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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. OK, essentially PZAA is finished, although I'm continuing with playtesting at the moment. For H to H it seems pretty balanced through all combat facets, air, naval and ground. I will send it to anyone wishing to try it out and help with additional tweaks, but remember it was designed as a fast turn, heavy combat action scenario for human players. Which brings me to a new crossroad. There may be some of you out there that would like to develop this campaign further for AI play by writing the scripts to satisfy that possibility. If anyone wants to enhance the AI play I will be more than happy to provide them the campaign and any insight for the theater they wish to tap. Currently I am leaving for the Houston area to help with the Ike recovery and will be out of pocket a few days. When I get back I'll send the files to whoever wishes to continue the PZAA development or just to play against your fellow SCers. Eventually, once I'm satisfied with the play balance, I'll post the campaign at CMMODs for alls enjoyment.
  2. Wow 2, this discussion could go on for awhile...to well after the game is out, but I like your comparison of vast oceans to the desert. Can you imagine that some people here don't like maneuvering the task forces around the SC seas like they were land units. I find it appropriate and my new mod PZAA exemplifies it perfectly. I kind of get mixed up moving the land and sea units around playing except for the blue color. To summarize the conflict I like Sir Archibald Wavell's clearsighted philosophy. "Oil, shipping, air and seapower are the keys to this war and they are all interdependent. Air and sea power can't operate without oil. Oil, except for limited quantities, needs shipping to arrive at its destination. Shipping requires air and sea power for protection. We have access to most of the world's oil, most of the shipping, naval power and potentially the greatest air power once it's fully developed. Therefore we are bound to win the war."
  3. Hey B101, how about, with Hubert's permission of course, posting a zoomed in screen shot of one of the island groups like the one in the PTO features page. Perhaps the Carolines or the Marianas...whatever, Solomons anyone?
  4. Actually I find that airpower is much more useful when it has a two strike ability. Conversely AAA should also derive the same benefit as should intercepting fighters. First of all I'm beginning to believe that TAC is too strong vs ground units when used in the double-strike capability so it needs to be toned down(strength losses) or build limits need to be tightened. That said, the main reason I like the twin strike feature is the ability for airpower to isolate the battlefield. Reduction of supply and negating the enemy's ability to operate in units seems to be more in line with the historical reality. Now understand if you wish to utilize airpower in this role that the results can be highly attritional if you fail to escort, provide air superiority, or the enemy employs effective tripleA. Many times, in certain scenarios, there must be a concerted effort of the player to balance his MPP investment into replacements of air losses as they can be considerable, sometimes to the point that I would elect not to use the second strike capability. I like the additional choice and the need of rational to employ the feature. It works effectively well in naval scenarios, as it projects a more realistic relationship of land based air(2 strikes) to CAGs(one strike) based on the amount of aircraft represented by each unit.
  5. Got to agree with Al, arty is very important for all parties. Other than what Al stated, I'll add that Allied artillery usage was particular devastating on the defense, especially with the USA and UK in mind. When Allied airpower wasn't available and the Germans sought to attack, artillery was very effective in breaking up those assaults. IMO, any wargame/scenario is lacking if it fails to include some instrument of artillery representation.
  6. Seems you're right Nupremal, rereading the features page. So where does that leave ASW? Looks like we'll need to form task forces with destroyers escorting our carriers to neutralize the submarine threat.
  7. I agree A234, first and foremost a CAG should provide air cover and ward off enemy naval assets. So AA and NA CTVs(combat target values) have initial priority and we have that in tech upgrades. I also believe in the same league with AA and NA is spotting which of course is also accessible in the form of LR tech. That's our three. Problem is we need more...well maybe not. Let's see, did I get ASW tech mixed up with Naval tech, seems so. In other words we can't really initiate higher NA values currently. And what about the ability to erode the supply level of an island base through RA ctv(strategic attack) for CAGs? What about SA and TA from our CAGs performing CAS? To sum it up, here's the present situation: CA & NA values for CV groups is fixed, no research upgrades at 4 each. SA & TA also fixed at 1. Spotting, UA, and AA are all modifiable through tech research and upgrades starting at 2, 4, and 1 respectively. Conclusion.........is everyone OK with this set of priorities? If we only get 3, are these the most important three and do they represent what the true nature of combat evolution depicted in PTO? I have one more thing to add. During my studies of naval combat in WW2, both theaters, I was impressed with the advantage that the Allies had in radar advancements. Very often it was a great contributor to success in fleet actions, generally speaking.
  8. Let's examine the characteristics and how they evolved in the Pacific for CAG(carrier air groups). Early on, as the British successfully demonstrated in the Med and ETO, CAGs were adept at searching and surface naval air attacks. As time went on the Japanese took it to a higher level by enhancing the surface attack capability and also disruption of infrastructure(strategic attack). Obviously throughout this development the ability to provide air cover and anti-submarine duties for naval surface vessels was also progressing. Slowly but surely as the other parameters became more effectively prosecuted by CAGs a new use was introduced and close air support for ground troops started on the path of perfecting. So what are the areas for enhancements? Naval attack, sub attack, spotting capabilities, strategic attack, air superiority, and finally CAS. Now what are the priorities for development and how should they be balanced in relation to the other SC units, specifically air and naval assets?
  9. Obviously there is some intelligence lurking beneath that hard shell of machismo you are so adept at displaying, Rambo.
  10. Hey Bill, didn't mean to be too critical, but since the game is not out yet and I had some time to review its features, thought I'd chime in. Helps keep the forum alive.......see ...Kuni's listening....and we all need each others help to make this as appealing as it can be for all....that.. keeps Hubert working. On our Game. Now I'm not just about lip service, so if you wish, I have lots of reference material for the Pacific, it is at your disposal. Whatever Hubert and yourself feel comfortable with me reviewing, pre-release, my email is bradtap@aol.com.... or at the lab.....btaylor@camincargo.com. or you can just wait till after I purchase the game and listen to more of our suggestions and make corrections then. I'll contribute in any manner. Kuni....I'm in your camp....or you can visit mine, your always welcome.... and a cup of fresh brew is on the fire awaiting your company. I have always appreciated your candor, its refreshing even though sometimes it can be a bit distracting. But you've paid the dues and your maturity shows, you can count on my support, if that means anything. No doubt you are a knowledgeable student of history(and its lessons) and I value your input.:cool:
  11. One more thing... I want to deselect, my air unit after the first strike and save the second strike for later in my turn. Just like it happened, when the first strike on Wotje airfields by the Yorktown didn't get the proper results, I want my captain, J.J. Clark, to be able to launch another strike after reviewing intelligence and steaming a little further east out of harm's way. Can you say "Hit and Run" tactics! Hubert....time to bring the AI up to snuff.......OK at least give us the editable capability for H to H games.
  12. Understanding the new features of Carrier operations in SC PTO I'm a little concerned about the land based air interaction. In my new mod PanzerArmee Afrika I have found that all land based air needs to have double strike capability. I designed it in from the beginning and from playtesting it has worked out quite well. First, landbased air usually represents a larger air contingent than does a carrier air group. There are more operational idiosyncracies accompanying carrier air operations than land based, ie confinement, limitations. In the Pacific there were considerable night time land based air operations conducted at which the Japanese were quite astute, at least in the beginning. Since I'm reading that anti-air artillery has a double defensive strike capability also, I think its imperative for all aviation type units to have a double strike feature. It should be for the players discretion whether he wants to persist with air operations against a target, not feature limitations. Lastly, air units are the most mobile on the battlefield, able to conduct more sorties, deliver more ordinance in a given time period than any other unit depicted in SC. They are the most lethal, dominating unit on the playing field and should demonstrate that reality as it still exists today.
  13. I understand that what we have as screen shots may not be indicative of the actual playing map accompanying SC PTO, but I have to make some comments about what I've seen. I'll begin with the Marshall Islands ss promo. Maloelap is presented as a big island with nothing, when actually it had an airfield. The big island representation is OK, I understand the significance for game play, but it needs a village to supply the AF. Further, where is Wotje? It had an AF(village) and a seaplane base(port) in contrast to Majuro which had neither. And Jaluit and Mili(SE of Majuro), both had seaplane bases. One more correction according to my sources, Kusaie should have both a SpB and an AF. (so a village and a port) I realize that perhaps for gameplay certain decisions were made about what to include and not to include.....no problem. But the way I see it, let's get the historical geographic conditions right if there is no gameplay impact. In this instance it seems to be a wash.
  14. OK for catch-up sake I must offer a few more I really liked, Oldie but Goodies, that Mr.Rambo forgot. Merrills Mauraders None But the Brave Gung Ho Classics in their own right and all about PTO. Are we getting OT?
  15. I know most, if not all of you remember the classic WW2 flick, "Raid on Rommel", well I just had to add, that during playtesting almost the exact same thing happened......sort of.:cool: OK...so it wasn't Rommel...it was the British commander General Phillip Neame, O'Connor's successor, that saw his demise. Thinking that it was safe far behind the frontlines in Bardia, the General was coordinating the Allied effort in defending Tobruk when all of a sudden a suicidal raid by the 5th Light's "Recon Abteilung" was successful in capturing/killing the General........details are sketchy, so we're really not sure of the General's final disposition as well as the "Recon Abteilung's" situation, lots of dust.:eek: Let's just say........he's out of action....and Tobruk is in very real danger of being surrounded with the now apparent command confusion. It just goes to show those relaxing Limeys that with the fluid situation that always persists in "Panzer Armee Afrika" they better provide a little rear area security. .....Dumbkopfs!!
  16. OK JJR, I'll concede your point. Are you sure you'll have the luxury of waiting until the USN is omnipotent?:confused: Heck, the Japs might have Australia and India by that time with you totally hung up between the West Coast and Pearl building and researching. Now with all those resources(not to mention unit experience) and some German technology sharing, the supposedly invulnerable USN is going to run a gauntlet of Kamikazes, Subs, and IJN surface assets in addition to unsinkable Aircraft Carriers vying for air superiority, run by a supreme commander possessing hindsight. Doesn't quite sound like the cake walk you're presenting. Does this mean you're going to get mad and slam the design if you can't successfully prosecute this "Cakewalk" strategy?
  17. A mob of ships ehhh? You mean like what they(USN) had in the Mariannas, or like what was present in Leyte Gulf, or maybe the scene at Okinawa. Better get ready Rambonehead, that's exactly what is going to happen, just like IRL.
  18. Isn't it interesting that the initial prosecutors of the war were well aware of the advantages of air supremacy? Both had the training and the machines to dictate the pace of the air war early in the conflict. Equally interesting is that later they lost focus of the paramount need to continue that premise. What a gross oversight, actually leading to their downfall. Eventually the Germans saw the light and tried to recapture that most important parameter, but due to inadequate management of resources failed to follow through. Which leads to a further acknowledgement, notice that the premier military power today continues to lead in that arena. Glad they haven't lost sight of the importance of controlling the third dimension.
  19. WE shall soon see how the SC mechanics work in the Pacific, it will truly be interesting as it is one of my favorites. But ETO is good too. To tell you the truth, the Mediterranean theater has become the most intriguing for me. Over the years, I have found it seems to have everything except the CV vs CV battles of the Pacific. Plenty of naval air interaction, convoy interdiction, special forces raids, amphibs and of course the very fluid land battles which are almost totally devoid of front lines. It was also a time and a theater where both opponents had an equal opportunity to project force, neither having a proximity of resources.
  20. You have to use the soft values(A) when the target is soft(D). When the target(defender) is hard(a tank) you use the hard attack value of the infantry(attacker), for example, to attack the defending hard(tank) unit. If the Atk is a tank, then its soft attack value is used to Atk the defending unit, a soft infantry target. Refer to target combat values and target type tables.
  21. Uh Oh, now you've really done it. Now ...you've got to be in possession of the SC1 manual, and I'm not sure that the equations still apply. A lot of water has passed under that bridge, but for orientation, which Hubert can expand on later, there is a plus or minus one variable for strength loss also adjustable with the editor. Some like +- 2. First you must calculate the readiness = supply+strength+command rating+morale bonus divided by 3. Since naval units and strategic resources are not attached to HQs readiness= supply+2 times(*) strength/3. Now compute the combat multiplier for attacker and defender = readiness/10. Combat formulas: Attacker losses = Defender(D) Multiplier * (defend_type_value+D experience/2)-attacker(A) multiplier * A experience/2. Defender Losses = A multi*(A_type_value+A exp/2)-[D multi*(D exp/2+D entrenchment+D bonuses)] Just use the suggestive losses at the top of the screen, that's what we all do. Sorry you asked?
  22. Imagine there is a small island in the midst of a sea full of enemy combatants. They, the enemy, own the skies and lurk beneath the waves. In addition a threatening surface fleet of very formidable warships exists a scant few miles north. Essentially, the island has been isolated for some months now, just a very few fast transports have made the "Grand Harbour" with minimal supplies to continue the populace's hold on existance. The Island is not without defensive assets, some fighter planes, a lot of triple A, and a will to fight, but ammo is running low, food is also rationed and the enemy onslaught continues. The native fisherman cannot even venture upon the waters to supplement the foodstocks for fear of getting strafed by 109Fs. Even the defensive sub force has had to relocate to small streams and inland waterways staying submerged to avoid ariel attack and nowhere is relief in sight. Finally the powers that be decide to risk the first US naval vessel into the ETO to hopefully provide some Supermarine Spits for the Island's defense and so early one AM in April the Wasp delivers a load, around 50 aircraft. But alas the Luftwaffe is ready and short minutes after landing the entire force of Spits is incapacitated in a flurry of strafing and bombing runs. The Island continues to starve. The Powers decide a convoy must be shoved through or the island will remain neutralized and FM Rommel's Afrika Korps will continue to rampage the Western Desert. The enemy knows, and the Allies know the enemy knows, as Operational Pedestal slips through the Gibraltar Straits on its mission of relief. Can, "The Siege of Malta" be lifted? Its all there in PzAA.
  23. Hang in there GZ, as you have no doubt noticed Battlefront makes SC series available at very good prices vs fun/feature aspect. Knowing your legacy with wargaming over at Matrix it will be no time at all that you'll see the merit of giving SC a portion of your very knowledgable attention.......and SC will be the better for it. Welcome to the SC fan club!
  24. So Liam alluded to. What's Liam's credibility record?
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