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Everything posted by Becket

  1. Congratulations to Axe2121. He successfully got the AI to generate the Worst. Map. Ever. :mad: :mad: Blowing his Finns to the other side of Lake Ladoga where they belong is the least I can do to repay him. Turns out. Turn to DaveH includes long range GRAGARAGAGAGARAGAGAGAG as the first shots are fired in the bizarro land called Stalino.
  2. Tired? You haven't seen tired. After a 6AM flight yesterday I crashed early. Turns out tonight though, with much anger, destruction, and halftracking.
  3. I have returned. Axe & DaveH may re-commence crying, as turns will be out to them tonight to fill them with dismay. In other news, mike_the_wino did indeed return a turn to me before leaving. I take back at least 25% of what I meant to say about him.
  4. Axel & DaveH -- I'm out on a long weekend til Monday. Best part about that is that mike will still be gone when I'm back.
  5. If you want to run a parallel game to our other match, send me a setup for Finns v. Sovs, Infantry only, rain, 1941, October, small map, 800 points, meeting engagement, city. Or you can save that for your rematch after I blast your boat-tanks to the bottom of the Donets river.
  6. Heh, just now sent the file along, after trying to find a path that WASN'T a cliff that my troops could move along. Let the mayhem commence on the Dolly Parton of maps.
  7. You are going to explain MissusMoldhalls? Good feckin luck. Don't you have a job to keep you busy? Maybe you can take up a PBEM with Becket...at least until he buggers off again. Mid-game no less. But that's ok, he makes up for it by being an obmoxious nong. </font>
  8. Axel has just brewed up one of my Mystery Machines. The German horde is not pleased (however, the shell appears to have taken out Fred, and there was much rejoicing). I pause here to note that the soldier in my army who interpreted a "sound contact" of a tank to be right in the middle of the river was shot for stupidity. mike, take all the time you need, but be advised I don't keep rematch offers open forever. I'm nice, but not that nice. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  9. Tis so sad to see a Pulp Fiction reference go so horribly, horribly awry.
  10. Look at the big brain on Dave H! What does he do with his Royale with Cheese? mike, what's the over-under that you will actually send me a setup before you go?
  11. That was a medium map, you motard. You don't even want to see a large map with high point allocations.
  12. See, this is what happens when I spend my time poring over map options and such. Turn sent back, though, should be there soon.
  13. Well, better than other folks who think it's a reference to a baseball card publication. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. Exciting pre-battle negotiations continue with mike_the_wino. After nixing the last file during his setup phase (but *after* my setup, grr :mad: ), will we ever settle on parameters? The crowd is going wild. Did you guys decide to take this game too seriously while I was away?
  15. mike, when you're done testing out the many different uses of the ellipsis, you could consider sending me a turn.
  16. mike's quest to return his sig to respectability (just cause he doesn't display the line doesn't mean it isn't there) has begun. Nice map we've got here mikey. I can clearly see the strategic value of a few hillocks on yon gigantic wooded plain. Anyway, go ahead and set em up so I can start knocking em down. As for Axe8675309, once again I am saddled with a night battle. Here's hoping that unlike Soddball, this scenario designer came up with something slightly better than the electronic equivalent of being kicked in the head repeatedly.
  17. Ah, setup away to mike_the_whiner, and replied to Axel2211's setup. GOODWHALE! We have technical difficulties! The last file I have from you (#51, sent 4/7/03) is from a previous CMBB version and won't work in 1.03. Anyone got any clues how to convert this to work in 1.03? Oh, :mad:
  18. Well, mike, I'll happily oblige. Clear or overcast (do you need the pansy Luftwaft to save you)? :eek: Force mix -- unrestricted or combined arms? Casualties? Answer me these questions three, and a setup you shall have. (Or don't answer them, and you'll still get a setup, and you'll be playing the Italians.) :mad: :mad: :mad:
  19. The thought of your damaged, shocked, paniced, scared, and soiled KV-2 scampering willy nilly for a hiding place still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. P.S. Spot-on re mike. [ July 30, 2003, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: Becket ]
  20. Ooooh. MG still sticks his head out every now and again? I seem to recall having a game in progress with him. Got a turn every month or so. Started out good, but by the end he was like a frightened little turtle -- every time he popped out of his shell something got shot off. Perhaps I shall send him the file from where we left off. After all, not like it would overly increase my time commitment.
  21. No such luck mate, I noticed. Put up or restore the sig. Look, I'm not going to pretend to understand the string of gibberish, let alone the recital of your imaginary friends. However, I've been looking to try out one of the new Kursk pack scenarios if you're game for it. Thanks ladies! [ July 30, 2003, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: Becket ]
  22. Ahhhh....free time, how nice to have found you again, my friend. When we left our hero (me) he had pummeled mike the wino mercilessly, and was giving said whiner the chance to redeem himself, before fate intervened to end all PBEM'ing for a while. So what say you, mike? Still want to have a go at the re-match? If you're very nice to me, I won't make you put the line back in your sig. We can either pick the old game up where we left it (I think I have the file) or start something new (you pick the parameters).
  23. Germans will always have less "combined arms" armor points that Soviets, BUT you can vary the amount upward based on unit type (IIRC, SS Mechanized has one of the highest point totals).
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