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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Yes, there wil be a lot of "remodding" going on, and no you will not crash the game using the new patch, you'll just overwrite some of the mods you have installed.
  2. you can find the mod here as always the best place for mods http://www.cmmods.com/
  3. Hey Shifty You can use the 30.82 drivers and there is no difference. I play medal of honor online, and there isn't any difference there either. I also play a bunch of other games, offline and online and I haven't seen any difference in the Nividia 30.82 and the 40.82. I'm running a geforce 4 on this machine.
  4. I usually don't do anything besides vehicle mods, but I decided to give the smaller buildings a little spicing up so I used Russllmz's "Propaganda Poster Splashscreen" mod and pasted some of the posters on the walls of the small light buildings.
  5. database is up was just there and posted a no flag bmp for this mod
  6. I posted a "No Flag" option for my midwar Tiger with netting mod. This zip contains ONLY the one BMP.It's at the data base http://www.cmmods.com/
  7. Took the Tiger and touched up the colors and added netting. I took the netting from a "Panther GL Net" mod, but the author is unknown because there wasn't a readme text with the mod, but I give the author credit for the netting. The mod is at the usual place, here http://www.cmmods.com/
  8. Well, thanks and thanks to all the other moddders for sharing thier excellent mods. And thanks to Cog for the great site, you have done one hell of a job setting it up, and despite some of the problems people have posted on the forum they have had with the site, the site is #1 for the mods, and it makes combat Mission a even greater game then it already is.
  9. Thanks for the feed back, and I hope Mike T will see it. He e-mailed asking that I finish it up, (It being the last of the bunch of panthers needing winterized, from Krawzydog's panther pack)
  10. Well as far as the "Pop Ups" go to www.cnet.com and get the "Pop Up Stopper" program. And I have noticed that the site has been slowing down a bit on downloads, maybe because there is a heck of a lot of uplaoding being done with the CMMOS mods??. I thought that was a Battlefront deal, and those would be located at "Combat HQ", don't get me wrong, I don't admin either of the sites, but I think that the "Combat HQ" site is affiliated with Battle Front and they flip the bill for this site,(I could be wrong about this, I just read in the forum that battle front had the HQ) and it does download a lot faster then the data base. The CM Database is one kick ass site as far as mods are concerned, and Cog has done one heck of a job getting up and keeping it running, and as most of us know, it takes money to make the web sites work
  11. It's at the only place for great CMBB mods, Here http://www.cmmods.com/
  12. Well I thought the CMMOS mods were going to be at Combat mission HQ, you know the site that Battle Front keeps up, It'll be nice to see them at a second place for downloading, the database, maybe Battle front can help Cog out at his site, that would be cool.
  13. Yep, you were right Gautrek, re-downlaoded it agian and it worked great, and the mod kicks!!, thanks Noobie, great job
  14. This Mod looks real good ingame and it also has a optional "no air recognition flag" BMP, for those who don't want "the swastika flag" in game
  15. Ok, I will redownload, might have been a bad download or something, mod looks cool though
  16. Noobie, I downloaded your latest mod to check it out in game, (the JS one) anyway, I tried to unzip and got a error. I was wondering if you are running a MAC, or Windows OS?? because that might be my problem when trying to unzip, all the other zipped mods work fine.
  17. All I can say is in this game the KV2 is awesome, I have had it hit my PzIVEs and stugs from waaayyy off and watched them Explode!! Those babies are the kings of the batlefields, not the Tigers
  18. Great I bet it'll look even better then the one you did for a rush job, and the one you did a rush job on looks real good
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