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mike the wino2

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Posts posted by mike the wino2

  1. W2vsA2:

    It's over. I think I won but haven't received the final results so I don't have numbers.


    Still dark. Rich has informed that the briefing states that I should surrender. When I get a chance I will have to look this up. Until then I will assume this is another in series of "gamey" moves on his part. First he used tactics and now these Jedi mind tricks. :confused:


    Still no Kuma?


    A glorious showing by my Teutonic uber-troops resulted in a grand victory...for Paul. :rolleyes:

    And I believe this to be the worst showing for the Axis in any game so far in the tourney. :D

  2. Warmaker is so right. Having played around with these bad boys they can be your best asset (182 out 286 kills) :D or your biggest waste (0 kills, tank abandoned and game ended as Allied victory). :(

    Balance, young one,always seek balance...and keep in mind that these beasts bog down if your inf has even sweated on parched earth.

  3. 109 Gustav

    You mean that stupid, dumb game in which I had green troops to fight an ME (which I hate) on a foggy night with 15m visibility against your elite uberparatroopers? Send me a real setup if you dare.
    Tsk, tsk. What kind of general would you have made?

    The random setting takes away the Uber-troop vs uber-troop battles. Anyone can duke it out with Veterans but it really feels good when you stick 2 veteran german AFVs (Pumas?) with 1rst shot kills from 2 Green Canadien Stuarts....all within established parameters agreed upon by both sides. My inf took a beating but I am wiping the field clear of the offending Huns now that his armor and ATG are neutralized.

    Grow a pair and finish taking your lickings, boy. Then you can once again raise your head high and seek other opponents. Until then you are just looking for someone you can whoop on and lord over.

  4. You are correct. This should be set-up for each country as we here in the US are unwilling/ unable to learn the metric system. I demand a Scottish version in stones, etc.

    We Americans are unlearned in the metric system therefore we shun it. The sole exception to this rule is our drug trade which has no problem converting ounce to pounds to kilos to grams and back again.

    Hope this clears up a few points.



    I know we are not supposed to give out details...but damn what an ugly game. Paul laid the smack-down on me from the get-go and never let up.

    Allied Complete and Total Victory.





    Turn 22 of 25: Still going. Can I hold what I got? Can he? Stay tuned results forthcoming...


    This is like the first time I had sex...lots of fumbling around in the dark and no one seems to know whats going. :D


    Kuma? Things better on the computer front yet? :confused:

    [ October 06, 2002, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  6. Originally posted by Vader's Jester

    Bakersfield is a major cross-roads

    We are also a primary mail distribution center for the USPS in sothern California
    Ahem, Bakersfield is not "major" or "primary" in any sense of those words. :D It is a stinking, fetid, rotting hellish place that only truck drivers could remember or even want to remember. :eek:

    I think the only place worse is Fresno or maybe Los Angeles :D

    (Edited because I forgot to say I am glad you finally got your copy and now even living in Bakersfield is bearable. ;) )

    [ September 27, 2002, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  7. Hey Leutnant Hortlund ,

    There is no way explain what this bad boy does to inf. Showed my girlfriend the map at the end of QB#3 and there were just little eliminated bodies all around the 2 shell craters. BTW, the AI autosurrendered after the 2nd shot into his inf reduced his fighting force from 300+ to about 20-30 able bodies. :eek:

    Keep watching the mailbox...soon it will be there.

  8. Oooohhh, SturmTiger. My new personal favorite gamey tank bit.

    3 Qb's with 'em so far. QB #1 caused 162 out 282 casualties, QB #2 2 KV-2's and 2 T-34s plinked away at one for 2 turns, immobbilzed the tank and the crew bailed the next turn and all that Sturm did was get a T-34 to button up for 1/2 turn. There goes a whole bunch of wasted points. :(

    QB #3 caused 180 out 282 causalities but this time held it back 'til I wiped out the 4 captured Panthers lurking around. Yes these things are lethal, heavily armored beasts but you can't park them in open ground with tanks roaming the battlefield and expect them to last very long. IMHO, BFC has tweaked the realism of tank crews bailing out rather nicely. GAWD I LOVE THIS GAME!!! :D

  9. Sorry no screen shots from me but a little bit to salivate over.

    Sturmtiger is amazing. First QB the AI auto-surrendered on turn 14. Sturmtiger racked 162 of 282 casulaties. Elefant: 2 IS-2s, 2 T-34s, and 1 inf. Hetzer took 2 T-34s and 2 Stuarts. 1 Turin, 1 Grille, and couple other thin skinned AFV's brewed up by the Ruskies. There are lots of obscure tank types to play around with so I will be enjoying this game for a long time to come. The ROF for the Sturm is sloooooooowwww (3 turns to reload) but 1 shot took out 7-8 inf markers. Well worth the wait. :D

  10. 14 hours at work yesterday and get home to see pretty new package for me. :D I think the envelope is still laying on the floor where I spit out after tearing into it with my teeth.

    Tried a couple of QB's with rarity and casualities on random. Very nice feature to randomize force composition. I also liked the fact that you can choose whatever you like but no guarantee that you will get those units. Too bad working another long day or I would be at home getting carpal tunnel from CMBB. :(

    More screenshots for those of us stuck at work and dreaming of gaming. smile.gif

  11. Updates:

    W2vsA2 (Dius Irae) - Turn 20 or 21 of 25 and VL's are evenly split but that will change before the end. :D

    W2vsB2 (Arch Enemies) - No word from B2 in 10 days or so. Anyone seen or heard from him? :confused:

    W2vsC2 (Mechanized Bushmen) - Kuma's little puppy ran in and crapped all over the place and then nothing. Did the lil bugger whiz on your computer Kuma? :eek:

    W2vsD2 (April's Fool) - Turn 26 of 30 and I really want this one to end. :(

    [ September 22, 2002, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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