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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. These movies finally convinced me I had to buy and start playing this game. Well done. Excellent propaganda...;-)
  2. Well, it looks like my problem is solved, thanks to Battlefront Tech Support. On their suggestion I've uninstalled Threatfire and after restarting a couple of times the game loaded. Not sure whether this is what did the trick, but it sure looks like it. So if anybody else experiences this problem, be aware of Threatfire.
  3. This is what I get when I follow the questions there: Quote: "In this case, there are only three main reasons why the game may not be launching: 1) your PC's Data Execution Prevention settings may be blocking it 2) your anti-virus or similar protective software may be blocking it 3) your hardware or drivers may not be sufficient to run the game We will find out what it is in the next round of options, eliminating the possible causes one by one. (NOTE: THIS STEP IS WORK IN PROGRESS AND NOT YET COMPLETE)" Unquote Concerning 1: I've changed the DEP-settings several times, but to no avail Concerning 2: I've put out my anti-virus, but to no avail. Concerning 3: Well, that may be it, but it doesn't help me. Besides the demo worked like a charm. They are still working on it. In the mean time, can somebody here perhaps help me?
  4. Yesterday I bought and downloaded CMSF plus the Marines/British/Nato bundle. I've installed it, licensed it, but after clicking on the CM Shock Force icon on my desktop and the following error message appeared; 'Application failed to initialize properly: oxc0000005. Click on OK to terminate the application'. I use Windows XP 64 bits. So far I've tried putting out my anti-virus (Avast). Changing the DEP-settings. Uninstalling/Reinstalling. Nothing. The latest demo (including Nato) worked just fine on my computer.
  5. I'm new to CMSF and just watched these walkthroughs. Very good introduction. Can you also make one for the dutch?
  6. Hallo all, I went back to revisit CMBO some weeks ago and the old lady still fascinates me. I am looking for the maps DesertFox made about Operation Perch. He made five or six of them in total. I know Kingfish used them for his Caged Beasts-series for CMAK. I hope somebody still have the CMBO-version and is willing to send them to me. Enjoy your weekend!
  7. Hallo all, I went back to revisit CMBO some weeks ago and the old lady still fascinates me. I am looking for the maps DesertFox made about Operation Perch. He made five or six of them in total. I know Kingfish used them for his Caged Beasts-series for CMAK. I hope somebody still have the CMBO-version and is willing to send them to me. Enjoy your weekend!
  8. You can also check this site, although you are probably familair with it: http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/avenue/vy75/terrain.htm Great to see people like you are still making maps for this game. But on the other hand, why not? It is still the best wargame around. I've read your analysis of the terrain with great interest and can't wait for the final map.
  9. Good morning, Vark! I only have time for a short reaction, because I'm off to work. But for good military maps you can check this site: http://www.wwii-photos-maps.com/ I wouldn't be surprised when you would find what you are looking for there.
  10. Hi Vark, I'm very interested. Please check my private message for my mail adress.
  11. So do I. And I want the Tiger II, the Cromwell tank and the Puma in CMAK. But it won't happen.
  12. I love it, Earl! Good to see this game still has the attention of good modders like yourself.
  13. I think the ovation is well deserved! Thank you very much!
  14. Thanks for that, I think it is the one I'm looking for. Glad to see the 'system' is still working...
  15. Thank you both. I've downloaded it, and will take a look now.
  16. I'm looking for a good SU 76M mod (non-winter). I seem to recall Andrew Tf once made one, but I can't find it at GaJ's site. Can anyone help me?
  17. I'm also very grateful to talented modders like Earl Grey. Mods like this make the difference for me. I love them. And since I'm planning on a series of GD scenarios, from Wilkowischken onwards to the other battles in Lithuania in August-September 1944, any GD mods by Earl Grey would be very, very welcome. I hope to have the first of them ready in the autumn.
  18. Earl, very nice, especially the Jgdpz IV and the Pz IVH for GD would be superb. Hi George, yes, they are very nice too. What do you think about this Panther mod? It's good, isn't it? And when can we expect one of your great scenarios again?
  19. That would be absolutely great, Earl! Can you tell me which vehicles you will include?
  20. It is indeed. I'm planning on making a series of scenarios on the GD in the Baltics in 1944, and this mod inspires me to get on with it. I would love to see more GD mods for that period...
  21. Me too! And so do others. Earl even won the FGM Modders Medal for this outstanding mod at The Few Good Man. And they don't come cheap! Well deserved if you ask me.
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