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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Probably not, but an unlimited supply of Shermans can ruin your day as well.
  2. Also a particular rifle's report will sound differently depending if you are firing or being fired upon. The distintive clip ejection sound of the M-1 was in CMAK, I would hope it made it to the new game.
  3. Another cool realism feature that I noticed but I dont think has been mentioned. Did you see the casualties of the AI's mortar barrage?.......some of them are helmetless, as if their helmets fell off as the men were hit and thrown around by the force of the impacts. You can catch it at 26:41 of the video. I have not noticed that touch in SF, have I missed it or is this new? Nice realism.
  4. This is not the thread to make fun of me in. Keep it in the Cesspool This was a simple typo, I meant to type CMBB.
  5. Halo Steiner14 Wie gehts, mein freund...Wo bist du? I haven't play CMBB in a long time. It won't run on my new machine. neither will CMBB. Still playing CMAK and CMSF....cant wait for the new game. Gruss.
  6. With all the excitement in the air due to the pending release of the Normandy game, I am noticing a lot of the "Old Timers" coming back to the forum. Discussions of the possibility of resurrecting the RoW Tournaments, and the general chatter about WW2 vintage weapons and tactics are bringing old posters (who may not have been active participants during the development and release of CMSF) back into the fray. Its been nearly 10 years since the last of the CMx1 updates, and its really great to see familiar handles active again. With all the new folks brought in with the SF franchise, and now a new WW2 CMx2 coming out, these forums should be hopping for sometime to come.
  7. People are complaining about Lady GaGa's latest album cover, why shouldn't we complain about bouncing Panthers?
  8. Thanks, you obviously are very comfortable with the game controls. Also playing in real time demands rapid mouse action. I usually don't play SF in real time so the rapid movement is very disconcerting for me. Your efforts are truly appreciated.
  9. Chris these videos are just great! Thanks for uploading them. Can I ask one favor please if you are putting up any more. Can you please curtail your mouse action just a bit, and allow us to see some of the action unfolding.
  10. Whoa...stikky cant wait to start kicking your butt with this new game.
  11. Thank you for posting this. As others have already said, this really makes you want to play as soon as possible. Nice job. I was a bit disappointed to hear some of the same lame American (and German) voice snippets from CMx1 and CMSF. I was hoping for all new ones. Just a minor irritation however, I still love the rest of it.
  12. The jury has certainly ruled on your nickname of "Super Buzzkill". It was noted by another member, not by Moon himself
  13. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=95871 Don't ever let it be said that I post inuendo and falsehoods. I know Ohio is in bad economic straits, but when did you move to Missouri?
  14. Only in the early stages, as the battles progressed sleeping, eating and dressing were cast aside.
  15. When the game comes out, and we all get comfortable with it, we should certainly look to start a RoW tourney....no doubt.
  16. Good luck with that search....hope you brought some snacks to the paddock.
  17. OK answer me this.....do most of you agree that a decent human player of the CM series of games will beat the AI at least 90% of the time in most scenarios, once he or she has mastered the game mechanics, regardless of which side he plays. Also take into consideration scenario design and whether or not a particular battle is heavily weighted toward one side or the other. Computer modeling the characteristics of machines and projectiles is fairly easy, faithfully reproducing human actions and behavior is much more difficult...unless of course you are playing Jeopardy and not Combat Mission. We can argue the real life historical differences between WW 2 small units from now until the cows come home. Trying to determine which side will have the advantage in a given computer simulation is another matter.
  18. What you both are saying is valid, but you are missing my point. The discussion here is which small unit will have the edge in most CB:N battles. The German or the American. All I'm saying is that modeling those abstract quialities that I mentioned would be very hard for the CM engine, so we have to rely on the general categories of Veteran, Regular, Green etc, that we had in CMBO, and continue to have in CMSF. Then we factor in their weapons and terrain disposition and it gives us a rough rating of combat quality.
  19. So to get away from an historical analysis of the Normandy Campaign, and return to the original premise of this post, I would ask; How would a computer model heroism, fear, human nature, etc, at the squad level without becoming so complicated as to make a game unplayable. These factors are also important in quantifying the effeciency of infantry units when modeling combat at low levels, i.e squad and company. Lots of company sized battles in Normandy were probably won or lost more by individual initiative, courage and desperation, than by weapons, tactics or experience. My humble opinion anyway.
  20. Newly recognized????, by whom? I don't recognize you....who are you anyway? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??? Now for something completely different; Did anyone catch the premier of the "Camelot" miniseries on Starz this past week? A nice retelling of the Arthur Legend, with plenty of T&A for those of you who enjoy that. The actress who plays Morgana, Eva Green, has beautiful eyes, that I found quite compelling, not as compelling as her other pair of items, if you catch my drift.
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