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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Konrad I have never emailed Jim Boggs . Nissan 1(spelt but not bolded) -You are a pillock. konrad Faithful Squire To Sir AUSSIEJEFF </font>
  2. Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Then send me a set-up you prancing, pontificating, gas bag. Keep it simple Joe , like just breathing in and breathing out, perhaps a good drubbing on a front of your choice will snap you out of your current hysteria. There are things in life worse than death...ever spend an hour with a mortgage banker? oops, forgot you are one. Joe you're losing your grip, as sure as Saddam is losing control of Iraq, violations of your edicts run rampant throughout the Pool . Even the Fair Ladies snub their pert powdered noses at you. Get back to basics, Justicar , well maybe not basic for you...let me slap you around the battlefield for awhile..it will take your mind off your obvious lack of self-esteem. [ March 27, 2003, 07:58 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  3. Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Do you mean to tell me, Joe that there are things that go on in this thread or elsewhere on this forum, that would cause personal conflict, of a type that would actually really hurt someones feelings, or be truly evil in some way? Reading Boggs' posts in the MBT led me to believe that he had the 'right stuff' so to speak. You didn't call him a "pillock" in a private E-Mail or anything like that, eh Joe ? [ March 26, 2003, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  4. I am in agreement with Bizarrodalem on this. (Now, there's a sentence I never thought I'd utter.) In order to find out what this is all about, I suggest that each and every one of us take it upon him (or her) self to e-mail Gym Bags to find out what's the hubbub, bub. E-mail him several times demanding explanations. Have your friends and family e-mail him, too. Do a people search and get his phone number. Call him repeatedly begging answers. Find out where he lives and show up on his doorstep dressed as amusing cartoon characters. DO NOT REST UNTIL WE HAVE THE WHOLE STORY! Thank you. </font>
  5. Untrue. the basic design of the German "Stahlhelm" remained virtually unchanged throughout the war. The only exception was the helmet which was worn by Fallschirmajaeger, which was different in shape. If a man is wearing any kind of helment with the chinstrap firmly in place, it makes it easier to wrench the neck and possibly break it. The shape of the helment would not necessarily have any influence on that. American Helmets had a quick release chin strap to prevent that. Is that what you are referring to? The straps?
  6. You're just mad 'cause I didn't mention you in the song. Joe </font>
  7. No Nukes! No Nukes! No Nukes! Perhaps if we send The Justicar to Ozztraylia he could bore them into submission. So let it be written! So let it be done! Witnessed: Downunder Command Loyal Order of the Paltypus
  8. Latest Bulletin from "Downunder Command" (located in an undisclosed location): Dateline: Patterson New Jersey: In a move to avert 'shock and awe" and general messiness, on the Gnome, otherwise known as Ubergnome or Seanachai. Former Squire to Boo_Radley, Sir Nidan1, and his Squire, sgtgoody, have stepped in as aribitors and general annoyances in this looming conflict between said Gnome, and the inhabitants of the far off place known as "Aussieland." In an effort to avoid mayhem and "collateral damage" I am sending my Squire on a "fact finding mission" Goody, you are poke and prod Seanachai, causing scabous wounds which can be poked and prodded anew, until he reveals his true motives in the matter. I will take up my scepter of "The Loyal Order of the Paltypus" in an effort to mollify and subdue the outraged Ozztraylians. These efforts are being taken to avoid any and all unpleasantness which could arise out of this conflict. OUT!!!! [ March 21, 2003, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  9. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Seanachai: Who's with me?! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This seems mysteriously like his last famous crusade, the one to crown a king of the Pool . Remember the Meeks fiasco? Just because AussieJeff is a loon, is no excuse to demean the Knighthood of lenakonrad. He is doing a fine enough job of that on his very own. I do not see where a validation of lenakonrad's or anyone elses Bona Fides makes one iota of sense in this demented place. Once bitten, twice shy The olde addage still rings true Seanachai rants, to arms to arms! a lone voice in a hollow room. Is Konrad ying or yang Pole or Dutch? Friend or foe, crazy or sane? Truly, does anyone care much? Has the olde Gnome finally gone round the bend? Is creating turmoil his only comfort now? Is it insanity, or a moment so lucid as to bring us all around. To another great quest so lads, turn over every rock check every hiding place question every new post.
  10. Well once again your calculations are off Ni did'nt do it 1. </font>
  11. Originally posted by sGTGoody: Errr... Goody, don't rush into the sword thing, I first have to ensure you won't hurt yourself with it. We now must await The Justicar's procrastin....ah... judgement on this matter. His last few raving posts have caused his sanity to be called into question. We must tread lightly here, all must be above reproach, and in keeping with resolutions established and policed by the MBT Peacekeepers. [ March 20, 2003, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. While you are in such a magnanimous mood Herr Justicar what about my request to take one loser sGTGoody to Squire. No one else has claimed him (no surprise there), he has had the good sense to keep a low profile while contemplating the great responsibilities of his new post. He has also had the good sense to allow me to vicously whip him in our current battle. rather he recognizes my superior tactical abilities. Most important of all he is absolutely fluent in English, and some of his posts are slightly amusing, he has potential. Step forward Goody, your name is being called.
  13. The news last night said that Austrailia will be sending troops to the Gulf as well. What is it about English speakers that makes them so pugnacious? Well, God belss them all, the long and the short and the tall. Welcome Sir Konrad to the ranks of ignominy. [ March 19, 2003, 06:37 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  14. Originally posted by Seanachai: How perceptive of you, oh wonderous Seanachai . You have discovered the true motive for my arrival here. I long to be a poet, to have the words I pen cause the human heart to soar to the heavens in one verse and sink to the depths in the next. I wish to set words in motion in the vein of Joyce Kilmer, or Shelley, perheps even Tennyson or Kipling. It is truly a dream of mine, man's greatest accomplishment is to create joy by the joining the words of his respective tongue. To find such wonder amid the obvious lack of same in this awful place, is truly the surprise of surprises. To translate the love of tactical game playing into the spinning of yarns and verse is the combined fulfillment I have sought. I shall put down the sword!, the pen shall be my mighty weapon, I will succor my personal torment by creating a torrent of creative verse, perhaps even someday reaching the lofty heights that you so surely (I know don't call you Shirley) inhabit. I have seen the light, I know. The MBT is the sound of one hand clapping, the crash of a tree falling in the forest, the eternal KI which flows through all of us...shudder...yes even you Boo , the life force which binds all existence. By Jove, I think I've got it. Oh and Seanachai becaause I have reached this new state of enlightenment, and I think I owe a miniscule amount of credit to thee, and it deeply pains me to realize that I have sunk this low as to actually have to admit that. I think the only way to achieve a cathartic release for myself is to have the unique pleasure of applying a large BOOT to your arse on the field of battle, I will send a setup if you wish, a real man will accept the challenge, you remember what a real man is, don't you? I expect you were one at one time in your life? [ March 18, 2003, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  15. I will with a spare tire necktie, if you don't send a turn, you twit!
  16. web page Gee "Google" got me here, do you have child blocks on your PC? [ March 17, 2003, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  17. Bhuddist Monk goes to the hot dog vendor and says; "Make me one with everything"
  18. Jumpin' Jehosophat, what a bunch of crapola, I think I'll move to Bagdhad and become a human shield. Catching a JADAM cant be any worse than this. Crystal clear thoughts, in a world of confusion lead me on a path of black stone my breath comes in halting spasms for what must I atone? Is Florida really the Sunshine State? or just a warm olde age home Is that the end of all? or do all roads really lead to Rome? Life has become a cruel joke a bust in a game of twenty one unhappiness rules supreme and dark clouds block my sun Why can't I have the things I want? it is a really simple request to have some peace of mind and finally get some rest the gargoyles roost in my head tearing and ripping at the fibers Sleep never comes, but the demons do my love is unrequieted, why oh why? she floats in and out of my life, never staying always fleeting. [ March 15, 2003, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  19. Interesting results Lurk , may I add that the blades for the chainsaws should always be extremely dull.
  20. That was the most lamest, limp-wristed (not that there's any thing wrong with that), pathetic, saddest, wretched, dismal and pitiable taunt I've ever been challenged with. Regardless, these feeble mewlings of yours have moved me like no other laxette have, and so against my better judgement please feel free to send me a setup forthwith. Kindest regards Mace Now excuse me while I attempt to retrieve this thong. </font>
  21. Here oyu gooooooooo Miriam ! Very sensible of you ,if you don't mind my saying so..Specially now,when Private Hortlund is getting that weak feeling -it's the wet dream of his adolescence ,going down very fast in a elevator that suddenly stops.He didn't know what it meant then. Now he just has to try it. konrad Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF </font>
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