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Everything posted by Becket

  1. Sorry for the delay getting back turns, folks. Death and destruction will be coming your way soon enough. Oh yes.* *Note: it may not exactly be coming SgtGoody's way. I really need him to come to the death and destruction since he blew up all my tanks.
  2. Yet, there are no dead bodies at the Church...where could those men be...where o where......Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *cackle* *cough*
  3. Nay, my anger abated watching that pathetic commie crawl away from his gun. Hee hee hee. The mine-saga was interesting, though, because *gasp* I finally saw your infantry! Here I thought you had already exited all of them.
  4. You know Becket, if you took offence to that, to bad, you did not have to come into my topic and make a comment like that. I was trying to be polite and ask a simple question, and you took that opportunity to take a shot at me. </font>
  5. HA! I knock out another of Goodwhale's guns, send his KV-2 fleeing willy nilly into the most forlorn corner of the map, and he crows about killing a few flamethrowers! Vengeance is coming, whale.
  6. Sweeeeeeeeeet. Grabbed em already before work! Thanks guys.
  7. You don't want to spend the time looking, so I don't really want to spend the time answering. However, other people may be reading and wish to know the answer. MikeT recently updated that he had submitted an enormous amount of mods to CMHQ. They will process them through as time allows. I don't understand the "too many rulesets" question, but in any event, I assume CMHQ will continue to post the mods under the links for their relevant ruleset. [ February 24, 2003, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: Becket ]
  8. You know, the sad thing, mike, is that I'm actually starting to like this Soddball scenario. Mainly nowadays I just get a turn from you, stare at the gigantic bonfire at the crossroads in rapt fascination (ooooh, colors) and then, almost every turn without fail, I'm treated to watching some of your stuff blow up / get mangled / fall down and not get up / incinerate / fold, spindle & mutilate. You just can't beat that.
  9. Goodale, I suspect one of two things happened: either texture sharpening or anti aliasing or both got turned off. Go to your Radeon's advanced settings and try to find these (don't use ATi so I can't help with that part, sorry ). Hopefully that will solve the problem.
  10. AndrewTF, you have no idea how much I've been waiting for those snow smocks. You rule.
  11. wino, you sent a message that your turn would be coming "later." What is your definition of "later"? Perhaps, like, when you have a chance to unseat me from the center of the map -- a.k.a. never?
  12. Well, having Soddball play Goodale is like having the Cubs play the Red Sox in the world series, though, isn't it? Sorry for the delay in returning turns; I've had the most evil of viruses. Today I hope a return to being able to eat food.
  13. I'm not MikeT, but I can tell you "soon." Keep an eye on combatmission.com, you're going to start to see a lot of great things from MikeT and the rest of his team. And this uniform mod is definitely worth the wait.
  14. MY EYES, MY EYES. That was the meanest thing anyone has ever done. Did you know, wino that unless I'm playing at night, I can't see a damn thing happening in that scenario? I just pick the red squares and send them after the blue squares. That should explain a bit. Goody, if you'd stop cowering there in the marsh, I'd beat you up but good. Then again, the smell of your troops might overpower us, so stay there.
  15. wino, you're a nitwit. But I shall resend you the latest riveting turn in Soddball's masterpiece. As for you, Goody (did you change your capitalization to make your name look like boobs fer chrissake?), while I concur that the map is sick, I am amused by your TNT and the tanks were unnecessary. Come out of the swamp and take your medicine!
  16. I am utterly appalled at the designer of the KV-8S flame tank. Count yourself lucky, whiner Stygian Dubya, I've still got tons of PBEMs going, but if you want to go ahead and start, that probably works, since no one here is particularly prompt about sending turns back. I'd prefer to do a QB rather than a scenario, though. Soddball's disaster has spoiled my taste for scenarios. Perhaps a little attack/defense on one of the BCR campaign maps? You can pick the other settings. [ February 18, 2003, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Becket ]
  17. There is no point to Soddball's scenario other than reflecting on what an eternity in hell must be like. [ February 18, 2003, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: Becket ]
  18. I made a folder in my CMBB folder called "CMMOS." I have individual folders in there for "Rulesets," "Soviet-Winter," "Soviet," "German-Winter," "German," "German Uniforms" , etc. I then download the mods to the appropriate folder so that I can keep track of them. Important: Never unzip a CMMOS file, CMMOS loads them up zipped. As to whether you can delete the file you downloaded, I'm not sure.
  19. Yeah, I had problems with that -- I had d/l'd a lot of mods, yet couldn't see them. That's because I hadn't downloaded & installed the rulesets in the right way -- CMMOS is ruleset driven. Here's my step by step I made for a friend: 1. Start at www.combatmission.com -- see the later section of this for CMMOS mods that are on www.cmmods.com. 2. Go to the section that has mods you want, i.e., winter soviet tanks. Download the ruleset first. 3. Start CMMOS, make sure you've configured it to point to the CMBB executable. Hit "configure". You'll be taken to a new screen that has two tabs on the left -- mods and rulesets. Hit the rulesets tab, then hit "add". Select the ruleset you just downloaded and hit ok. The ruleset should now appear in the list. 4. Go back to combatmission.com and download the mods you want that are associated with that ruleset. 5. Go back to CMMOS, hit the "mods" tab, and hit "add." Select a mod, hit okay. You should now see the preview pic for the mod. Repeat for all the mods you downloaded. Close the configure screen when you're done. 6. Now, if all worked correctly, you'll have a tab in CMMOS for the ruleset, and buttons contained on that tab. Usually, the first set of buttons restores default BFC textures, the next ones install mods, but each ruleset is different. Mouse over and you'll see a description of what each button does. Smooth sailing from here: hit a button and follow the directions. 7. Repeat for other mod collections you want: d/l & install the ruleset, then d/l & install the mods. 8. www.cmmods.com: mods at cmmods.com don't always specify which ruleset they go under, so you have to use some trial and error. But if you d/l all the rulesets, then you won't have that problem. I know this is way too simplistic, but if it helps anyone get started, that's okay. Once you have CMMOS up and running you won't go back -- the ability to choose whether or not to, say, put aerial recognition flags on your Tigers at the touch of button is just incredible.
  20. To get the most forces available, select "all combined" for the region.
  21. MrSpkr, are you talking about setting up a mod to be CMMOS compatible? If so, email MikeT, I suspect he can walk you through it.
  22. Windows paint program can save it as a .jpg. The "Print Screen" button makes a screen capture of the image on screen when the button is pressed. You drop this image into a paint program and save it by using the paste function (essentially, the print screen button copies the screen to clipboard). However, there's no point to doing this if you don't have webspace. All photos seen in posts on this BB are linked from web servers. Sowwy.
  23. Yes, you can use Hypersnap-DX, but you get a little box in the top corner "taken with Hypersnap." Also, I had a problem where Hypersnap kept taken photos, I'd come back and find my hard drive filled with pictures of the desktop. Not fun.
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