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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Before I hit the sack I decided to take a quick peek in here...right, same inane postings by the same brainless twits...nothing here to see, I will go to bed now. [ February 22, 2003, 11:11 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. Once again with all these direct fire AT weapons in the US inventory found other uses in Vietnam because in the early part of the war the NVA and VC did not have a lot of armor. Along with the 90mm and 106mmRRs we had 3.5in rocket launchers (updated, for that time, bazookas ), and then in 1967 we got the LAAW, it was a lot lighter than the 3.5 and one man could carry 4 or 5 of them along with his regular load. All of these weapons were used against bunkers. The disposible part of the LAAW backfired on us, when we found that the VC were picking up discarded tubes, packing them with explosives and making booby traps out of them. We were then told not to throw them away after use, but to destroy them, by smashing them to pieces with an entrenching tool or rifle butt. This became a very interesting task in the middle of a firefight. I am still interested in how the Wehrmacht used the RR as an indirect weapon, Andreas, if you have any references on that please post.
  3. Thank you for the prompt reply, it's good to know that your life is as meaningless as eveyone else's, and that matters of the Cesspool are important to you. I will wait a requisite period, but I believe that Goody is SUCH a dolt, that no one else would have him anyway. I await your largesse. Oh by the way Sod Off!!
  4. My personal experience with RRs in the early 60's has led me to believe that they were direct fire weapons, because they had a 50cal mounted on top as a spotting round, the 50 tracer round was fired then the 106RR round went right behind it. We used them against bunkers and fixed positions in Vietnam. I cannot imagine one being used in an indirect mode.
  5. You lame-brained weasel. Your ability to play was always the lowest level. So this must be why you send no turns, your so-called suffering (more like normal life for you) has reduced what little competency you had to less than that of Boo_Radley , or Pondscumbag, or even Gaylord. The only thing he can transmit is a de-sease no-one owns up to in public. So before you slowly slide into a death of minor proportions, prop up your body parts that are still working and press those to keys to make your doom permanent. </font>
  6. Additional information: I think somehow Focker transmitted whatever Third World disease he has to me, and I have been suffering now for at least a week. This affliction has affected my game playing. My turns have been slow going out. DEAL WITH IT!, I will be back tonight.
  7. Request to HRM Meeks, Olde Ones and assorted Justicars and Grues. If no one has claimed one SGTGoody, I would request to take him as Squire. It think this bout with the flu has caused me to enter "Wolkenskookooheim", but I think it is time I had a squire of my very own to abuse. Plus the fact that he is an Ex-Doggie, would give me more pleasure to see him squirm. Semper Fi! [ February 21, 2003, 07:19 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  8. What he said, and also, infantry don't always trigger mines when they go through them. especially if they are AT mines. I had a game once where I had two running squads one behind the other, heading for a stand of trees. One squad ran right to the trees with no incident, the following squad, triggered a mine in basically the same path. It's a game of inches my friend.
  9. Hate, now there is a real feeling, keep that feeling young konrad it will be sweeter for me, after I crush your peasant army beneath my jackboots, to know there was pure hatred here. [ February 18, 2003, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  10. If this is Tactical Genius you displaying by sending lousy,undisciplined ,alcohol twitted groups of germans against my well positioned machine guns , then you are looser and I hate you konrad
  11. It's called Tactical Genius , idjit, suck the overconfident Krauts into an urban jungle of twisted steel and sewers, Oh, did I forget to tell you about the infantry company heading through the sewers into your rear area?
  12. Thank the stars above..(the lucky ones that is) for Good Ole GW...(thats George Washington), for having the good sense to be born on this day, and providing me with a long weekend, and a respite from traveling is this FECKING BLIZZARD , which is depositing piles of snow along the East Coast. My poor wife had to go to work today...overtime you see, and she wants a new hot tub.....but now its getting worse outside, and hopefully she will be able to get home again. So here I sit, only getting turns from the other side of the globe, where they tell me its nice and sunny and quite warm as well. I hate them all! and I hate snow as well, would anyone like some? there is plenty to share.
  13. My former leige and mentor Boo_Radley seems to have gone completely 'round the bend....not a bad thing really...for him! He has taken to sending group emails instead of SENDING TURNS!!! Perhaps they have already tazered and netted him, and now he is comfortably ensconsed in a jacket with the sleeves in the back. If anyone hears from him, please don't let me know. Thank you
  14. You must save the PBEM 1.01 file in an orders phase as a game file. After DLing the patch reopen the saved game files make your moves and then save as a PBEM, if you are saving running files with incremental numbers you will have to renumber the new PBEM file to fit your needs, this may also require you to go back a turn or two to get an orders phase file, if your last file is a movie only one. [ February 14, 2003, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  15. Thank you for the welcome, most esteemed Berlichtingen. I will do my utmost best to prove myself worthy of the game and all who post in here. </font>
  16. Check the clock, on your PC, genius, you will see that it is 1300 on the East Coast of the USA, that means I'm at work, your turn will come when it is very dark in Amsterdam...maybe.
  17. Thanks for Remembering, Milady. Nearly made my leaves rustle, it did! A Happy Valentine's Day to you, Emma. The rest of these louts are fit only as victims for the 2nd Massacre. Now where did I put my chopper... Oh, and it also happens to be the Birthday of the glorious state of Oregon. </font>
  18. Hortlund, your ploy of upgrading to new release of game and then claiming "ignorance" of the methods of saving in-progress PBEMs will not work here. You will note in your in-box that a converted file of our little ditty is awaiting you. You will not escape the righteous wrath of the Rodina that easily.
  19. Yes, and we all are aware of how narrowly you dodged that particular bullet. </font>
  20. Indifference is probably the worst behavior a human being can display. Love and Hate are at least emotions, and require an object, which at least is some recognition. Indifference is the last resort of humans who have no hope, or of Borg looking to assimilate another race.
  21. AJ , my Dad used to tell a story over and over, and I can remember it to this day. He spent some time in Australia in 43-44 in between "Island Hopping" to Japan. He used to say that the Aussies he met were always warm and friendly to the young Marines from the USA. The people opened their homes to them and treated them as their own sons and husbands (most of the able bodied men were in North Africa or Burma). Well anyway he met a bunch of Australian Soldiers, maybe your wife's father was among them, and to this day I can hear my Dad in his best Australian accent...."They (the Aussies) used to tell us all the time, you Yanks sure have all the firepower" Just a little anecdote, from my life, but it goes to show that even though we are seperated by thousands of miles, we are closer than you think.
  22. I will have both versions available, you will not squirm away that easily.
  23. Only one game ongoing for me. RSpilot and I are still struggling through "A christmas Battle" Sec.2-4
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