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Everything posted by Norse

  1. The US had an Congressional election yesterday Even I knew that! ~Norse~
  2. Thanks Henri When the game was released (or was it the demo?), someone wondered why ships couldn't be disbanded. I remember that a huge discussion came out of it, where Hubert eventually said he would add the feature to the game. The thread is way back there now, hehe, but if you look really hard for it ~Norse~
  3. You are right Henri, the manual does say that. In the "gold" version of the game you could not disband your fleets, but Hubert added this feature in a later patch. Now you can disband fleet's that start the turn in a port. Studying the manual is a good thing, but you might want to check out "SC version Changes.txt" like IO Error said, so everything is sorted. The Changes.txt file includes all updates to the manual. ~Norse~
  4. ...you will soon find me making alot of them aww you n00bies are so cute awwww
  5. I agree that the manual needs some updating. Henri, consider it an undocumented feature in the game (there are more of them). ~Norse~ ps, number of posts don't mean anything....if you think it does, then... [ November 05, 2002, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: Norse ]
  6. Why would you want to cash out your fleet? :eek: ~Norse~
  7. My timezone is better than yours ffs ~Norse~ [ November 04, 2002, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Norse ]
  8. Great work Machinov! A good strategic option for the Axis! I wonder, are you putting your newest airfleets on the westfront, where they can build up experience, and rather operate one of your airfleets from the westfront to the eastfront? Or do you just build an airfleet directly on the eastfront? ~Norse~ [ November 04, 2002, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Norse ]
  9. I stated that you spend 0 mpp to successfully knock italy out. But you didn't really read that, did you? ~Norse~ [ November 03, 2002, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Norse ]
  10. lol Here i am saying that disbanding fleets no longer are needed, and you come on whining like that, LOL I love these cute little l33t n00bs, they are so cute, awwww ~Norse~ [ November 03, 2002, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: Norse ]
  11. Hello again boys and girls (mostly girls yeah?) I have discovered an undocumented feature, well atleast I am looking up and down thru the manual and I cannot see it mentioned anywhere. I'm sure other's have noticed this as well, but you're too cheap to share it with the rest of us Well have no fear! Norse will share it with ya Anyhow, before I go on, allow me to comment a few critics first. The critics (not saying this in a bad way) got me wondering if it would be possible to do this attack in a radically different way so the critics would be pleased. I always thought that the allied tradeoff for commencing this attack, was that you hadto get the French HQ. Getting this French HQ costs about 400 MPP, which is quite alot for a nation that collects about 115 MPP per turn. You can do alittle math a sunday morning yea? France must collect MPP for four turns in order to afford the HQ (unless, of course, you disband a couple units, more on it later). Critics then said, ahh but this will leave the frontline weakened and the Germans will stomp all over Paris, before the attack against Italy can even be commenced! Alright, that is why I am in favour of salvaging the French fleet so all is good. Critics then claimed that this would lead to unforseen consequences and so on. No free French battleships and such. Well, all along while we discussed this, I thought that it was abelutely critical for France to have the HQ. Because the two armies that attack Rome are the two main units, they are the ones that need to knock out most of the Rome garrisons strenght, while the other units (called "support") take out the rest. So therefore, it is abselutely critical that the two armies have the highest supply and readiness rating that is possible. When you transport any unit out at sea, then it will report back to you with the same readiness and supply rate that it had while it was at land. That is why it was needed to have the two armies attached to the HQ, atleast one turn before they disembark and transport towards Italy. This new feature thus changes everything. It might be a bug, I don't know, only Hubert can answer that. Regardless, the feature is there, and unless it is changed away in the future, then we will be using it. If it IS a bug, then Hubert needs to know about it so he can do something about it. If it is NOT a bug but a feature, then I need to go back and correct my advice to everyone, since the HQ is not needed. The HQ is not needed, because the two armies, will get 100% readiness on the turn they invade Italy. This is a onetime feature that they get. I don't quite fully understand how this happens, but I leave that for someone else to figure out. I would make a wild guess and say that SUPPLY is the dominant factor when invading, and a unit will get invasion readiness according to how much supply it got. Enough about that. So how does this change things? Well, as already mentioned, you don't need the HQ. Without the need of the HQ, you don't haveto salvage the fleet to do this attack. In fact, you don't haveto buy a single unit for this attack. Attacking Italy now costs 0 MPP, so you can afford all the defence that you want. The only tradeoff is 1 army. If you can spare one single French army, then you can lanuch the attack. That's it. You got all the units you need for the attack. There are two ways. I only advice this first way, the Go Safe way Hubert advices that you send the Canuck army to Egypt, where it will defend against the Italian hordes. Well since you are going to send it to the med anyway, might as well use it for this attack. Because it cannot be attached to any HQ, then this is the 1 time where it will perform just as good as any other army. It will get a 100% readiness when it invades, and this gives the French one more army to defend with at home, so let's use the Canuck army. While you transport the Canuck army over to France and set it up, send a carier from Britain towards Italy. Use the French battleship in the Med for the attack, along with the one carrier from Egypt. Put your airforces to good use, and get the French airfleet in position with the one British bomber and one British airfleet as well. This isn't too much, you can spare the forces. It will only take one turn to attack anyway, so your forces will be freed up when this is accomplished, not to mention that France will collect over 220 MPP per turn. Do it this way, and Rome will fall April 14 1940. I'll include some tips at the end of the post on how to make the best use of your forces. There is another way, for thoose who simply cannot wait. Use two French armies, use the airfleets, and don't bother to wait for any Canucks or the British carrier, just use the one from Egypt. This has a LOW probability chance, but it can be done. I don't advice this though. But if you do this, then Italy falls December 10 1939... So how to make the best attack? The Rome garrison will start with an entrench value of 4, this means that it is generally a bad idea to use your two armies to attack first, because you want them to do maximum damage. That's why, you use your worst units first. That is, the ones with the lowest readiness value, and the lowest probability to actually do some damage. For every attack commenced against Rome, the Italian garrison's entrench value will be reduced by 1 point. This is regardless as to what kind of unit attacks. By the time the garrison reaches 0, then unleash your armies, and then use the rest of your support units to wipe it out. It might not work every time, but it works more often than not. So just give it your best shot. If you feel that you need to do an overkill, then just buy some other units (or even include the third carrier) and you should be good. This attack already costs you 0 MPP, so you can easily afford some extra stuff. As always, this is just a guideline revised, if you feel that you must do any changes then just do it. I am probably not replying to anyone this time unless they got a real question. WIP, Whine In Peace tadda! ~Norse~ (pictures coming as soon as the webserver I host them on starts working)
  12. 82ndReady, the definition of Gamey is one of double-morals. Look thru the forums here, and you will notice a pattern. Germany / Italy can attack it's own minor allies, noone will call it gamey. Germany / Italy can attack nations not historically in the war, noone will call it gamey (Sweeden for instance). The Allies are only allowed to sit still and get beaten to smitherins, anything else is gamey. For example, buying a French HQ is gamey. Yes, it is true, that exact sentence have been said on this forum (just look thru the threads and you find many other "pearls" like that). If you move more than 2 French units to Britain (to get the Free French), then you are gamey. If you use your Soviet forces and retreat to the Moscow / Urals to force the arrival of Siberian troops, then you are gamey, some would even say you are a fool AND gamey to use this one. Oh my god, using USSR to attack Sweeden is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!!!!! But if you use Germany to attack Sweeden, then noone will call it gamey, even if that is a move as gamey as it gets. So there you go. ~Norse~
  13. You "think" Germany gets the MPP reward so quickly as you never tried this. ~Norse~
  14. Axis minors are: * Bulgaria * Rumenia * Hungary * Finland * Spain * Turkey If you play your cards right, then they will all be joining the Axis. If you play your cards wrong, then they won't be joining you. Spain and Turkey are the most unforgiving ones. If you do something that might upset them, like attacking Bulgaria, then you scare them off from joining your side forever. So you should weight this up against each other. Is it worth attacking your own ally for a MPP reward? ~Norse~
  15. EV: This is what I usually did too. I threw in as much MPP as possible to defend France, I would not let France fall. Then, France fell anyway, it just takes the Germans some more time. And what really sucks then, is that you have hardly any units to defend Britain with, because they were toasted in the intense battle for France. By then it might be terribly difficult to defend Britain against the Sea Lion, because the MPP where spent to defend France and not Britain. You seem to be getting the hang of it and what to do now, keep it up, just remember that the battle for France and the battle for Britain is the same big battle - it is where you put your MPP that makes a difference. Kickass! Hell yeah Soviet Strategy that works Good luck! ~Norse~
  16. Np The reason your air units doesn't fight too well, is because of their statistics. When you click on one of your units, you will get up information such as "experience value", "entrenchment value", "supply status", and "readiness". Readiness actually means, how battleready this unit is. If you have a unit at 100% readiness, then their equipment are in working order, they are in full supply, at good moral, etc. You can put them into combat and expect a full bang for your buck. If you have a unit that is battleworn, out of supply, with bad logistics and so on, then the readiness can actually drop to 12% (that's the lowest I know I've gotten). 12% is really bad. Imagine moving an army with 12% readiness, where 9 of 10 guys are hurting, and the outfit is out of ammo, out of medics etc. The game uses headquarter units, to provide logistics for the units, so the units readiness factor (and supply and all that) goes up. One headquarter unit have no actual firepower on it's own, they are just the paper shufflers that make sure the supply wagons and all that is getting up to the units, and that the units are properly deployed for combat. One HQ can take "charge" of 5 other units, land or air units, and thus help them fight better. A HQ units maximum range is 5, so a unit 6 hexes away from a HQ cannot get help. hehe Nah this isn't the reason This have been discussed in detail, you should go back in the forum and look this up. I'm not sure what you mean. Perhaps you should look at how supply and readiness drops on your submarine unit if you keep it away from harbour too long. Spotting. The airunits, and espesically the bomber unit, works as recon planes for you because of their high spotting value. Remember now, one submarine unit is not 1 submarine, it is a wolfpack atleast, and they usually cruise around dived at this technology level. One bomber unit would also have reckon planes in it, and not just 1 type of bombers. Remember the scale. The fleet can get in trouble though, don't you think? This game isn't a civ game. So you get an extra year beyond what they did historically, so you can wrap your game up if you haven't won already. The technology would change too much from ww2 to 1960, not to mention the nuclear bomb which would haveto be included. When you remember how the game mechanics works, then maybe it won't be so frustrating any more ~Norse~ [ October 28, 2002, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: Norse ]
  17. I only play this game for fun, nothing else. If you are not having fun while playing the game, then the point is gone. Even if you won 1 match, you wouldn't have proven a point. I already said the attack on Italy is risky, it works sometimes, and can fail others. What more can be proven with this? If you claim that this strategy never works, good for you! It works for many others, and I don't really care if you think it works or not. Everybody take a look at the Canadian army fighting on the west-coast of France, do you see the blue hexagon it is fighting on? This means France has not fallen, even if Paris is taken *sigh* Where did Hubert say such an thing? Cite? Quote? point us.... ~Norse~
  18. Yeah, RISK would be a good game for you. ~Norse~
  19. Comon John DiFool, you can do better than this. I doutb it Because, as you would have known if you had actually played the game, Egypt only got 1 corp in defence by default. This way, it gets 2 corps. And you are saying this will make you foam around the mouth? Some Italian players go for Egypt anyway. If you have kept the British fleet in Egypt idling, then it is now dead. Sitzkrieg doesn't work, sorry. Then you need the forces to invade Egypt with. Unless you bring a HQ, then your unit attacking Alexandria is out of supply and can't accomplish it's task. So you need a HQ, and do you remember how many HQ's that Italy starts the game with? You can bring a German HQ if you want, in which case the British player benefits from your shift of focus anyway (could you imagine?) About Iraq, Iraq has 1 single hex that borders Soviet. If you try to send your axis armies thru this hex, then they will get stuck, and then they will run out of supply. It is possible, sure, but how much Soviet effort do you think is neccesary to defend 1 mountain hex? This is the Iraqi and Soviet front and it's 1 hex border. Taking Iraq doesn't threathen Soviet much. I don't know, can you? How about you actually buy the game and try it? Yes, you are right JD. The allied player, if he has no plan, or a silly plan, then he dies. You might have forgotten, that if Britain falls, then Egypt falls too. Comon John DiFool, I have faith in you... :cool: ~Norse~
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