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Everything posted by Canuck_TAR

  1. German High Command has decided to release the hounds against the Poles in the east and launch an offensive Sept '39. Von Rundstedt sorts out the details of this new Blitzkreig thats all the rave and the combined arms training seems to have payed off. Deep strikes made by the LW along with a deep penetration of the Heer has sent the Poles into mass panic. Poland is finished in turn 2. Uboats roam the Atlantic raiding vital commerce. GHC is looking flush with the recent success and looks elsewhere. Nov '39, the weather Gods are with me and Belgium is quickly taking. GHC stresses caution to field commanders with the following message. **TO ALL UNIT COMMANDERS.........DON'T GET COCKY** ..........and so it begins.
  2. OK Kman..............been sick so this is the first time checked here. Will send turn after work.
  3. Was a great game.............late '45 and just got stalingrad. OK, who do I play next?
  4. Late spring early summer '45. - Final show down in Russia around Staligrad about to happen. Russia has no more supply from the Capitalist pigs in the west. Primary battle see's the Axis lose a tank group, 2 Armies and a battled corps. Axis then unleach there air and ground units and take 2 russian armour groups and a few corps down while baddly mauling another tank group. Axis now have 2nd force ib from the NE of stalingrad. Things are tight for the russians. - North Africa still a no conflict zone, Italian still hold tobruk. - Denmark front the alies and axis trade armour units. Allies have 2 arty regiments and are in danger as no friendlies in front of them any more. Air battle still raging over Denmark with the axis coming off alittle better I think. - Sweden front the Axis made a hit and run raid and reduced U.S. army to 2, more armies and tank group stopped N of the capital. Axis are happy to keep the allied bottled up in the North. Allied not having the weather gods on there side.
  5. Late '44. HEER about to launch opertion "LAND GRAB" in the East. Partisans becoming a real pain in the........ Scandinavia still in stall mate. German army holds N Norway and Sweden. Allied troops bottled up in Denmark. Italian sub reduced to str. 1 in the North Atlantic. Think the allied navy in a rebuilding stage. North Africa still status quo.
  6. Sept '44 Archangel has fallen to the Axis warmachine. Oost front troops being refitted for further action. Hamburg holding steady and keeping the Allies bottled up in Denmark. New offensve planned in Sweden, fresh troops enroute. Been one of the funner games so far.
  7. Axis on the doorstep of Archangel in Russia, should fall next turn. Then its south to the oil fields. Allied forces still hold the lower half of Norway, Sweden and all of Denmark. Have the allied troops bottled up in Denmark. NA still quiet all this time. Italian and German subs roaming the Atlantic looking for Transports.
  8. Nasty little cuss..................seems to always bomb the weakest unit.......when it can't be seen. I moved a level 8 Army outta brussels, moved it to Hamburg and replaced Brussel with a level 10 corps. RAF started to bomb Hamburg till I upgraded the Army to a 10. Cheeky AI. Also notice that your MPP's drop before the bomber has done its work..........it know's before the out come. Advantage..............AI. bastage!! LOL!!!!!
  9. lol..............it was a blood bath. Not to mention the Naval battles that knocked the snot outta both sides.
  10. We still at it, into late '43 early '44. I'm pushing for Archangel in a heck of a fight. Lars owns the south half of Norway and Sweden. Now has Denmark as well. Axis planning a counter thrust N. Poor IKE will not be president as the Italian sub finds him and deep sixes him. Game still in the balance.
  11. Good read Jim. You forgot to dot one of your "I's" also LOL!!! Love when everyones a critic. *Canuck from Combatsim forum*
  12. I'm with Lars..........if ya want Malta you can take it easy.
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