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mike the wino2

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Posts posted by mike the wino2

  1. Tanklord this voyeuristic interest in my "fumbling around in the dark" is flattering...and a bit disturbing. :eek:

    PBEM file is away, let's see if I can rally my company of Green Canadiens to eliminate the 2 squads that you have left. And start looking around for another scenario as it looks like we will be without a round #2 of this tourney :( and I will need a dsistraction while saving up for a new comp to run CMBB.

    [ November 01, 2002, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  2. No, no, no.

    You are thinking KLAN not clan. These are totally seperate things.

    Klan is made up knuckle-dragging, in-bred, unevolved, trailer-dwellers whose sole purpose in life is to marry their sister and inherit the family pickup.

    Clans are an organized group of knuckle-dragging, un-evolved, cave dwellers whose sole purpose in life is to marry a distant cousin and kill woolly mammoths.

    Some similarities but quite different. Hope this helps.

  3. Origninally posted by Steve

    There is no need to do any more tests. The AI has zero advantage over the Human player. As has been our stated position since before any of you even heard of us, we do not make AIs that cheat. We also don't lie to our customers. So if we say it doesn't cheat, and we also don't lie, one doesn't need a degree in mathmatics to understand what that means
    Key word "IF". IF you do lie, how would we know? tongue.gif

    And yes,

    Wow, go out of town for a couple of days and lookie what happens

    . Now you know we can't be trusted to behave while you are away. It's like have a couple thousand of your own children. Why didn't you leave a babysitter or somefink? :D
  4. Originally posted by Seanachai

    Good God.

    I've finally encountered a group of people with so much time on their hands that even touching themselves has worn thin...

    At least YOU still that to fall back on. :D

    Hey while your at guys...I have lost money in Lake Tahoe all 4 times I went. The one time I went to Las Vegas I won $120. Does this mean Lake Tahoe cheats and Las Vegas is the place to go? :confused:

    Please advise as travel plans are being discussed.

  5. Funny this topic should pop-up right now. I finished Death Ride as Axis just today. Axis victory, but lost 4 KT. 2 were KO'd by guns near the flag. AI surrendered. Yea, for me. :D

    Then tried it as the Ruskies. The AI had no prob coordinating moves. Lost 12 tanks while taking out 8 KT's. German uberkitties never got past the cemetary before time ran out and ended with a draw. :( I still held the flag and hasn't even fired one shot from my ATG's. I think this one would definitely be better PBEM or Hotseat.

  6. Sorry the original post was a bit vague, it was late when I wrote it and I was trying to keep it short. Perhaps too short.

    My concern was that my Coy HQ had semi-decent LOS to target (dull blue, not bright). But when 81mm arty arrived it had "drifted" 100+ meters into my forward position. Precision was excellent(nice grouping) but accuracy left much to be desired ( I hate bombing my own troops). Similiar issue on my right flank as 105's drifted farther to the right, even off map. But in the latter case, the FO would pause and re-target to get closer to targetted area. At least, I assumed he was pausing to correct as status window alternated between the "countdown" and "firing". Arty did seem to get closer to target after each pause.

  7. Read through the posts on CMBB and randomized arty drops out of LOS. What about in LOS and in snow? Does weather play a part in determining where rounds hit? i.e. bad weather = reduced visual registry of rounds landing properly?

    I just had a conscript 81mm mortar drop 1 turn of shells on my advance/ recce element. Definitely not a good thing.

    Did I miss something...bug or new game mechanics?

  8. Originally posted by Lumbergh

    And, since I am a noob, can someone explain to me the obsession with all things German these people tend to exhibit? I for one find it a tad disturbing.
    Answer: Sturmtiger. :D

    Oh ,if you want something really disturbing maybe someone will post a link to the Neo-Nazi model builder. Great models, mad as all get out.

    Originally posted by Sunflower Farm Boy

    What's your problem with 'all things' German bub? Germany has a prolific and long-lived culture worthy of closer inspection by all.
    The whole Holocaust thing really put a lot people off the pro-Germany thing.

    Am I a nOOb if i only use uber-tanks in QB's? :confused: This phase generally lasts 6-8 weeks...at least that is how long it took for CMBO.

  9. Originally posted by Foreigner

    OK, we have one report of an immobilized and abandoned Sturmtiger, but has anyone succeeded in KO-ing one yet?
    Still not quite the phase where I buy as many different types of armor units see what works against what. But I can say that the following have all KO'd Sturmtigers; Captured Panthers, Stuarts and Valentine(sic). The last one was the newer version. The Stuart and Valentines had 3-4 tanks plicking away on the flanks, <150 meters, and the Panthers got side shots, 400-600 meters, when the AI turned to move to a flag.
  10. I have seen it all now.

    Twice now I have seen IS-3's shrug off a Sturmtiger shell. Should have taken screenies. Well maybe not shrug off, guns damaged but crew still intact. Try it at home and you will see...just use a lot of them.

    Additionally, M4A2 Sherman (76), I think thats what its called, and T-34/85 (44) will both penetrate/ KO sturmtigers from side or back side. Front is too heavily armored.

    Haven't found lowest caliber to immobilize, KO, or destroy yet.

    Still working.

    [ October 22, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  11. Originally posted by Foreigner

    OK, we have one report of an immobilized and abandoned Sturmtiger, but has anyone succeeded in KO-ing one yet?
    I know this is dredging up the past but I got 2 KO's yesterday. :D

    Been messing around with importing maps into QB's and KO'd 2 Sturmtigers w/ captured Panthers in 1 QB. Even though I had KV-1's and some Ruskie TD's nothing did these badboys in. BTW, all my armor had rear shots when AI turned to move to flags and I popped up behind them. Shot for 2-3 rounds before killing 'em. In that time 3 t-34/85's were devastated by 1 shot from a Strumtiger on the other flank. 1 bailed out, 1 routed, and all 3 were shocked. :eek:

    [ October 21, 2002, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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