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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Perhaps Montgomery would have welcomed it after the build-up of his armies, but most certainly not as early as the 10th of June.
  2. I must admit it sounds unlikely. Partly because I can't imagine a German staff officier commiting such betrayel on his own comrades and partly because I think Speidel wanted peace in the West, but on German conditions, that is no unconditional surrender, to be able to stop the Soviets from reaching the eastern provinces of Germany. His reason for not wanting an offensive could have been that he, same as Rommel, did see no hope for success after realizing the overwhelming numerical superiority of the western allies and knew it would only end up in heavy casualties and little gain. On the other hand it did not stop Speidel and his fellow consipirators to prevent strong units such as the 2nd and 116th Panzer Divisions to intervene in the fighting in an earlier stage and that way no doubt causing the death of many German soldiers. Having said this I realize men like Speidel knew how to seperate emotions from ratio. His book doesn't mention the death of Geyr von Schweppenburg (at least I could not find it in a brief examination of the book, which I almost could not find in my private library among the hundreds of books on WW 2) and is more an analysis of defeat than an account on the fighting itself. So, after giving it some more thought I think you are right that treason in the way of giving information to the allies by Speidel is very unlikely. He and the circle he was part of, had their own agenda. Speidel clearly describes what kind of Germany he had in mind after the war and it certainly wasn't what the allies inflicted upon the defeated Germans.
  3. And what if the revisionist theory of treason at the general staff of Heeresgruppe B is correct? What if Speidel, Rommels chief of staff (known for his suspicious behaviour in the handling of the 21st Panzer Division in the first hours of the invasion), did advise the allies to take out Geyr von Schweppenburg and to insure that way that the only person who could convince others that a German counterattack was necessary, was removed out of the game? Far-fetched as it may sound, Speidel could even have informed the allies about the location of Geyr von Schweppenburgs HQ. He knew exactly about his intentions and his whereabouts. "Take him out, just to be on the safe side"... Dandelion, your view on this matter please. I rely on your open mind. Personally I think it is very well possible there WAS treason during the Normandy campaign. Perhaps a lot of treason has been camouflaged by the ULTRA story. And Speidel, among others, is a strong candidate for this role. Of course this is mere speculation, but if considered it explains a lot of events and things that went wrong on the German side during the Normandy campaign. By the way, great reading, people, especially your analysis about the emotional effect of the failing of the German counterattacks on the German commanders in the field, Dandelion. [ July 11, 2005, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: aragorn2002 ]
  4. I've just ordered my copy...Don't know what to expect, but want to give support so one day we will have a decent WW 2 tanksim
  5. Quite nice, Dey! I must admit I never use the Romanians or Hungarians, but it is an interesting looking tank.
  6. Absolutely superb, Patboy, thank you!
  7. One of my favorites, the Stummel, thanks Patboy!
  8. Sergei, there's nothing I like more than a well researched battle. Thanks. Untill now I kind of ignored the Finnish war with the Soviets (not because I'm not interested, even as a young boy I was fascinated by this David and Goliath struggle), in CMBB at least. I don't think I ever played a battle at the Finnish front. This battle is going to change that, I think. I still have some other battles to play (busy life...), but I'm looking forward to this one.
  9. Marvelous, Mikey, superb Pz IIIN! Thanks a lot. Keep them coming!
  10. Junk2drive, are you sure or is it just wishfull thinking? Or is it you perhaps? [ June 27, 2005, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: aragorn2002 ]
  11. Great, another fabulous looking Walt Disney-wargame...I've enjoyed Brothers in Arms, but it only stayed on my pc for two weeks...and that's because I forgot to remove it after finishing it in the first week...
  12. Don't worry, I have two copies of CMBO, CMBB AND CMAK...Just in case.
  13. I can recall the first time I took a look at the Battlefront website on advise of a friend. I wasn't exactly impressed by the screenshots and struggled on with Talonsofts Westfront and Eastern Front and Steel Panthers. After a while CMBB turned up and although still not impressed with the graphics the demo gave me a sensation of wargaming I've never felt before. I bought both games (CMBO and CMBB)and although many other games followed, these two games were the only ones that stayed on my pc (well, together with IL-2 Forgotten Battles, Steel Beasts and the Total War-series). Nothing can touch CM and I don't expect any future game to beat them in realism or fun. Yes, for me too the best money I ever spent on games for sure.
  14. After swallowing my bitter disappointment that this tanksim ain't WW 2-based (I promised myself not to buy it...) I 've changed my mind. A logical follow-up would be a WW-2 version of this engine and only good sales figures will make this possible. I still think the subject for this game is very ill-chosen, but there it is. I will buy it, so I can get used to the engine and prepare myself for the moment a WW-2 version will come out.
  15. I guess it must be hard for you to live without the good old fashion censorship, but there's always an alternative.
  16. It is also possible that I am a Chinese jet pilot. Did you read the link that John provided? If so, what is your comment on it? </font>
  17. I really would like to tell you what I think, but it wouldn't be polite...
  18. Make the troops more fanatical, so they aren't going to rout or panic so easily.
  19. Hmmmm, difficult to say. Perhaps this type of bacteria is difficult to analyse, at least to analyse whether it is a natural outbreak or a men made one. The conditions in Stalingrad were the perfect camouflage for such a test. I'm sure the Germans had special units looking for signs of bacterial/chemical warfare, but to suspect and to prove something are two different matters. Besides, perhaps the Germans had their reasons for not making it public. They weren't keen on starting a biological war, eventhough they were prepared for it. It's all possible, or impossible, but it sure fascinates me.
  20. And yet it isn't as unlikely as it sounds. Stalingrad was in many respects the ideal area to test such biological warfare. A stalemate, a urban infrastructure completely shot to pieces and not too much civilians around anymore. Of course it didn't stop the German advance, but it might have weakened it. Like I stated before it is remarkable how many German soldiers became ill, even in the first stages of the battle. And such a weapon can best be used defensive, I guess. The reason it wasn't used ever since, might have been the toll it took on the Russian side as well. Besides I'm sure many facts about the war will never leave the archives they are stored in. Tularemia, if untreated, can be lethal and it would be ONE explanation why so few POW's survived the typhoid epidemic after the surrender of the 6th Army. And yes, I realize the German survivors were extremely weakened by hunger, disease, hardship in open terrain and so on. It is no fact, it is just speculation, based on some rumours. Why is that so shocking for some people? It is POSSIBLE, just as a natural outbreak would be possible. (Calming down again, taking a deep breath)...Anyway, I did expect more from this discussion.
  21. Yes, well, I must admit that's a good reason to wait. Let's hope someone with the talents to do it is willing to do that sooner or latter.
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