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Everything posted by GJK

  1. Give me a time/weather/season to test. I've tried different times and a few different months and I didn't notice the "too green" effect. Post a screen if you want/can (email it to me and I can post if you like).
  2. I'm downloading DD's now. That's for CMBO, is he working on a CMBB version that we know of? The screens look good, and it does have some nice texture added it looks like. I'm curious to see if it has the "speckling" effect at level 1 like I was experiencing with mine. Thanks again
  3. This shows a comparison. "Chance Encounter" as posted earlier (I assume this is the original grass that comes with the game) And my version: Just a little bit lighter colored, a personal preference.
  4. Ok, this is the final incarnation I believe. I didn't like the "speckling" that my Light Grass 1 & 2 showed at close up view. So, all I did for this one was raise the brightness of each *original game* tile by 15% which matched *exactly* the color/brightness of my 1 & 2 mods. So, with this, you get the same look at higher levels as my first 2 mods without the speckling at the lower levels. Get it at my site, look for GJK_Light_Grass_3 [ October 04, 2002, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  5. Michael, I'd be more than happy to host the mod on my site and playtest it as well. I've been anxiously awaiting it! Email it to gary@garykrockover.com when you get a chance. Screens look great! GJK
  6. Thanks all. The guassian blur really helped it in the close up views for anyone else doing grass mods. Thanks to Agua for pointing that out. I was mistaken in my texture that I used in Splat! (photoshop filter). It wasn't putting green, the natural choice but didn't look too good. It's actually "plush carpet". I might play some of the other textures this weekend and see what else I can come up with.
  7. Thanks Michael, I'd be more than happy to host it on my site as well if you like. One of these days it'll be a real website...just need to find the time. For now it's a good repository I believe.
  8. I haven't put it up at Tom's for download yet....still working on all those rotten unit portraits....</font>
  9. Where'd you get the new ASL interface? I want it! If it was from Tom's, can you send it to me, I can't download anything from their site for some reason.
  10. Ok, I think a little gaussian blur cured that issue. I'll upload this shortly as GJK_Light_Grass_2.zip unless someone thinks it could use more blur? [ October 03, 2002, 09:57 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  11. Thanks, all opinions and suggestions welcomed. Just above your post is a close up and obviously a dusk time shot. I believe I see what you mean, though not sure how I'd fix that...suggestions welcomed as I said!
  12. The 1589.bmp has been uploaded to the site in case you grabbed this mod and found you were missing it. Just grab 1589.zip. The full zip (GJK_Light_Grass_Textured.zip) now contains the 1589.bmp file for those that haven't grabbed it yet and were interested.
  13. Yes, it's been brought to my attention (thanks Bruno) that I somehow left 1589 out of the zip. I will post that as a standalone zip on my site later tonight when I'm released from my daily imprisionment... Also, if you want me to email it to you directly, send an email to cmbb@garykrockover.com (yes, that's what I said, cmbb@..) and I'll get it to you. Gary
  14. Yes, he's actively looking for the "real" killer(s), who obviously must be Lee Trevino and Jack Nicklaus since he's at the golf course so much... Think that was a Paul Harvey quote....
  15. Thanks Gary, Louie & Apache. Another screenshot posted. I'll try working up a low-res (or lighter version) over the weekend. Does kinda have that fairway look to it I guess? Also....has anybody put together a list of terrain tiles for CMBB yet? Trying to find the ones that make the dirt road, to add the strip of grass down the middle ala the Magua Normandy mod for CMBO.
  16. It's probably a hi-res. It's the stock tiles (of course) with an Alien Skin Splat! resurface (putting green I think?) and added shadows of a med. gray. 19mb is the filesize. The tiles for CMBB are twice the size as those in CMBO, and there's about twice as many. These could be resized and converted to CMBO without too much trouble I would think. Actually, I was going after the "Normandy Grass mod" from CMBO with the lighter color, so you might hunt for that one for CMBO.
  17. You can grab it at my site (Light_Grass_Textured)
  18. As someone else posted, I was able to copy the one .exe file to the harddrive and use Winrar to extract and then play the game even though my CD has the bad sectors as well.
  19. Get Battlefield 1942, doesn't require monthly fees and it is a non-historically accurate but fun nontheless WWII FPS.
  20. What's the max users for the downloads on this site, 2? If so, who's the other 2 people hogging it! I can't get anything....
  21. Please email to me if you will so that I can post it on my cmbb site (with juju's permission of course). I can't get any of the mods from their site.....
  22. I've done a 2nd set of just the tanks (600-609 I believe). Less rolling thunder sound. All I did for these is add reverb, panning and a slight flange. About 3 mb download if you're wanting just a little more beef than what the stock sounds give. Look for the descriptive name with GJK in my downloads area linked below.
  23. Thanks for the feedback! I'll see what I can do on the tank shots, I think I agree with you on the thunder roar sound. Do check out the mortars though, I think those came out best (00000650 and 00000652.wav)
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