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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. UncleTgt, thank you. In my previous post on this subject I made a bit of a mess of it. What I meant to say is that I would like to have a PZ V A with skirts (so NOT the PZ V A EARLY version with skirts) in Lucky Strikes camo pattern (12th SS). At the moment the PZ V A doesn't have skirts. Can you perhaps tell me how I can re-number the BMP files, so I can have a PZ V A (not the early A version) with skirts if possible? I've tried it, but can't figure it out.
  2. I have the following problem. When I try to install the Winterfahrzeuge Dunkelgrau mods with CMMOS it doesn't install them. When the 75mm IG is busy to install I get the message 'incomplete zip file'. I've installed all mods again (downloaded all again), but it doesn't work. Can anyone tell me what seems to be the problem?
  3. Uncle Tgt, in CMBO there were two tricolour 'rough' mods of Pz V's by Lucky Strike, with the camouflage pattern as used by the 12th SS Panzer. You were so kind to convert the Pz V A, but not the Pz V A Early (with skirts). These two versions (the A and A early) use exactly the same camouflage pattern. I would appreciate it if you would consider also to convert the A early (with skirts) . I'm working on a Norrey battle and the skirts (as shown in Bernages book) would give it a nice authentic feeling. And you are right, Gurra's recent Panther mods are great. As you will understand, UncleTgt, this is just a request, I fully understand if you have other things to do. No problem.
  4. Funny enough I was also about to send you an e-mail, Uncle Tgt, about the German Panther VA tank mod. It uses Lucky Strike's excellent Panther VA tricolour "rough" mod, as you mentioned in the included text file. Is there any chance perhaps that you will also do the Panther V A Early, with the skirts? From CMBO to CMAK that is?
  5. Very nice. I only changed the old trees back. The new trees look great, but they don't give me the 'Normandy'-feeling.
  6. I've just installed them...speechless...this is ART.
  7. I'll do more than wishing you luck...I will pray for you...
  8. Short, but interesting. Good target for Soviet AA gunners, I guess. Forgotten Battles includes the Ju 87G, very nice to hunt T-34's, but surprisingly hard to make some lethal hits.
  9. Perhaps this just isn't my day, but I can't find it.
  10. Hi David, the netted version is awesome. Really, very, very nice. It looks so good in the game. And thanks to Gurra and Junk2drive as well.
  11. Congratulations, Bogdan, all the best for you and your family!
  12. I've always had a preference for the larger battles, but I must admit that after 'Bridghead at Fedorowka' and HSG KC Lt Neumeyer I've started to change my opinion. Smaller battles are much more intense and interesting. Especially clearing the enemy out of that wood was pretty tough. Well done, Panther Commander and thank you.
  13. Ah...yes, you're right, it is only the gunshield. Looks a bit...unfinished? Don't want to sound grateful though, it's still an improvement.
  14. Superb! I've noticed in Blutt und Ehre how out of place the 88 looked without camo and replaced by Flakvierling. I can change it back now. Don't you ever sleep, David?
  15. Nice one, David! I know I'm going to repeat myself, but thanks for all your hard work!
  16. Yes, Emar, I was one of them. Thank you.
  17. Knight crosses and Panthers! Must be heaven. Btw, a great subject for this series, Panther Commander. Panthers in the fog...looks great.
  18. The battle between the HJ and the Canadians will never end, I think. A matter of national pride, I guess. I can understand that. If I were Canadian I would feel the same way. It is true the HJ recruts received their training from veterans. It is also true that during their training there was a disturbing lack of fuel and ammo. Hubert Meyer shows in his book how a number of Sdkfz. 232's during firing exercise had to be towed by some sort of train vehicle, due to lack of fuel. And the Divisionsbegleitkompagnie had to tow their 2cm Flak by hand, because of the same lack of fuel. That must have been a very big problem if you want to train a Panzerdivision. I guess it (the lack of fuel during the training period) would help to explain the mistakes the Panzer crews of the HJ made in the first clashes, especially at Norrey. So why did these dashing shock assaults work in the east, but not in the west? Perhaps it is also important to mention that in the east it only worked when surprise was complete or when the enemy wasn't prepared for a quick follow-up counterattack, before they could consolidate their newly conquered positions. [ July 23, 2005, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: Aragorn2002 ]
  19. I found all Magua's mods. I've "burned" them some years ago. They are on their way to you right now, David!
  20. David, I only could find the Normandy trees mod from Magua on my pc. I've installed the others in the BMP file a long time ago. Does anybody still have the other zip files and if so, can you please send them to David?
  21. David, for me Magua's Normandy mods really made CMBO. His mods finally gave me the feeling of fighting in bocage country. His trees are the ones that seem to be so typical for the landscape of that area. Alec (Magua)did include the following email adress with his mods: alec.wade@ntlworld.com, mind you, this was in 2001. I can send them to you if you like, so you can have a look at them and decide whether you want them included and ask permission to use them.
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