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Everything posted by Bogdan

  1. Hello, Panther G (PSD file package) is now ready to download at cmmods.com The late model needs some work since it is a bit different from the other version : rear hull, deck... Let's mod a little now...
  2. Hi All ! Panther G "standard version" is now ready to mod. Ventilator exhaust, hull MG and roadwheels now fixed. I also check the horrible "pink spots" ! The fear of all modders !! As there's not so much work and the late Panther G model, I plan to release both panzers at the same time at cmmods.com. Keep the CM community informed... PS to Zimorodok : Check your email ! You've got some stuff to mod now
  3. Hi Zim Nice work ! I try to clean a bit my files to send you the Panther G... ...in order to add it on the famous "Modders series" collection. PS : Hey ! Which grass mod are you using ?
  4. Hi all ! More news about the work The Panther G ("normal") is almost done. I need to fix some little problem : ventilator exhaust on the turret top, hull MG and roadwheels. Here are the two previews of the model : Panther G with standard roadwheels : Panther G "steel wheels" : As you can see, two roadwheel "system" will be possible (for the PSD file package). Of course, this device will also be available for the late model. I also tried to add a mesh pattern on the main gun. It's not so good for the moment... ...Hey, it's a first try ! Keep you informed !
  5. Hello everyone, As I said in a recent topic about the Panther G, I'm actually working on a "from scratch" model, mostly based on the Zimorodok's "Modders series" Panther A (Thank you Zim ! ) and the original BMPs from BFC. The reason of this work would be, IMHO, the cruel lack of winter mods for this panzer. I'm also thinking about the late Panther G (with the chin mantlet). As this two panzers are almost identical, the work is not very very long. I would like to, first, release a "Photoshop files package" for modders with some options : steelwheels, zimmerit, markings... Then, I will start a satisfactory mod for both Panther G and G late (winter and summer versions). Most of the work (for Panther G) is now done, it only needs some tests. Previews of the stuff ASAP...
  6. Andrew is right. Try also Zimorodok's website, very well done and clear. My modest advice would be : try, try, try and... ...re-try again ! Courage ! [ November 06, 2003, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: Bogdan ]
  7. You're right Mikey but, AFAIK, the Panther G isn't in the winter package. So the Panzer IVG (late) is... Have a look to the screenshot : Some winter mods exist for Panthers but I simply don't like them very much (for my taste of course). Psss...! I'm actually starting a "from scratch" Panther G... Don't tell anything [ November 06, 2003, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Bogdan ]
  8. Yes !!! :cool: Very very nice work TAL ! Can't wait for it, and for the winter version ! What about a realistic orthodox church ?
  9. Dear Zimorodok, why not upload it at cmmods ? Also, I tried yesterday to download a "Modder's series" file which was intended to contain early Tiger I and early Panther A. It only contains the Tiger. Did I miss something or will you create a package for the PzVA early later ? :confused:
  10. shhhh ! I was thinking about it, it's a secret !
  11. Dear Tanks a lot, those houses look superb :eek: But please accept a kind suggestion about this mod : ...is the vertical beams right ? They pass through windows and door, and I think it cannot happen IRL. :confused: This structure of the house would be very fragile in that case. Why not replace them on each side of the door, for example ?
  12. You know, south coast of France (Provence, Cote d'Azur...) is very similar to the italian coast ! And Corsica or Sicily too. I'm only talking about this region of the Mediterranean coast, I never visited the Adriatic, but I guess that there are many similarities. Then, the "French area" in the game interface doesn't really matter In an other hand, won't it be posible to use CMAK to recreate north european campaign ? The graphical problem (houses, roads, terrains) would be easely solved with appropriate mods. The player would only have to activate/desactivate these mods with a mod manager. I read, in an other topic that the "Bocage" problem could be solved, using fences and an appropriate ground level. Then, it would be usefull to create some "sets" of mods for Normandy, Germany and so on... It's just an idea...
  13. Hello Gentlemen, I finally re-uploaded some of my mods at Cmmods.com ! Here is the list : </font> StuG III (winter and summer version)</font>Early Panther A (winter and summer version)</font>King Tiger "Anneliese" (winter version)</font>King Tiger "Charging Knight" (summer version)</font>Brown mottled early Panzer IV ausf.G</font>Brown mottled early Marder III</font>"from scratch" Jagdtiger (PSD files)</font>Dunkelgelb Jagdtiger</font> "From scratch" Jagdtiger AT LAST This work was done in August...Ahem... Some mods are still missing : </font>Dunkelgelb Jagdpanther</font>Early Marder II (winter and summer version)</font> I plan to re-upload them in the next few days. I don't plan to upload my "from scratch" JagdPanther, since Zimorodok has made a very nice "Modder's series" Zip-file. What's next (not in order) : </font> Early Tiger I grey (winter and summer version)</font>Early Tiger I yellow (winter and summer version)</font>Panther A (winter and summer version)</font> As you may know, I already done an early grey Tiger I (winter and summer), but it was one of my very first stuff and I'm not very satisfied about it. So, why not doing this panzer again ? Ok ! I think that's all
  14. LOL Think about the entire Kursk salient operation...
  15. Thanks guys, you're all very welcome Like every CM gamer around there, I'm completelly contaminated by this game ! All the subtility is to keep a good compromise between your family/couple life and your CM addict ...Be sure that my wife will gently ( ) inform me if I'm too often on the battlefield than in real life with her !! LOL
  16. Ahh !! That's it ! I only selected "German" and it automatically set "Armour". Then, I didn't change anything (I was trying to upload my PzIVG)... Many many thanks to you dear Limey :cool: PS : no mods during Honeymoon ! LOL
  17. Hi Hi... ...I'm a bit too discreet But thank you Herr Eichenbaum. It was a very special day for us. I need to refresh my mods at cmmods.com : </font> Winter and summer StuG IIIE</font>Winter and summer early Panther A</font>Winter and summer Marder II</font>Winter and summer Marder III</font>Winter and summer Kingtiger (NEW )</font>PSD file package for Jagdtiger (at last :mad: )</font> ...but I simply failed uploading my stuff. Is there anyone here who could explain to me the complete procedure for it ? Or is COG just waiting for my modest donation to allow to me to re-upload my mods ?
  18. Hello Gentlemen, I have recently came back from two weeks of wedding holidays ( :cool: ) and discovered the completelly rebuilt cmmods website. I really don't matter about re-uploading my mods. I have also some new one to share with the CM community (2 Kingtiger, a "from scratch" Jagdtiger...). But I still CANNOT upload my mods : each time, I have a message saying that I have to "use my back browser button and to select a unit" (yellow fonts over a green box) :mad: ! I surelly missed something about the procedure after the big clash. So, is there here a gentle person to explain to me how to upload my mods correctly ? I have posted an email to COG, but I easely imagine he's a busy guy these days... Thanks
  19. Yes, it appears sometimes in QB. Usually, there is a road traversing the entire map and passing by a village. The road section in the town simply doesn't exist. Also, I use to set "village" for random map. But it's very rare IMO.
  20. Hi COG ! A bad thing for a good one but you don't have to be sorry Reading this thread, it appears that many guys here have a HUGE quantity of mods, which could be reloaded on your new server. Anyway, this big crash is not serious compared to the health of your wife. All the best to her PS : I have promised to donate something, like many gentlemen here, via Paypal. It's not a lie
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