low/medium SS Rank be...something along the lines of a company commander in the Wehrmacht?
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