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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Hortlund's Quest: otherwise known as the armored car derby. Since I have neither pride nor predjudice...(is that proper English?), and having accepted his challenge. I wish to report that after a few turns, most of my ill designed Russian armored cars lay in smoking ruin about the battlefield. I also wish to report that Hortlund is sufficiently Gamey to possibly achieve victory in this battle. All sorts of unfamiliar Minor Power vehicles are zooming around the landscape, under his direction. Half of mine were stopped dead before even moving from their set up zones. This leads me to believe that he is cheating, he being a Swede leads me to this conclusion. Although the last Swede I remember ever winning anything was Ingemar Johanssen, so I think I still have a chance. [ January 14, 2003, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. Whoa, fella, the MBT is the last place for a flame war. I think RS_Colonel has implied some wound to his national heritage, perhaps he has not read previous threads of the Cesspool . One thing you can be assured of my friend, is that at some point in time, someone is going to poke fun of your heritage in here. If you have a thin skin, get out now! because it won't get any better. This is an international forum, and the MBT is a reflection of those demographics. I'm sure all of us have some personal connection with WWII, after all it was a World War . Its over now, so dont try to start it up again, OK?
  3. Now this is quite interersting, one idjit seeking the guidance of another, even bigger idjit. Perhaps we could blast Minnesota away from North America and somehow attach it to Sweden, bringing these two cretins even closer together. [ January 13, 2003, 02:29 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  4. Something to do with close encounters I think. You know, people building models of buttes...seeing lights in the sky, stuff like that. Stick around it gets more exciting when the little ant-like aliens come to take you for a ride in their flying saucers.
  5. I have never in my life seen a bigger bunch of crazy, funny, a-holes as I have seen in this forum. Keep it up, a good laugh makes life easier. [ January 11, 2003, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. Whereas, I have never seen a more lame attempt at challenge from any SSN in the MBT (my own included), and because you are so obviously lacking any interpersonal skills, I accept your bleatings as some form of a cry for help. In accepting your plea for recognition, and under the terms of this challenge, I will purchase a force of the most powerful, death-dealing armored cars in the Russian arsenal. With those aforementioned vehicles, I will blast your, Itlo-Hungomainian reptiles into a combination of goulash and marinara sauce. Their defeat will be so devastating that asylum in Sweden will be their only hope of survival. Although, I believe that you can only be likened to an incarnation of Gaylord Focker , and thus to be dismissed as one would ingnore a small pimple on an arse cheek. There is the possibility that you could continue to fester, and cause considerable discomfort. Therefore as one would lance a boil, I will slice and dice you, and toss your entrails at the feet of the Olde Ones , and let them decide what to do with your remains. [ January 11, 2003, 08:02 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  7. Gets real cold up there in Finland I guess. [ January 10, 2003, 09:23 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  8. Since you can't follow the rules, twit, you probably cant read anyway, so why bother? Why don't you TRY TO read this..... SOD OFF!!! [ January 10, 2003, 08:50 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  9. No its the other way round isn't it? ...... the group marching is part of a well honed practice of stripping a recruit of his/hers individuality thus.. if we can get them to perform humiliating routines in sync like mindless circus seals we can get them to do anything (including going to their death)..why do modern armies still instill group mentatility with drill? .. however I do agree that the US divebomber crews at midway were brave men. Boris london[/QB]</font>
  10. Treeburst155, As of this post I have still not received my allied briefing and password for "The Beast". All otheer games have been received and are in progress. P.S try sending it to fmeyer@cablevision.com, but I can't understand why that one E-Mail wont get to me, are you getting any turnaround error messages? [ January 09, 2003, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  11. Treeburst155, So far I have received only Two E-Mails with game infor and files for "Hosszupalyi" and "The King of Debrecen", have not received any others as of this post. Edited: Just received "Rearguard Action" and "Christmas Battle", still no "Beast" [ January 08, 2003, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. Treeburst155: Just got briefing and game files for "King of Debrecen", sent out to JPS. Still don't have Allies info for "The Beast"
  13. Treeburst, I did not receive an E-Mail containing my password and briefing for "The Beast". Please re-send. Thanks
  14. I only received one notification E-Mail for a start game, does that mean that only the German player in any particular battle receives the first notification?
  15. It is amazing to me after reading through this thread, how it deteriorated from an open discussion on the right thing to do with scenarios, to a "gee whiz, Spanky, these guys suck, so I'm not releasing my scenarios anymore" I can understand that a person places a certain amount of ownership on anything they create, and we in this community should be grateful to the guys that take the time and effort to produce scenarios or mods or whatever, for the rest of us, free of charge. We have an imperfect, yet workable scenario download system, it keeps most of us happy, and allows the designers to gain some feedback as well. Lets keep using that method, until something better comes along. To Dorosh, Berli, Rune, Andreas, and the other talented designers out there, please don't take "your ball and go home", just because you get pissed at a few guys, who really understand you point, but want to do it their way regardless. It seems that some consensus was reached here, people understand your point of view, and no real harm was done, don't punish the entire community.
  16. Good thing.....what a horrible image that action conjures up.
  17. Phffft....I did it on purpose to see if you were still around....knowing that in your empty, pathetic life, you would be waiting on line, hovering like some demented gargoyle.... refreshing with one hand, doing God knows what with the other...... ** shudder **, just waiting to pounce on any small error, feckless git that you are. Edited to say: Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday in 2003, Noba excepted because.... failed experiments do not count as a birth, [ January 06, 2003, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  18. Happy Birthday Noba..... why don't you celebrate by sending me a setup you poxy, spotted-ass, outbacker. [ January 06, 2003, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  19. Originally posed by Aussie Jeff: Well it's nice to hear that your wife made it through....but as for you...well it would have been better for us had you not made it through your "Excellent Adventure" Perhaps you could go back there and throw yourself under the "Flying Teacup" ride or something.
  20. Persephone: Sixteen candles make a lovely light but not as bright, as your eyes tonight Happy Birthday Comeon, I know your older than sixteen, but not in my mind.
  21. As far as smallpox vaccinations are concerned. The last time anyone in the US was vaccinated was back in 1971. Since then most places on earth have seen the end of smallpox (except as bioweapons), and no one has been vaccinated for it until recently. Those vaccinated prior to 1971, may or may not be immune anymore. (I wouldnt want to find out). There is already controversey about the new issues of smallpox vaccines, and remember we now live in "politically correct" America, if someones kid dies from a smallpox vaccination, can you imagine the fallout...no pun intended. Bioweapons are scarey, and if someones wants to release one in a city, it really doesn't have to be 100% effective, the chaos alone could paralyze the country. They could also use nerve agents, look what happened in Japan with a small amount of Sarin gas. You're right about nukes, someone could easily detonate a small "dirty" nuclear weapon, and that is a real fear we all have.
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