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mike the wino2

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Posts posted by mike the wino2

  1. Aaahh looky here Sgian Dubh . You see the bold is much better for berating one. Here is an example:


    I will be playing as the glorious German Horde in an as-yet-untested game made by none other than Becket.

    Cheers :D

    {editted because I spelled Besket (which is too close to a useful food item) not Becket (which is a great big steaming coil of excrement on the front lawn of Life)

    [ February 03, 2003, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  2. Originally posted by Becket

    a bunch of simpering, limp-wristed mush
    Good, keep stoking those fires boy we sure could use the light.

    Originally posted by Soddball

    I am on detox for a month.

    Me too! Is yours self-induced or court-ordered? Mine is self-induced, well girlfriend induced actually, but it serves my base desires to go along for the ride.

    Playing a lil game with Dave H this weekend. At least I am. I haven't killled, maimed, burned or mutilated any of his forces yet but those things are on the list.

  3. Come on Moon you were in quite the banning mood this morning. Not that I am knocking the banning of the Blood & Guts Wanker but what did he really do? He started two(2) horric, annoying, banal, inane, abourd, and bannable(sic?) threads in one day.

    Look at the havoc that Bone_Vulture has brought over the years. I think that the collective grief is worthy of a banning. In fact, I suggest that you look over your records. It very well could that you meant to ban him in the past and never got around to it. No, no, it is perfectly all right I will wait whilst you check.

















    Whats that? YOU ARE GOING TO ALLOW Bone_Vulture BACK???

  4. Dear Becket ,

    We apologize for this inconvenience. We are presently experiencing technical difficulties and are attempting to track the issue down. At present the hardware checks out, the operating system seems stable, internet service is strong and the web-based email system is a go. So it looks like we have a biological-interface conflict. We are bringing a small monkey to replace the biological unit until we can figure out why it failing to execute simple procedures. You should notice little difference overall but you should expect a more challenging opponent until we get the biological unit back online.

    Thank you for your patience in this matter.

    [ February 02, 2003, 02:37 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  5. WTF!! You maggots are going to let the GLORIOUS-TNT-CHUCKIN-HALL-OF-FLAME fall to page 2. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Pah. :rolleyes:

    Send me a turn Dave H . The last one has me on the edge of my seat...with a bucket of flaming TNT to hurl in your general direction.

    And I know I don't need to encourage the Becket -bot. That damn thing generates more files than Micheal Dorosh posts. It is unreal, unholy and soon to crushed.

  6. Since Dave H mentioned hand grenades one of my favorite inspirational messages for employees standing around doing nothing is to walk up and say, "Did you know that one hand grenade would kill you all?". Or for the real slackers, "Quit jerking your gerkin and get back to working."

    Ah, I love inspiring and motivating maggots. So here I go again.

    Mr. Peck-it I have received your file and have to ask, what does it mean that your troops are camping? Does that mean that your namby-pamby-junior-girls-auxillery-rifle squad is roasting marshmellows as opposed to marching to the inevitable end...their deaths? All you do is extend their lives by turns. I am coming. And I got my buddy...FLAMING F*ING TRUCKLOADS OF RIGHTEOUS TNT!!!

    As for Dave H this walking boil has a surprise coming to him.

    *Hint: It involves TNT, lots of screaming, his dead troops, and me laughing. But I don't want to give away the ending.*

    [ February 01, 2003, 04:22 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  7. Turns out. Got the scenario Becket hopefully I will drag my neighbor over to kill-dismemver and otherwise obliterate him, all in good fun ya know.

    Now as to this originally posted by Jussi Köhler

    This certainly seems to be the biggest and uglyest form of perversion I have ever stumbled across

    The scenario or the designer?

    [ January 31, 2003, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  8. Aaaahhh, Becket you marvelous bastard THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!!! There are a few buildings all ready on fire and the game hasn't even begun. What I really like about it, note this Soddball , I don't see any feckin fog. Gawd knows I have gotten enough of that IRL over the last month or so. Might be able to even see an opponent. Send me a copy and I will test-drive with a friend.

    Turns slowing down due to the fact that copious amounts of beer and wine over the last 2 days has taken its toll on my mortal form. Oh what I do in the name of professional duty. :D

  9. Glad to see that Abbott is alive and well. This tread needs a man like him. Soddbal is a wanker with no redeeming qualities and a penchant for buggery....so I have heard. Welcome back Abbott and Gods speed on the road to recovery.

    Now to the real point of my post...f*ing wanker opponents. You know who you are. Filthy-mouth-breathing-knuckle-dragging-inbred-country-music-listening-limp-d*ck-bastiches....I hate you. Now, when/ if I find you I will rain down the holy, all cleansing TNT to bring your heathen souls back to the altar of TNT CHUCKIN. :mad: :mad: :mad:


    Soddball WTF!!! :mad: This is supposed to be THE ALTAR OF TNT-CHUCKIN :mad: :mad: :mad: , not the feckin "Three Blind Mice Visit the Volga". Two of my squads bumped into each and I swear one squad is all carrying canes. A night battle in the fog?!?!? Did you personally gouge out the eyes of every single one of squads or did you leave a few with sight? Haven't seen either Becket or Dave H but that truck they mentioned...I have one too. MUHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!

  11. Dave H regarding a few of your points:

    This is to inform you that opening the setup I received from Mike the Wino was much like removing the mask from the Phantom of the Opera! The horror!
    Really I was thinking more of "The Nightmare Before Christmas". You know, dark, dreary, devoid of life, yet expertly crafted in a very sick and twisted way...not unlike the author himself.

    Seek help immediately
    I have contacted the proper authorities in unmentioned person's hometown (cleverly taken from his profile) and was informed that they were away of said indidual. Alas, they also mentioned that they had no intention of picking him up as they wanted as little to do with the man as possible. No luck there, just be glad you have your computer to seperate you from him. :D

    And to Becket , try sticking the unfit tank crew into the truck (mentioned by Dave H) and come on over to see me. Giving away all your force composition so quickly. I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!! MUHAHAAHAHAHAHA

    All you base are belong to me...or somefink :D

    [ January 28, 2003, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  12. Ho-boy-ho-boy-oh-boy, looks like the prize department had some extra TNT to fling out to all you good folks. Dave H and I will be flinging molten bits of Ruskie and Kraut TNT at each in the same scenario that Becket will be surren...er..playing. I will be playing the invincible German horde while those two nancy-boys will be playing the God-Forsaken-Heathen-Unwashed masses that make up the Russian....*stifles a chuckl*...army.

    *full blown laughter*

    Now before you two reprobates put your collective 2 brain cells together, each one of you maggots got a different setup. I WILL BE FLINGING TNT AT BOTH OF YOU, but in slightly different ways. ARRRGGHHH what a grand time to be had by all. :mad: :mad:

  13. Ho righty den,

    Drop yer c*cks and grab yer socks ladies its time to play CMBB. Snarker, Thermopylae, Becket, and Ruthless if you have time to post you have time to game. So who is gonna grow a pair and launch into this un-explored bit of TNT-chucking glory crafted by none other than the terminally inebriated mind of our own SoddBall. Come see what masterful terror can be pounded out by those hammer-hands in the throes of DTs.

  14. MasterGoodale , only one problem with your plan. Steps #1-5 might be time consuming and delay Step #6; which in all likelyhood will bring you great satisfaction if you can get far enough away so that you don't get caught shooting the lil bastiche. :D

    I would recommend re-ordering the list to put #6 at #1 and lowering the priority of the rest of the items.


    [ January 27, 2003, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  15. *braces self*

    *coughs slightly*

    Ho righty den, lets try this out for size.

    One Soddball has been so kind to send me a TNT filled bit of CMBB. Now I need one of you pasty-white-maggotty-rejects of humanity to get your decrepit, decaying biochemical systems to produce enough testosterone to actually play this scenario. Email addie is in profile or sqeak up here little mice.

    Lest I forget, Grrrrrrrr, ARRRRRGGGHHHH and :mad: :mad: :mad:

  16. MasterGoodale circumstances being what they are I find myself presently without a PBEM opponent. One Berli has announced an end to his CM days and even offered a surrender to our game that was less than 3 turns underway. As such, should you have some spare TNT laying around, kindly package it up and send it to my email addie. If you are too busy at the moment one of your maggots could entertain me until you get a free moment.

    Oh, almost forgot..... AAAARRRGGHHHH , GRRRRRRRR and :mad: :mad: :mad:

    { editted to add more :mad: :mad: :mad: }

    [ January 25, 2003, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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