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mike the wino2

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Posts posted by mike the wino2

  1. Determinant , I won't speak to the accuracy of the second-hand stories recanted above but I will speak of the physics of shotguns. Depending upon distance, type of load (OO Buck vs Birdshot), choke, and profiency of shooter this type of result might occur.

    Also note the fact that the writer states "knocked 14 men down". There is no indication all were shot but just down. Having shot a 6" tree down with semi-auto AK-47 I would say all it takes is time and patience...and a lot of ammo. :D

    [ August 11, 2002, 04:18 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  2. Orinigally posted by Hawkmek

    Tigger would never use a grenade. He is too happy and lovable and all he wants to do is bounce around.

    You must be mistaken.

    There was a post on this 3-4 months back and Madmatt stated that there would be no patches on CMBO to fix the Tigger bug. And from the most recent posts it looks like we will have to wait until the engine re-write to get Tigger modeled correctly. :D
  3. Slow? WTF? LEt me check this out.....

    By god your right. It took me 3 mins to plot my moves. Then all my tanks were killed by hidden ATGs. There must be something wrong here.


    BTS please fix or somefink.

    Kingtiger I would wait until they get the bugs worked out...say 2 or 3 years. Check back then.

  4. Hey could we make this maps a little bigger? I keep bumping into my own troops and it looks like the hordes of AFVs I have keep clumping up on their way to smashing the trespassing Allied forces.

    Ok, real update time.

    A2-Haven't made any substantial contact yet thus far. If I am not losing I must be winning. ;)

    B2-Finally sorted files out and moving along

    C2-Kuma are you receiving emails and getting attached files? please respond to mike_the_wino@softhome.net

    D2-"April's Fool" is aptly named...I was fool to start this one. Not to give any force hints away but I am less than optomistic about my chances on this one.

  5. My brother and I were at a gun show '93-'94ish and saw an interesting shotgun. When we asked about we were informed that it was a military shotgun, Remington I think. I made some comment about it being Vietnam era and was promptly corrected by the gun-grog that it was a WW2 shotgun. After a lengthy discourse, with much nodding on my part and "oh reaally"'s and "umm-huh"'s, I got a rather complete run-down on shotguns and there place in the military. As this was a while ago I remember little save this: their use dated back to at least WW1, definitely used in WW2 and Vietnam.

    Still wish I would have bought that gun. It had a proctetive, ventilated metal piece over the barrel so you would burn yourself on the hot barrel. Very cool looking. BTW, pump action.

    [ August 09, 2002, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  6. credit card=less time waiting for game. :D

    Dear Freaky-Old-Dude,

    Welcome to the year 2002. Much has changed. You have obviously discovered "computers" and the many marvels that they allow you to see....and not all of it is porn. tongue.gif Seriously, get an ATM check card, they work like a credit card for those of us getting out of the credit card scam. If you are weirded out by internet credit transactions get a ATM/ check card account with a limited amount of funds in account thereby limiting risk and increasing the amount of bank statements you receive each month. :rolleyes: Oh well can't win them all.

  7. I'll be up for a game once the "Two Steps of Death" wraps up.

    Translation: Once I sort out who gets what and I start the fecking tourney.

    That should all be wrapped up by Sept. 20th

    Translation: I should have lost enough men for an auto-surrender.

    I have always enjoyed your insightful prose in the Peng thread.

    Translation: Your posts are reminiscent of the "1000 monkeys+1000 typewriters=Great American Novel" theory.

    I look forward to our game.

    Translation: [ editted for unsuitable content but there was some reference to your parentage, social upbringing, hygiene, and other less appropriate subjects ]

  8. Originally posted by Soddball

    Best of luck here Roxy. If it gets too wierd for you, then you're in the Peng Challenge.

    Huh?!? :confused: How is that going to make things any better? Time to stop huffing the cleaning chemicals. :D

    BTW, what was this about Maximus/ Star Fleet Captain being perma-banned? I assume that they are same person but what do you do to get that kinda of attention? Publish illicit photos of MAdMatt? :eek:

  9. Looking at the multitude of screen shots

    out there I just noticed that some wall portions

    remain. Do these wall remnants affect LOS of units within rubble?

    ie partial wall remains does that block LOS?

    If this topic has all ready been covered let me know where I can find it.

    [ August 03, 2002, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  10. Having just wasted many hours and many German soldiers I am looking for tips, tricks, or gamey bits. To successfully utilize roughly 600 troops in an attack on 1000+ Allied troops with armor reserves...ugh.

    At the beginning of game 8, before I surrendered Me: Two arty spotters, 1 LMG, 1 squad (4 of 9), 2 HQ's and a truck.

    Allies: 447 men, 3 guns, 2 HT, coupla tanks.

    What happened?

  11. oh yes, Villers Bocage,one of my favorites. Having played hotseat against my buddy and multiple times against AI, I still never tire of this scenario. As such I thinks I have the gameyest of gamey down pat on this one. Smoke?!?

    BAH!!! Real men need to see what kills them. :D

    Start out cruise up to the rise overlooking the village and let Wittman annihilate all that he sees. On turn 8 "Fast" move on the right flank down the dirt road and position behind where the reinforcements come onboard. It's tricky getting good LOS without too much expsosure but it can be down. Sit and wait, when reinforcements come on map "reverse" to the right most edge of map (german perspective). Lose Wittman 1 out of 2 tries but the damage...very nice. ;)

    Then with my reinforcements use 1 or 2 Tigers in overwatch at the starting position while the balance of inf and armor wreck havoc.

  12. "Breaking through the west wall" or somefink like that. "Arnham-The Red Devils" was a good one if memory serves me well. A bridge, Ami Paras, Germans w/ light armor support. Good hotseat or against AI. Haven't played ops lately as I agreed to playtest the "Mother of All Ops"(not real name) for MrFred. 11 games, 25 turns each, German attacking. Egads. :eek:

    I suspect I will finish right about the time CMBB comes out. :D

  13. Originally posted on antother website by A_Rambling_Nut-job

    lots of stuff snipped cuz post above had same thing and it was silly enough without 2 people posting it.

    Has anyone had the heart to tell him that the Germans lost? :confused:

    If you enjoyed this snippet feel free to go the link at the top of the page for more "Tales from the Deranged, Nazi Propaganda Home Page". And be sure to sigh our Aryan guestbook...if you are not Aryan please gas yourselves. Thank you. :D

    [ July 26, 2002, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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