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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Lurk, the keyword here is human , I dont think that applies in this case. [ December 13, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. The horror of it was just so compelling, the sick expression, the blankness of the eyes ("like dolls eyes",Robert Shaw. Jaws 1978 ), the popping capillaries on the nose (no doubt from years of drinking sterno filtered through wonder bread), the total picture of a man so thoroughly "gone round the bend", that it defies all rational explanation, a picture that would accompany a Megan"s Law announcement. MrSpnkr ,I did it as a public service to warn others of the dangers of a life of self-abuse and outerboard participation. [ December 13, 2002, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  3. Let me first qualify that I do not take the time to study the mechanics of the way the game works as you guys have obviously done, so my suggestion may seem dopey to you in some ways, but based on what I have been reading here, and my experience with the game here goes..... Suppose all scenarios designed strictly for competition/tournament play were "exit zone" type games, where one side was required to exit the map at some point rather than capture and control VLs. The designer could lock the setup zones for the "defending side" so as to prevent him from setting up along the "exit" edge of the map, and force him to deploy along likely avenues of approach to the exit zone instead. I am not familiar with what this does to the "mechanics" of the game or scoring, but it would seem to me to be a simple way of eliminating flag rushes and the variable ending issues. Historically they could be designed in such a way as to simulate a "breakout from encirclement" or as an "advance to assault positions" or objectives simulated to be off the map edge. Does this sound reasonable or is it off base? [ December 12, 2002, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  4. That'd be kinda like finding you truly have syphalus right?</font>
  5. Are the "Squadron/Signal" Panzer colors series still, available. I was a military modeler in a past life, and I have everyone of them that was released, including the vehicles/tanks from all sides. I also have every issue of "Military Modeler" which include some great color photos of scale model armor and other vehicles. Unfortunately I do not have the means to post all this info on the web for you guys to use. Bruno is doing a great service here, but I do not know how extensive his publication collection is. If someone is interested in obtaining these publications from me, please give me a shout. I would be willing to give them away, since they are now only nostalgic reminders of a hobby I no longer participate in. Additional info added after reading posts that were done while I was doing mine. I did extensive research into color schemes during my modeling days, and as Bruno says above trying to determine shades of color from a B/W photo is nearly inpossible. I visited the Bovington Tank Museum some years back, and the curator there showed me some actual samples of paint from German WWII vehicles. There were about four different Dunkel Gelb shades from my recollection. Depending on the front, the supply situation, the way the paints were mixed, etc. Many variations of color schemes existed on German vehicles. You have to remember that a lot of this painting was done in the field, and and different units had different ways and means of painting their vehicles. I would imagine that very few had factory paint jobs. In any event if any of you modders want to pick my brain, please feel free. [ December 11, 2002, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. Is this the Siskel and Ebert thread....whoops no! Isn't one of them dead? Total War Update: Panty Leader has set his defense on an island cliff. As my facist, aryan killers approach, more and more of his pitiful forces come into view and are shortly dispatched to the great collective in the sky. This one should end badly for him. [ December 11, 2002, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  7. Here we go again with the "fair and balanced" vs. "Historical unbalance" argument. While I agree that playing a scenario from both sides simultaneously in tournament play does give one hint of what could be coming, and could encourage "gaminess", I don't understand what the big deal is, make it fun and consider it some form of "intelligence" that you as the commander received during the battle. Everyone in the tournament is geting the same "information" based on the timing of the turns in each game. Its only a game, nothing really is at stake here, have fun with it.
  8. No one's really interested.... no I mean no one's interested.... but if you send me a turn back, bozo, then I will have your new addy won't I.
  9. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: I'm stuck at home with a nasty head cold - fortunately this means I get to play lots of CM - unfortunately it's all your bleedin' fault and I hate you even more! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats fortunate....nothing in there to be harmed.
  10. Cable modem, and free because I work for the company, greatest thing in the world other than a T-3 directly to your house.
  11. At the risk of being called a lazy non-turn converting bastard, I would like to declare that most of my PBEM turns were in the hands of my opponents, and I had the movie turns at the time that I attempted to convert. Those turns that I did have, I saved in a special folder that I named "Ignore", so that I could resend them back to my lazy ass opponents who did not take the time to preserve or convert the original version files. .......and thats the truth-->insert raspberry sound here< [ December 09, 2002, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. Rune, I agree wholeheartedly with you, too many CM players are looking for fairness and balance, rather than deal with the unfairness of reality. An historical situation is just that, QBs can give one all the balance that is desired. It is unfair to designers such as yourself to receive crappy ratings for historical scenarios because the person rating it was looking for balance and fairness. I think most people playing this game have some understanding of what the real war was like, there are volumes of materials available for reading. It boggles my mind that some folks still complain about the situations in historical scenarios. My two cents.
  13. GAWD!!! its even worse than I thought it would be... Not only do AJ's screenshots look like ground zero at the moment of a nuclear detonation, but then we get what looks like the aftermath of nuclear winter from young Gaylord.
  14. Ah, so that is how you are managing to beat me all the time!!! Very gamey indeed.
  15. I suppose we will now be subject to an outrageous post which contains the butchering of the English language as Flamin AJ seeks to humiliate and otherwise cause you to crawl back into your Ohioan hobbit hole.
  16. Emma and Persephone if its entrials you want, take what's left of the one who coined the "Winter Wonderland" phrase.
  17. Whoever coined the phrase "Winter Wonderland" should be keel hauled and then eviscerated. I feel like I am living in a scene from "Dr. Zhivago" . I hate the snow, I hate ice, slush, icicles and anything to do with frozen water, (except maybe icecubes). I hate all of you as well.
  18. Thats what you get for being a Tar Heel, if you need more help>>>>>Go Here [ December 06, 2002, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  19. Pssst....someone ask Boo how frustrating hidden anti-tank rifles can be. [ December 06, 2002, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  20. Good looking site!!! Keep up the good work, thanks for your efforts.
  21. *****Special Notice****** Don't ever play the scenario "Cracking the Egg" with Speedy , as a matter of fact don't play any games with Oddstraylians from now on. They are gamey, they cheat, and generally they smell from stale beer and Emu droppings. They can be kept around for general poking fun at and comic relief. They should not be treated seriously under any circumstances.
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