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mike the wino2

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Posts posted by mike the wino2













    I was not a big fan of ATR but played one hotseat game with a scenario as Ruskie paras holding a town that had oodles of ATGs as reinforcements. Got lots of hits before taking out HTs but according to my buddy I had knocked out the mgs/ caused casualities/ knocked out HTs long before they showed as KO'd. Damn Death Clock. :D

    After that I have a new found respect for them against "soft armor".

  2. Originally posted by Parabellum

    I like that kind of uncertainty.
    Precisely why I like this "feature", as well.

    Now for you people knocking Der Strurmtiger....WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!

    I love that tank, historically accurate in scenarios or not. Drop a couple of rounds in the general neighborhood of your enemy and watch the fun unfold.

    editted cuz i meant to say i like this feature as well and not to prompt Parabellum's response below

    [ January 24, 2003, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  3. Originally posted by MasterGoodale

    Well the plumping is fixed maggot skulls! I had to cut some copper and sling some sodder but it's just like new now! I finished late yesterday so was too damn tired to get the AAR up! Deal with it numb nuts!!

    Glad to hear. All that flying TNT with the plumbing backed up, could turn into a fecal storm in Casa de Goodale. :eek:

    And of course, Mrs. MasterGoodale will be pleased to hear:

    I'll have it up tonight!

  4. I did a search and found most of the answers to quench my thirst for knowledge on this tank but I have one more. While playing a QB I embarked a LMG 42 and it showed up UNDERNEATH the tank? I expected them over the engine like all other inf units. Bug or was there room internally? Anyone else notice this or am I the only one dumb enough to buy one?

  5. I think that you, Gaylord Focker, forgot one important aspect of reviews: they are the opinion of 1 person.

    That being said, you also have to keep in mind that reviewers are brainless wankers who should all be drug into the streets and run over. I was reading a review of "The Two Towers" and the knuckle-draggin'-mouth-breather had the gall to bitch about the fact that there was no recap of the first movie. WTF? What literate individual has not read the LOTR series? Barring that, the friggin' movie was released LAST year. Hell, it was still playing in some theaters a month before "The Two Towers" came out. If you can't remember what happened in your life within the last calender year how the hell do you get through life?

    To sum up, reviewers suck and should die.

    Thank you. :D

  6. When I first got CMBB playing with the Sturmtiger was my greatest joy in the game. I have have not seen a tank take a Sturmtiger round and live. The rounds never KO'd a tank but the crews were shocked w/ casualities and generally bailed the next turn, if they could gather themselves together. I thought it a bit odd that a T-34 could take a 380mm rocket and get "no penetration" but I was happy that the tank was dead. :D

  7. I love HTs. The main reason I don't like the Russians is the lack of HTs. The 251/16 (?) is my fav; MG and Flamethrower. Nice. Tigrii's point on mobility to flank MLR is right on and I love HTs for this reason. The ATR issue is avoidable if you work in groups. ATRs seldom get 1 shot kills and 3-5 HTs blazing away tend to pin or eliminate the lil buggers.

  8. Um, no. It would seem logical that you could "walk" arty out of LOS but that is not the case. Irritating? Yes. Realistic? Maybe.

    Fire mission begins but off-target. As FO you call back to adjust. Sergei (or Fritz) gets confused and over corrects. Are the rounds falling behind that ridge where you directed them or 60 meters beyond? I don't really like this "feature" but it seems to balance the game IMO.

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