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About Marky8

  • Birthday 11/03/1984


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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. hmmm well ireland in the game doesnt have too much use but if playing as the axis, invade it with a small force, and use it as a fighter and bomber base if playing as allies, and having trouble with uboats, invade, and use it as a fighter and bomber base, to spot, and sink uboats. wen used in conjunction with long range aircraft research, ireland can b very useful
  2. ahh, so thats how it goes thanky
  3. wat about airborne divisions or battalions? and, wat about an ability to create, instead of just corps and armies, u can create regiments, battalions, and divisions? then, if u want, u can draw a box around them, and put them together to form attalions and regiments and divisions, etc, and vise versa?
  4. 1 of the things that i noticed is no destroyers y is this, out of curiousity? besides escort carriers, with their air umbrella, the destroyer is the perfect sub hunter y no heavy and light cruiser unit ? or, was the destroyer excluded from the game, beacause if u play the allies, it wouldve been to easy to beat the uboats, if u just built a bunch of destroyers and parked them in the atlantic? is that y they were left out?
  5. id love to see a pacific theater. tho thered bv problems with scale and distance :\
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