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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Here is what I said in reply (... it's right here in this thread, BTW, for those who care to look it up): Now, I defended the SC-2 Artist in question BECAUSE I PERSONALLY thought that your description - "ass-clouds" was unnecesarily derogatory. It's how puling, puerile, Punks talk. The same goes for "name-calling." IE, how a cowardly, hiding behind Momma's skirts kind of Punk would do. I don't believe I've done that to you or ANY other person who has smacked or slammed me. Why on Earth do you it? Cursing is usually a sign that you cannot express yourself very well, cannot be bothered to locate the appropriate phrase. Shut-in? Well, I only just talked about walking WAY out of town, whistling show tunes. Shut-in wouldn't do that would they? What I write doesn't NEED to have anything to do with anything. And, I don't write for YOU, or anyone else for that matter. I write the way I do because I like to, it's fun. If you dislike my writing so much, why torture yourself? Are you a masochist? Are you also a literay critic then? If so, Then use logic and rationales to dissect and say HOW my writing is so awful. Otherwise, your poor, uninformed opinion is of no use. How could you know? Are you qualified, do you have credentials? I have. I've worked in the mental health field for quite some time. None of my colleagues - Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Curanderos, nope, NONE of them would back your claim, I am certain. I have found that people who throw these kinds of "mental ill" epithets, are usually those who are most worried about their OWN mental state. Perhaps? Look into it? _________________________________ WindyCity, I have asked you not to address me by my given name, since you don't know me. It's an old trick that law enforcement uses as a way to place themselves ABOVE the perceived underling. Who does not know their first name. Now, what is yours? Then I can do the same to you. I can guess? But that wouldn't be the decent thing to do. It is rude. Please control yourself. And, I have never "attempt to Moderated" this forum. I am not a moderator. I am only a beta tester. I have no more status than anyone else here. You will notice that NO other beta tester, nor anyone at BF... has come to my assistance, not recently when some others were flaming me, and not now. That should give you a further clue as to my status? Make you happy? If anyone at BF wishes to lock me or ban me, that is their privilege, same as it would be for you or anyone else. Which ALSO means, I say what I please. When I want to. Until such time as I am no longer able. If you or anyone else doesn't like it, As I've mentioned before: EVERY TIME you see my name come up In ANY thread, well, Use yer little mouse And just scroll on by, IE: DON'T READ IT. Pretty simple, yes? This is laughable. Absurd. Ludicrous. You really think some "spirited conversation" is going to prevent anyone from buying this game? I am only one, as blackbellamy would insist, IDIOT. Who pays any attention to an Idiot? Well, I do, because I like: Idiots. Freaks. Lepers. Artists who cannnot defend themselves from punks. Clowns. Fools. Well, you get the idea. Won't need it. Your kind of ill-wishes are... worthless. ___________________________ Now, IF you and blackbellamy and anyone else do NOT like how I conduct myself, Get up a petition and send it to Battlefront. See if that will get me black-balled or banned. Maybe you can find JUST ENOUGH who will sign on. I could care less. Until then, I'll just post as I please, When I please, Thank you very much. ___________________________________ PS: Many thanks JJ, kuni and jon_j_rambo for the support. 3 is enough. 3 cool SC Cats is ALL I need. :cool:
  2. Yogi, Sorry, I was in midst of bad moon risin' last night, Due to... th' hell with it, Don't matter a Yankee damn, And it's FUN to be "had" now & then But I just go about my business No matter what some others Be up to. Anyway, It's alright, My feeling is this... it's time! Past time! That my Cleveland Club wins the pennant Of American League! Last it happened, I was too callow to know How thrilled I shoulda been!
  3. Rough? Where I... been? Yeah, some, But nuthin' to speak of. Where I'm... at? LOL. ___________________________________ I was out walking, jjr, on one a' them rutted, tumble-weed clotted back roads, here near Desert City, Whistling an old time show tune, Thinking of how some certain people, Like this kinda crazy courageous lady Blaze across the sky Like great golden chariots pulled By - 22 stallions! Wild manes all a-fire, Yep, carpe diem, They'll live - to die in the moment, Be... born brand new, each And every day. Liza paid. We all do. Sooner or later. Then - by chance, and Sure, it's serendipity all right, I happened to see one a' them new F-22's fighters they moved out here On the desert for test flights, And, There was this little kid In short-pants and wearin' This t-shirt that exclaimed: "I might be little, but I got Big Cat game." [... PIC of "Lion" above this caption] LOL! He was Standin' by side of rutted dusty road Shootin' at that F-22! Believe it or not! With... a squirt gun! Too bad, No luck. I just had to laugh, Though... utterly admired his pluck. [ March 10, 2006, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  4. Pardon me? WindyCity? Likes the Cards? I guess I don't know what you mean. What is obnoxious? What is my intent? Crimeney, and folks claim not to understand what I am saying. BTW: Avoid using my birth name; you don't know me well enough. Thanks.
  5. Doggone if yer prose ain't hard to reckon with. Or, understand. Ah, well, I guess we all, and EACH Have VERY different modes of perception And, See, or read and otherwise see, Entirely different Gestalts. 'At's alright. It don't bother me. I just accept what IS, nod my head - yea or nay or it might ought mean - what's the diff? And continue on along the road. Kicking up spirals of dust as I go.
  6. Thanks John, There may even be a few who share your view. However many there might be hardly concerns me, but thanks for the kind remark just the same. If I had a brother like you I'd never have to watch my own back again. :cool: Come to think of it, I DO have a brother much like you, and so... now I'll have NO problems, out here in Desert City Nor - should I extend my intended summer trip to the Old Ohio Homestead... in Bessie Blue, and make it all the way to Jersey, Nope, nothin' to worry over... out there neither.
  7. Just before checking in at Beta Forum, then over here, I was reading The Desert City Sun after my wonderful, satisfying dinner of red chile enchiladas. Now. I just gotta ask myself, I really do. Which of the above am I going to concern myself with? A) Any part of the first two quotes. Or, the second news item. Hmmmmm. :confused: Tough call.
  8. Yep CC, I CAN appreciate. That one little rag-tag line in there, Well, gosh a'mighty, I dunno, The plain ol' gamer coulda oughta Left that particular bit outta there.
  9. Codename: "Rocket Pocket Soccer Player," Stumbling upon his VERY FIRST "chick," A real live, Fire-breathing Whole shebang eating... damsel, In NO sort of distress: What happened next? :eek: Jeeeez, and thanks be for small favors, I'm glad I didn't haffta witness to that.
  10. Hmmm, let's see, lemme guess... you must be a'favorin' them Cards from ol' St Louie then, yes WC? I've liked 'em ever since "the Gas House Gang." I wasn't there, then, but what a grand story Has been told of it! What a base-stealing, sharp-cleat dealing, Dugout-hollering bunch of rasty cats! Worse than that! It was designed I do believe, And correct me if I'm mistaken (... as I was on the Paine quote... ALWAYS good when someone does that, else? How would I ever learn anything?) Because the "pitcher's era," Circa 1968-71 or so, Caused so many low scoring games, The ever-ignorant owners (... must be a prerequisite to buying a team?) Figured that - using their trusty abacus, MORE runs and home-runs And general run-around action! Would draw more fans. Alas, Likely true, But you shouldn't over-turn 80+ years Of history... lowering the mound And building shoe-box ball parks included, Just to satisfy those Who will not, or cannot Appreciate "genuine diamond artistry" As it was originally made, eh? :cool:
  11. Cool first post, Howeveryousayyername! What a mouth full! Agree with most of the sentiment, Though, SOME silliness, hoopla, frou-frou And the like are essential, IMHO. Else one can get too self-righteous And deleriously serious. Laughing with, but NOT "at," keeps you alive longer, yep, It's a fact. And yer right, NOBODY is a newb. I hate that term, and have said so Since years ago. EVERYBODY possesses some very TINY part Of the picture puzzle. Admins? Part of the puzzle. Forum Members, part also. Beta testers? LOL, now, They might be the lone exception. __________________________ Just noticed there are now over 142,000 posts on the "BF general forum." I wonder? If, After ALL this time, ANY single soul has changed their mind About - ANYTHING? Or, Gotten one fraction of an inch closer To sartori, nirvanna, epiphany, Enlightenment, or most critical, The better way to tie a shoe-lace? I mean, surely, Not everyone there wears loafers Or saunters along In motor-cycle boots, though, Listening to some of the palaver, One might get that impression. I wonder if the entire BF forum, Beginning to end, Will be included When NASA makes their next time capsule? To be buried in Terre Haute? Or sent to that huge, Earth-like planet Only recently discovered? Hmmmm... probably not. On, or about... any of the above. That's OK, We are ALL Just another wargamer, and that's Alley cat's blue-collar serenade. :cool:
  12. I can tell you ONE thing for sure That will NOT be UP... on the South Side this year. The American League pennant Snapping in 'at off the Lake breeze, Like sail-cloth on steroids! (... you ain't got enny 'a them sorry-ass sick-selfish me-first cheaters, like Barry Bonds or McGwire or Sosa on that club, have ya?... hmmmm, maybe so, and that's WHY! you won it all last year?) Nope, no hope, It'll be waving away in a great Lake Breeze alright, only... a little due East, In Cleveland's municiple park! BTW, WC, Down 'err in yer sig line you got "... EXEPT to reap... " Shouldn't that be? EXPECT to reap? Myself, I would also add this: As per the Constitution of US of A We are permitted to throw out the tyrants Then it becomes necessary. Seems a good time to remind everyone.
  13. See what you caused me did, Kafka's K fer sure! I stick up for your sorry, stab-in-back ass, And NOW! This kit kat from my Mom's own home town! Takes side-ways swipes at me! Can't even say it out directly! Thinks I am like... you! Zeus or Apollo forbid! Might even hold... a grudge! From now 'til Kingdom Co--.... ooooops, no Never mind. I mean to say, until the cows come home! Amish cows! With was ist los! fer a greet, 'Stead of - how now, you do? I saw 'em! On that there whip-lash trip I under taken, When all them 43-wheeled Semi's TRIED Their damndest to run! Poor old Bessie the Blue! Right off'n 'at old Ohio Road! :confused:
  14. LOL, Ah, fer sure Mondo Scando Dude! I AM poor. These last 2 days: 1) My 15 yr old cat got himself tangled up in a territory fight with some ragged-ass alley-can pronger & monger. Vet's bill? To patch up and apply poultice and shoot my most reluctant feline with penicillin? $135.00 2) A corner of my back tooth broke off when I was chewing 3 penny nails, I mean, organic pop-corn whilst watching that great - one of my all time top 10 movies... Mulholland Drive. Dentist's bill? Just today I buckled the boots, Kicked the Indian into gear, and went? $165.00 3) The fierce desert scirocco blew off a corner of my sand-blasted hovel roof. Roofer's bill? $250.00 Enough, there's more, but... enough for now. We ALL got these eat & eat & EAT-at-you, everyday expenses, eh? Or, did you intend... I am not any good at playing the SC game? A "poor tester?" Well, I have no doubts, none, more than MERE ONE Will tell me, and a couple of the others ALL ABOUT that, here pretty soon. Or, did you mean, A "poor SC the game player?" Hmmmm. Twice it was, and I can prove it so, I challenged you (... and, rambo jr) And twice it was, you BOTH refused. IF I am that, IF that is what you actually meant, THEN, I guess I must not be so awful bad After all? Since you yap-yap, yet shy away when the panzer tracks crack open the road, I mean. BTW: IF you should want to pay my bills these last 2 days, please, by all means... you can use yer Platinum Fake Matrix card?
  15. From my experience, Clinical, in research and else wise, IE, School of hard-*ss knocks, well, I've found that the impulsive, Spontaneous bling, the dischordant sing-song And consonant banter, VERY often conceals sub-conscious, Nearly meta-mythic details Of the dreamer's inner landscape, Which can only help us all Realize true completion, As the "actualized" (Maslow) As the "individuated" (Jung) As the... ALMOST reckless "ecce homo" (Neitzsche) Self. Nota doggone thing wrong with that, Though, Those who are "schizo-affective" (... now a common diagnosis in the APA's DSMV IV) CANNOT often "edit" or set to harmonious Music, so to speak, And, so to edify or shine crooked light As it were, upon The a'times awkward, and ragged Collection of scatted, Be scattered words. Not a problem. Merely takes patience, and, Willingness to "work through" The most difficult passages. Some will do it. Some refuse. Some will notice approaching Satori, Some will holler! - what the hell's the use! LOL, It's all... WE are all, A fleeting fragment of the big shebang! Now, Temporarily, Settled on this our fragile planet earth. Each of EQUAL worth, no matter Who might insist otherwise. **BTW: Thanks for the SC-2 holding site. Perhaps they be others, we see. Go! Ohio! Nah, jjr, it's merely A failure of praeternaturel intuition. Good to remain "child-like." Though, not so pleasing pleasant To PERSIST in "child-ISH-ness." (... given that EVERYONE, without exception has those sorts of mad moments when the Super Ego has failed to modulate the ID; I myself ONLY worry when that impatient one, who observes such a precocious terribleness, PRETENDS that ONLY they, and they alone, are NOT EVER capable of acting out in the same, or a similar manner. ) [ March 08, 2006, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  16. ColumbusOHGamer Have faith, Your world wide conflagration Will no doubt become reality (... no matter! That NO ONE is actually able to completely describe what that kaleidoscopic Gestalt called "reality"... actually is! ) No, IMHO, and FWIW, Kuni Is no - how you so blithely describe, "Dick." Nor, Any "Jane." Instead, He be a... free spirit. And there are very very very Very very very very very very Very very very! FEW of those left. Anywhere. Usually, when found By those jealous that they THEMSELVES Just cannot be so courageously Free, In mind, body and spirit, Well, What is liable to occur, And as has been done Since cave days, Them fear-full ones Mock them or lock them or, Yeah, It's our everlasting, Alpha-to-Omega shame, Plant a shabby stick-cross... has no name. BTW, My folks were both from Ohio, The Old Man from Canton-Massilon, And Mom from Columbus, O what a great, green rolling-hill State! I just recently made a 4,000 mile Round trip in Bessie the Blue Bus, My VW Kamper, (... just missed that Mad Cat who was shooting innocents on the free-ways, hope they "throw the book" at 'im, now, there's the kind of Dude DESERVES mocking or locking or... ) Just one last question? IF you should know? Since you been around awhile. HOW did the Old Homestead, MY beloved Ohio, [... Cleveland WILL capture that American League pennant this year! I have... faith) Manage to rig that last Presidential Election, yep, you know, How they violated the voting rights Of my brothers & sisters Left out... in the rain?
  17. Yes sir, sir! However, it wasn't so much a case of a PARTICULAR "faith" as it was about FAITH in general, which everyone has, You, probably, included. Also, disagree that it was inane. You are somebody, Where yer at, And so am I. Where I'm at.
  18. Shoot, That's 3 (... now 4) consecutive posts. Too many, sorry. I'll bow out now For a while, And let all and any others Have their say. :cool:
  19. Thanks SB, Appreciate the comment, though, Here of late I've been re-considering My earliest child desire, now, And later, become stirrings Of un-earthly choir, And, Finally hide-away in... Monastery. [... don't everybody cheer at once! It's hard to hear... anything else!] As one of my favorite writers, Thomas Merton, Who met with Suzuki In his own latter years, And TRIED, As I would myself imagine is best Possible synthesis, To meld the two sorts Of disparate faiths. I do believe it's what will happen Down the hitch-hike road. A common understanding That might, just might Allow us all to live together More joy-fully, more considerately. Maybe... maybe not, but, I (personally) gotta have faith, Non-denominational, yes, Of course. [ March 07, 2006, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  20. I live in America, I volunteered to serve When it was requested of me, and Surely intend to defend My country, unto death Should it be necessary, And justified, Again. Yet... of late, things are gettin' A mite... "dicey" RE: what is religion and what is State. I am concerned that these remain Strictly separated, and so I feel... I SHOULD be... ever alert. From what I have read, I SERIOUSLY Doubt this self-less comment. This is surely a truth, and you've said it Better than I only recently did.
  21. Well, Night, Have no fear, You ARE indeed going to have one, and From what I have thus far Here & there heard, It is going to be... VERY interesting, VERY unique, different from And better than what we got For SC-1. :cool:
  22. A lot Being that I live on the desert and all, But, no, tag, no skin cancer as of yet, Thank the Lucky Stars! :cool: I do believe it was Fubarno His very ownself who volunteered His opinion on this matter. No, sorry, I won't keep my opinions To myself, Since no-one else does, And, They shouldn't! Yippee! For democracy, little "d!" I merely put in my zwei pfennigs, That OK with you? Besides which, I did NOT champion, Evangelize, Proselytize, Or otherwise Force feed Some certain religious "faith." Only ventured that, Faith, In and of itself, Is vital, Else you'll end up dessicate, Like I said. ANYBODY here can say, nearly, What EVER they please, Ask Kuni or rambo or who-ever else Rip-rap snap happily! does so! Nice to have "freedom of speech," (... I have also tolerated, and even enjoyed "healthy debate" EVEN WHEN it is YOUR unique "bulls**t I am a'listening to ) Though, NOW, In America, That's of some real concern. IMHO, of course. Any concern to you? Ah, I get it! You've been reading PT Barnum again! Who observed: "In order to draw a crowd all you gotta do is... start a fist fight!" You ever been... in the center ring? Or, Someplace else where Life is Hanging by... a trembling thread?
  23. Agent Provocateur! LOLOL, Ah, how many ways to count The inconstant confounds & conundrums! Too doggone many, so I won't... though, I will say this: SCIENCE is itself... a superstition! (... in reality, superstition is ritual and ceremony and mores and taboos and codes of law & ethics & honor, etc) FAITH is ONLY one-half of the equation. You need BOTH of these In order to approach Some semblance of "good society." Even Einstein, And Freud himself believed in "God," (... or, Great Spirit, or First Mover, or whatever you might prefer) Among multitudes of brilliant thinkers, Are even those 2? How is it you accuse - creatures Of "lower intelligence?" Together, Science & Faith You bet! They make resounding sensation! Too much of one, Too little of the other, why, What a truly dessicate, dry-dry Life to lead! (... living in California, which more and more comes to resemble that prescient movie, Blade Runner, well, I would humbly suggest that you might invest some spare spirit elan in... faith... LOL!) Ah, Wagner, Wagner, Wagner. About once a month, like Old Church clock-works, You announce how awful all these Off-topic shenanigans must be! Perhaps? Too much time spent at Matrix? Where they love 'em "nuts & bolts!" Yep, carried about in pouch-cheek, Sucked & savored they are, To be squirreled away in some Hollowed out home in some Sturdy old oak tree. I suffer from insomnia, now & then. The surefire cure? I visit ANY Matrix forum thread And, presto majesto! I am asleep like the living dead In a matter of minutes! What say! A bit of that... joie de vivre! :cool: Some FUN whilst you can! O happy days! SC-2 Blitzkrieg! Be... on the very merry way! ________________________________________ One little comment RE: cost of the game AND Needing Demo to determine IF it's worthy. By all means, Sceptics and Cynics alike, Try it out first. I will offer this: Given the near infinite number Of possible scenarios And games that can be. WILL be made With the Editor, Said Editor, BTW, which you have NEVER Witnessed in this yer very short life, THAT ALONE Is worth the monies you'll spend. I have seen, I have played EVERY WW-2 GS game worth a hoot (... omitting GGWAW, naturally) And I have NEVER EVER seen Something so awesome, So brilliantly grand as this. IMHO, And I realize that ain't worth spit In some SC quarters, well, The Editor alone Is worth the money. Again, I insist... as critical customer First, and not some rumored *ss kisser or fanboy, yea, You have not even BEGUN to have Years - nay! Delerious decades! Of such... semi-superstitious Wonder and FUN. :cool:
  24. Now yer talkin' Tail-gunner Joe... ummm, I mean Tail-gunner Jon. The way I see it, EVERY single war-gamer Is indeed - how you say, nuts. Only, As I've come to realize, MOST Just REFUSE to admit it. It's encouraging that you and I at least Are happy to do so. LOL, ahhhh, NOW I see, Lars, You were being facetious! Well, I like that idea where the Para Dude Flies over in the transport, Floats to the drop-zone, RE-orgs in lightning-like frenzy and! Commences withering area fire, And wipes the stunned, astonished, Unlovely Foe from face of the earth! OTOH, my favorite game piece Of all time, Bar none, Is the black 4-6 GErman Armor Unit to be found in a little plastic Tray, up in my closet with all Them other 30 or 40 games From Yester yore, Waiting for the glamorous day It might burst! A card-board purveyor of mayhem, yea, Rip! right out of that airless pocket And! Wipe that dirty Red A/T gun-crew From the face of the earth! LOLOL! Guess the old ladies in the peace auxilliary Won't be wantin' my 'graph, or endorsement Any time soon? :cool: (... though, that screaming, earth scorching Heinkel, not bad, not bad... )
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