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Everything posted by Screeny

  1. Look at it in this way: CMBO is a nice panzer III early in the war , and you as kraut are completly happy with it driving around, occupying all those countries inhabitat by not so uber people as yourself are. A big smile on your face knowing you have the best Panzer in the world under your ^%$##. Then one day they give you a Panzer V, THE PANTHER. WHOAAAAHHHHH.....what a magnificent machine...once again you are driving feeling complete happy with yourself with this inmense cool machine under your ^&%%^. You do the serious work with your Panther but so now and then old memories come back and you go to the work shop, start up the old Panzer III which was so much fun and you drive around a bit bit tyour old buddies, just for fun. gr Screeny
  2. As some extra ideas on my idea that this pictures (at least the last 3 in this kind of "bierstube" or "Bierkeller"). Let's not forget that the NSDAP (nazi party) originated in MUNICH!!!. The more I look at this pics the more I'm confisnced these are from the time the NSDAP was still one of the new, small non-conventional political parties. If I remember well after WW1 there were a lot of this kind of extreme right or left wing parties in Germany. It does like some kind of party rally in the early days of the NSDAP, and those pics might actually be taken in Munich..... The plot thickens I can scan some pics from a book I have from both the pre-1933 era and the post-1933 era, once you see them you can plainly see what i mean with the different style of uniforms. If only I knew how to insert pics in this forum.....any one ?? gr Screeny
  3. Wild guess here but th elast 3 pics in this posting look to me like this are before or just when the nazis were in power...the reason? well despite it are b/w pics it looks to me like they nazis are all dressed in the SA uniform.... Once the nazis were in power (if I remember well after 1933) slowly the SA was becoming less importanted and the SS with the more "military" kind of uniforms got in the picture. Also the military were suddenly in the picture as being the party in power the nazis "governed" the military top. So in general the earlier the pics from Hitler &co the more SA uniform will be a lot seen, the later the pics the more SS and Wehrmacht uniforms will be seen. (Note: after 1933 a lot of people were still in the SA, but they were not more a "political power", so hitler &co didn't really bothered any more much about those masses dressed up in the brwon shirts on a personal basis like in this pics.) gr Screeny
  4. HIHAAA, I love this story!! I must admit it sounds pretty weird indeed and it is hard to believe it is true , but eh...who knows. Why would MG make up such a story??? Seems pretty motiveless.. Anyway, I can't wait to see the pictures, GM keep us informed PLEASE!!!!!!. And maybe you could even contact the discovery channel... give/sell/borrow them the pics and they can make a fancy docu about it: "This is the story of a wargamer who made the most exiting and mysterious discovery a hardcore wargamer and WW2 freak can only dream of. In this programme we follow the path into the past in search of the origins of this remarkable discovery...." . Unfortunately my grandparents who were right in the middle of the war past away allready, but I'll check the boxes with their old stuff anyway, just to make sure gr Screeny
  5. I have been searchingf but I can't seen to find it: Maybe one of you knows if and where there can be some mods be found for the mines in CMBB (in CMBO I had the mine mods for a better overview from a view 6, 7, 8 etc: AT mines were yellow and AP mines white. In CMBB theu are all white and only when zoomed in the text is readable....) thx Screeny
  6. Heya, This one is for all the experts out there: In WW2, How many guns had a standard US 105mm artillery battery?? (In a standard Field Artillery regiment form an stanard infantry Division)? Same question for the 155mm artillery battery. thanks gr Screeny
  7. I would want to go so far as Satyr as to hate Rushers, but for the rest I agree with him. If you notice, your opponent is a rusher, take advantage of this fact. His objective and tactic is clear to you. You can do what ever you want attack 2 VL, attack a ingle VL, frontal assault, flanking??. Basically wants he sits in defence, you have the initiative. USE IT. Then again some guys out there have made the "Rush and defend" doctrine an art. They are really very good. They not just RUSH and sit. No they sneak fast (yes some guys can be very sneaky and still move fast.....), to locations near the VL yet NOT on the obvious locations, and they don't sit...they are masters at defence. And I can respect this. As said they do NOT just use the RUN and HIDE command, no they have a much more "professional" approach like if they play a attack/defence game instead of a ME game with the difference that they do NOT start in defence positions but have to move to this positins first. I sometimes use this appraoch, not always but when I play more games against the same oppononent, I try to play unexpected and different., because every tactic has it's counter tactic. At the end surprise is one of the greatest assets on the battlefield. gr Screeny
  8. Oh dear this gamey issue is getting out of hand:) I guess soon everything except running your troops straight to enemy troops with no cover is considered gamey NOOOO that is not gamey. What you are doing is what this great game is all about!!!! I'm no expert just a veteran newbie but consider this: defending is easier then attacking, so 1:1 the defender is in the advantage. So when on defense..spreading is a good idea with some additional notes but let's stick at your problem at hand: Attacking your opponent who is on the defence as he reached th VL first. It is always hard to to give advice from the side line and blind but here we go: You got 22 options: 1) let him have his VL where he is now and rush to capture the other ones with the bulk of your forces. 2) attack him properly at the VL he has now and work your way after that towards they others. I would go with option 2) as here you know where he is allready and hence have a good situational overview. You might run into an ambush when rushing towards the other VL's. In general this is what I would do: get the units that are in contact and in combabt allready with his troops at the VL flags sit thight or small retreat, this will make him stay put there and will distract him for a while This we will call this the COVER group. In the meanwhile gather and mass the rest of your troops (=assault group) and lead them to proper assault positions at the VL, leave however a small force (1 platoon or less) we will use this as recon (hence the recon group). Then under cover of the COVER GROUP Assault the VL with the new fresh Assault group. I will not go n to details how to assault, enough threads about that, just make sure you have some heavy stuff supporting the assault (tanks, ortars, MG etcetetc). In the meanwhile your small recon group moves/sneaks towards the other VL. DON"T try to capture these with this small grou unles you are 100% sure there is no enemy opposition. Just let them move in untill enemy contact and then make sure they stay alive. They will stay there as another distraction at the other VL's. Once your done with the first VL. Move towards the other VL's and catue those. Ok mate so much for the theory have fun and succes on the battle map! gr Screeny
  9. I wonder how much this "misprint" will be worth as a collectors item in a couple of years??? "The only low quality product ever sold by Battlefront" gr Screeny
  10. I agree with all the above, except for one point: the predictability of FO's spotters locations. Untill now I lost a lot of games but never did my opponent killed an FO in that manner or made an attempt. Basically the only way to do this is: using arty or mortars or area fire wth guns or area fire with armour. Taking in account that on a "standard" 1500 - 2000pts map there are many "obvious fo spotter locations, it would take a lot of ammo for all the above mentioned weapons to be succesfull in killing an non spotted FO. Arty and mortars ammo is way too precious to shoot blind, guns you want to conceal untill really needed, and as Cpt Blue stated ; the same counts for armour, you don't want them to fire blind and give away their hiding place. The exception of all of this is that some guys blow up buildings that are in your set up zone and that have LOS to their on. I sometimes to it if this building has a very broad LOS over allmost the entire battlefield. Not that I have the idea there is an FO in it, but only a cheap single unit in there of the opponent can ruin all my sneaky movements So much for mho gr Screeny
  11. It might be time this nifty and fancy MBA institutes/universities/colleges did some research on "Doing Customer Happy Business" at Battlefront.com and make it an example for all the big companies around the world!!!!! Happy Holydays and a great New Year to all at Battlefront.com and at this forum around the world!! gr Screeny
  12. UHHHHHH AATGHH Red Baron in his Spwith camel/... what am i thinking of... his Fokker ofcourse.. sorry gr Screeny
  13. "Is a modern tank company somehow immune to roadblocks, water obstacles, molotov cocktails, magnetic mines, anti-tank mines, flamethrowers or aerial bombs?" I guess they are to quit an extend yes. Even against at mines they have all kind of nifthy defenses and heavy down armour, and some really fancy suspension/tracks system... Are modern tank crews somehow immune to the effects of shock, fatigue, psychological warfare, or poison gas? Modern tanks are completly sealed of Poison gas indeed. And having a modern tank in a WW2 scenario..not one but a battalion...I guess the moral would be pretty high. Can modern tanks operate somehow without fuel, ammunition, oil, food or water for the crew? Nop but i guess the water and the food consumed by modern crew would be the same as the WW2 crew:) on the fuel and Ammo: once out of both they would become useless indeed... so winning the complete war would be unrealsitic (is this discusion in anyway realistic one might think ). Imho however destroying 1 or 2 panzer divisions with a single tank battalion would be possible in the Normandy campaign. The Armour of modern tanks a unpenetrable for the WW2 tanks, the speed is enormous compared, and the hit rate would be very high. One shot-one kill. If the Germans could beat Matilda in 1940, KV in 1941, or if the Allies could beat King Tiger in 1944...why should we believe that M-1 or T-80 would pose any more of an insuperable threat? See the above. The King tiger was tough heavy armoured slow a turttle and same for the turret. The gun wa heavy but not heavy enough for the modern armour and even if so...on great distances despite the very good German optics I don't think it could kill an M1 before the M1 would kill the Tiger tank. The M1 could run 30 miles through open ground from 1 miles distance moving left right left etcect... I don't think the Tiger would get a kill on the M1. During this evading manouvering the M1 with it's modern gun/modern ammo/ and most of all modern optics/tracking system could shoot the king tiger while moving fast and unpredictable with 1 shot. gr Screeny (The red Baron in his Shopwith camel would have a change a regular spitfire opponent... the differece in technology advance is just too big. You can overcome some years of technology advance by numbers or tactics but 50 years of technology adavnce no way. But I must admit. Without ammo and fuel supply and technical complete support a M1 battalion would definately would NOT win the war..as said just a single battle untill the fuel and ammo are gone)
  14. I guess this tactic is only for the real professionals in this game. Not for me tried it once with the dogma " Attack is the best defence" in the back of my head......Well as in an attack/defence game the attacker has morepts/units then the defender it seems pretty hard for me to have And a attacking force AND a defending force. What if the attacker doesn't cares ^%$^& about the flank attack from the defender and remains moving his main force to the objective flags???. I guess this would work if the attacker is a newbie as then the element of surprise would work but other wise I doubt it. (I tried it a couple of times.....) But Tigrii: I'd love to be the attacking force against you in a CMBB PBEM, just to test the theory. gr Screeny
  15. "LOL sounds good, whats that movie where the aircraft carrier goes back to Pearl Harbor? " The final countdown....pretty cool movie tough I saw it 15 years ago as a kid gr Screeny
  16. What if.... senting a couple of Hannibal's Eliphants into the Battle of the Bulge supporting the Axis Tigers?? engaging a single F16 against the Red Baron? attacking the Spanish Armada in 1588 with the Bismark? Giving a Kalashnikov to Goliath against David? ??????
  17. Phuhhhh. Nice one... Well the Germans did bomb cities with civilians not as much to scare the **** out of the civilians per se, but as a threat in order to quicken up th esurrender of the opposing military (which might not be around that specific city or in that city) kind of non-Geneve black mail. (Warschau, Rotterdam are examples). I guess that indeed the fleeing refugees might have caused traffic jams but if these was the initial intention of the Germans?? I doubt it very much, it was obviously a nice "extra" bonus but the main reason for this bombing of cities at the beginning of the war was plain terror/black mail. (Surrender or we will bomb another city). Well so far for my knowledge/opinion of WW2, i hope others have soem more detailed info on this. gr Screeny
  18. Just watching a discovery docu....it showed the Goliath , a remote controlled small vehicle with a payload. Just drive it from a distance to the objective.....press the button. I WANT THIS IN CMBB!!!!!!!!! gr Screeny
  19. Cpt Cook, hehe the sig is one of the few things I remember from my Latin lessons on high school, after highschool it became a kind of slogan of the "crew" I still meet from high school (it has been 12 years now since I left sniff those were the days..) Anyway In my opinion jagdpanthers ain't gamey in the 'standard' cmbo qb 1500pts comb arms you can buy only one. in the 2000 pts version 2 is possible if I remember well. The one time I was accused of gamey was when I won from a guy.......the argument is that the jagdpanthers were only few produced and that 2 was not historically correct... well make up your own opinion. What was gamey from me however was the use of 4 88mm puppchen. these are very cheap in cmbo but can be deadly easpecially when 'massed' the downside is that they only have a range of 500mtrs. then again they are so small even a cheap but fast kubelwagen can transport them.....So yes I stopped using them not only for not being gamey but also my tanks tactics are a little bit better so I even score a kill on enemy tanks with my own. (but I can't promise I'll buy 1 or 2 just to make sure ). On the flanking thingie (also known as 'edge hugging' you gave the answer yourself allready... aspecially with tanks this is considered gamey as the whole 'sport' is to hit the other in the side(lower armour in most cases and more sqr area to hit so easier target). With edge hugging one sid eis protected. Gamey indeed on the other hand, sometimes there is not a lot what you can do about it if the terrain dictates this. Most experienced players always have on both flanks a AT gun ready just in case, so that solves the poblem. Again here relativness is the point. really edge hugging is moving up 1 mtr from the edge of the map from your own set up zone to the other side. all more then 1 mtr is debatable imho. On the other hand don't make to big fuss about this gamey issue, most players will tell you and then you nice apologise and make sure you don't do it again playing against them. gr Screeny
  20. Heya, Have been playing this against the AI a couple of times, lost a lot and won a few. Maybe I should be playing humans..... Any interested in giving a SC newbie some lessons? Or recommend where to find opponents?? gr Screeny ICQ:97825724
  21. I guess gamey would be when a player exploits the "weakness" of modelling and/or exploiting the bugs in the game. (most known is the AA guns effectivness in CMBO, another non equipment related gamey issue is the use of the left and right borders of the map by advancing very close to the map edges being sure on flank is secured). These exploiting in a sense isn't gamey per se if both players agree on th euse of these equipment or tactics. Then you are playing A GAME (with a historical bases) if both want a more SIMULATION of history then they should agree on what is gamey and what not. Somehow these has evolved in so called "unwritten" rules in the hardcore CM community. I myself only played CM since 6 months now and learned these unwritten rules by reading the forum and talking to guys in chat rooms. Lately I made a mistake by assuming the PBEM opponent was a "veteran" as well knowing these rules. Unfortunately I guess now he don't know them because under the assumption that AA guns are banned I left them home, and now my tanks are hunted down by his airplanes. Not to blame him, or consider him gamey. I should have made it clear to him at the beginning, I didn't. So in short: Gamey is a relative issue. Just make some good arragements with your opponent. Here a COMPLETLY NON COMPLETE shortlist of common issues that are considered gamey (at least thing I have been accused of doing ) - Rush to the flag in the last round - sending cheap unarmoured vehicles up front for recon - using map edges as flank cover - use of AA equipment and airplanes - use of troops/equipment in large amounts that were historical rare (hehehe I got one oppononent really pissed on my by beating him with the use of a lt of 88mm Pupchen and 2 Jagdpanthers ) So if you want to be sure not to be accused of being gamey after winning (that is when people start moaning and wheening the most; after the loose) make sure you agree on at least the above issues. And I invite every one else in this forum to sent in more Gamey issues Maybe Battlefront can sell next year the BIG GAMEY HANDGUIDE for CMBO and CMBB
  22. ah ok did some tesing and indeed when building a scenario the points can be unlimited but when starting up the sceanrio to play it just says: "sorry!!" and then auto shuts down the game...so +/- 250 units...thanks!! gr Screeny
  23. Hey all, I know I read it once...somewhere...what is the maximum of points in CMBO that can be played with????? gr Screeny
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