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Desert Dave

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Posts posted by Desert Dave

  1. I can tell you no one here would call dec 1-20 late fall. It's winter. Period.

    Not according to "solstice seasons," which is what Hubert has decided to use.

    And, is there EVER 100% certainty, in anything, Kuni, as you have it? ;)


    so I can't believe really that in SC 2 there is no "winter" in Russia before dec 21.

    As delineated above, there is 50% Snow in late Fall for Russia proper, AND 35% for European Russia.

    Now, how on earth is that NO winter? :confused:

  2. Far north near Archangel,

    You have "Arctic" weather, IE, frozen.

    "Russian Weather:"

    Fall & Spring= 20% clear, 80% Rain & Mud

    Late Fall & Winter= 5% clear, 45% Rain & Mud

    And 50% SNOW

    Winter= 0% clear, 10% Rain & Mud

    And 90% SNOW

    **Now, how is that so dire disimilar to what has been, in general, herein wished for?


    "European Weather" extends into Russia,

    Forming a rough-cut ARC from:

    Riga -> Minsk -> roughly equidistant between Karkhov & Smolensk - > Stalingrad, and is as follows:

    Spring & Fall= 40% Clear, 60% Rain & Mud

    Late Fall= 20% Clear, 45 % Rain & Mud and 35% SNOW

    Winter= 10% Clear, 30% Rain & Mud, and 60% SNOW

    **Also, sounds pretty close to what has been asked for. ;)


    Sure, there COULD BE even MORE weather zones.

    [... don't forget, JJ, long ago we had proposed that TORRID zone in & around Casablanca, so to account for Rik's constant cigarette smoking! LOL! :cool: ]

    Does somebody have precise weather data for the AVERAGE rain & snow fall during the period, 1939 to 1946?

    I think, thus far, we are going by the general tendencies, as opposed to any semi-freakish inconstants.

    After all, Winter of '41 was X-tremely harsh, so that is an outlier on the weather graph, for sure.

    Thing to do is this:

    1) Make yer own MOD, with yer own ideas on what all of this weather SHOULD BE... how many zones? 20? 30? 50?

    2) Play 3 or 4 games to test it out and see IF there are any SIGNIFICANT differences in how it is NOW re-presented.

    3) Report back, let everyone know what is what, how it is different, same way as JdF2 did in his very accomplished test for... implementing lower "Sub VS ASW" report.

    4) THEN, Hubert would have a good and larger sample size to base future decisions on. You shouldn't be making sudden changes based on mere opinion, or anecdotal recollections, true? smile.gif


    I would agree with those who would say that, as of now, without further testing of possible "variant MODS" to prove O/W, the game is pretty accurate insofar as "average weather" is concerned.

    After all, I have read VERY MANY complaints that there is just too much of a "slow down" during Spring and Fall, West Front, East Front, all around the SC Town.

    Could indeed be further tweaks, and there are those "in between Seasonal" periods provided, by Hubert, specifically to "fine-tune" the weather patterns.

    Reasonable folks can disagree on what those shoud be, as with all other "default features." smile.gif

  3. However, though I never meant to give offense, I appear to have done so. So for that, I do apologize. It was only meant as a friendly jibe, if you will.

    And that's how I read it, no offense taken, ScrogDog. smile.gif


    You are not the ONLY one who has stated

    They do not "reckon" my writing style.

    For that I suppose I should apologize,

    And yet... comes down to it... no,

    Don't like to look back,

    Somethin' might be gainin' on me!

    (... RE: Satchel Paige)

    I am age-old believer in "spontaneous flow"


    It may materialise.

    In writing.

    In chess.

    Neither so exciting to some other

    Shoot'em up SC Cats, but

    That! proverbial prowess!


    Or even alleged - I'd take that! LOL!

  4. Originally posted by Scrogdog:

    Dear Dave,

    Not to hijack the topic or anything, but the actual quote is;

    "Whoever battles monsters should take care not to become a monster too, for if you stare long enough into the Abyss, the Abyss stares also into you."

    —Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, chapter 4, no. 146

    Carry on. smile.gif

    Dear Scrogdog,

    [... cool Nick BTW, wherefrom that?]

    Thank you for the precise quote... although,

    Could it be - I have a different


    Mine went:


    He who fights with Monsters should see to it that he does not become a Monster himself. And when you stare into the Abyss, the Abyss also stares into you.


    Same source, different Cat teasing out the scat, I'd guess?


    I left off the 2nd sentence because I am only allowed just so many "characters" in my sig line.

    And, I didn't want to overly clutter the space, as I am 8.47% OCD (... obsessive compulsive disorder, for those who might giv a plug nickel)

    And for the life of me,

    COULD NOT squeeze them things together, not

    To mention, feng shui of the Netscapade,

    REQUIRES particular... letter & line.

    RATHER THAN delete any of my prior signature, which I have had for quite some time now, and, truly, have become kind of... attached to,

    Rather, I mean to say, IT has glommed upon me! :eek:

    Well, ipso Calypso, there youse got it.


    NO expiration,

    And certainly not!

    ANY obfuscation. I wouldn't think? smile.gif



    Forgot to mention.

    I had you in my Mod as HQ

    With rating of 8.


    Since you are hip to such strange epiphenomenon

    As you have above clearly demonstrated,

    I MUST, sorry, downgrade you to... a 6. :(

  5. @Desert Dave --- Dude, all the games are on TV! It's called ESPN & ABC. Matter of fact, I'm getting them all in High Definition.

    Well I'll be Donald Duck trumped!

    I coulda swore he had said... hmmm,

    Maybe he prefers the Spanish broadcasts?


    ESPN/ABC doesn't carry them ALL?

    And that's what he was sayin' to me?

    Ack, yet another conversational mystery unsolved. :confused:

  6. It's true, Chicago's a great town; Wrigley field's a blast, but the long lakefront is beautiful; an asset few cities have.

    Well, Cary,

    Down 'ere in dusty old High Desert,

    We got us a LONG water-front as well.

    The Rio Grande River! ;)

    And "the bosque" that lines both sides

    Is rife with wild-life (... animal

    and human, sometimes same thing, IE,

    see below, LOL!)

    And all sorts of biking trails

    And river-side attractions, though,

    Only problem being... we've had a drought

    For many years now,

    And that storied River is rolling low,

    And the Bosque goes ablaze

    Far too often.

    Highest rate of Lightning Srikes!

    Here in the State where I live,

    Of anywhere in the entire world,

    I'll bet most didn't even know! ;)


    Idiots with their hi-explosive "fire-works"

    (... there are PLENTY of places where

    these are allowed, to shoot off, or only watch, but, ah, it's human nature

    I'd suppose -> ta hell with anybody ELSE might like ta enjoy this place! I destroy!

    what ah wants to, so there! <- Well,what ya gonna do?)

    Tends to cost we the taxpayers millions

    Every single year,

    Seeing as how we gotta pay them

    Courageous fire-responders

    Who have to put 'em out. :(


    To bring it back to the original topic, if I must...
    You needn't, necessarily.

    Things can be serpentine,

    Or kaleidoscopic,

    Why not?

    Most can follow the freight-train line,

    Them strictly parallel rails,

    Track and cinder and track,

    Hitching a ride if they care to,

    Like Kerouac and his Beat kind

    Alway usta do, and

    Ignoring enny bric a brac.

    Makes things more... interestin'

    Should you ask me. :cool:

    [ July 01, 2006, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  7. Hyazinth von Strachwitz:

    Yes, we did. I was in the stadium.... brilliant.

    Yep, I amagine you were bouncing the Old Town

    All around, eh? smile.gif

    My Son, who has watched most of these

    World Cup games

    (... has been playing himself since 6 yrs old; trouble being, for SOME strange reason, no TV stations are carrying this in USA :eek: ; he has to watch & listen to Spanish broadcast, which is OK, since he had 4 yrs of Spanish language @ Unversity ;) )

    He feels that GErmany CAN take Italy,

    Woot woot, giv 'em the boot! LOL!

    Well, is he right H von S?

  8. Normal Dude:

    Scale wise, I have no problem with it. it represents the massing of fire support on a strategic level for operations.

    Nor do I.

    Like SeaMonkey,

    I have favored its use for quite some time,

    Why ever not?

    Scale is no bother,

    One can use imagination and suppose

    That the Arty is in fact

    Closer to the front lines,


    It is "protected" by intevening troops.

    (... though, IF left alone, well, there

    you gotta take yer chances, which is appropriate)

    I even have it in my own mod. ;)


    I would really like to see

    An accomplished & artistic someone "paint"

    The graduated units in this slot,

    So that we might actually see

    Katyusha and Neblewerfers

    And equivalent types for other

    Nations... at L-2 and L-3.

    L-4 and L-5 should be reserved

    For the V-1 and V-2 sprites

    That we already have,


    Limited to GErmany only.

    Main thing, have some FUN with the mods! :cool:


    Ammended to say,

    Since ALL attack values (... and, range) start out @ ONE, and go up with each level of tech achievement

    I would probably opt for something along these lines:

    L-0= Heavy Artillery

    L-1= MLR, or Katyushas and Nebelwerfer types

    L-2= V-1

    L-3= V-2


    OK, so Hvy Arty has range of 1 (... or, could start @2), and we are "imagining" that this unit is on the front lines, but not REALLY... so you give them "inherent" Security Division, therefore all defense ratings are 1.

    SA starts out at 2.

    All other type of ground attacks= 1.

    Could add "motorization" reflecting Mobile Arty, yet, wouldn't want to add TOO MUCH, or it gets more expensive than it's value.

    Initial Cost? Say... 250 MPP's.

    NO L-4 or 5 for anyone.

    Problem being, attack values would actually be too high for V-1's & 2's, but, given what we got to mod, trade off might yet be worth it.

    O/W, just have the Artillery and MLR and forget the V-1 & 2, which would work out OK also. smile.gif

    [ July 01, 2006, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  9. True cool place, Chicago.

    So my Son tells me, he

    Was there notso long ago.

    Havent' been 'er myself, so

    I rely on Carl Sandburg's mighty

    Fine free-verse words:



    Hog Butcher for the World,

    Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,

    Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler;

    Stormy, husky, brawling,

    City of the Big Shoulders:

    They tell me you are wicked and I believe them, for I

    have seen your painted women under the gas lamps

    luring the farm boys.

    And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it

    is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to

    kill again.

    And they tell me you are brutal and my reply is: On the

    faces of women and children I have seen the marks

    of wanton hunger.

    And having answered so I turn once more to those who

    sneer at this my city, and I give them back the sneer

    and say to them:

    Come and show me another city with lifted head singing

    so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning.

    Flinging magnetic curses amid the toil of piling job on

    job, here is a tall bold slugger set vivid against the

    little soft cities...

    -- Carl Sandburg (1916)


    However, should I ever get there,

    And I hope to!

    First place I go,

    Wrigley Field! smile.gif

    Plenty of room there, and here

    For folks from all over the place.



    Desert City,

    San Diego,



    Well, you get the idea.

    ANY & EVERYBODY can just... saunter on in

    Say what they like,

    NOBODY knows it all!

    Live and LET live,

    I always say. :cool:

    [ July 01, 2006, 06:13 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  10. @Desert Dave --- Glad your with the program. There's always the Powerball too!


    Yea, and let's not omit

    Minor League baseball!

    Hmmm... maybe one day

    There be a grueling contest,

    Mighty Casey mayn't even show up, eh?



    Desert City Isotopes,


    Now taking the field!

    Decked out in white, red letters

    And blue for the halo!

    'Round the cap,

    To much applause & bally-hoo, aw,

    Who would boo? :(

    Those Boise City - Rowdies!

    How DO you do! :cool:

    [ June 30, 2006, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  11. Wasn't directing that comment to you Dave, but rather all the crowd dissing on Chaney for having money. They need to be equal opportunity bashers of those with cash. Personally, I'd rather have some abuse by Capitalism, at least it's not the government or Socialism in charge.

    I don't mind them,

    Or ANYONE else having honestly earned

    Money either.

    Fact is, and for the record:

    I personally think Capitalism is the ONLY

    Way to go! :cool:

    Just need some safeguards,

    So Enron-esque "funny-business"

    Doesn't happen more than it has to,

    Is all. smile.gif

  12. Don't hate nobody. smile.gif

    Not angry about nuthin'

    (... I appreciate these are the current

    "talking points" of the Smear 'Em kind of let's pretend to be bad Cats, these dishonorable days :rolleyes: )

    Each and every single Soul

    Is of equal value,

    Has same inherent worth

    As the next guy.

    Every square inch in this wondrous land

    Belongs to all,

    And not merely them who grab

    And bespoil and take their USA Corps

    Off-shore and don't pay NO taxes.

    See wut I gettin' at? ;)

  13. ... & those sucking a check of the government (lazy) are the ones who hate the current government, always find that funny Not working, yet bashing our economic policies.
    Could it be?


    These working stiffs labored their whole

    Life long,

    40, 50 years,

    And now gotta scrape by on SocSec,

    Since so many Mega Corps

    Lied about providing any pension?

    IOW, it was there

    As inducement when the working Cat

    Got started, only


    It gone?

    Where ever did it go?

    To CEO?

    Makes 40 mil per year?

    Or, let's say,

    Some old lady, in Idaho,

    Or Missoura, or down Alabam way,

    Is disabled?

    Can't hardly walk without 'er cane?

    NEEDS that little bit of Gov assistance.

    She some crazy old "lazy" as well?


    Give me a break, Jake. :rolleyes:

    For the life of me, I do not understand the USA bashing...
    You guys some strange Cats,

    You ask me.

    If YOU bitch & moan & blather & groan,

    THAT's OK,

    That's how you like to do,

    Ever body should applaud

    And stomp & whistle.

    Cool stuff.

    Somebody ELSE wishes to IMPROVE conditions

    In the general instance,


    And not just a privileged FEW,

    And you have temerity to call it "bashing?"


    Can't fool a fooler, jjr. ;)

  14. After I'm satiesfied with my eastern campaign I will probably make ya all a winter war campaign. Anyone working on one right now?

    What in dickens, this?

    A Skando Mondo scenario-making machine!


    It's the stuff of... dreams!

    What dreams are made of,


    Where the Moon gives birth

    To X-tremely hip,

    Roswell-bound, pipsqueak freaks!

    Doom it all!


    Kuniworth Earth! :cool:

  15. To everyone,

    I'm starting to get pretty edgy reading some of the horse-hockey posted on this forum

    Well ND,

    I'd advise,

    Since we sure wouldn't want youse gettin'

    All edgy... don't read them

    Sorts of posts what might

    Cause you dis-ease, then,

    What say? ;)


    Not everything here is about... you.

    You what? 22?

    Been here - about a month?

    Now you want to run things?


    If anyone wants to play the country bashing and blame game, grow the hell up, or become a politician and fix things. Otherwise, shut up and get back to what we are supposed to be doing, talking SC 2.

    I would suppose folks can talk about

    Whatever they please,

    Without some edgy prowl Cat hovering over

    Their shoulder,

    Sayin' this is OK, oh,

    That ain't so freakin' cool.

    Freedom of Speech.

    We got it

    Here in America, for

    Now, anyhow.


    You CAN talk about SC-2, who's stopping you?

    'Course, you had a lot to say

    Yer very ownself,

    All about... that there

    "Illegal immigation" issue, eh?

    Should I have had any inclination

    To join in that particular

    OFF TOPIC bitch & jive,

    I might've said:

    "You are right on, I agree

    That we do need to get control

    Of our own borders."

    Which is what I also happen to believe.


    I guess?

    When YOU want to go O/T, that's alright,


    Nobody else can?

    Unless they check - with YOU first, 22,

    Been here a whole month?

    See if it's alright?

    Like I said, LOL.

    BTW: If yer gonna have a quote,

    How about mentioning the author?

    Thatta way,

    Any can decide if it's someone

    They might respect enough

    To take it seriously.

    Attribution, it's called. ;)

  16. It's not a sin to own an SUV. It's not a sin to work for a house, car, or for a copy of SC-3. Forget Becker, give me Johnny Mac, Sampras, & Agassi.

    "Image is everything" --- Agassi

    "You've got to be kidding me, that ball was out!" --- Johnny Mac.

    LOL! :D

    Ah, I was right,

    This ONE time, anyway, jjr,

    You ARE mostly... a "show-man!"

    PT Barnum would've LOVED you in his

    Traveling Circus,

    You coulda been THE pitch-man

    Of all time! :cool:


    Come to think of it, our fellow forum members probably don't care and it would be a "long and winding road". But from the Axis perspective I could really elaborate in the role of Rommel.

    I'll PM you tonight....unless?????

    Oooops, SM,

    A bit too impatient again.

    I'll wait until you are all set, yes?

    As for AAR,

    Yeah, considering it may indeed turn out to be

    A long drawn-out contest,

    Maybe we ought not.

    Take yer time, I'll be around even if not

    Posting for awhile,

    As I sometimes like to take a break

    From it all. smile.gif

  17. ...while they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR OTHERS.


    Goethe's interpretation

    Of Doctor Faustus,

    Is, IMHO,

    THE best one I've seen.

    MANY lessons in that little tale

    Even YOU would likely like, jjr,

    Especially the consequences

    Of selling yer Soul

    For the sake of materiel enhancement.

    SUV's included, I would imagine. ;)

    Not to mention!

    Boris Becker!

    Age 18 to 22, THE best tennis player

    I ever saw! smile.gif

    **Personal note: I am enchanted

    By the GErman contribution

    To "Gestalt Psychology,"


    That's eclectic and I leave it at that.

  18. Hmmm, wasn't it Teddy that said "Walk softly and carry a big stick".

    A "big stick" could actually be:

    Your committment to: honor and integrity.


    A DOOM GUN that you would, privately,

    Never intend to, finally, use.

    BTW, SM, I have already sent you 2 EM's WRT to the North Afrikan scenario.

    Have you not gotten them, or, have now?

    Decided you'd rather not play?

    Yea the loss of Bobby hurt bad and I have always liked Teddy, I think he was one of the best Pres. the US has ever had. Hummmm it is scary to think that DD and I might think more alike then I at first thought LOL.
    It's like I mentioned, San Diego,

    Nobody REALLY knows

    Who is what or why,

    On an inter-net Forum.

    The other evening my Son and I sat down

    (... he imagines himself to be MORE

    "conservative" than his old man smile.gif )


    Point by (... talking) point,

    We went down the usual list.

    Turns out I am MORE "conservative"

    Than he.


    Ah, and so, it HAS to be, I guess.

    We prefer, apparently, to MAGNIFY

    Our differences,

    And minimize

    Our commonalities.

    Question being?

    Do we really NEED some "other"

    That is posited as "evil"

    Or "lesser?"


    We don't.

    And, I shall NEVER "give up hope,"

    It's not IN me,

    Same as you. :cool:

  19. Well I do believe we are in the midst of a culutral revolution.
    Sure are, Rolend.

    Began, this time, for real,

    With... the Renaissance.

    Man placing Self @ center of the Universe.

    Rationalism solves all, LOL,

    How arrogantly absurd, and

    Hence, as countervailing Spirit-wish,

    The "romantic revolution"

    Best exemplified by the poets

    In England,

    Most notably Wordsworth, Byron,

    Shelley and Keats.

    If you are talking about

    The current "cultural upheaval" in America,

    It was the "beat" writers and "film noir"

    Directors who started that "impolite debate."

    How much "freedom" is there REALLY to be?

    (... now that leisure is, virtually, insured,

    at least, for a little while)

    The beat goes on, won't

    EVER stop, and that's cool,

    So long as we don't regress

    To some sort of draconian perversion

    Of our current small-d "democracy."

    Some of us want to become isolationist again (I am in that camp) some of us want us to 'rule' the world (I think Rambo falls into that camp) and some of us want to become globalist (I think DD tends to lean this way)

    I'm not knowing what a "globalist" is,

    So I'll say this much:

    If anything,

    I could be... an existential Theist.


    I, and I alone am responsible

    For every single thing that I do,

    And every NEXT instant

    Contains within it

    The very real possibility

    That I might realize

    A better truth.

    In which case, I'll gladly

    Throw over my old, and incomplete truth.

    Intricately enmeshed in my "world view,"

    I believe in "God"

    (... though not caring to belong to

    any "organized" religion)

    For one simple reason:

    You cannot, IMO, get

    SOMETHING... from... NOTHING.

    There is no way, in my understanding,

    That this can possibly occur.

    No theory thus far put forth

    Even remotely satisfies.

    Thus, for me, "prime mover" or "first cause"

    Has to be

    Beyond any logico-rational capability.

    It must originate

    Out of heart & soul,

    Or, should you prefer it,

    From innate instinct/intuition.

    PS forgive me if I have put any of you in the wrong camp and that goes for me asking myself what camp I am in, see I can't even figure which way to go so you expect outsiders to know LOL.
    LOL as well, I am with you

    On that, San Diego.

    Probably best, right now, and since

    Very unfortunately,

    We have a one-party system in our America,

    (... and have had since November 22, 1963,

    when a slight crack appeared in the heretofore supposed as: "friendly Universe," and

    FEAR began to DOMINATE most Americans thinking; as it does now, IE, we perceive ourselves to be MORE vulnerable than we ALWAYS ARE, anyway)

    To remain committed, yet open-minded

    And above all, concerned ENOUGH

    To not just... give it up

    And let SOMEBODY ELSE,

    Whether that be a religious group

    Or monolithic and impersonal Government,

    At ANY level,

    Or even, our closest mentor, friend,

    Mate, brother or sister,

    Overly influence our personal impulse

    Towards... the right relation

    With ALL of Nature, since

    Too much is now at stake.

    The Earth is gasping, grasping

    At it's near-to-last breath, IMO.

    The time for "tribalism" is past,

    Or ANY limiting "idealogies,"

    Or any solution arising

    Out of primal impulses.

    [... I have to laugh at those who espouse such simplistic notions as "behaviorism" where we each are ONLY liable to re-act to some outside stimulus; utter nonsense... the "WILL to power" is Neitzsche's greatest contribution, though, admittedly some might foolishly imagine SuperMan as a mere "martial, destructive artist," instead of the "creative artist," that EACH of us can be, and I'll say it another way... we CAN over-ride descent into Apocalypse, or Maelstrom through CONSCIOUS choices]

    It IS time for something startling

    And new.

    Who can articulate that?

    No "Philosopher King" on the horizon,

    That I can see.

    I haven't liked ANY "Democrats"

    Since Bobby Kennedy.

    I haven't liked any "Republicans"

    Since Teddy Roosevelt.

    There, apparently, ain't NOBODY

    Out there

    Who can soar ABOVE the puny & pitiful

    Self-ish-ness now crassly rampant.


    Has to be... each of us, alone.

    Eventually, all them lone "best natures"

    Will aggregate, and coalesce

    Into a commonly apprehended "epiphany."

    And the problem of our dying Earth

    Will easily and naturally

    Solve... ITSELF. :cool:


    Well enough of that there juke & jive! :rolleyes:


    How about them - San Diego Chargers!

    Got a shot at the play-offs, this year? ;)

    [ June 29, 2006, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  20. Originally posted by Lars:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Desert Dave:


    Would this "intruding unit"

    Feel.. at home?

    Act & react in the same efficient fashion

    As under HQ of its own nationality?

    I don't believe so. ;)

    Neither do I.

    But would it act and re-act better than it would without a HQ at all? Yes. Unquestionably yes. </font>

  21. Lars, laconic:

    As I recall, a HQ is supposed to represent the full range of benefits of such an organization, not just the "name" at the top.


    Yet... you would still be "confined"

    Within a different place.

    IE, different food,

    Different tactical training,

    Different language in some cases

    (... translator required)

    And really, a different Gestalt altogether.


    Would this "intruding unit"

    Feel.. at home?

    Act & react in the same efficient fashion

    As under HQ of its own nationality?

    I don't believe so. ;)


    ... is it possible to re-name your units as in the first version, and did they create specailized units such as Guards, WaffenSS, Rangers, or Commando Batalions?

    1) Yes.

    2) No... unless,

    You would substitute one new unit

    In a slot occupied by an old, existing unit.

    For instance,

    You could take out the Corps.

    Rename the Army as... Infantry.

    Use the "Corps slot" to put in Commandos and Rangers and what else you might dream up. :cool:

  22. Even when I lose, I win.


    Before I go out and attend to my amazing!

    Odd orange & golden-steaked Lilies

    Of the Field,

    I daresay, didn't realize

    You knew of... the Zen warrior way.


    To paraphrase E Hemingway:

    Part of you stumbles

    And... falls.

    Jagged shards scattered

    All around the yard.

    Pick 'em up!

    Put 'em back together again!

    You are stronger,

    Mightier than a million mounted men!



    Only then. :cool:

  23. Honch:

    Do Major Country HQs give their benefits to their minors? If not, they should. For example, Montgomery HQ should be able to give his benefits to the Canadian corps etc.

    Canada has some Cat name of "Keller"

    That you can purchase and deploy.

    Finland has "Mannerheim" and

    Spain has "Franco"

    And there is a chance of "Commonwealth"

    HQ arriving in Egypt.

    I would imagine Rumania and Sweden

    Could have low-rated HQ's added as well.


    Should you prefer it,

    Have an HQ for Poland, why not? ;)

    As for default game,

    I think it is OK as is.

    IMO, leadership benefits very rarely translate

    Over to another Nation's soldiers.

    If my commander was Patton, let's say,

    You think I am going to fight equally hard

    When he goes on leave,

    Back to visit his beloved polo ponies

    In SoCal?

    Like, for some Brit "substitute commander?"

    No, I don't believe I would,

    Unless of course,

    It becomes,

    Me or him,

    Life or death kind of situation.


    In general? Nah. ;)

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