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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. There are lots and lots of interesting ideas. Take a Finnish module (Winter war and Continuation war) with Finnish, Russian, Swedish, British and French forces. Lots of interesting fictional battles could be made. In fact some company recently launched a game about the Winter War, with British and French forces in it. In his interview Steve said the chances for another fictional modern game are small, but why not turn fictional to the past? Cold War turned hot 1984 would sell well, there are quite a few games around on that subject, although not in the style of CM. Another game that springs to mind is a 1946 war game, Germans fight on, Stalin decides to go for broke etc. Or Operation Sealion or the fighting in Norway in 1940 for example. Korea 1950 would also be great (I was just pulling your leg, MJ, it would indeed be a great subject for a game). Specific buildings like the Kremlin, the Stalingrad Grain Elevator, the Reichstag and such would also be great. I remember Close Combat and trying to conquer the Kremlin. Such fun to play.
  2. It really was. I didn't take part in it, but followed it and did get all the maps of the Lauban area, which were absolutely stunning. Played on them for months and months. I must admit I never had so much fun (anymore) as playing CMBB. At first I hated the looks of it, but soon enough I realized it was most enjoyable game I would ever play.
  3. Unfortunately I take your announcements even less serious as those of Steve. But it's nice to be appreciated. Btw, Bowie was born on the 8th, not the 7th...
  4. Didn't you organize the Lauban campaign? Man, that was impressive. Would love to see that in Fire and Rubble.
  5. So no fictional modern conflict anymore, that's good news. I have the impression pre-1944 eastern front will get more attention and hopefully cold war turned hot 1984. Apart from that not much to go on.
  6. It's always worrying to notice grown men watching children's movies.
  7. Older and wiser. Maar serieus, Lethaface, waar blijft die verdomde module? Ik wil mijn Volksgrenadiers tegen de Iwans in de strijd aanvoeren.
  8. I would love to give you a full body response, old boy.
  9. Let's go for the Polder model and agree to disagree.
  10. What conspiracy theories? All based on facts. Your situation as a soldier, which you chose yourself, has nothing to do with all of this, although your military instincts apparently makes you want to conquer the morale high ground. Is all the delay due to COVID? No, it isn't. So yes, let's keep things in perspective.
  11. Facile indeed. Argument of BF, not me. Probably to sweeten the bitter pill of the delay at the time. Apart from that, both my wife and I appreciate your presence in Afghanistan and dread to think what will happen if you guys leave that unhappy country. Talking about another disgrace...puts US honor in perspective. Although after what happened to the Kurds nothing surprises me anymore. But that's not the issue here, so little to do with a sense of perspective, unless we're again looking for a 'good' reason to explain the endless delay. Again, please quote me.
  12. I'm far from alone in my opinion, but most people are afraid of being bullied by the usual suspects. Not me. I like a good fight. As i said before, even the guys at wargamer think that the release dates of BF are a joke. Which they are. For the benefit of ianll, please qute me.
  13. I didn't have a high opinion of you in the first place, but this is the limit. Can someone please quote me?
  14. i think your comments are plain wrong. This module has been in serious development for years and promises of imminent release have been made for longer than a year now. Choose to be frustrated my foot, old boy.
  15. i was actually refering to combatintman. And myself for that matter.
  16. That may be the reason there's delay now, but also that is the result of all the previous delay, because of other reasons. I admire this company more than i can express and know how unique they are, but my point is that we've past so many deadlines, that 'rushing things' simply doesn't cut it anymore.
  17. Or biting of more than you can chew, like i did.
  18. People forget easily and the story of this module is one of a lot of promises of release and a lot of delay and frustration. The module is being worked on for years and years, so to say that it will be ready when it's ready isn't even funny anymore. I of course agree with you that it's a lot of work. I know that myself from my attempts to make a balanced scenario about the fighting near Wilkowischken in the late summer of 1944. But the development of this module for me is an all time low in the release history of BF. I think the reason why just about everything else did get priority over this module, is a financial one, because the Eastern front appeals just to a small group of wargamers. That may be understandable and sound policy up to a point, but for those interested in this module it's been a very frustrating affair. You can deny that and use all the cliches you can think of, but it's a fact. This has dragged on for years and years and it isn't exactly the first time that we are told that 'it's being worked on and we're close, very close'. My fear is that more delay will turn up and this time next year we will still have the same bloody discussion. If we're really that close, then start the pre-ordering.
  19. Well, if Steve promises that, we can rest assured....I also read somewhere that the pandemic gave the developers more time to work on the module. But hey, there's always a good reason for delay if you want to find it.
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