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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. "And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory." I hate to tell y'all, but this is inevitable.
  2. And yes ....I remember KG Von der Heydte's deployment in the Battle of the Bulge, but that was barely battalion strength and enormously ineffective as a combat unit. Diversion......yeah!
  3. OK if you insist! .......... I'll start this off. Why can my FJs jump in snowy weather when my planes are grounded?
  4. Got to give you credit Tim, you pull this off after losing the Island, your a better SC player than me. Well I guess that's really not saying much.
  5. Yep, for marginal. I'm not sure but with London you'll probably get a higher victory condition or should. Minimum for Axis victory is Moscow, Paris, Rome, Warsaw, and of course Berlin. Don't need Stalingrad or London, unless you took Moscow and lost it and Stalingrad became capital. Sheesh...now I'm confused . Just get Moscow and hold on to Paris!
  6. MAR and DRH are both good stocks with DRH being a bit pricey with a good dividend and great sales growth. MAR is steady, consistently beating estimates, but for overnights and vacations I like Westins and 4Seasons.
  7. Timskorn just how much interaction is there with Marriot and Diamond Rock Hospitality?
  8. Just want to inject a couple other deployment aspects of Army vs Corps. More targets in a given area usually equals more losses in the face of superior enemy firepower. Targets that don't move to fast are easier to hit. The definition of Army and Corps TO&Es are somewhat vague, they just represent an organizational layer and are mission oriented. I agree Armies are usually greater in manpower than Corps, but not necessarily firepower. We have the mechanism to tailor your forces with tech upgrades, an upgraded Corps can actually have greater combat strength than an inexperienced 0 teched Army. Think of it as attaching a plethora of smaller specific tasked units to increase the organization's ability to perform the designated operation.
  9. PDF, don't confuse evidence with concept. Perhaps your boat could use a swamping. An experience of basic survival with near death could be insightful. :eek: By the way Rambo, do you also reside at Holliday Inn Express?
  10. Got to hand it to you Rambo...you sure have a penchant for keeping things going.
  11. Nothing to fret M96, I have no toes. Hey I used to go by "TRegal87" and before that "GN86". How does the pony run? And Ohhh! I'll have XP.
  12. Good Otto, mostly there, but we have other definitions that still can be misconstrued as ambiguous. "Proof" is the biggie in my mind for it is subject to interpretation, sort of like evidence and the circumstantial type. Again subjective, how about some objectivity? GDM on line 6 but there is a limitation.
  13. I've been thinking about purchasing a new notebook for SC WaW so that I can begin the proper study and development of custom campaigns for that version. Would like at least a 17" screen similar to the Inspiron 9400 and stay around a grand. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  14. So I take it that PDF and others follow the assumption that if there is not physical evidence, something you can hold in your hand, then that entity doesn't exist? Right? Does Santa exist? Depends on your definition of "Santa", doesn't it? Your preconceived notion from your conditioned thought processes leads to your conclusion? Interesting that you are so knowledgeable that you can emphatically state that something exists or not. What about "the wind" or the number "1", are they real? Perhaps they are just labels for something else? What about your "feelings", they don't exist for me. Take off the blinders.
  15. "None of this means Africa does not play correctly because it does." Case closed! Targ, I'm not going to debate this with you, its totally unproductive. You're talking operational scope, which SC does try to capture, but the essence is strategic. If you want Africa more correctly then play DD's excellent rendition "Thunder Under the Sun". For more detail there is "The Campaign for NA" in TOAW format. SC is a compromise, listen to yourself, you know that! Everyday, minute by minute, we all practice, or should, the fine art of compromise. After all isn't that what life is all about?
  16. Can't agree ev. The unit density is approaching critical mass for this map size already. To many units to manage = micromanagement, the exact opposite of what is one of SC's attractive traits. As I've always said, complication should be inherent into the design features and not for the players to grapple with. An accurate premise, ev, but none the less a difference of perspective. Germans are allowed 6 panzer corps, that is what I invision a SC Tank Group to simulate. German Pz Corps = a couple of Pz divisons, perhaps one, in addition to two other mobile divisions, Pz Gr, or Motorized, with their attached assets (3 to 4 total). And we still have motorized corps. This is of course a loose definition, the task dictates the force composition. SC has got it right!
  17. A234, you're not without intelligence. As time marches on and the experiences of life writes its epitaph upon your soul you will gain the wisdom to see the truth. It will then be for you to embrace or deny, the choice is yours, but rest assured you will possess the tools.
  18. You are always an enthusiastically insightful human Retri! My compliments. And you're right too!
  19. Surely A234 you don't need my pitifully skewed guidance. It is for you to ponder, the path is apparent, its only hidden in your mind. And your right, you're a recipient of B&Ps.
  20. Ha Ha ! please ignore my presence, I'm just trying to accumulate posts. SO....A234...reference my above post....see what I mean? :cool: Its so easy....Gotta Luv Cavemen. Think about it! I know...I know..its hard....Prez Bush said it himself..."Its hard work" Poor things, its been instilled in you since your first rational thought, conditioned reasoning....Ha! "Its not your fault". Constant bombardment from the media, your truly entrenched righteous thoughts were unearthed long ago. You can't accomplish anything in this complicated global society, your but a pawn, aimless, except for your pathetic opinions, born of your environment, how livid. And you call yourselfs "students of history"? Sure, you know some details, the specifics that have been documented, tainted with biased opinions, the books you read contribute to the image of self importance. Like these posts, bits and pieces....try to get into the minds of your ancestors..."The Greater Generations". Conjure up a simple basis of survival and understand what it means to be alive. You still have a chance!
  21. On and On .....On it goes...what 3 pages here, 10 in the Patton thread and you people are clueless. Its great, I love this community, some wisps of reason, some fleeting wisdom, bits and pieces, but you have to read between the lines...wonderful exchanges of insignificance. I feel like the psychiatrist and these posts are the patient's response from that proverbial couch, absolutely beautiful. And I don't even have to ask the questions. Continue!
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