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Mr Byte

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Everything posted by Mr Byte

  1. " ladies and gentlemen presenting the Soviet ISU formation dance unit, and there interpretation of Swan Lake!!!"
  2. KURANDO are you in the UK? if so email me and I will send you the patch on a CD
  3. the english CDV version is available here http://gamesweb.com/pc/downloads/patches/detail.php?item_id=29252 as well as a multi language version I have down loaded it and have used it so it does work
  4. BRITISHBULLDOG email me if you still haven't got the patch I might be able to help
  5. I would just like to say two things 1.re the missing models "Gee, that kinda stinks. I was really hoping to see things like the IS-3 represented graphically correct. They are super cool and, even though they never saw combat, would have been neat to see. And same for other rare/obscure vehicles. However, this doesn't negate all the fantastic value I find in the game. Disapointed to not have the last 1%? Sure, but I'll manage to live " and .... 2. I think we should bring this deadend thread to a close now, all go and have a long cool beer and think of naked women cus its starting to get ugly and this forum dosn't usually get like that. and NO one is looking good.....not that they should look good or that was the point of all this ok i'm going before Steve turns up in the middle of the night and puts a bat down my pants love and peace
  6. same problem here too, I've posted about this before. it seems to be Nvidia TNT chip set well at least thats what I have. night battles are hopeless
  7. I was 'one' that stated, that I 'MAY' have to to patch because of other games in progress. I don't think it is rude or inconsiderate. I am currently playing in another tournament in which it is stated the scenario 'will' be played with the latest version. am i supposed to drop out of that tourny because ROW is more important? what about my other opponents should they miss out on game with other people until our current games are finished because I'm in ROW? should I miss out on other games until my participation in ROW is finished? if it is decided that we will not patch, then I have the choice of continueing with ROW or not. It seems to me we were given the chance to vote for or against (democracy I believe it is called) I voted 'for' and gave 'my' reason. I did not hold the tourny to ransom as is implied !
  8. Ok this is my 2ps worth, but first I am not a grog i know little about artillery and I'm quite new to this period. That said. dosn't the artillery work well in the frame work of this game? I see quotes on the amount of artillery available to a 2 up 1 back Division attack and i think yeah but most CMBB battles are 1000 pt? thats at best a battalion. with anything like that amount of artillery the game would be over in a hurry !! even with the current model a well placed artillery strike can and will ruin your day. anything more and there would be posts of " artillery is just too strong" I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement I'm just saying it aint that bad it works well to give us a balanced game. I don't think mass artillery pulverising the German defenses in 1945 would be much fun to play. (I know thats what happened, but how much fun would that be?) 2p deposited
  9. YES!!! A voice of reason at last. though can I suggest that an email be sent to all concerned to clarify the situation, with this going on in two threads and not everyone visiting on a regular basis I think we could all do with a clear update by email to put this to bed. this tourny has been such a good experience for me it would be a shame for something like this to tarnish it. just pleased the hours of time devoted by all concerned will not have been a waste. as some great organiser once said FIGHT ON!!
  10. I belive you will find the excellent charts here http://users.erols.com/chare/cm/
  11. search for the CMBB FAQ thread on this forum all is answered there
  12. we should continue, I have already finished one and have another about to finish. the other 3 are all well on the way. with all this latest from those concerned has Treeburst any other thoughts? it seems a real shame to end it like this for a very minor and of limited inportance breach of FOW if there had been a deliberate breach that would be another matter but I think we are all satisfied there is no skullduggery here. lets continue and beat Rune to a pulp later
  13. I am constantly amazed at the dedication skill and shear brillance of this community. COCAT, CMMOS, ALL THE MODS, THE EXELLENT SCENRIOS (so well researched and tested) THE INCREDIBLE KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT, TOURNAMENTS (the organisation alone!! but also the quality of scenario) THE FAN SITES. and now THIS WOW !!!! group hug Well done to all those that along with Battlefront make this such a great hobby...er I mean game ....now where did I leave my kids... :confused:
  14. what a superb post. please update your profile with a email address I would love for you to teach a CMBB lesson or two sometimes we can know too much about the game we play. update your profile!!!
  15. wow now I'm worried... I consider my self to be a fair player. I really do try not to 'cheat/use gamey tactics' in a recent double blind game against two different players (same scenario) on the attack with the Axis I advanced my armor WITHOUT infantry support (I plain forgot to mount them on the tanks ) my armor out stripped the infantry and made contact with the Soviet infantry which I began to blast out of there holes it didn't take too long before I had no armor left (bloody hidden AT guns :mad: ) my infantry advanced into soviet prepared defenses with no support :eek: well I lost that one. My other game, I am the defender but because my opponent is out of town for the start date I do NOT load up the game to see the soviet side (I could have known the exact soviet OOB for the first game that way) when my other opponent gets back we start our game he proceeds to hunt each of my AT assets down checking them off as he gets them, because he knows how many I have from playing the soviets in his other game. when he gets all of them, in comes his armor and blasts be out of existance. Now I don't count my opponent 'gamey' he just had information he couldn't avoid using (if you know, you know) I cannot help thinking 1. would I be considerd gamey for advancing my tanks with out infantry(ok it didn't work but it could of ) 2. rushing the flags when I was the soviet player in a hopeless attempt to hold them for as long as possible (it was a sad and pathetic sight) 3. my opponent be considerd for using information that in reality he could not possibly have known. like I said I have NO problems with either of my opponents both great guys and players. but I think I will never play another double blind game because it is impossible not to use info you shouldn't have, but do. sorry I waffled here I had a point when I started this but can't remember what it was now :confused: but I'm buggered if I'm going to delete this now!!! [ January 17, 2003, 05:32 AM: Message edited by: Mr Byte ]
  16. ok havn't got long before police get to me, apparrantly smacking someone across the face for not installing CMBB still constitutes assault in the UK :eek: :confused: :eek: this country is just falling apart, I mean he hasn't installed it ??? and there going to arrest me :mad: :confused:
  17. HUH !! at least we have all been immersed in this wonderful game/s, I have a friend who is really into wargames of all kinds (mainly board games) but loves ASL but can never really get the time to read the tome of a rule set in full. then he buys CMBB (off his own bat, I never talked him into it) and guess what 4 weeks latter he still hasn't even installed it !! :confused: this is right up his street and he liked the write ups and the look so much he went out and got it took it home then ....just left it :eek: :eek: ho hum just needed to share that, its fustrating the hell out of me
  18. Well kind of.....your right to say what you say. but it has never really yanked my chain because I consider the grafics representative (probably spelt wrong sorry) small towns in CMBO (I've never been to Russia so I can only speak of the western European scenarios) are nothing like, and would probably only house 1 to 2 hundred people there just too small as a rule of thumb the lack of housing simply makes up for having lots more closer together and the fact that tanks can not move through houses (as they occasionally did)so overall the current system works well. HOWEVER you are right about unlimited avenues of approach thats why I buy (if possible)road blocks when defending 'towns' and built up areas, I do think that scenario designers should consider this more when allocating forces so the prudent defender could channel the enemies attacks. more often a road block is thrown across a road in open country merely forcing a slight delay around it. anyway thats my 2 pennies worth [ January 05, 2003, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Mr Byte ]
  19. my point really is not "what I would do.. " in any given situation, what I was getting at was the specifics of it. eg. I read and hear alot about reverse slope Vs forward defense. what would be nice is to ' see the reverse slope defense set up and to ' see ' the interlocking fields of fire as set up by the forums more acknowleged players (Andreas springs to mind) with some accompanying notes a 'master class' if we could get 2 or 3 of these top players to do the same scenario setup it would be interesting to compare eaches approach. of course there would be no hard and fast this is right or this wrong but valuable lessons can be learned by actually seeing a setup as apposed to just talking about the virtues of one. if such a scenario was created it would be even more interseting to do the setup before reading and looking at the 'master class' and comparing. anyway it was only a thought [ January 03, 2003, 05:50 AM: Message edited by: Mr Byte ]
  20. Just been reading my strat guide for CMBB, I was going through the profile section, where each person is asked the same set of questions. one of which is do you prefer the forward defense or the reverse slope? and another how would you attack a village in a valley? just a thought but us newbies could learn alot from having a scenario in which some of you experts setup the defense of a village then attach a text file explaining the why's and wherefores. with the scenario to load up and look at in detail a lot could be learned and with note as reference. this could be a real master class, especially with a number of you experts taking part it would be very interesting to see how each tackles the same problems. anyways just a thought.
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