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Everything posted by Ant

  1. Don't know about the Eastern front but in the west they had the 'cab rank' system. Basically flights of fighter bombers were airborne constantly in a rotation system (hence the term cab rank) if any ground unit required air support it was theoretically available in a very short space of time. Of course reality doesn't always match up to the theory but it was supposedly a very effective system nonetheless.
  2. Put these titles out on an X-box or PS2 and you can kiss goodbye to mods on those versions, which is half the fun for a lot of people. I own a PC and a PS2, each one has games that suit it and I could never see myself wanting to play CMBB on a PS2, just the same as I'd never play FIFA soccer on my PC.
  3. Although the PIAT didn't have a backblast it had a kick from the projectile propellant. the firer was supposed to brace himself sufficiently to utilise this kick to recock the spring mechanism. If he failed, and it could be tricky, he had to perform an awkward and protracted manual cock.
  4. Ah, so that will send them diving for cover as well. That's a possibility. Thanks
  5. There were certainly no anti-tank rifles about, I keep a very close watch out for those sneaky little sods The only thing I can think of is that a couple of stray rounds from the aforementioned AT guns managed to get some near misses and 'spooked' the infantry. I was just wondering if anybody else had any experience of squads just bailing out of serviceable HT's
  6. Thanks for the reply Moon but that wasn't the case either. The HT's were stationary at the time but not bogged (I loaded the squads back up and drove off a couple of turns later) It was a complete mystery as to why they got out in the first place.
  7. I've just recently played a scenario and noticed something which, as far as I remember, I haven't seen before: I had almost a company of Panzergrenadiers embarked in half tracks behind a tree line. There was a platoon of Panzer IIIs with them who were firing at a couple of Russian AT guns at fairly long range, there was no real danger to them and so my attention was diverted somewhere else for a couple of turns*. When I got back to them I noticed that a platoon of Panzergrenadiers had disembarked without orders and had sneaked into the trees. Now I know that they'd do this if the halftrack was knocked out, and sometimes they'll do this under an artillery barrage, but neither of those situations seemed to be appropriate here. There had been no enemy artillery fire...not even light mortars, and the halftracks were all perfectly seviceable with no crew casualties. So why did three squads of panzergrenadiers suddenly decide to just jump out of their half tracks for no apparent reason? *Don't you just hate it when you think that a particular situation on some remote part of a large battlefield is totally under control, so you just ignore it for a couple of turns whilst you deal with something more important......only to return and find that something totally unexpected and/or wierd has occured; but of course you can't replay it now so you're left scratching your head and thinking "what the heck happened there?"
  8. I thought that tracer fire was upped in the last patch anyway.....is this high visibility high visibility tracer :eek:
  9. What are you apologising to Bismark for? It was Clausewitz who said that Actually what he realy said was: "War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
  10. I've just started a certain well known scenario, which shall remain nameless to avoid spoilers, and I can state that it took me bloody ages to find an AT gun or two that were picking off my tanks.....and I had a fairly good idea where they were. I did notice, however, that trying to find them with binocular equiped units was a lot more effective than non binocular units. Particularly as it was at quite long range.
  11. I recall BFC saying that they were going to try and get better graphics than those in the next game.
  12. There was a programme on UK TV last year about the formation of the Commandos, one ex commando said that because of the shape of the standard German (Coal scuttle) helmet it was very easy to break a German soldiers neck if you sneaked up behind him. I would assume that this would also be a serious risk in a parachute jump.
  13. Am I right in thinking that this is going to be the last patch? I seem to remember somebody from BFC saying that they weren't going to spend too much time on CMBB patches as they were eager to get started on the new game!
  14. I'm sure anybody here could send you those but if I were you I'd get that dodgy CD replaced.
  15. Or how about something really way out, like a Huge tank that fires massive shells that can knock out a whole village with one shot.......oh, Wait a minute, we've already got one of those
  16. {quote]then drawn by horses through the village (without the benefit of a cart)
  17. I think it's a fairly good review actually, considering it's intended audience. The review is quite positive about the game. OK so it doesn't go into all the little details and they got a couple of facts a bit skewed, so what? maybe they had a space limit, maybe they just didn't want to risk boring their intended audience with all the grog facts. To be so relatively positive about CMBB on a mainstream game site is pretty good. [ January 09, 2003, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Ant ]
  18. For me the must have mods are: AndrewTF's Uniforms, all of them. Juju's weapons. Winter vehicles; the original game doesn't come with any winter textures so you need to get mods to have them, just pick a winterised mod for each vehicle, it'll depend on your preferance as to which one you go for. Apart from those all others are very nice but rather a matter of taste, the dusty armoured vehicles are very good but not necessarily an essential, more a matter of preferance really Edited to add that if you are a European CDV user then you'll need the anti-censorship stuff by 'Shroeder' (sp?) which puts the SS runes into the game instead of WG [ January 06, 2003, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: Ant ]
  19. I think you seriously need to lighten up Panzertruppe
  20. Just thought I'd put in a mention for one of the first special forces in WW2, the LRDG (Long Range Desert Group)
  21. Yeah, I think this is the wrong topic too. We should be talking about other stuff
  22. I agree that the Germans were stuck between a rock and a hard place. All of your comments are very valid, but the trouble is that the Soviets knew all that too, and so fortified the salient to an incredible degree. There was pretty much no chance of a German victory at Kursk. They were effectively forced to fight a straight battle of attrition against an army that was better able and prepared to handle such an encounter. It was a (roughly) similar situation to Montgomery's plan to defeat Rommel at El-Alamein, just lure him into a face to face slugging match and beat him with numbers.
  23. True enough, but as has been said many times: The Soviets could afford those losses, the Germans couldn't, so to get involved in a slugging match at Kursk was a futile mistake for Germany
  24. There was plenty reason to worry, and If the Germans had seriously invested in any kind of intelligence regarding the Russian defences at Kursk they would have realised this. One of the major failings of Germany during WW2, and especially on the eastern front, was their hopeless intelligence. Isn't hindsight a wonderfull thing Similar to the slow and steady advance of the british troops over the battlefield of the Somme, otherwise known as simply walking into destruction. [ January 03, 2003, 05:50 AM: Message edited by: Ant ]
  25. Thanks for the reply Andrew. I'll probably make a start on mine this weekend then, although I expect a pretty steep learning curve
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