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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Re: Cairo Surprise - It really boosts UK MPPs If Cairo is Liberated then England receives more MPPs from the Egyptian convoy, and if Iraq is liberated/conquered they receive more MPPs from the Iraq convoy also. From an MPP standpoint its more beneficial than freeing NA, if Egypt is not guarded by the Axis. PS: I have 4 sets of scripts for Spain/Portugal a. Spain & Portugal are Neutral b. Spain and Portugal are Axis conquered c. Portugal is Neutral and Spain is Axis Aligned d. Spain becomes Allied and USA is at War - SEND Reinforcements ASAP to Spain.
  2. Convoy scripts apparantly send only one unit through naval loop at a time, despite several naval loop tiles being listed. When I listed only one tile only 1 of 3 units when through the loop, the others changed course to head through the Mediterranean. When I listed 3 tiles, all 3 went through but one at a time, all using the first naval loop tile. Will test again with larger task force.
  3. Great Post, a few comments A) PS: Next Patch will include Plans for NAVAL units! Now all we need is plans for Parachute / Airborne units, no better way to take an unguarded city. B)If Egypy has fallen have you considered the Cairo Surprise - where USA units land to take an unoccupied Cairo or Alexandria and then liberate Syria and Baghdad. I have, just have to solve one AI quirk. AI Quirk - Getting AI to send more than 1 unit through the naval loops at the same time I also need to add USA landing at Suez to prevent Italy from operating troops back from Syria or Baghdad. D> US Invades Portugal/Spain I already have the scripts for this. It works pretty well except for a few AI quirks that HC is looking into. Quirk 1 - USA lands only 1 Unit on First Turn of DOW vs Portugal Quirk 2 - AI does not attack weakened units to destroy them. Quirk 3 - AI does not operate air units to Portugal to support attack on Spain. a. If Portugal, Spain and Vichy France are Neutral -- Invade Portugal, Buildup to Take Spain. HC has to fix the Amphibious landings so that more than one US units lands on the first invasion turn, otherwise Human player just reinforces Portugual. But once fixed Portugal will fall in 1 turn. --- All I have to add is a landing by a US corps to block that 1 tile wide link to between France and Spain. b. If Portugal, Spain are Neutral. The key to the US is operating in Air units to support the attack. Then with 8 to 9 USA units Madrid will quickly fall as USA units are reach Madrid in the DOW turn.
  4. What I would really like to see is the ability to play against the Axis AI in concert with an AI controlled Russian or Western Allied player. From a programatical point of view I would probably start with an autonomous AI controlled Russia.
  5. Agreed, the Germans might accept the proposal so they can respond to a D-Day invasion, knowing that the peace in Russia is temporary.
  6. Interesting Idea; Germany conquers Moscow and Stalingrad then sees a Popup - Soviet Union Offers Peace Treaty to Axis - Choice: Accept or Decline - Decline: Russia remains at War - Accept: Russian becomes neutral, and controls all land west of Stalingrad and Moscow for 10 turns.
  7. Its too bad there is not a cript command for cities to Isolate, not attack. Goal_Position= 23,45 [0]; 0 = bypass, 1 = control
  8. Hubert, when USA receives naval reinforcments as a result of Axis units being in Spain (either by way of joining the Axis or Axis units invading) the Carrier unit appears in a tile that is not adjacent to a port or along a costal tile, as the closer tiles are occupied by other USA naval units. It remains their and receives damage during stormy weather. I.e the Ship is one tile away from the coast/port.
  9. In my scripting I am placing all planning scripts (Garrison, Offensive, Transport and Amphibious) related to a campaign (i.e. Iberian Invasion) adjacent to each other. This makes it easy for me to find and edit planning scripts related to my Allied AI Iberian Invasion or Operation Torch, or Egyptian Surprise (USA forces land in Axis controlled Egypy) scipts. Is there any reason why I should not do this?
  10. Timskorn, I like your ideas. New York Times - General (Patton) blames leadership for failure of (Torch) Campaign. New York Times - General (Eisenhower) blames leadership for failure of (D-Day) Campaign. Pravda - (Russia) losses (100,000) men at Stalingrad. (Stalin) orders (execution) of responsible Generals. London Times - (Britain) losses (100,000) men at Alexandria. (Churchill) orders (retirement) of responsible Generals. ------------------------------------------ Why not the option to assign a HQ a goal before any units are within 10 tiles of the Goal tile. If that goal is not achieved within 10 turns the HQ unit may be retired (Allied response to failure) or Shot (Soviert response to failure). If the Goal is achieved the HQ unit automatically receives a medal. Goals include: Paris, Moscow, Stalingrad, Cairo, Tripoli, Madrid, Bari Example: General (Patton) Retired after failure of (Bari) Campaign. General (Lebb) Retired after failure of (Moscow) Campaign.
  11. Correct, With A GV you can activate a build script where the chance to Build Subs is 100% and a research script where the Change to Research Subs is 100%. Since SC2 does not have GVs modders are using the Activation_Conidtion. Where a specific Scipt (i.e. the Build Subs 100% and Research Subs 100%) activate is a specific tile is occupied by. Thus you; 1. Write a script to garrison (occupy a tile). Example: 20% Garrison Tile X,Y Example: 30% Garrison Title A,B 2. Then check to see if the tile is occupied. If so then activate these scripts (Research Subs 100%, Build Subs 100%, Conquer Norway 100%).
  12. Basically, a Global Variable is a common value that can be used to trigger AI scripts for Planning, Research, Production and Diplomacy. With a GV you can tell the AI to research Subs and Build subs at the same time. This is better than having the AI build subs without researching Submarine Warfare or having the AI research rockets when it does not build any.
  13. Why not a convoy report to give you a summary of merchant shipping and convoy interdictions to date? The shipped and arrived for the UK to USSR and USA to UK are unknown to the Axis as these are not predictable. The convoy MPPs sent via the other routes are fixed. Visibility would be set via a parameter in the covoy event scripts. I would consider allowing the Axis and Allies to see actual MPPs for all routes if they have reached Intel Level 3. NOTE: This screen, with all values showing should be visible after game end. [ June 18, 2006, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. Agreed. In fact, you don'et even have to extend the map - just block off that large Canadian wilderness with unpassable tiles.
  15. 1. You can move the purchase line items. Example: Move Industrial Tech and Production to the top to have the AI check these first.
  16. I believe that; Type = 0 - checks once after all conditions are met. May or not be triggered. Type = 1 = Triggers only once Type = 2 = Can be triggered multiple times
  17. The existing upgrade (Advanced Aircraft) and Long Range) does not affect the strength of carrier attacks against naval ships. I would like to see a new tech that allows them to increase their attack value vs Naval shipping.
  18. In WWII the Japanese trained to sink ships using air units. The US later learned the same tactics. This made carriers the superior weapon for Naval Engagements. Naval Air Tech (For Carriers) Increases Carrier's Naval attack and Carrier attack rating by +1. Does not affect Naval or Carrier Defense Rating - as Carrier aircraft were a first strike weapon. Max Limit: +2 (or +3) MPP Cost: 125 With this tech Carriers could assume the importance that they had during WWII, if a nation decided to focus on developing their carrier naval attack strength. Though this tech makes carriers more lethal, the long build time associated with carriers will make player very protective of them. [ June 15, 2006, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Good questions. 1. Currently there are no naval scripts for modders to use and HC alluded to the fact that these will be coming in a forthcoming update. 2. Naval attack decisions are dependent upon the game's in-game AI and my guess is that HC is working on refining this. That said, I agree with you. In testing one of my mods last night the Allied AI sent ships to my German fleet off the coast of Portugal one-by-one and they were sunk one-by-one. The AI also sent ships within range of 3 air units next to Brussels to attack a sub, they were destroyed by my continous air attacks.
  20. 1. Plans for Moving Naval Units 2. Plans for Moving/Operating Air Units Plan_ID= 5 (Bombers) Plan_ID= 6 (Fighters) 3. Global Variable Plan and Plan Parameter GV Plan Parameter used in Plan, Research, Diplomacy and Production Scripts: #GV= 3 [20,29] ; (Country Code [Gobal Variable Range]; Triggered if GV is in range of Min,Max (Min 0, Max 100). 4. Garrison Plan with Unit Type Parameter Goal_Position= 23,54 [unit Type] (default is 0 -Any) 5. Parameter to Included HQ in Amphibious Build_Up #HQ= 0 or 1 (No or Yes) 6. AI reclaims tech chits 7. Research Plan Paramter for max chits in an tech area - Example: #BOMBERS= 1 [1][2] - Plan will purchase no more than one chit at a time and have no more than 2 active chits researching Bomber Tech. #ANTI_TANK= 1 [3][3] - Plan will purchase no more than 3 chits at a time and have no more than 3 active chits researching Bomber Tech. [ June 15, 2006, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. Plan= 7 (Engineer) Goal_Position= xx,yy (tile to be fortified) [number of sides to fortify] [directional face to begin fortifying] Thus to fortify 2 tiles the Engineer has a plan that says: #PLAN= 7 Goal_Position= 5,22 [1][7] - Fortify 1 side facing direction 7 Goal_Position= 5,23 [2][7] - Fortify 2 sides facing directions 7 and 8
  22. IN SC2 I noticed that AI controlled Fleets remain at station in Stormy coastal waters though calm coastal waters are adjacent, this is especially true of the USA naval units that show up after Spain joins the Axis.
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