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mike the wino2

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Posts posted by mike the wino2

  1. Lemme see...updates on all my gameyest games ever.

    W2vsA2 : My Teutonic hordes have advanced nicely and now the final strike on the left flank will seal his fate. His right is wavering as well. :D

    W2vsB2 : Still dark and God only knows who is winning. Oh, and by the way, those are not "colanders". Colanders don't explode and burn when you hit 'em with (censored). At least we have a little light now. :eek:

    W2vsC2 : Kuma lost his work CMBB computer and it looks like he is not sending turns now. :( Unless I forgot to send him a turn, but I think I am up on turns.

    W2vsD2 : Turn 22 of 30. Make the pain stop, please?!?!? :(

    [ September 13, 2002, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  2. Dear Pantless Shrieker ,

    Thank you for posting on the the now quiet CM:BO Forum. Your input is greatly valued and we thank you for your helpful idea/ rambling statement/ whining complaint (Choose one).

    I think you will agree with the majority of the posters that this is the best way for BFC to handle our two (2) seperate threads. This allows people to search within the subject of the game that they are playing. As an added bonus, the "Peng Challenge" thread has moved to the CM:BB forum.

    We appreciate your input and hope that you will continue to send us money in advance for games we have not even boxed up yet.



    Please note above post was not authored by BFC. None of the above statements reflect any official sentiment(s) of the BFC staff. Although I believe that they would agree you are really going off the deep end with this thread. IMHO.

    [ September 14, 2002, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  3. Originally posted by Mike


    Originally posted by Wojtek:

    Arch Enemies is on around turn 8, and we've finally found each other in the darkness!


    Aww...isn't that sweet!!

    Now, now...as long as they are having a good time. ;)

    Well it looks like CMBB demo has done little to slacken the pace of my games. My own ineptitude, on the other hand, has gone to great lengths to slow all forward progress.

    W2vsA2 - I think he got a (censored) and a couple of (censored) just recently as (censored). Turn 15 or so.

    W2vsB2 - This is the kinda stuff that used to run through my head when I was alone in the dark as a kid. Maybe I read too many books on WW2 as a youngster. :D

    W2vsC2 - I fear we may have lost Kuma to CMBB...he admitted to being swayed by the swaying trees. Turn 12-ish.

    W2vsD2 - I think the carnage is continuing nicely. Turn 20 of 30, only 10 more turns before my loss.


    [ September 06, 2002, 02:12 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  4. Originally posted by CombatGeneral

    So, have you guys killed any baddos with the rifle? I have penetrated their armor, but no kills. However, after four AT rifles peppered away at a tank for three turns, it went into panic and fled. That was really cool.
    No luck with rifles and little luck with 47mm AT guns in Demo but I do love the "Panic" state on armored units.
  5. Originally posted by C-J

    It was a very exciting battle.

    Thanks Patrik for a good fight.

    Is that "The Tanklord" Patrik? IF so, please get back to losing to my Green Canadien troops. :D

    Well a busy weekend on this end. Gamed a bunch, downloaded the CMBB demo about 6 or 7 times before I got it to run :rolleyes: , and got turns in and out all weekend. And I still got the lawn mowed and both bathrooms cleaned. Now for updates.

    W2vsA2: 1 flag is mine..still. The rest are his and his (censored) got my (censored) but I can still (censored) so its actually working out well.

    W2vsB2: Its dark but we are now shooting at each other. This is a vast improvement from it being dark and Rich driving his Winnabegos all over the map looking for a camping spot.

    W2vsC2: Kuma is still Finnish...oh, and the game is proceeding nicely as well. :D

    W2vsD2: Not sure how the other Axis players did with this one. I know I saw one win but I think this is the last "April's Fool" game going. Not looking for spoilers just hope that something can be salvaged from this meat-grinder. :eek:

    [ September 03, 2002, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  6. Looking over last post I see that I mistated date. 11/4/2002? Egads I need more sleep.

    Quick update:

    W2vsA2 - No word for 5-6 days now. I know he is in the States and using a hotmail account...that's all.

    W2vsB2 - It's still dark but turns are being exchanged. At some point it will end.


    W2vsC2 - His (?) just killed one of my (censored). :mad: And his damn dog is messing all over the place. I think the lil doggy wizzed on my (censored) and rusted the action. :D

    W2vsD2 - ugh!

    [ August 28, 2002, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  7. Hello all,

    W2 signing on.


    A2 (Dius Irae): I advance. Victory is mine...whooops, damn gopher hole. I will sit here for a bit and nurse my sore ankle.

    B2 (Arch Enemies): It is still dark.

    C2 (Mechanized Bushmen): I thought I saw a chariot on the horizon.....hhhhmmmm, nevermind, I will bask here in the sun.

    D2 (April's Fool): I am laying down the most cunning counter-strike ever..details when I crush the foul Amis.

    Anyone not getting turns from me now, post or email. Work has allowed me time until next Wednesday, 11/4/2002.

  8. 9/20/02 Newsflash

    Updates from W2

    W2 vs A2: Don't know yet. I may be achieving the most spectacular victory since...well, uh, well some really cool victory. Or I might have all my little bits blown across the entire. Outcome slowly forthcoming.

    W2 vs B2: No idea still dark. And I think there are no VL in this game. Now what do I do?

    W2 vs C2: Leffe is running around and playing. It would seem that the lil pup has other orders. From our intelligence we have gathered, it is believed he is planting a new explosive called a "Slide Mine". Little of this weapon is known. Will post when testing yields results.

    W2 vs D2: It looks like, well, um...*shakes head in disbelief*...not too good for my feared Teutonic Sprinting Team. One of the team buses broke down on the way to the game and some of the boys wandered off when the chearleaders showed up. Damn kids letting their hormones get the best of them.

    I be lucky to pull off an Axis Total and Complete Loss.

    Turns are out.

    [ August 21, 2002, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  9. Hi Xinebbsa ,

    One trick that I like is Shift-T, it removes the trees. It doesn't look as cool but you can see all the units on the map. Also, if you hit the "-" or "+" keys you will cycle through your units one a time so you can look at them, check LOS, move accordingly, or just make sure that they are still alive.

    Arty was a hard one to get used to but by far the most effective tool you have in your inventory. Keep reading on the forum and adapt what you learn to your game and you will be fine.

    Good luck.

  10. Oh, oh, I saw that movie too. Pretty good too bad I can't remember the name. DANMIT, poor liquor-soaked noggin, not functioning at 100%. :rolleyes:

    As a teenage boy caught up in the opening moments of WW2 he is sent to German military school because of his fluency in Russian and German.

    Best war of all time.... The Big Red One


    1. It has Mark Hamill in it and we all know how great of an acotr he is.

    2. It accurately represents German tanks with Sherman tanks painted grey with a swastika. There too is an oft overlooked fact of the war. All German tanks looked like Allied tanks in an attempt confuse the enemy. :D

  11. W2 here.

    As previously mentioned leaving friday morning and not back til Monday night. I know I said Sunday earlier but I didn't book flight and didn't remember return flight.

    I would like to accomadate schedules and would like to know active gaming hours of my oppenents to speed up these games. Mikko mentioned a deadline and I would hate to drage this out. If Marko, Rich, Kuma, and Paul could a) tell when they normally play, B) time corelates to the time index of this post. Here/ now it is 8/15, 10:20 pm. c) what are the best days to get in and knock out a couple of files.

  12. I was thinking about this one night but from a different angle. What about refugees? Peasants or farmers fleeing the fighting down a road. How much information could they provide? IMHO the info provided by such sources would be quickly outdated and more a distraction than anything else. For instance, let's say you get some info about "x" tanks behind Hill 297. By the time you move into to place those tanks have repositioned and are dropping rounds into, and through, your flanks.

  13. Posted by YankeeDog

    As far as guns in building: This was certainly done IRL. However, in practice only certain types of buildings could easily have even a small gun placed inside of them.

    Wouldn't the vector of recoil, above a certain caliber, be a problem in a confined space? The mcombination of knocked walls, or portions thereof, combined with recoil sounds like a complex model to create but an outstanding idea.

    BFC, please fix or somefink

    [ August 16, 2002, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

  14. Dear Traject0ry ,

    Let me start this missive by stating I hate you. I hate your mother, your father and mostly I hate whoever designed these sceanrios. It is a well known fact that the German forces were far superior than the Allies in all aspects (just ask me and I will verify it). But these scenarios attempt to overlook this obvious fact and force me to use things like planning, supporting fire, and ...*shudders*..."tactics". Should I lose any of the scenarios, I blame you. ;)

    On to the real updates:

    W2vsA2-I thinks dis one is "Dies Horribly" or somefink lik dat. T8 moving along thanks to my oppenent shooting emails in the morning, thereby forcing me to reply and miss work. Well, I don't really MISS it but I do show up late. :D

    W2vsB2-"Arch Enemies" Shuffling through the dark, bumping toes on hard pointy rocks, much swearing. Politely asked oppenent to light 3-4 vehicles on fire to light the way. Gamey bastiche declined this most simple request. T5 or 6, no contact.

    W2vsC2-"Mechanized Bushman" Kuma put the puppy down and send me a turn. Oh wait, what's that on my screen..it's Kuma's DAMN DOG scouting my lines. :eek: Very sneaky, indeed.

    W2vsD2-"April Fools" Don't want to give away forces but he has declined my reasonable request for an immediate surrender in the face of my superior Germanic hordes. Now I must crush him...or at least try. ;)

    IF I have mixed up battles/ oppenents, sorry but I am at work and doing this from memory. Taking off for Seattle this weekend so no turns from me 'til Sunday night. More posts if I am winning, if losing I will be drowning my sorrows and sobbing in the dark.

    [ August 14, 2002, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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