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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Just discovered this, Pretty sensational. I hope you will also give some attention to the WW2 games, especially CMRT.
  2. 'We're very sure it will be before the end of this year'...Let's hope so.
  3. My wife is from Afghanistan, her dutch is excellent, her English pretty bad and spoken with a heavy accent. Last month we travelled through Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. At many occassions i couldn't understand the accent of those lovely Asians, but my wife understood their English pronunciation perfectly. She was constantly translating for me and the people we spoke with must have thought i didn't speak English. A very sobering experience. My wife enjoyed herself tremendously...
  4. You are always a gentleman. Thank you for your kind words.
  5. Sometimes it's hard to understand English, if it ain't your native language.
  6. I am, of course, talking about the new module for cmrt...
  7. I appreciate the honesty of your answer and I know that it works that way. But give us at least some screenshots from time to time. A couple of them per month would already give the community something to hold on to. At least we will know and SEE there's progress. Make sure it looks good and the whole community will be delighted and happy for months. Well, at least the vast majority of this community, including myself. Make the waiting more bearable. Yes, we are passionate about what you guys are making. For me CM is pure magic. An addiction. Supply your junkies.
  8. I understand. Lost my temper somewhat. Sorry about that. My comments were too harsh of course. Waiting is one thing, but indifferent, hostile remarks are really getting on my nerves. So no guarantees for 2019. Not what I was hoping to hear. We're already waiting for such a long time, that it's frustrating to notice that there's still no firm ETA. Or even light at the end of the tunnel.
  9. Well said, 76mm. Unfortunately a respectful tone towards forum members isn't a strongpoint of BF. I don't expect it anymore. I also don't care to be honest, but the lack of decent info still makes me angry.
  10. So the end of this year still stands. Thanks Benpark.
  11. I doubt that, 3j2m7. And I'm also not seeking for that. I don't care what they think of me. I'm totally fed up with being kept in the dark about the CMRT module. Just an answer to my question above will do nicely.
  12. If it's a bug, they will fix it. No reason not to buy modules anymore. BF is not the sort of company that tolerates bugs in their games.
  13. Perhaps you can ask Steve to answer my question, Benpark. Will we have snow at the Eastern front this Christmas or is not even that certain?
  14. Is it already known which divisions are subject of the two campaigns? Perhaps it has been mentioned somewhere, but it is impossible to read everything that has been posted.
  15. Earth calling Steve, earth calling Steve. Come in please.
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