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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. I agree, but consider the fact that you can vary the cost of various research options in SC2. So researching jets might cost 250MPP per chit but researching partisans (ie preparing for the worst cast scenario) might cost only 75MPP per chit. This makes it much more of an option, especially if the Brits or Russian see that they are about to be overrun. In fact, I would prefer it if you could purchase an advancement in this area as in my view its less about researching partisan tech and more along the lines of investing resources in this area. PS: If Moscow has fallen and Russia was going to be overrun I might decide to purchase 5 chits in Partisans with the hope of causing the Axis as much anguish as I can after Russia surrenders. [ April 14, 2004, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Concept: A major power can invest in partisan tech. Each tech level increases the per turn chance for post surrender partisans by 20%(winter). For example: If England has partisan Tech of 1 there is a 20% of post surrender English partisans. If Russia has partisan Tech of 2 there is a 40% of post surrender Russian partisans per turn. If Russia had partisan Tech of 5 then there is a 100% of a post surrender Russian partisan unit appearing each turn. Now Germany is forced to garrison Russia if Russia surrenders. For each tech level above 5 there is a 25% chance for an additional partisan unit to appear in that nation. Thus at tech level 6, there is a 100% for one partisan unit to appear and a 25% for a second unit to appear that turn.
  3. Do air units still have a 100% to see everything at maximum spotting range in a 360 degree arc? - thats a lot square miles Do air units still spot enemy ground units covered by enemy combat air patrols? I would like to see an air unit command called CAP. Air units operating under CAP would prevent the spotting of friendly units by enemy air units within range or the chance for spotting these units should be reduced. Now players have a trade off to make. Air Fleets used to attack can't hide the location of friendly units. Units hiding the location of friendly units can't attack and will not intercept. [ April 14, 2004, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. I like to track when I conquered various countries - ie how fast can I conquer Russia, how fast can I conquer Berlin. The game rewards you for conquering more countries and the time it takes. I also like to see how soon I can conquer Russia without attacking Sweden, Spain, or Vichy or the Middle East (as the AI does not know how to defend Egypt).
  5. In my opinion if 800 planes (1 Fleet = 100 planes) hit 1 unit in one turn its going to be destroyed as a functional combat unit.
  6. Looks like this engine will allow for an Official Civil War scenario pack in 2005 for the American Civil War with scenarios for each phase of the war and one scenario covering the entire war. Civil War - Railroads - very important - Operate units restricted to those that start on a rail hex and they can only operate to another connected rail or city hex. Limited number of operate points per turn per side. - No Air Units - HQs very important - No Tech advances - New Unit Icons - Cavalry, Army, Corps, Artillery - Diplomacy vs a vs Europe - Unit Leaders Feature with unit commanders rated for Spotting, Attack, Defense, Initiative - Spotting Range reduced to 1 Hex - Each State is its own nation, thus state capitals become very important - Units commanded by Some HQ Commanders may decide not to move during a turn. - Add Initiative Feature to Unit Movement Ancients - No Operation of Units - Road Hexes reduce cost of movement between cities Etc. My Wish List for the Official SC2 Product Line - SC2 4th Qtr 2004 - SC2 American Civil War (2005) - SC2 Ancient Campaigns [ April 14, 2004, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. Looks like the campaign for the Atlantic is going to become much more important and more interesting.
  8. Will the UK be able to build units in Canada now that it can trace a supply line to Washington? Also, If the UK surrenders to the Axis can I write a scripted event that will have the the US annex Canada? [ April 13, 2004, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. and can you create pop-up events that players can respond to. Example: UK attacks Ireland - 10% US Congressmen ask if the UK will contribute towards compensating civilians for damages damages Yes - Cost 25MPP No - 25% that US Readiness decreases by 3% and popup announces New York Post attacks British atrocities in Ireland.
  10. Agreed, Hubert you did make a bunch of people very happy, from the larger "editable map" and "units" to the additional movement and attack optins to the events to the weather effects to optional build limits on unit types and custom units and allowing via the editor Partisans for all nations. A momumental advance. Question 1 - Does the event engine allow players to create script random events? Example: IF AXIS occupies Egypt then 20% Turkey Annexes Neutral Iraq or IF Germany has DOWed Sweden and has DOWed Switzerland then 25% Spain joins Allies. Could you elaborate more on what this feature can do? [ April 13, 2004, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. Likewise I would also be willing to write "balanced" scripted events for each of the scenarios. [ April 13, 2004, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. Fleet Locations - The AI should know the relative strength of Enemy fleets in the various oceans so that it can plan a more effective strategy strategy. For example - Eastern Med, Western Med, South Atlantic, Mid Atlantic, North Atlantic So 1= 0 Units to 4 = 6 or more enemy fleets.
  13. Here are some odds on my proposal (correct me if the number are incorrect) for Genius level AI: For the Allied AI 1 in 2 Games Ireland joins the Allies 1 in 4 Greece Joins when Axis DOW Russia 1 in 4 Iraq Joins Allies when Axis DOW Russia 1 in 8 Greece and Iraq Join the Allies 1 in 10 Turkey joins Allies when Siberian transfer occurs. 1 in 20 Spain, Portugal and Turkey joins allies when Siberian transfer occurs. For the Axis AI 1 in 2 Games Norway and Sweden join the Axis 1 in 5 Games Turkey joins the Axis 1 in 5 Games Spain Joins the Axis 1 in 10 Games Spain and Turkey joins the Axis 1 in 20 Games Baltic States join Axis. [ April 09, 2004, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. In SC2 their should be a level - say Genius AI - where a number of neutral countries would tend to join the AI side during a game vs a human player. This would make for a more competitive game and present the human player with a wider range of scenarios to test his skills against. For Example: Allied AI - 50% Ireland joins the AI after Denmark surrenders to the Axis to compensate for the AI not copying a standard human strategy of attacking Ireland for plunder. Allied AI - 25% that a Neutral Greece joins the Allies after Germany DOW Russia. Allied AI - 25% that a Neutral Iraq joins the Allies after Germany DOW Russia. Allied AI - 25% that Neutral Vichy France Joins the Allied AI if an Allied Unit is next to Paris. Allied AI - 25% Turkey joins the Allies if Neutral Vichy France joins the Allies after an Allied unit is next to Paris. Allied AI - 25% Spain joins the Allies if Turkey joins the Allies. Allied AI - 10% Turkey joins Allies when Siberian Transfer is activated. Allied AI - 10% Spain and Portugal join Allies if Turkey Joins Allies. Axis AI - 50% Norway and Sweden joins the Axis after Denmark Surrenders to compensate for the AI not copying a standard human strategy of conquering the Nordic countries. Axis AI - 20% that a neutral Turkey & Iraq joins the Axis after Axis Minors join. Axis AI - 20% that Spain joins the Axis after Axis Minors join. Axis AI - 5% that Baltic States joins Axis after Poland Surrenders [ April 09, 2004, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. I would like to see research advances open up the option to purchase additional types of Units. Then players could have the choice to purchase an air fleet unit at Str 10 or one at Str 13. I would also like to see synergistic effects of high levels of research in seldom reasearched tech areas: ie Subs Tech 3 And Improved Sonar gives a +1 NA (Naval Attack Bonus) to Subs OR Anti Air Level 3 and Radar Laying Guns gives a +1 Bonus to Air Defense. [ April 07, 2004, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. Just wishing on a star for news events to be included in SC2 as they would remind players of the historical context in which the war was fought. Nine news events that would be independent of the war in Europe: - March 1941, the U.S. Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act - April 1941, the Japanese signed a neutrality treaty with the USSR - July 23 1941, Japan occupied southern Indochina - Dec 1941, Pearl Harbor - June 1942, Battle of Midway - Nov 1943, Tehrān Conference (Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt) (Only if Russia and the UK and the US have not surrendered) - Feb 1945, Yalta Conference (Only if Russia and the UK and the US have not surrendered) - Death of Roosevelt - A Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima (Only 4 in 1941, 1 in 1942, 1 in 1943) [ April 06, 2004, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. I second your proposals for a replay option, a timer option and better better victory point scoring. I would also like it to keep a record of best time/dates to conquer France, Russia, Defend France, Defeat Axis, etc. [ April 06, 2004, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. Building on Shaka's Idea 1. You can attempt to replace, for a cost in MPPs, the commander of a HQ unit but that HQ and the units it commands can't move during that turn. This allows one to change commanders but imposes a cost on doing so. 2. Futhermore, politics may prevent the reassignment of a general. Thus you might order a general to be replaced but find out that politics prevents the orders from being carried out. The chance for the change of command being executed would vary by country - Russia 95%, Germany 80%, US 70%, UK 60%, France 10%, Italy 10%. Naturally, if the change of command did not occur that HQ unit and the units it commanded could not move during that turn. 3. When you get/replace a general his rating and the readiness of units he commands is hidden until the first time a unit he commands engages in combat. 4. Units not commanded by a HQ unit have a 1-2% not to move. 5. HQ units should have a bonus tied to a type of unit. Example: Bilbao should give a higher readiness bonus to Italian AirFleets than to Italian Army units. Rommel should give a higher readiness bonus to Armor units than to Army Units. [ April 05, 2004, 09:05 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Summary: Italian Naval Forces build experience by Bombarding Malta or Egypt while Italy masses transports in the Aegean Sea. Axis DOW Turkey and Lands a Corps on Turkish coast close to Istanbul. And the straits fall under Axis Control, meanwhile 2 experienced Italian Battleships and an Air Unit bombard the port of Istanbul down to 0 in one turn. Italian corps sale through the straits towards the coast of Southern Russia. Effect: Russian defenses are weakened as their defensive line is streached. With luck the Italians can land on the same turn that Germany DOW Russia. If not lucky they land a turn later, but Russia is forced to garrison southern Russia.
  20. During WWII both sides attmepted, with not much success, to kill opposing generals. This proposal allows both sides to attempt adopt this tactis. SC2 Option Cost: 40MPP per attempt, one attempt per turn. Commission a strike team to target any enemy HQ unit that is spotted. 5% that the commanding General is killed and the targeted HQ is replaced with another randomly selected HQ unit (who may be of higher or lower skill) Now the Axis can target Eisenhower and the Allies can target Rommel. [ April 05, 2004, 02:39 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. As JerseyJohn has freqently mentioned weather has a big effect on amphibious invasions. Bad weather can prevent an invasion or cause the landing unit to suffer extremely high losses of men and material. In SC2 I would like to see weather affect the chance of a successful amphibious invasion. I would like to see 3 types of weather effects; 1. Clear - (chance for normal losses - ie a Str10 corps may be reduced to Str 8) 2. Rough Seas - You can execute an invasion but the invading force will likely suffer heavy losses (ie a Str 10 Corps my be reduced to Str 4 on landing) 3. Really Dangerous - No Amphibious Invasion possible During the winter months off the coast of Norway you might have a 70% chance of Really Dangerous Sea Conditions, a 25% of rough sea conditions and a 5% of Clear Weather. During the summer the chance for really dangerous sea conditions might drop to 5% and the chance of Clear Weather increase to 85%. During the summer months in the Med you might have a 90% of clear weather and a 10% of Rough Seas. The coastal hexes in a region could change color to indicate the weather status in the landing area.
  22. 1. As Shaka and Others have pointed out part of the US production is devoted to lend lease. 2. In addition the game is designed to reflect the ebb and flow of the war on the Eastern front. 3. The US was fighting a two front war with production also going to fight the war in the pacific. If you want to see a stronger US then support my earlier proposal where the US player can secretly select a Strategic Option to Fully Concentrate on the War in Europe at the expense of not countering the Japanese advance in the Pacific. With This Option - US Production Doubles (from 180 to 360 per turn) - USSR does not receive Siberian Transfer A most playable and balanced option that doubles US production. Oh, yes and if the US selects this option add in some chrome news announcements: - News Event 1: 15% per turn after US entry: Japanese forces take Midway Island. - News Event 2: 1% per turn after 1942: Japanese forces invade Australia - News Event 3: 15% per turn after event 2: 50% Australia surrenders to Japan / 50% Australian forces defeat Japanese invasion force. - News Event 4: 3% per turn after US entry: Japanese forces conquer Burma. - News Event 5: 3% per turn after Event 4 occurs: Japanese forces liberate India from British Colonial Rule. If Event 5 occurs then have a Japanese Fleet appear in the Med (1 Japanese Carrier Fleet plus 2 Cruiser Fleets) if the Axis controls the Suez Canal. A most rare event but payback for the US ignoring Japanese advances in the Pacific. If Event 5 Occurs (Japanese Liberate India) and the Axis controls the Suez then a 30% that Turkey joins the Axis if the Axis controls the Suez Canal. [ April 04, 2004, 08:09 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. On solution might be at allow the player to purchase and attach these asset classes at the time that a unit is produced. This would be the simplest solution. Another might be to require that for an asset class to be moved that unit must be controlled by a HQ unit. This would prevent unrealistic reassignment of assets during the course of a campaign - as you would not assign an artillery unit to a corps one week and then move it to another corps two weeks later. Example: Purchase Assets at time of Unit Construction. Player can assign a General and a Single Asset at time of Purchase to a unit. Purchase Army: 250 MPP Assign General? - Cost 50MPP (General gives the unit a random bonus/penalty - ie SD +1, AP -1, Readiness +10% -with a bonus more likely than a penalty. Note: Cost to Remove A General is 50MPP!, except for the Russians who just shoot them. Assign Asset (Select One) - Cost 50MPP _ Engineer Unit - +2 Max Entrenchment _ Artillery - +1 SD _ Anti-Air - +1 AD _ Rangers - Spotting Range +1 Purchase Cost: XXX Purchase
  24. JerseyJohn, Thanks, I am really looking forward to SC2 and what HC has added. ------------------------------------------------ Choices, Choices, Choices: 1 Heavy Tank Unit = 1 Standard Tank + 1 Corps = 2 Army Units = 1.25 Air Fleets = 4 Corps or 5 Heavy Tanks = 5 Standard Tanks + 5 Corps = 10 Army Units = 6.25 Air Fleets = 20 Corps [ April 03, 2004, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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