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Everything posted by 82ndReady

  1. I had posted this in another thread but i'm sure some may not have read this, so here it is again...by the way im asking for help if your intrested?
  2. Does this work with the current patch release v1.06 does anybody know???
  3. Thanks Immer Etwas , I would be happy to! I have posted my ideas on this subject in this thread,but does anybody have anything else to add or have something new in mind? Also im calling out to the VBScript programmers or JVScript programmers who understand what is needed here and are willing to take on this project? This is great, we need something like this for SC....
  4. Strangly enough I was about to Post that I have an idea for a Head-2-Head Compeition web site where a third party based on set rules that would determine Ratings and Experience of each SC player! I was going to ask for help in the programming area and also that I would host this on my machine since i can dedicate hard drive space and an IP to it....well here goes ..can anybody or is anyone willing to help here???? heres what I have so far as rules and the idea, it's open to more ideas or imporvement of course! Player Information Name SC Forum Name Email Playable IP Address Time Zone Can you Host? yes ( ) No ( ) Rating SC player 1 – 10 (This is per Side(Axis or Allied) 0 = New Sign up 10 =Expert (40+ Wins, Losses will reduce your overall rating) Experience per member 0 – 100+ (To achieve 100+ one must play 100 games complete!) There will be 2 ways to gain Head-to-Head play; Automatic choice by Head-2-Head Board. Challenge posted by member for another member to compete in Head-2-Head SC Play. Example Member #A Allied Rating 4 Axis Rating 5 Overall Experience 36 Member #B Allied Rating 1 Axis Rating 7 Overall Experience 32 Head-2-Head competition - Auto Challenge (Auto challenge will determine player side and Rating based on player availability) Member #A (AXIS) Member #B(ALLIED) (Member #B was determined to have played an excessive amount of AXIS games and will require ALLIED game time!) Head-2-Head competition – Manual Manual challenger would pick sides and send email to opponent regardless of Rating or availability! Regardless of the type of challenge it will hold on system for no more than 24 hours or until new challenge has been presented before the 24 hour time period has ended and accepted. To determine wins Head-2-Head play must be achieved and completed. Reporting is achieved by both players of Head-2-Head challenge . If one side records outcome and other does not then game is forfeited. Each reported completed win or loss .25 will be appllied to player Allied or Axis rating. [ January 10, 2003, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: 82ndReady ]
  5. I believe it's because you are within 2 of the Canadian port and the Corp in the City also may contribute to this ability to be seen! Anybody else agree? Remember Hueristic that ports have Sight range also. Hope this helps. [ January 09, 2003, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: 82ndReady ]
  6. Welcome Hudson to the SC Forum! To answer your question in detail will require more information on your part on the situation. But without this knowledge, this should help for now; To help reduce Russian entry post 2 Corp 1 each in the Polish cities. These 2 corps will act as garrisoned units and will slow the further advancement of the Russian Entry. There are many other Russian Entry advancements to consider. One of the biggest is DOW against minor countries. Each will advance the Russian entry differently. Hope this helps for now! "Humble SC Member"
  7. Mr. Boggs , I for one would like for you to continue your stay with us here on the Forum. Your refreshing attitude on how one's behavior towards another’s should be observed by all and followed as closely as possible! I myself try to conduct exchanges between other members with the utmost respect and display of proper sportsmanship that can be achieved if one can here. We should all try to be more cordial and proper towards other members regardless of ones over displayed adolescent behaviors to express ones feelings. To name members of such wrong doings is to give in to such behavior and all I can do is shake my head in there disgust. This Forum as like most start off with good intentions but like many take the wrong path because of bad behavior. Lets all keep to the Topic as Moon has more than once warned some to do! Lets provide help for new members and discuss strategies and other such topics pertaining to this wonderful game SC. We make of what we want of this Forum as once said so let's make it be and stop all this non-sense! Mr. Boggs lets not "Lurk" lets show these members as some already know how on how to conduct ones self. This is not what I wanted to have happened when I joined this Forum and I for one am not going to continue to sit idle and read what I have in the past. Lets keep to the Topics, answer questions, respond to threads, and be civil in doing so! Lets cut out the banter and over gloating about how great one is lets get back to business at hand here. For those of you who are bored now and have exhausted your knowledge on the game then please excuse yourself till you have recovered from your exhaustion. There will continue to be New members joining everyday and the same questions asked on old subjects, but, its up to Members like us with gained experience and who love this game that will keep answering those old questions day end and day out if we wish. These are my thoughts openly expressed and this is all I have to say on these matters! JerseyJohn I realize I have gone slightly off the path on your thread and I apologize but I hope you understand where I'm coming from . Mr. Boggs I do wish for you to reconsider your decision? "Your Humble SC Member" [ January 09, 2003, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: 82ndReady ]
  8. Hueristic Whats the Bug?? All I see are 2 Germans subs about to be killed! Please explain what you see as a bug??
  9. GumbyDude Its Simple, Copy from your PBEM folder your saved PBEM game and paste to your TCP/IP folder and thats is your done!
  10. Rudy this is true No sub Pens but there are predetermined Fortifications in the game but do not benefit Subs. As for Sub usage; There are quite a few ways to use German subs, </font> German subs combined with Naval surface ships along with land based air units are a formidable force to reckon with. </font>German Subs in pack with Tech are also dangerous. </font>How I mainly use the German subs is to defend Germanys Northern shores. And when I do build German subs I build no less than 3 in the southern most city of France (Atlantic Coast) and when the US are about to Enter move over and hammer there Navy or hold back and Defend the French coast from Invasion along with Air units! The 2 Subs you start out with in the Atlantic most of the time perish before the fall of France. This just some of the ways I have used German Subs I hope this Helps!
  11. vss There are a few very good defenses to use as the French, Some would argue one is better than the other, but don't expect France to hold on beyond June '40 against any good to expert AXIS player. Although there are some very exceptional Allied players on the Forum like Graves that can hold onto France later than 6/40 but his strategy requires commiting UK units and doing the Low Countries gambit. This strategy has one drawback if the line fails to early UK will be fighting an Up hill battle do in part to over committing UK units! A well balanced defense in France is always a good Strategy! If you would like I can post some of my thoughts on the matter?
  12. AXIS Strategy's vary from player to player. If you read the Forum past Posts there are good AXIS Strategy's already posted covering this topic but do keep in mind these are all pre v1.06 but should still be considered valid. When v1.06 came out it's intentions were to address SC pgm issues and help with play balance. The main point to the SC game for the AXIS is to conquer Allied Major powers so it's up to you to decide on what strategy bests suits you. I will list some AXIS Options to consider; </font> Sea Lion Option - Invasion of UK</font> Barbarrosa Option - Invasion of Russia</font> Turkey Option - Invasion of Turkey which leads to Babarrosa Option</font> Spain Option - Invasion of Spain (This will help Italy into containing the Med and propel Itself into attaining more MPP's(Downside US Entry really jumps up per turn)!) </font>All of these options have there own Strategy's and most can be found on the Forum. I myself have not tried the Turkey option nor the Sea Lion Option so I really could not comment on them. --- Also one more thing I meant to add is this, Play both sides to get a better understanding of each sides strengths and weaknesses. This also will help in planning your own grand strategy for either ALLIED or AXIS . [ January 07, 2003, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: 82ndReady ]
  13. There are many AXIS's Strategy's but here are some SC Political facts to keep in mind! The Following Minors will fall into your Camp Hungary - Rumania - Bulgaria(this will depend on what minors you attack(Example - Spain is not a good minor to attack if you want these minors on your side as the AXIS!) The Following Country will go Pro-Allied(so do not attack it) Yugoslavia - This will save you the US and Russian Entry cost as the AXIS The Following Minors Advance US Entry the Fastest when Attacked by AXIS Spain - Norway - Canada(when Canda is attacked Auto Entry for US!) - Greece - Yugoslovia The Following Minors Advance Russian Entry the Fastest when Attacked by AXIS Sweden - Greece - Turkey - Yugoslovia - Baltic States(Auto Russian Entry?) Any Declaration of War by the Allies is always Negative so best not do so till Russia and the US are at war with the AXIS Important Political actions to consider when declaring War as either AXIS or ALLIED on Minors - Italian Entry, US Entry and Russian Entry will be affected either Positive or Negative (good idea to keep track of your actions and watch the effect it has on Major Power Entry!) Italy will join AXIS, but, what advances their Entry? When Germany Conquers Minors it has Declared War upon - each Conquered Minor will advance Itailian Entry by 5 When German units are Next to Paris - (I have seen this Advance as much as 20 per turn!) When Germany Conquers France - Automatic Italian Entry These are the Politcal Facts as I know them for SC If anybody disagrees please correct. Thanks [ January 07, 2003, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: 82ndReady ]
  14. Bill excellent Mods for '39 and '40 can't wait to try them out. I also agree with on your point about "nothing is in stone" allowing for changes and tweaks provides for better gaming..many different views and opinions out there!
  15. Jollyguy - You are correct that the Anti-Tank comment i made and I wish to correct it from Anti-Tank level "4" to what I meant to say was that it should be Industry Tech level "4" (keep in mind this is only 20% off units original cost so its not really that significant overall. Besides the Russians towards the end of the War had an ungodly amount of Infantry units!) Although doing this will skew purchases in other areas for Russia and that would surely bring unbalance to the game...hmmm what else can be done? Maybe Siberian units entering in can be increased with more experience (also keep in mind that these were experienced Guard units that were well equiped to fight in any condition and were well known to be hardned combantants!) In the game with most cases once these units arrive they just plug holes in the line instead of bringing about relief and turning the tide like they really did! Looking at my current Russian MPP's shrink to nothing knowing all along Russia in the war transferd most Factories to the far east, where is this shown in the game??? History is History but lets at least allow for this since it did happen! Just some comments and thoughts on how to yet improve on a great game! Jollyguy - one more thing to add, I just looked over Bill Macons 1939 Mod and I think thats the answer to my question. thanks! BTW Jollyguy wanna give that Mod a try?? [ January 06, 2003, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: 82ndReady ]
  16. ok Sven1969 you won as the Allies, now how about responding to the post instead of boasting about your victories! The post is not about crying over AXIS advantage but more about reading my strategies and commenting in your opinion how you would change them or what your stratgey is (if you would like to share??) . This was not about changing or adding another patch because I felt the AXIS have a greater advantage still or that I dont have a grasp on the concepts on how to play SC. Please read the post before commenting!
  17. Konstatin V. Kotelnikov Very good points! Maybe the real answer is in increasing Russian Anti-Tank Tech say maybe up to "4" to start also Anti-Air to 3 and keep the current investment chits as is for Russia. This is a small tweak and maybe I can make A change to the current 1939 Campaign and see how this works? I still believe we need balance or at least a fighting chance as the Allies! comments?
  18. It seems the best Axis startegy in Russia is to still have 7 -10 air Units with Jet Tech +2 or higher plus 6 - 9 Armys, 4-5 corps 3 HQs and 4 -5 tanks. With that and some italians theres really nothing Russia can do but take the beating! My Allied strategy has been beaten everytime now in Russia, Strategy #1 Throw corps at the Axis wave and build lines behind rivers with Armys backed with HQ's. Preserve the tanks and move them to the 2 cities along the river lines(let them entrench)and along with them hold the 2 air units placed in the middle of the front to combat the Germans air but placed just far enough out of the way from the German air otherwise there gone(they will only last 2 turns anyway in the meantime you need your Mpps to build and reinforce ground units)! With this tactic UK have taken Iraq and are building Air units and operating them to the Russian front while the US is gearing up and preparing to hit France with everything and thats 6 - 8 turns away! Strategy #2 Confront the Germans up front (only do this if Russia declared war! Most of the time the Axis are not ready and have a weak front!) Buy HQs and some corps disband the ships and buy air bring all the offensive forces to the south and pound and defend away! (This tactic is win lose situation, it all depends on the position of the Axis! If the Axis are gaining less than 425 Mpp a turn good idea to use this tactic!) As for the rest of the Allies same as in Strategy 1 except no units enter russia they all Invade France. with all this said what else can be done to turn the tide in Russia?? It seems to me that Russia should be able to buy infantry at a much lesser cost than all other countires, any comments on this are welcomed!
  19. Sorry, family came 1st, BIG FAMILY DINNER. Let me know when you can play again? Nights are better for me. email me at redy82nd@pacbell.net
  20. Who has beaten Rambo and how? I have heard a lot of praise and read some threads about his AXIS wins but how exactly is he doing this? How was he Defeated? What was the strategy used to Defeat Rambos AXIS Strategy? I'm in the middle of a game with ZappSweden and he says he's beaten Rambo, well how Zapp did you do this? Since Rambo understands the mechanics of the game better than most of us its not like the rest of us are stupid though or lazy, most of us have lives and can not spend all day running scenarios on how to do this and defend for that! What I'm asking is will somebody lay down there AXIS strategy using v1.06 on how to play a competive game without wasting anybodys time playing either AXIS or ALLIES! I would like to hear from the likes of JJ...Brian...Rambo...Jollyguy..and of course anybody who would like to jump in !
  21. I remember reading one time that Rambo had written in another thread to Hubert about getting his code protected...well Rambo what was that about? Are there people out there hacking into copywritten code and cheating at SC??? :mad: PBEM is just a text file which then can be interchanged with your TCP...I have not really looked into this but I believe when your opponent finishes his/her turn you could then have changed your file with your changes before it becomes your turn and all of a sudden you have some more MPP or stronger units or whatever??? Hubert is this true?? You most likely won't answer this but, if it is, this really does need to be addressed to keep this game on the up-n-up!
  22. Rambo me thinks Brad is trying to tell you something.....Hehehehe Archibald email me at redy82nd@pacbell.net lets lock an load this puppy!
  23. Yes it is an excellent game with many user made Scenarios! First start with the creators site (here you will find lots of information about the game and Fan sites) Hubert Caters - Fury Software Next visit here at CvM & Otto's site which will provide you with many options(Graphic mods etc..) CvM & Otto's Strategic Command HQ And last but not least ask the members about the game! Play the scenarios provided at different AI levels and when you feel up to it venture out into the Forum and post to play!! In my opinion its the best value out on the market today! With its easy to use user-interface and simple to understand rules and player-to-player connections you can't go wrong! I have many games that sit on my shelfs costing twice if not more than the cost of SC and after getting SC I can honestly say this is the only game that keeps me coming back for more play time than all the others!!! Get the game and ask many questions were all happy to help!!! [ December 26, 2002, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: 82ndReady ]
  24. Ok we have Armor but they seem weak to me, really weak! Regardless of the ability to research Armor tech they still are. Take for example when attacking, so, if the Armor unit destroys a unit and it was an overrun(can an overrun occur in this game and how??) attack why does it not have the ability to take the hex?? Also it would be nice to be allowed to use armor the way it was intened, what ever happened to armor attacks that were devastating blowing a hole through the line and allowing units to pour through. Im use to Armor units making the opponent be fearful of them but instead I see attack after attack on my Armor units just grinding them down to nothing. Really! Infantry Armys seem much more powerful than Armor in this game? Can anyone shed some light on this or add to it please. your Humble member :confused: [ December 22, 2002, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: 82ndReady ]
  25. Hey Rambo we ever gonna play again, we didn't finish my last ass kickin!! How about you name the time and place and I promise to keep pace. I to am tired of these guys who think that there 8 pieces on the map can move this way or that way and whats the best place to put them if I do this or that....whatever just move the friggin unit damn it :mad: , its not like you have your damn paycheck riding on it? :confused: ? Slow players need not apply im looking for a game with action not the old folks home...so how about it Rambo lets push some units around?? :confused:
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