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Everything posted by Lumbergh

  1. Something to keep in mind while you are running all of your experiments: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Benjamin Disraeli
  2. You've got me on the test-statistic--I'm just sitting here with my econometrics books and throwing stuff out there. I guess I was thinking that we could look at this in a regression analysis framework, but that would require a number of instrumental variables to account for unobservables. As for quicker AI subroutines, as long as it was not intentionally programmed in there by BTS, then it does not constitute cheating! From websters, one of their definitions of cheating is, "to violate rules deliberately, as in a game". You could see how it would be difficult to test the code for the unintentional possibility of this...especially when there is only one guy doing the programming.
  3. Just because we can't think of them off of the top of our head doesn't mean they don't exist! This is *not* biology, unfortunately. That said, I'll take your bait. Some uncontrolled variables might fall under the category of AI vs player subroutine processing. Maybe somewhere under the hood perhaps there are a series of subroutines that run faster for the AI calculations than for the player's side. Pure speculation, but it could have a large effect! The point is, we are not sure what uncontrolled variables are affecting our work, so lets be scientists and use something a wee bit more robust than a chi-squared test. Thassall. [ October 30, 2002, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: Lumbergh ]
  4. Interesting. Why has nobody run a test yet with captured equipment, so we get a "Ryu vs Ryu" fight?? Just thought of this, but, DUH! Edited so everyone knows that i didn't read the post above mine before writing this. [ October 30, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: Lumbergh ]
  5. Not to be a wet blanket, but I don't see how much we are going to get out of this without detailed knowledge of how the CM shooting algorithm works. That said, Warren's test appears to be an interesting preliminary result that would suggest some further investigation. We should not, however, begin to make any sort of "The AI Cheats!!!" conclusion from his statistics. First off, since this was not a perfectly controlled experiment, I would look at the results in an econometric light. From that angle, it seems pretty likely that we have a lot of unobserved forces at work here besides our observed explanatory variable. Luckily, since this is a computer simulation, we can do our own. So, I would suggest that Warren do a Monte Carlo study, varying all of the possible variables that could affect the outcome. Which brings me back to my original point: how could we possilbe know all of the variables that contribute to the outcome of the experiment if we don't have to program's code sitting there? Maybe if we sat there with Steve and Charles all day running experiments we could figure this out. Until then, a strong correlation between these variables should be seen as just that and nothing more! Edited a second time cause I am retarded: Edited cause I saw Herr Oberst's post: There you go, he has set up the simulation conditions for independent testing. I am interested in the results! [ October 30, 2002, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Lumbergh ]
  6. I'll second that! My Chevy Nova had better cross-country mobility than that sucker. Better gas mileage, too. In general, though, your tone is really a bit aggressive and could do with some toning-down. Keep in mind that this is _just_ a game, albeit a realistic one. BTS is a 100% solid company and will fix any problems which feasibly can be solved. I am sure they don't need another person yelling and screaming about 37mm performance. Sit back, have a drink, and load up a QB with a sturmtiger.
  7. Some say it was just the mustache that cost Joesph Stalin the Nobel Peace Prize.</font>
  8. Not to delve into groggish territory here, but my non-groggish instincts tell me that a catastrophic explosion would be a bit more likely from a 17lber hit than from a rocket. Of course, this is pure speculation on my part, obviously, and especially since I don't have the kinetic energy info for the gun sitting here. Perhaps a grog can fill us in.
  9. . What's your problem with 'all things' German bub? Germany has a prolific and long-lived culture worthy of closer inspection by all. And so does Russia for that matter....</font>
  10. Yes, hi mom. The only problem I can see you having with my fellow noobs is that a large number of them start threads about modifying the "WG". Why they are all so singularly obsessed both with not searching and with 2 silly letters is beyond me. One or the other, sure, but both... And, since I am a noob, can someone explain to me the obsession with all things German these people tend to exhibit? I for one find it a tad disturbing.
  11. Somebody needs to tape a "shoot me" sign on that tank.
  12. CM models this...you're just a LT with a crappy leadership value in the game!
  13. So how do the in-game effects of the shell compare with that of a 500lb bomb? It sounds like they should be pretty similar.
  14. See, they showed up and even came up with a new suggestion! I think that would look great...as for the legless infantry, well, that's how I feel when walking through deep snow.
  15. I am sure that someone with more experience will stop by this thread shortly and explain this in excruciating detail, but no, I don't think this is possible under the current engine.
  16. Sounds like a good way to throw a track out. Does anyone know what happened when tank met non-tank? I can picture chunks of jeep and helmet clogging up the road wheels. What about tanks colliding with other tanks? Talk about the ultimate demolition derby!
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