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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Was it an Army or Marine Base Camp? A fire base or larger? I would use a minimum of AP mine counters, but barbed wire would be a must, if its a fire base. An artillery fire base would have wire, and probably only claymores and trip flares. All gun emplacements would be sandbagged, but again the temporary nature of these bases would preclude "traditional minefields" in the WWII sense. As much vegetation as possible would be removed around the base as well. A more permanent base camp, might have more mines, but just beause they are listed in an AAR does not mean they were all sown. SF bases might have more mined areas, a place like Dak To for example, but to be honest IMO its more hit and miss rather than a rule when mines are concerned. [ November 09, 2004, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. To give you an example...when the Third Marine Division moved its area of operations from Da Nang to Dong Ha, we had to establish initial defensive positions and a base perimeter. There was already some kind of Air Force establishment in the area, as well as an airfield, and we just built our perimeter around theirs. You have to understand that most of the land around the camp was rice paddy, we could not indiscriminately mine that area, without harming the locals. We arrived their in late October, and started putting up concertina wire around the Marine positions. We put up combinations of concertina and tanglefoot, placed trip flares, but no mines. When the rainy season arrived most of our perimeter was under water anyway, so mines were essentially useless. In the time I spent there, the only mines we ever used were claymores, and they were set up nightly and removed. An interesting personal anecdote, if you care to hear it.....one time I was attached to an ambush group, we would set up in likely areas of enemy movement at dusk in the hope of springing something on NVA moving in the area. Well, on this particular night, I set up a daisy chain of C-rations cans filled with C-4 and attached to a trip wire, which would initiate the ambush if some unlucky bastard stumbled through the area. I placed about 6 or eight cans in a rough semi circle in an area of likely infiltration, and we pulled back about 30 meters to wait. The night was pitch dark and mostly quiet. I guess I thought I was awake all night, and so did the other guys. When I went out the next morning to retrieve the stuff, it was all gone!!! Scary.
  3. Hans, I was a combat engineer in Vietnam, but we never used mines in the "traditional" sense of prepared defensive areas, or as a means of channeling enemy movement. Due to the nature of the tactics, American infantry units were usually on the move, landing in remote areas and sweeping the country side, trying to flush out the enemy. Claymore mines were used extensively with trip wires or command detonation, as a means of springing ambushes or for the perimeter security of company sized formations. Base camp areas were usually not mined. Not knowing your intention, in a CM based scenario, I cannot give you any more detailed information, but might I suggest that one AP mine counter per platoon might be accurate, if you are recreating a defensive position for American forces.
  4. Stikkypixie, I like the cut of your jib already. I knew there was something about you that warranted attention...no, no not the pink jumpsuit and platfrom shoes, something else entirely. When I sort through it, I'll let you know...for the time being just keep annoying Emrys .
  5. I'll have you know Dear Lady , it was never me.....it was a horrible lie perpetrated by Aussies, I think. Probably Noba, or maybe it was Mace .....no matter, the Depends work quite well now. </font>
  6. I'll have you know Dear Lady , it was never me.....it was a horrible lie perpetrated by Aussies, I think. Probably Noba, or maybe it was Mace .....no matter, the Depends work quite well now.
  7. I'm not saying anything..... Wait a minute, maybe I will....so listen up. Now that 37mm has been taken to Squire as a fledgeling or groundling, take your pick of House Croda , by my former Lord Boo Radley.... I claim stikkypixie bolded because I have made this request numerous times, as my Squire and younger brother to said 37mm . Since Shaw has seen to imitate Yasser Arafat, by living in a light coma, I once again do not expect him to make a ruling. Boo, do you know anything good for group torture? Perhaps we could read a few pages from the Abu Grahib prisoner treatment manual.
  8. Why don't you take a rum enema, or better yet drink down some lethal toxin that you might have laying around your lab. It will make you, and the rest of us feel a whole lot better.
  9. Good lord man... it took you this long to realize what the Peng Challenge Thread is all about?!? What have you been doing for 2,500 posts??? The only thing better than squashing an opponent is some flavor of CM is rushing to the MBT to crow about it, exaggerating your own operational and tactical prowess in the face of your opponents gamey unit choices whilst demeaning, belittling, and generally making fun of your opponents obvious lack thereof. Posts like "I open the turn, let my cat walkabout on the keyboard for a few minutes, then send out the turn, and my cat beat *insert name here* 97 to 3." are the bread and butter of Classic Cesspool Posts... Nice to see that you've finally caught up with the rest of the class... now you can finally take that silly pointed hat off and give it back to it's rightful owner, Seanachai Note to self: Have to find time to actually play CM again... </font>
  10. Must you you humiliate me in public, you horrible man? For our next little meeting, lets see how you like charging across open fields into well prepared and overwhelming defenses. I was willing to go easy on you...but now...we shall see what we shall see. </font>
  11. Must you you humiliate me in public, you horrible man? For our next little meeting, lets see how you like charging across open fields into well prepared and overwhelming defenses. I was willing to go easy on you...but now...we shall see what we shall see.
  12. Couldn't have been all that upscale if they had you as a guest. [/QB]</font>
  13. Either choice on your part brings the same end product.
  14. Couldn't have been all that upscale if they had you as a guest.
  15. No one can lure in there....only your own stupidity can cause you to peruse and post in that abomination.....believe me I know.
  16. How about a sing song to cheer everyone up!!!! When you love someone - you’ll do anything You’ll do all the crazy things that you can’t explain You’ll shoot the moon - put out the sun When you love someone You’ll deny the truth - believe a lie There’ll be times that you’ll believe you can really fly But your lonely nights - have just begun When you love someone When you love someone - you’ll feel it deep inside And nothin else can ever change your mind When you want someone - when you need someone When you love someone... When you love someone - you’ll sacrifice You’d give it everything you got and you won’t think twice You’d risk it all - no matter what may come When you love someone You’ll shoot the moon - put out the sun When you love someone
  17. Don't be. It's his birth tongue. And stop pandering to the annoying little wretch, Nidan. It discredits any kind of grinning malevolence you might be attempting to aspire to. </font>
  18. In Ohio they speak a combination of the click language of the Bushmen and the slurred utterings of someone who has had way too much cheap wine. Emrys, I'm truly impressed.
  19. Just correcting a little mistype there, Squire. Purely inadvertent on your part, I am sure. Carry on. Michael </font>
  20. I was just accused of being Cavscout's twin on the Pol Forum...how's that for a major accomplishment?
  21. We should call in Emrys for a grogification.
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