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Desert Dave

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Posts posted by Desert Dave

  1. Originally posted by n0kn0k:

    Hehe exactly tongue.gif

    This is the place where i live smile.gif



    They just build a new Yacht harbour there with a holliday park smile.gif

    So if you're looking for another vacation adres you'll know where to go.

    Btw i love your writings smile.gif Keep it up.

    You Lucky Duck!


    What a water wonder land!


    We don't live it out so bad,

    MUCH drier, and yet,

    There is that Rio Grande river

    Where you can raft the white-waters

    From Taos Canyon

    All the way to Santa Fe!

    What a grand adventure, though,

    You gotta NOT get toppled over

    Due to the tremendous under-tow.


    Here is a PIC of the wife & I dancing

    To the rip rousing tune

    Of - "Happy Days are Here Again!"

    On the veranda of our adobe hacienda

    (... we have turquoise colours splashed

    all around our doors & windows - see,

    it's an old Spanish antidote so to keep

    them Diablos, IE, "devils" - out!):


    Then we had first learned

    SC-2 had - gone gold!

    (... hmmm, either that or it was then

    we had listened to the 2006 American Congressional

    election results on that amazing blue-bird radio!)

    Gold! Like the sun hereabouts!


    362 out of 365 days a year

    We get that crystal brilliant! sun shining mighty

    Fine mystics onto the high desert!



    Since you like motion pictures,

    We just viewed DVD recently

    Of a truly inspiring film,

    HIGHLY recommended!

    "Paris Texas,"


    Directed by that great GErman

    Stage Magician,

    Wim Wenders,

    Starring - Harry Dean Stanton

    And Natasia Kinski,

    And written by Sam Shepard

    With co-assistance from Kit Carson.

    It's about... no, never mind,

    I'd rather you see it as though possessed

    With praeternatural eyes, nope, don't

    Want to give away

    EVEN - one fabulous frame of it!

  2. Desert Dave;

    Let me see if I understand this. You are angry...

    What're you K-worth?

    Active member of RNC these days?

    (... IE, Republican National Committee

    whoso j'accuse! ANYBODY who

    disagrees with their, ummm, authoritarian

    agenda, as being angry or traitor

    or some damn fool thang :rolleyes: )

    Enuff of that guff stuff!

    I ain't enny

    Crudely fashioned Voo-Doo Doll

    You ken stick

    Ball-hat-pins in.

    Just a correction here regarding my mod. The force pool is essentially the same as A3R with the same number of units. The map scale is doubled to account for no stacking in SC2.

    Carry on.

    Pardon me,

    (... I guess I was comparing

    To # of units in SC-2?)

    Sir. ;)

  3. Desert Dave, Lars

    You guys just don’t get it.



    I won't speak for Lars

    As he is MORE than able

    To state his own case,

    And needs no help from me

    Or that peripatetic Bromley,

    Or anyone else for that matter, yep,

    He is apparently - inner directed.

    (... see below)

    I must admit... there are THOUSANDS

    Of things that I don't "get," ah,

    Perhaps it is that I am... stupid?

    Since some folks suppose there IS

    Such a thing?

    IE: WRT Humans, and not O/W.

    Which is ridiculous if not absurd,


    That's how they like to look at the world,

    With mule-blinders on, so to speak.

    However, here

    It is abundantly UN-clear

    Just... what it is that I don't - get?

    Maybe the next few quotes will

    Provide the clues?

    This game should have been better...
    ANYTHING "could have been" something

    Other than what it was.

    Should have been

    Is a whole 'nother smoke, Jamoke.

    Better? - sure, there's an ideal!

    No thing is EVER... perfect.

    Except for... the London Werewolf's hair,

    That is.

    That it often is not perfect,

    Or anything at'all - was not - whose

    "Fault" is that?

    CANNOT be Hubert,

    As you would surely hesitate

    To venture that HE

    Could've failed everyone so awfully,



    As several others have also implied,

    Earlier and only recently,

    It must be!

    The Play Testers. :eek:


    We are narrowing it down, at last!

    Bill and I have been there the longest,

    So it must be us.

    Yet... wait!

    You revere Bill's work

    (... as we will soon see)

    So... it must be - me!

    I am not only paranoid

    And Emotive!

    I AM... stupid. :cool:

    Like my Mom's Brother, my Uncle,

    Who was the gentlest,

    Kindest Human I have ever met

    In ALL these VERY long years

    Of my one and only life.

    Wish I could live up to that,


    Alas... haven't yet, mea culpa. :(

    ... and still can be better if we continue to offer good suggestions to Hubert.
    Hmmm, I do believe that's what IS occuring

    Right this very moment,

    Ain't it?

    Just have a look at pzgndr Advanced Third Reich scenario for SC2.
    I have.

    He first sent it to me 6 months ago.

    He is the best map-maker on the board,

    Bar none.

    IMHO. smile.gif

    For start look how map is made.

    Who ADORE that Third Reich game,

    Can notice - can you not?

    That it does NOT have the SAME scale.

    Bill's is... ~ TWICE as large,

    Has... ~ TWICE as many units!

    Imagine that.

    This is how map should have been in all original SC2 scenarios IMO.
    No it shouldn't.


    ~50/60 miles per tile is,

    Like the Baby Bear's porridge,

    Just right!

    For a WW-2 GS game.

    Who, I wonder, was crying

    The Kansas City Blues

    (... over at that OTHER forum, which

    we won't mention HERE, eh? Though we WILL

    mention SC-2 over there, and, accidentally

    or no - due to Tower of Babel

    difficulties, not so favorably)

    About how LONG the game would take

    To play,

    Should such & so be implemented,

    I forget what that such & so was,


    Actually - don't give a damn

    What the hell it was.

    Can you imagine how long it would take

    To play - PBEM, or


    If the map was... ~25 miles per tile?

    With ~ twice as many units?

    And besides, you also revere

    Third Reich the board-game

    In all 3 or 4 of it's manifestations,

    So why? would you want ALL scenarios

    To be twice as large as that game anyway?

    The easiest way is to say “This game is good as it can be”.
    Find the quote vveedd,

    Where ANYBODY ever said such a thing,

    And post it here in this thread.

    I myself have never seen it

    Stated - no way, no how.

    Maybe you can find it - good luck on that!

    Of course, this is only my opinion, your right is to disagree.

    It ain't enny "right"

    That is granted by some Authority.

    It is inherent in the human condition.


    As Riesen has detailed for us

    In his X-cellent book:

    "The Lonely Crowd,"

    We have mostly become a group/tribe/clan

    Of... followers.

    (... more exactly, "outer-directed"

    instead of "inner-directed," OR... as Abe

    Maslow would have it - notso capable

    of "self-actualization"... now all of that

    is inside baseball - to me, so I leave it

    at this: folks seems to CRAVE some sort

    of guidance from - "above," or

    sans that, here below, often, from some

    Bad Cat thinks he knows it all, see what

    I mean here? As them "good Germans"

    did... as oppposed to, deliberately,

    and even - to the bitter dead end, saying

    what they REALLY think, and feel, WITHOUT


    cues or prompting from ANYBODY else,

    and etc)

    Better for whole dying World

    Should we be more akin

    To them what lived in

    American Frontier, 19th Century.

    And then!

    Commence to consider ourselves

    As capable of... damn near ANYTHING,

    'Stead of accepting

    What is shoved down our throats,

    And thence, what else?

    Just... do it. :cool:

    It is a free cyberspace.
    Read the fine print, Brother.

    Have a good long look around.

    THAT statement is very nearly

    False - now.

    Give it another 10 years.

    It won't ONLY be

    The FBI/Interpol or

    Geometrically increasing "Derivatives"

    Of same devious devise,

    Or, the MegaCorps

    Who are spying on you.

    Leaving cookie crumbs

    All over the shrinking table space,

    It'll be... everyone

    Who doesn't believe,


    Not... for... ONE... freaking SECOND,

    That they are... stupid.

    THOSE are the ones we actually gotta

    Watch out for.

    IMHO. ;)

    Alright, enough of this,

    I am done with it.

    (... off-screen, faint-ly

    now... "yay, hooray!" LOL! ;) )

    [ March 10, 2007, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  4. Originally posted by Lars:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by vveedd:

    Imagine - 30,000 enemy soldier lives at top of mountain on enemy soil for 3-4 years WITHOUT any supply and do nothing. Even if this is possible, after all this time they will be hardly ready for fight. You can hardly call them soldiers after that.

    Well, they're not ready for a fight. They just sit there. What's the problem? </font>
  5. In all my posts you have quoted I was right and only said my opinion. If you are offended with words stupid or unrealistic I am sorry but this is my opinion.

    "Unrealistic" is, IMHO, how

    Often the World can be.


    (... when referring to a living,

    breathing Human in being)

    I REALLY don't like

    Cuz that's how "smart" folks

    Used to refer to my "mentally challenged"


    Heard it,

    Didn't like it,

    Did my best to kick *ss,

    No matter the relative size

    Of the bully involved, and, then,

    Went on to home

    And found that dark, quiet corner,

    Beat up some - but glad inside

    I had stuck up for him.


    Referring back to an earlier comment,

    I suppose you COULD say

    That I am indeed, a'times,


    My apologies for making all of this MORE

    Than what it might have been,

    Were I more... "judicious"

    In word choice, my ownself. smile.gif

    [ March 09, 2007, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  6. a one

    There are many games and improvements possible which have examples in many different genres.

    ... anna 2

    To point at "one game" means pointing in half a dozen directions...

    Not if yer "pointing" specifically

    (... or, inferring, implying, well,

    you catch the drift)

    By name,

    At SC-2.

    Look, everybody, just... forget it.

    I am delusional.

    I am paranoid.

    I am emotive.

    I am Stranger

    In a strange land.

    I am overly protective of this turf

    I have fought all across.


    Perhaps this is,

    As many things are,

    Quite like the infamous California city

    Of San Jose,

    (... to para phrase G. Stein)

    "There isn't any - THERE,

    there." ;)

  7. A feisty SC Cat,

    I like that,


    Say - the Brother the one fox-hole over

    Is eating AK-47 jackets for lunch.

    Thanks for advice Desert Dave but no, I will not quit.
    Yep, stand-up is... old school.

    Quitting... ain't so bold, or cool.

    Think - what if?

    Armstrong the champ American Biker

    Or ennybody else afflicted

    With Cancer for that matter... just quit,

    And didn't wrestle that dirty-dog

    Devil of a scoundrel

    Down to the Ground?

    Though, here, that wasn't my intent.

    I meant - QUIT!

    Bad mouthing SC-2!

    Ah, you don't EVEN do that, eh?

    Well, let's select out a few samples:


    "In SC2 game (sorry for mentioning this game again) I have had very, very stupid situation. AI tried invasion on Norway without HQ unit (quick explanation: HQ unit gives supplies to units and it is only source of supply if you don’t have port or city) and invasion failed. It withdraw unit in mountain tile and stack there with supply at 0. I pay no attention to this unit and it stayed there until end of game!! This is total unrealistic and stupid situation."


    Crimeney, there's that STUPID sh*t again!

    (... twice in one short 'graph, you said it)

    Who is stupid, in this instance?


    You CANNOT have a "stupid situation"

    Without some somebody having

    Made it so?

    Can you?



    "Nevertheless, this movement rule is now my bigger concern then swapping. Is it possible to move all units first and then attack? Please don’t tell me that you have exactly the same movement rule as SC2 game: move and attack (or vice versa) but if you move unit and deselect it you can’t attack anymore with this unit."



    Don't have it like that OTHER game,

    Which we don't gotta mention EVERY time,

    Since we've been done it often enough

    That folks must surely wonder?

    This feisty kinda Cat has got

    Third Reich on the brain?

    Sunshine, sturm, drang or, rain.


    "Hm, hm remember Strategic Command 2 bad amphibious concept. I asked about amphibious assaults earlier but it was too early I suppose. Now we got something but still information’s are incomplete."




    This very word choice MIGHT? indicate

    That the Author has low opinion?

    Of that 3rd Reich game?

    I love this game like you and participating in making from beginning of SC1. I will continue make suggestions until Hubert says “I am done with this game”. Even then I will try to give some suggestions in case that Hubert decides to start make Strategic Command 3.
    I believe you.

    Yet, that is not the general issue

    Just now under discussion,

    "Bad-mouthing," in particular, is.

    Let's take a moment and consider:

    It's a given in Show Business

    (... many other places too, but I'll select

    an area I happen to know fair thee well)

    That ANY publicity is good publicity,

    Even if it be... terrible,

    Horrible, monstrous or bad.


    Should some stray soul wander in and read

    Such stuff as you've said above,


    The WAY in which you have said it,

    I wonder?

    Would they say, hmmmm,

    That game MUST be WORTH buying?

    I wonder.

    Two diametrical points of view.

    You choose.

    Given the two choices

    (... and not the myriad many

    that are POSSIBLE in between, I mean)

    Which would most likely be the case.

    ...and I am playing strategy games all my life (and this is long time, believe me smile.gif ).
    First part - check, me too.

    Second part - check, mate, and alas,

    Where went that - tweet-tweet!

    "Sweet Bird Of Youth,"

    Mister Tennessee?


    Traitorous? Your paranoid logic “If you are not with us, you are against us” is just what I said – paranoid or you are, maybe, just too emotional.
    I SAID, should you examine more closely,

    That some folks MIGHT

    Begin to get

    That idea, IE, that you are, like

    Janus, having another

    Face - at the back of yer head.

    And naw,

    I ain't "paranoid" - Man, there simply CANNOT

    Be any reason

    For that... heightened awareness,

    I prefer to call it,

    IF we must use these usually ill-understood

    Sorts of "arm-chair" diagnoses,

    Can there?

    Given the events of the last 50 odd years

    In this the land I was born in,


    House UN-American Activities Committee

    Became posse comitatus,


    Key word being - posse.

    Whoso! chase and yell and sometimes


    For no good reason, a'times.

    Maybe they ain't like - STUPID people?

    As for emotional... well, there

    You'd get some kinda vigorous argument

    From my wife,

    Who has said it once!

    If not 10,000 times!

    "You are just too too stoic,

    Where ever do you go?"

    I tell her,

    5,000 times - I am just old Alley Cat

    Has got belly-scratched,

    And same as that sort of cat,

    Whenever wounded or "out of it,"

    As we usta say back in the day,

    I'll go find a dark, quiet corner

    And lick my own wounds.


    I CAN be "emotive," now & again,


    From what I ken gather,

    So can 99% of those on this very forum! ;)

    We are on same side.
    Perhaps... better to live it out

    Like... a free floating

    Mote of Dandelion fluff,

    Which has - no sides.


    Somebody here could probably demonstrate


    On some sort of scatter graph

    Or hi-tech slide rule

    Or a real swell bell-curve,

    EVEN that ain't true. ;)

    Kidding around aside, and again,

    Yep, we are after one and the same thing.

    A better 'n better SC-2!

    So, I say again - it would be more, ummmm,

    Judicious of you

    Not to keep saying

    Over and over and over and over

    And over!

    How... stupid, bad, stupid

    And so on and so forth,

    Ad nauseum,

    That THIS particular game is.


    You see what I'm gettin' at?

    Feisty Cat? :cool:

  8. vveedd,

    Just a kind of friendly suggestion.


    Running over to that other board

    And shouting all over the place!

    About how terrible this or that feature

    Is... with SC-2.

    How THEY should avoid making

    The same sort of mistakes, and etc,

    See what I mean?

    You CAN make your points,

    Here, there and anywhere

    WITHOUT constantly mentioning

    Or comparing with SC-2, true?


    I get a bit disgusted by that,

    Since I have put damn near 5 years

    Of my - one and only life

    Into helping make THIS game

    The best it can be

    (... small contributions,

    and certainly no more than MANY others

    here have also done over the years).

    Hubert has staked his own life,

    His very livelihood,

    On making, and improving this game,


    I have no doubt,

    He could be making a LOT more $$$

    Using his considerable talent and skills

    In some other fashion.

    And so,

    Here's the thing.

    Sooner than later folks are gonna get the idea

    That you are being, ummm, two-faced

    And even... traitorous,

    Since very many - not merely me,

    Have a REAL "rooting interest"

    In seeing Hubert succeed, and,

    Do well enough that he would choose

    To CONTINUE improving this great game.

    Know what I mean?

  9. On that last radio quiz show,

    Looks like - the... aye-aye's - have it!

    My my my my,

    Just scratchin' muh back here,

    Having me a mighty fine popsicle, hey,

    C'mon you hot roddin'

    Thick-slick, dual-ly exhaust

    Rumble Cats

    Out 'er in the Valley,

    What you cravin' to hear?

    Ring, ring. Ring - RING!

    OK, OK, hold the phone

    Mister Jones!

    Say hey,

    Speak up!

    This is... The Wolfman! :cool:

    What's that?

    All the way from

    The wilds of... Minnetonka?


    Wha... t!

    Crackle! Pop!

    Dave, think you went off on a amphib tangent. I was...
    Snap! Sickle!

    Say again?

    You REALLY gotta hear...

    "The Slaveship Tangerine Dream?"

    Ha-ha ha-ha HA!

    Aw Me - Yeeoooooow,

    Naw, we ain't got that un, but,

    Let me spin THIS here

    Red Hot wax through ya,

    See if you Buff Cool

    Music Dudes can cotton to - who's

    These... new Cats

    From outta Town,

    Go! Controller-Man Joe!

    "We all live inna... "


    "We all live inna... "


    Opla dee Opla da, Opla... so.


  10. Because stray units can't do anything unless you get them back in supply.

    They can land - anywhere and everywhere!

    And occupy a vacant city.

    Which is... un-real, at least, to me.

    Now, IF we should have a Militia/Security

    Sort of inexpensive unit, well,

    Then I wouldn't care how many

    Expensive Amphib Ops you might undertake.

    As is,

    For the Axis most especially,

    There are, at this SCALE, too many

    Locales to cover.

    I think you are down-playing the scale here.


    Not allowing for the actual problem,

    Which is, as stated,

    The casual manner in which a player

    Can just throw Corps all over the place.

    If it was hamlet to 'ville,


    Straggling vagabonds would indeed

    Be able to make a SIGNIFICANT difference,

    Combat wise.

    But ~50 miles per tile?


    My best guess?

    You'll have your status quo. smile.gif


    Never can tell, especially

    If enough folks clamor for a thing.

  11. Originally posted by Lars:

    No capable of offensive operations sure, but still an army. Get them back in supply and they're good to go.

    I think the game is better with that latent threat there than just having 250,000 men magically disappear. You want them gone, go kill them.

    Valid point, Lars, and yet... if removed,

    I would also argue,

    It would have the added benefit

    Of eliminating a lot of that

    Stray and VERY a-historical

    Sort of helter-skelter "amphib Ops."

    Commandos or Paras could do it,

    But that is - what?

    A Brigade, at most?

    This business of launching VERY expensive

    Amphibs and floating

    Corps, or even Armies all over

    The 7 Seas,

    Is one thing I really don't care for.

    Many have made a good point

    WRT to D-Day, for instance,

    Just how daunting a task

    That in itself was,

    In terms of planning/logistics.

    Why allow "stray units"

    (... other than Partisans)

    To cause such potential mayhem? ;)

  12. A army could too if it did nothing else.
    Possibly, but then,

    They wouldn't - in any militia

    Sort of sense,

    BE... an "army," would they?

    More like a straggling band of vagabonds.

    Many accomplished and respected war games

    Simply... removes the unit.

    I would also favor doing just that.

    Bill has a good point,

    WRT to varying turn lengths,

    So... make it a specific # of days/months,

    No matter what the "game time."

    No matter you are playing macro or micro

    Kinds of scenarios.

    Maybe a new acronym - CtC,

    "Cut the clutter," eh? ;)

  13. Gee Whillikers,

    I have yet to meet... ummm,

    Let me think on it some... nope,

    Haven't yet met

    That one so awful SMART

    They can casually label some other Cat

    (... mostly minding 'is own business)

    As being... STUPID. :confused:

    And, most especially having NEVER

    Spent enny time with 'em,

    Face to face,

    Where the real deal

    Gets done, I mean.

    VERY strange to me

    That there are, apparently, some folks

    Who suppose that they know

    The difference... between

    Smart & stupid, and,

    Strangest of all!!

    Are so... absolutely surely

    SURE of it,

    I mean. ;)

  14. Thanks for the most generous offer, Jeff.

    You have already done plenty,

    And I appreciate it.

    Not to worry,

    I'll get back to it... eventually, no doubt.

    You know how it can be... a'times

    You need take a break

    So to see the "big picture"

    In a smaller, finer frame

    (... of Mind), eh? smile.gif



    My apologies to - Bill the Para Dude,

    For stepping on his thread.


    Let's resurrect that great old game



    In a brand new! package! :cool:

  15. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    How rude. I think guy oughta be banned. For god sake there are children hanging around here!!!!!

    "I'm not going back to SC2 anymore with that bio-wizard guy saying mean things about people."

    -- "Me neither!"

    -- -- "Me too, I mean, me neither!"

    -- -- -- "I HATE bio-wizard!"

    "Me too!" -- "Me too!" -- "Me neither, I mean, me too!"

    Image18.jpg </font>

  16. Thanks for the credit, Mr Bill,

    Though... I had little to do with this

    Most X-cellent MOD.

    The other 2 Dudes did very much more.

    Yet, have played it some - enough, actually,

    That I would GREATLY recommend it. :cool:

    IF you wish X-tremely faithful

    Gaming - akin to any of the THIRD REICH


    Then - by all means,

    Give this one a go! :cool:

    Let Mr Bill know!

    Yer own opinion and suggestions,

    He'd appreciate it, of that

    I'm quite certain.



    I have abandoned my own '39 MOD,

    Which I've been working a long, long time,

    Oh, a year or so,

    Because I simply cannot get the right Sprites.

    The sprites right.

    The silhouettes to fit,

    The AI to co-operate.

    The proper balance,

    That real necessary... flux and flow.


    No problemo!

    That's how she goes sometimes, but,

    I ain't gonna throw some inferior,

    Half-*ssed junk

    Out there, nope, nix, no way Jose.


    Some another time... down that Glory Road.

    PLENTY of others to choose from,

    Now that many & most

    Are getting over enny needless fear

    Of that - truly unprecedented!


    And, ipso Calypso,

    Are proceeding - very merrily

    Unheeded. smile.gif

  17. P50R03.jpg

    :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:


    Now there's a PIC of how

    The Whole Commercial World

    Will likely look in, oh, 20

    Or - maybe - dreizig yahren?

    No gas to gun the guzzlers

    Through the auto-mated gears,


    Plenty smooth room

    So to Zoom!

    Around & around

    And around and around we go - yippee!

    On makeshift skate-boards

    And fusion-fueled roller-blades! smile.gif

    No problem with sand, of course,

    For them Egypt Inc. cement works, but

    I bet... them undule slopes of Garmisch

    And that venerable old Black Forest

    Are so doggone denuded you

    Can merely see clumps of stumps from

    Eagle's Nest - clear to Nord See, eh?

    And even worse!

    Sheriff of Nottingham

    Is prob'ly - now

    As we speak - laughing his fat keister off,


    Robin Hood - the near to VERY last

    Common Dude Hero we got left

    To 3 cheer for, well,

    Has no place to hide out

    There in the Sherwood Forest,

    So to rob truffles from the rich

    That he might give

    Second hand silk ruffle shirts

    To the X-tremely grateful Poor.

    A crying shame, you should ask me. :(

    **Upshot: I would have it - as it was

    In the beginning.

    90 days to construct a fortification.

    What? 50+ miles of territory to cover?

    Say, these ain't enny little ditches

    With rolled-out strands of barbed wire

    Propped along on willow sticks,

    These are supposed as long-standing

    Double-sturdy redoubts, no doubt?

    [... given the really robust "defense

    bonuses" that are applied]

    No foundation lasts so long

    When built on constantly wind-shaped

    Granules of sand?

    90 days build time seems more

    In keeping with actual possiblilty,

    As opposed to - pitching them things

    Up - presto pronto!

    Like some... small town Circus tents.

    (... anyway, where went?

    All the Clowns we usta have here abouts?

    Somebody! Bitte Schoene,

    Send in some a' them flop-shoe, pancake

    Made-up, drooling & fooling,

    Cool in crazy kaleido shades... Clowns, ah,

    Well - never mind, you ken just forget it,


    It's... pretty fragile... China

    Town, Now... :( )

  18. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    Actually, I'd like to see a true "war on drugs".


    No doubt @-Man,

    You'd VERY much like to see,

    Would initiate a MASSIVE letter-writing

    (... anybody write letters

    anymore? LOL!)

    Campaign... against!

    BY FAR,

    The very worst of the "drugs"

    In terms of misery, suffering,

    And doom & death,

    EVER KNOWN to humanity:

    1) Alcohol

    2) Tobacco

    Right @-Man?

    **After all, X-tensive studies have shown,

    Oh forget that ipso in facto crap,

    My own extensive experience

    In this field has amply


    To my complete satisfaction,


    The two groups LEAST likely

    To cause ANY trouble,


    1) Users of Pot/Weed/Mary Jane

    (... them auto-cratic sorts on the lunatic

    fringe - mostly on the far right

    of the spectrum - EVEN!

    Wish to deny Marijuana?

    for... Medicinal purposes,


    Then it relieves suffering,

    LOL! What hating-hearts we got

    so - awful self-righteous

    all over the place, eh?)

    2) Users of Crank/Smack/Heroin

    Funny how it works out,

    Ain't it? ;)

    This absurd dichotomy I mean.


    Ever wonder WHY so many American Government


    Ostensibly designed to help??

    The least of us,

    Are called... War!

    War on Drugs! :mad:

    War On Poverty! :mad:

    War on (... indifferent,

    non-political, LOL!) Nature Itself! :mad:

    War War War War War War War!

    Sometimes you merely gotta marvel.

    Just how far we've come!

    These last couple thousand years

    Of so-called:




    ... thinking?? :confused:

    I say!

    Let's have WAR! :mad:

    On... war... metaphors! ;)

  19. Originally posted by Colin I:


    Absolutely - Italy should have some chance of surrender as soon as Allies land on the mainland - be it by capturing any city or whatever metric you choose. Lots of Italian Royalists were only to glad to see the back of Mussolini.

    To counterbalance a serious (but realistic) Axis disadvantage perhaps increase Italian forces (significant if used well - as it was with Rommel, but fragile) AND give Germany a few more advantages (I favour return to three HQ; German command and control was a great asset).

    I was actually wondering if diplomacy system could be used here. After a country enters war you normally stop using the system for that country. Perhaps it changes to a national morale track that shifts with victory, defeat and (perhaps) even diplomacy of another kind when very shaky. After all, in the last days of the war even the Germans were being (unofficially) approached about surrender. This makes it more interesting for minors, less predictable than the loss of your capital though obviously this would have a major effect. I'm not saying you can Diplo a country into surender UNLESS its in big trouble in other ways.

    Yet again!

    But another!

    Superb suggestion, Colin I... ! :cool:

    LOTS of potential

    In them there Diplo AND Event

    And maybe even NEW!

    Scripts - not now known! smile.gif

    Not to mention,

    As you, apparently, very, well appreciate,

    There... ARE NO LIMITS

    To what might, finally,

    Become... THE most amazing!


    EVER created.

    WW-2 GS-wise & turn-based, I mean.

    **For Solo players,

    Same as for 'em head-hunters too! :cool:

  20. Originally posted by n0kn0k:

    Giving up England is a feature of the game, nothing fishy about that. That's why capital movement was put in ;)

    However taking the island and leaving a capital open as was described is really really gamey imho. I wonder if there's a solution on the development side to counter such things. Maybe if the convoy mechanics change smile.gif

    Solution could be fairly simple,

    OK, OK, I'll knock!

    Upon - the Green Door! :cool:

    [... since it is that YOU know

    MORE about what's goin' on

    'round SC Town than I do, LOLOL! ;) ]



    There's an old piano

    And they play it hot behind the green door

    Don't know what they're doin'

    But they laugh a lot behind the green door

    Wish they'd let me in

    So I could find out what's behind the green door

    (Knocked once, tried to tell them I'd been there)

    (Door slammed, hospitality's thin there)

    (Wonder just what's goin' on in there)

    Saw an eyeball peepin'

    Through a smoky cloud behind the green door

    When I said "Joe sent me"

    Someone laughed out loud behind the green door

    All I want to do is join the happy crowd behind the green door

    -- Music: Bob Davie

    --Lyrics: Marvin Moore


    And so, hip Bo trip, onward we git:

    **There are AI Script "mechanics"

    That provide for "tactical advantage/threat."

    You know, IF so & so is facing

    This dis-advantage,

    Then some events don't happen,

    Like that there.

    SO... use something similar, IE,

    IF a Nation, Major or Minor or

    Militia Middling,

    Finds itself in the throes of overwhelming

    Bad Cat catastrophe,

    Has odds of, let's say - 4 to ZERO against,

    (... assuming some sort of "gamey"

    exploit, as with above account

    of shenanigans down in them nomad sands

    of old Egypt)

    THEN... the non-god

    Blessed Nation would... capitulate,

    And the Capital/Country

    Would automatically

    Revert to the conqueror,

    And all that would usually ensue,

    Duly ensues, IE,

    Plunder and discord and removal of units.


    Good thing about this here,

    T'would ALSO serve to solve

    Another much-debated issue,

    A one that I too believe should/could

    Be included in this ever-improving game.


    Once Fort Capuzzo falls in 1940, woooops!

    I mean,

    Once the number of Allied forces

    In Sicily and, pushing on

    Up from the bottom of the boot

    Reaches a certain degree of magnitude,

    A certain "tacital advantage,"

    Which may be as low as 2 to 1

    EVEN if we give the benefit of the doubt smile.gif

    THEN Italy capitulates.

    It's a simple matter of including

    An extra parameter or two

    In the appropriate AI scripting.

    How hard that would be?

    And IF Hubert would even wish to do it,

    Remains to be seen,

    As with all else WRT game development. ;)

    BTW... most beneficial

    The never-ending Myth das ist Terif,

    And too, many other Et-als,

    As with the @-Man, rambo jr,

    Do indeed play out these helter-skelter,

    Ram-around, ring-a ding a' Kong-along

    Kind of games,

    So antidotes might be implemented.

    We'll see what we will see,

    As somebody once said.

    Who? What multitude?

    LOL, as if... THAT remotely matters. :rolleyes:

    [ February 21, 2007, 04:30 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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