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Everything posted by AstroCat

  1. Oh yeah and remember that you can get a bunch more mods from www.combatmission.com that are for CMMOS. These are mods that are not on cmmods. Jordan "AstroCat"
  2. Actually it's not my site, it's ColumbusOHGamer's. I've just been re-stocking it with all the mods that I have that were lost after the "big" crash, including some additional ones from time to time! I have some more Grau winter vehicles to upload and then I'll move to the guns, and then maybe whatever else I have that isn't back up there. I do wish I could find some good mods for the ones I'm missing as well, which include most that you mentioned. Jordan "AstroCat"
  3. Hey, I'm in the process of uploading all the mods I have to cmmods. I'm getting close to finishing off all the vehicle mods. I think I might have a couple you need so check cmmods over the next few days. What mods are you using for: WINTER: SU100 - SU85M - ISU-122 - ISU-122s - ISU-152 - I have some for those 2 sets but they aren't my favorites and I was wondering if maybe you had something better? Thanks! Jordan "AstroCat"
  4. Here's an easy converter: http://www.etalonsoft.com/mp3decode.html If the sound files play too fast then they are stereo. They need to be mono. Jordan "AstroCat"
  5. Glad to help out... I actually got a bunch more mods to re-upload to CMMODS but I just needed a little break. Jordan "AstroCat"
  6. I just uploaded the file: WINTER_T34_85_M44_TRACER.ZIP at CMMODS. I think they are pretty good. But, by all means if MikeyD wants to do one please do! Jordan "AstroCat"
  7. Oh man...I was looking forward to the rest of the III's and then the IV's!! I do understand though, thanks for what you have done so far! ...and if you ever get the time and the "itch" go for it! Thanks again for all the work! Jordan "AstroCat"
  8. I'd like to second that...I'm a big fan of the BoB group. All my games come from there. Jordan "AstroCat"
  9. Haha...glad I'm not the only one! Really though, I just keep a Word doc that is organized by game and opponent with the vital stats entered such as start and end date, final score, etc. I also have an "ENDS" folder where I keep certain end saved games I want to keep around. I also have my PBEMS saved off as well...anyway... I'm the same...I keep all this stuff "just in case" but never look at it! Although I do keep a Win/Lose/Draw tally for each game, BO,BB, and AK. I find that fun and sometimes depressing to check out! Jordan "AstroCat"
  10. Yeah...I used some of the sounds from it. I've put together a collection of my CMBB and CMBO sound mods that I use. Some are original and some are from all over the place. Maybe I'll upload my Soundmod packs for BB and BO. It make sense considering sound is what I do for a living! Jordan "AstroCat"
  11. I started with CMBO in Oct of 2002, got BB when it came out but didn't really get to it until late summer/fall of 2003, and now I'm just starting to check out AK but I think most my time is still with BB and will be for a while. Although, I still even play BO from time to time. I'm currently having fun with: vs PBEM for a serious challenge over a long time. vs TCP when I want to spend a chunk of time against a human in one sitting...this is very time dependent so doesn't happen too often. vs AI for when I just want to play for fun with instant gratification, have a quick game, try out historical scenarios, or unbalanced situations, and hey, sorry but sometimes the AI will beat me. For QB's I do usually give it big odds and have it play some kind of defense or at least a ME styled game. I almost always use increased forces for the AI, the bonus experience thing doesn't sit right with me for some reason, seems too, well, artificial? I like scenarios overall the best, I dig the historical/semi-rp aspect. I play them mostly for human play and I use QB's and scenarios both for AI play. Operations are fun too, which I have only played vs the AI. Now if we just had a good campaign system with some RPG elements I’d be doomed! Haha... Jordan "AstroCat" [ January 22, 2004, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: AstroCat ]
  12. Well thanks for the work on the mods! I always prefer the dirtied/battle worn look...so maybe that would be cool to have. Jordan "AstroCat"
  13. Ok, SS crew is up plus some other AF uniforms. I'll do more later... I don't have any plain yellow King Tigers or Jagdpanthers. Sorry. I'd like to have them though...maybe someone else could help out!?!?! Thanks! Jordan "AstroCat" [ January 18, 2004, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: AstroCat ]
  14. I've uploaded some of Andrew's soviet uniform mods...to give him a break Andrew, hope that was ok...I believe they are the latest versions from right before the crash. Also, if you decide to upload them again you could just delete the ones I have uploaded. Jordan "AstroCat" Yeah, especially the Soviet ones. *cough cough* Re-upload please *cough cough* </font>
  15. Axe2121 - Hey thanks... I've gotten such a good time out of playing with the mods in the CM games I just had to return the favor somehow. As for re-uploading them to cmmods...I'm pretty far along now. The one thing I have not been doing generally is re-uploading mods that have been "cmmos'ed" with the latest version. You can get a bunch more mods over at www.combatmission.com using the CMMOS format. These would include but are not limited to: A ton of Canon's Grau mods A ton of MrNoobies soviet armor mods So, other than CMMOS mods that are still available I have been uploading everything I have. After I am done with all that I have I am going to see if anyone has a few that I think are missing. Mainly winter mods. Ok, back to uploading... Jordan "AstroCat"
  16. Looks very nice! I'd say go ahead and dirty 'em up. Jordan "AstroCat"
  17. Agreed...I use this all the time and would love a CMAK version...anyone? Jordan "AstroCat"
  18. I don't have to use the F5 trick anymore to log on to CMMODS. Make sure to clear your cache, and refresh. If you'd like I could upload the mods for you. Send me an email if you are interested. Jordan "AstroCat"
  19. ...Oh yeah...I also could really use: AF_PARTISAN2.ZIP I have AF_PARTISAN1.ZIP but not the second set. Anyone? Thanks... Jordan "AstroCat"
  20. Ok... I re-uploaded AF_RED_ABN1.zip which is the only airborne one I have from Andrew. The marder II I only have as CMMOS mod which I'm sure is still available over at www.combatmission.com If there is a second airborne set I would like to have it too! So, if anyone has the second set please email me. Jordan "AstroCat"
  21. Well I would much rather have the 1 for 1 representation. They could all move together and then when stopping fan out a little but stay in the same general area. I also would like 1 for 1 wounded/killed soldiers. I think this would be the best and "coolest" looking for both situations. But...hey, that's just what I think would be best. Jordan "AstroCat"
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