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Everything posted by RSColonel_131st

  1. LOL Mike, the reason I paid no attention at that time was that I was hunting for a K-98. But any google search should throw up lots of results, ebay like shown above also works, but you might not get a realfire one there.
  2. I stumbled across one for sale in the web recently, they are pretty damned cheap to have.
  3. For me, the PBEM concept was brand-new and unknown when I came here. I find it indeed to be the best of both worlds, multiplayer and single player. I loved Il-2 in multi, but the time it takes to get 16 people ready and online for a coop, plus the dropouts etc...made it an exercise in futility more often than not. PBEM is so effortless - no need to sit around and wait for opponents to come on ICQ or somefink. Hell, I even sneak a turn or two in during work or lunch breaks when I need to relax. All you need is a working email adress...really a clever system. But then, I guess to some of you old wargamer farts here this wasn't exactly as revealing as it was to me
  4. I was going to post something along those lines, but then I figured why bother, someone else would do it alright.
  5. Yep, bought it in late december, and have constantly had a PBEM going on every day since then. I find that I play not much single player anymore, because it really takes some time to set up, but two or three turns a workday, 5 a weekend day are just fine. Most games get old after two months constant gaming - I'm just about starting to understand this one. Only downside: Playing against humans is so much fun that the AI really doesn't look interesting compared to it.
  6. BTW, what's the german tank on the one picture? Looks like a late III or a IV, but since it doesn't seem to have the additional "Walzenblende" of a late III...
  7. Holy ****! They flamed a T-34? Russian Assault Guns, three Hanomags even as Stummel Version, and a german Tank?
  8. I wonder if a HEAT Round hits a Schürze opposite of the wheels and chain, burns trough it, wouldn't it still damage and maybe immobilize the tank? The hot gas-plasma is not concentrated enough to go trough thick armor after a spaced armor penetration, but thre running gear certainly doesn't react very well to it. From that angle, I'd have to think that anti-HEAT wasn't the prime reason for mounting schürzen in the first place. However, I once had a Tiger immobilize due to a track hit by 14.5mm ATG. Seems reasonable that Schürzen were used to protect the running gear from that.
  9. Battlefront has a few books for odering, I find the Infantry Tactic book moderatly usefull for CMBB, but highly interesting in a general sense. My first read after the CMBB Manual was "Achtung Panzer!" by Guderian, and although it didn't offer any ground-breaking insight into my CMBB tactics lots of stuff still applys. I think that's one of the best things about CMBB, actually. Because it's so realistic and open you can start reading real world tactics and they will apply very well to the game.
  10. Helpfull enough, thanks. TCP/IP is bound to be a tad bit harder to find than a single player game. That's why I'm looking for the best way to play combined arms, especially mechanized forces, against a well placed AI defense.
  11. If I want to work on my attack skills, but not trough a slow PBEM, I guess that playing a QB against AI will leave the AI pretty helpless. Are there good scenarios out with default force placement for the defenders, so that the AI can "borrow" intelligence from the scenario designer? As I understand it, defense is mainly about correct unit placement (as long as you dont have a moving defense). Am I correct to assume that the AI would fare better in a game where a human places the units for it?
  12. Ain't your email not working yet? Send you two times the turn 14 over the last day, but no reply. You got an alternate mail adress? My soldiers are waiting to kill yours, dont make them suffer for longer than needs to be.
  13. 1) Can non-tracked light Vehicles (Jeeps, Trucks, PSWs) set off Anti Armor Mines? 2) If a unit is dug in, can your enemy see the craters you placed, and the fall-back craters even before he is in LOS? 3) What happens to Infantrie riding a tank when you hit an anti armor mine? I know I'm a bit lazy, but before I got Hotseat maybe someone already has all this info. thanks for any answers RS [ March 01, 2003, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: RSColonel_131st ]
  14. I tend to have motorized recon ahead, then tanks and heavy stuff, then HT's carrying the support weapons. By that, they can keep up with the other motorized forces, but are never in the first line of fire.
  15. A tip for further use: If you come to a site that has frames (like, a top banner and a scrollable second half of the page) simple right click on the site you are interested in and select "proberties". That will give you the URL of the partial site, thus you can avoid the frame.
  16. Hey Goody, get into your mailbox and send me a turn before I go to bed... sheez, hanging out at the boards but too scared to fight it out with me...
  17. HHmm, I usually shoot them in head or body or blow them up, rarely I use arty or airplanes. Sometimes it can be needed to stab em if you are really close. There are however reports about cruel members of this board, most notable the Cess Pool, who take delight into *tickling* enemy infantry to dead, or giving them a nice alcohol-poisoning. These rumours are unfounded, though - but anyway I'd watch out for those Ticklers of Dead™ if I were you. Sorry, couldn't resist...the topic title was sooo asking for it.
  18. Very few people have the problem with FS2002...okay, in fact I'm the only one I know off, and that includes three majpr flightsim sites. There is a problem with the Geforce 4 and Antialiasing in Dungeon Siege - same black screen. I dont know, for all it's worth it could have been a bad production patch of chips or something. I dont know enough about the actual rendering process to determine what would cause the problem. This is very specific, only for 2x and Quincunx FSAA, and it only seems to affect certain types of game menus. The only thing I can think of is that somehow a Z Buffer gets wrong data, thus display elements ending up invisible. I guess I might be out of luck, anyway. The traditional solution to 3d problems, namely reinstall of drivers, doesn't help. Not with FS2002, and I assume neither with CMBB. If my box just was a bit faster so I could run at 4xFSAA without noticing the slow down and stuttering - only quincunx allows me stutter free gameplay. There wouldn't happen to be a graphic coder around here who could explain in detail how CMBB uses screens and menus, and where the culprit might be?
  19. Opps, sorry, forgot that there is a dedicated tech support forum. Please move this there, if you want. I'm using Windows 2K, and yes, I *think* I tried newer drivers before these, but I did uninstall them proberly. Just checked my driver file versions, and they all end with .3082 I'm a network admin in real life, and there's very few stuff that gives me headaches. This bug is one of them. On a related note, as it might be of help, the same thing has been bugging me in FS2002 since ages. In FS2002, I can not see the standard windows menus or the grey top menu bar displayed over the 3d graphics. It is there - I can click it, but I can not see it. Using 4x FSAA this problem is gone, using no FSAA it's gone too...just like CMBB. This problem I had ever since I built this maschine, with all driver sets I tried. There must be some problem with these drivers and "layers". It seems that the graphic card doesn't refresh the picture, or maybe puts the new screen behind the actual screen, not on top of it. It simple refuses to update the window graphics unless you alt-tab out. Once in 3d mode it works flawless, though.
  20. I'm one of the guys suffering from the black screens and non-updating screen content when I switch my Geforce 4 Ti 4400 to FSAA below 4x. This means when starting the game, I see nothing - alt tab. Click the multiplayer button - game interface doesn't show the new screen - alt tab. wait for game to load, alt tab, then you can enter your password. When a battle is over, alt tab to see the scoreboard. In short, I have to tab out 5 to 8 times during a normal game of CMBB. This goes away if I either disable FSAA or chose 4X. Quincunx and 2x FSAA cause the problem. But I can not run any other 3d intense games at 4x (IL-2 and BF1942 start to stutter immense). The way it is, I either have to change my FSAA settings everytime I play a different game, or I have to alt tab like hell to play my daily PBEM turn and some single player. This is really starting to get aggreviating...I want to play, not constantly switch around something. I'm using the 30.82 Drivers which IIRC were recommend from BTS. Doesn't help at all. Please, make this go away...
  21. Do the 150mm's have a chance to kill it with HE? Heavy Arty comes to mind...and of course, smoke use would have been clever. I prefer Axis myself, and I dont hesitate to buy a Tiger if I can. Of course I accept that my opponent might bring up 3 or 4 self propelled guns or captured StuGs for the same match, which can easily knock out even a Tiger. For good measure, in a single player team I once had a russian 14,7mm ATG timmobilize my cat trough a track hit. With that in mind, I'd never complain about facing a KV-1. QB's aren't by any means historical OOB's, they simple allow to buy what fits your playing style best. If someone wants to put all his points into a single tank that might end up bogged or otherwise unsuable...let him. I'm sure there are creative ways to take out such a monster.
  22. My eyes, my ices...he burned em out...at least Sgt Goody will be as blind as /me in the upcoming game.
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