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Desert Dave

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Posts posted by Desert Dave

  1. Reload is a dirty word...
    Not if yer one of the last

    Mans... still standing,

    Or kneeling or reeling

    Or sprawled all across

    The cold cactus grit

    An' dirt.

    At the OK Corral, pal.


    One of them others - can you

    See 'im 'ere, Dude?

    Over there! in the gloaming,

    Dreaming schemes of dire and doom? :eek:

    It is... Fast Draw McGraw,

    Hah hah, ah

    Hah hah hah hah hah,

    And his hands!

    What magic hands, you

    Oughta see 'em!

    Like skeins of bleeding white

    There in the nearing night.

    Yah, get ready, Idaho Hombre,

    Get really ready,

    I'd advise,

    To FINALLY learn

    How to... reload!


    BTW: If you miss 'im, or, perchance,

    'E misses you

    (... this is chance, REAL deal

    chance, and not like folks

    wringing and wranging over weather-whims

    in SC-2!)

    Not to worry, see,

    There's ALWAYS somebody, some where,

    Who is... strapping it on,

    And... coming.

    Who is... faster than you.

    Faster than Buffalo Bill Cody

    With 'is awful wild, light

    Blue, bad-bully eyes,

    And, faster even!

    Than yer

    Much remarked, wildly admired

    And oft ballyhoo'd Nemesis, yep

    Faster than... Yodl,

    Too. ;)

  2. If you want to avoid civilian casualties, don't go to war in the first place. If you do go to war, expect that you will hurt innocents. That may not be decent, but at least it's honest.

    Valid points Diced Ice,

    And yet I would finally add this:

    Where is it written?

    In what book,

    Military, Sacred or the one

    You keep deeply secret

    In your fertile mind,

    That JUST BECAUSE the status quo

    Is, presently, such & so,

    We must,

    Like lemmings headed over the cliff,

    CONTINUE to "follow" any of those? :confused:

    You may suppose, I don't actually know,

    That I dwell in some un-real, surreal,

    Sloppily pseudo-intellectual... Dream World.

    Fine by me,

    I NEVER mind what somebody else imagines,

    It's... ALL to the good. ;)

    What I AM saying is this:

    There had better be some alteration

    In HOW we interpret so-called

    "Received histories & other

    Myths, superstitions and tell-tales"


    We just ain't gonna make it,

    As a species.

    My opinion merely.

    I start from the first,

    With the basics, if you will, IE,

    No more senseless slaughter.

    Seems reasonable to me.


    As that will hardly be enough,

    [... there ARE legions of deranged folks such as

    socio-paths and ignorant "MY bible ONLY"

    or usually useless chest-thumpers, I appreciate]

    I hope and, yea, pray

    For that liberating day,

    When the "collected consciousness"

    (... no, this ain't merely the province

    of it's originator, Carl Jung, BUT

    the common everyday will-full ability

    of EACH human to reach way the hell down

    in heart & mind & soul, and

    arrive at... a most ecstatic,

    and commonly UNDERSTOOD "epiphany")

    Has one a' them JOLTS,

    And throws over all the haters & dolts,


    Sure enuff,

    The "right stuff" will get done. :cool:

    The "old order" rapidly over-thrown,

    Like it wuz... magic.

    NO verbal exchanges,

    NO babel of lingo differences impeding,

    As ALL will just... KNOW

    What is... NOW required.

    Call it what you choose.

    I say... it's not fantasy,

    It IS... quite likely to occur.

    IMHO. smile.gif

    **May it be... before the nasty boys

    Destroy our Earth, what

    With 'em Self-enlarging play-toys.

    [ July 17, 2006, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  3. Yep, the things most of us have been doing with the editor have been good, but it seems this kind of mod is what HC ultimately envisioned as the fruits of such a device. smile.gif
    Yea indeed TK,

    And here's the gist of what I am ALSO

    Saying, albeit somewhat clumsily.

    Once Hubert gets back from WELL deserved

    Vacation time,

    He's gonna do some Mojo Magico

    With a LOT of those troublesome scripts, AI,

    And O/W.

    What I can foresee, and actually,

    HOPE to see,

    Is that you, and others inclined,

    Will THEN work off of that,

    So to augment the eventual "Gold Standard"

    For default game and scenarios,

    Which he will surely, absolutely implement. smile.gif

    I do NOT mean to suggest, and,

    IF I have, I apologize,

    That what you guys are doing is lesser

    Or, notso valuable.

    It surely IS... wait and see what V 1.03

    Brings and that will, no doubt,

    Inspire you to even greater heights,

    I'm fair confident.



    Some of your latest & greatest!

    Stuff can be implemented so to provide

    Expert variations

    In MODS such as this F&F one,

    And others to come, as well. :cool:

    [... my own, included! Have been working

    on it for 6 or 8 months now, and WHEN

    Hubert does his brilliant thing, I may well add in

    some of YOUR innovations, too! smile.gif ]

  4. Now who was it?

    One must wonder?

    Kept on a'saying that Editor!

    QUIT! :rolleyes:

    Bringing up and mentioning

    That unprecedented! Editor!

    Superior and inspired work,

    Frederic & Fabrice,

    [... I originally suspected as Inspectre C,

    that you were "Fantomas" in disguise! ;) ]

    And great self-less offer of assistance

    Etienne! ... ah, the French,

    NEVER discount their elan and aplomb! smile.gif

    You guys are living proof

    That Hubert

    Did the right thing,

    In providing an Editor

    So that "creative Artists" could

    Make something innovative & grand,

    And so, you are now doing. :cool:

  5. I would suggest that ALL of these "bug" reports go in the appropriate forum, set aside so that Hubert can address these without having to read through countless posts... he MIGHT just miss something, though,

    We the testers usually repeat/report these bugs in the Beta thread designed for that purpose.

    But, not ALWAYS, since we are not perfectly vigilant... so best to write these up over in "tech area."

    Iron Ranger has suggested a "sticky" for bug reports, which is not a bad idea. :cool:

  6. Attacking non-combatants began in the Age of the Mastodons, not the Flying Fortresses. The first time that Joe Neanderthal killed Jim Neathanderal, and grabbed Jane Cavewoman as booty, meant that civilians would be in the firing line.

    Only dreamers, armchair generals (most wargamers belong to that pseudo-martial category) and techno-fetishists could believe in clean war. Maybe in outer space, but not on Earth, where conflict inevitably means someone's crops will be trampled, their livelihood curtailed, their way of life disrupted.

    Perhaps that's not such a bad thing. It means that modern war is democratic. All of us are involved, so we can't fold our arms and cry, "It's not MY war. It's THEIR war."

    Diced Tomato

    What the hey? :confused:

    In above example, Jim N has the opportunity

    To DEFEND himself and whosoever else

    He should prefer to... faithful

    Jane, perhaps.

    I repeat:

    WW-2 witnessed the VERY FIRST en masse,

    Cap-T... "Terror bombing."

    Bombing implies the use of AIR craft,

    At least it did then,

    Aside from the rocketry anyhow;

    En Masse means WHOLE neighborhoods

    In one blistering swath.

    The kind of places with trees got swings

    Dangling from ropes?

    Got victory gardens?

    Got some are fat, and some

    Damn near starving to death?

    Like it's always been?

    So, anyway,

    Joe N, he The Man, the pilot.

    His buddy is sighting, and each

    Of the crew doing their part, as

    Good ol' pub-crawling pal... is releasing

    The bombs.

    Maybe muttering,

    Possibly even - shouting!

    Bombs Away! :D


    In Dresden, it is Hans.

    In London, it is Sean.

    In Tokyo, it is Yan.

    In America it was... well, anyway,

    All of whom are... 3 years old.

    Riding a motor scooter, the kind

    You push with one little leg?

    Maybe even a lever he or she can work it

    To ring the bell - look out World!

    Ecce Homo, in miniature I am!

    On my way to being Great!

    Just being antic, having SOME fun. smile.gif

    (... kids are amazingly intuitive and KNOW

    when the parents, the back-yard, the neighborhood

    is in trouble, so not as MUCH fun as

    during times of, let's say,

    an honorable peace, I will grant you that)

    None of 'em 3 can fold their arms

    And say - hey! :(

    Adult who should know better?

    Adult who CAN and SHOULD make

    The WHOLE built-environment... BEST possible?

    How about acting like you were, oh,

    Let me consult me Story Book, ummm,

    How about?

    A "Chivalrous Knight!" who

    LIVES for old honor, and

    As far as I know - and that ain't much, me?

    I am merely - 3 years old,

    Going on 4!

    Yep, a Knight-like and stalwart Hero


    NEVER roamed the countryside slashing & slaying

    Women & kids,

    Elderly & sickened,

    Merchants & nurses like Nightengales,

    Nor song singers or artists,

    Or those who labor tirelessly,

    All the day and all the night long

    To put out fires,

    Remove wrack of debris, and

    Rescue kids and dogs from early entombment

    Due to random, senseless,

    Truly insane bombings.

    Did they?

    I WRONG here?


    I repeat for the very last time,

    If any of those 3 kids

    Or - ANY kids in ANY war

    In ANY time, way back then, right now,

    Or in future,

    (... should we have one, and, well

    You REALLY gotta wonder)

    Are evaporated in fire

    Or explosion by adult... cowards, redface.gif

    Who kill from high above,

    In some Air Craft,

    I - personally, consider it

    A war crime,

    And WHOMEVER is piloting, or aiming,

    Or in some manner directing that annihilation

    Of a child and/or any "non-combatant"

    (... IE, they have not elected to participate

    in these latest acts of mindless madness)

    IS, ipso in actual facto, a war criminal.

    Should be cuffed up

    And stuck in the dock.

    Should be punished.

    Maybe even... hung from the neck until dead.

    See what I mean, sans - that sleight obfuscation

    You've introduced, Diced Ice?

    [ July 17, 2006, 07:12 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  7. Would that it could be so. But what about those who build the devices, or pay to buy them?

    Conscious decision by the "peace makers,"

    Which, one hopes,

    Will soon enough out-number the thugs.

    IE, don't buy them.



    But having helped run a very successful

    Business for over 10 years,

    I do know this much:

    Nobody buys yer stuff,

    You shutter the doors and make something

    That is appealing. smile.gif

    Or do we get out of that conspiracy by saying that we're all combatants...

    Self defense is ever justified.

    Determining exactly how that applies

    Is another matter.

    Simple when some goons break down yer door

    And brandish weapons

    And demand their brutal due.

    Knock 'em down,

    HOWEVER you got to.

    It wasn't until WW-2 that this whole notion

    Of "terror" from the skies commenced.

    Once Pandora's Box

    Hath been opened, well, next time

    It is MUCH easier to rationalize,

    And in the process,

    Come up with clever yet awful euphemisms

    Such as: "collateral damage."

    A return to Code of Honor,

    Among men,

    Among Nations,

    Would be ideal.

    Gonna happen?

    Now, these ever more (... apparently)

    Desparate times?

    Probably not.

    But you're right, we've gone far wrong if we can't stop to listen to that point -- at least to wonder at our laminate rationalizations.

    Well, Cary,

    I am right ... for me.

    What you, or the next guy deems righteous,

    Is not for me to say,


    Their credo or "book of instruction" impinges

    On long-standing,

    Hard-earned tenets of "law & order."

    Who wants Chaos?

    Return to the Jungle?


    We have evolved to this point

    Mostly due to refinement

    Of the Cerebral Cortex.

    We can only continue to evolve, IMHO,

    With apt integration

    Of BOTH the "religious impulse"

    AND the "rational" didactum.

    Neither, all alone,

    Will do, though, as now,

    Far too many suppose that one or the other

    Is enough.

    It isn't,

    Won't EVER be.

    BTW, greatly appreciate your documented


    Your elegant use of the language


    Not to mention some

    VERY original & creative thinking. smile.gif

    [ July 16, 2006, 10:18 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  8. The history of us,

    Is an almost unfathomable tapestry.

    We are each one stitch thereon.

    How on Earth

    To make great sense of it... all?

    It is not to be precisely located

    In ANY History Book,

    No matter how well documented.


    Wive's Tales,

    What is told by an Idiot,

    A rampant animal etched on a coat

    Of Arms.

    Go with yer gut, intuition,

    What occurs to you in dreams.

    Things are never, ever what they seem.

    Very nice (... apocryphal? No matter)

    Story, Diced Ice. :cool:

    There are two quotes I have

    Written on my gaming-room wall,

    Verbatim, quite literally.

    The first, by a man I greatly admire,

    Have read over & over again,

    A Hero for the Ages:


    "How ridiculous and unrealistic is the man who is astonished at anything that happens in life."

    -- Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor


    The second, also a man of honor

    And much wisdom, IMO:


    "In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me - and by that time no one was left to speak up."

    -- Pastor Martin Niemoller, Dachau, 1944


    Well, everybody has their own inspirations.

    Each is equal to anybody else's.

    And so it goes and goes. smile.gif

    [ July 16, 2006, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  9. Scapegoat of the day

    Is, it would seem? Catholics,


    LOL. :rolleyes:

    I remember when I was down

    At North Fort Polk, Loosianner,

    Circus 1966 it was,

    Doing my AIT,

    For God and Country,

    You know how it goes?

    Ah, "Tiger Land"

    It was AKA,

    Where you'd go to the Armorer each day

    (... he was an irascible Puerto Rican,

    if that means anything? THEY been

    scape-goated of late? LOL!)

    And he'd grudgingly hand out

    That dulled black plastic

    M-16 Mattel Toy, and then

    You'd thrash around them forested swamps

    All the foetid day long,

    And at last, turn that practise MG in

    Once done with the exercises?


    One night I got loose from the Cats

    What wore them Smokey Bear hats?

    Had black & orange slashed Cav patches?

    Were usually about 20 or 22 yrs old?

    Just me on leave,

    And... my Canon camera, in case

    I should want

    Some priceless item for - rembrance

    Of things past,

    A'la Proust sans the padded room,

    [... actually I grew up mostly

    down South, so I already KNEW the lay

    of the land, the way of the unforgiving]

    And so,

    I came upon this huge old antebellum

    Sort of house by side of the road,

    Musta been owned by a Banker

    Or Politico or the local

    White-lightning Capitaliser, well,

    You couldn't actually see the house

    From the sidewalk,

    Just this long paved drive-way,

    But it did have a HUGE! rolling expanse

    Of deep green grasses

    And fragrant shrubs

    And flowers of every imaginable kind! :cool:

    All tres tres charming. smile.gif

    Although... there WAS this

    One little expertly printed sign

    That bothered me, oh,

    For about... 20 seconds, since I don't

    Actually worry much over what somebody


    Says is dogma,

    Or believes to be de rigeur. .


    Firmly staked-out Sign said:


    "All Yankee soldiers,

    And Black Cats,

    And Pope-lovers,

    And Dogs also,



    True story, I got the PIC

    In a box here to home.

    Ya just gotta luv it, ain't ya?

    How we can be, here in America,

    Land of the mighty

    Brave & Free,

    Then they safe at a distance,


    And yet... don't seem to me

    Things have changed all that much

    In the 40 years since them

    Ragin' 'Gator Days, nope,

    Different medium, is all. ;)

  10. To sum it up; you were a hippie in the 60's and now 40 years later you came to the conclusion that you think I'm a real stud?

    LOL, ah,

    Kafka's K Redux,

    Nah, I warn't no hippie.

    Just a guy dropped out of college

    While my pals were claiming 2S status,

    So to become - first, a citizen soldier.


    Iconoclast who never belonged

    To ANY group larger than... 2.

    The other most usually being,

    One a' them beautiful whores

    Who likes to walk in the rain.

    See? smile.gif

    BTW, quit ragging me all to hell

    About playing yer scenario,

    It just ain't gonna happen.

    I done told you I'd take you to school

    On '39 Campaign once V 1.03 is released,

    And, BTW,

    Having tested it for awhile,

    It ain't bad!

    And, best - gonna get much much better


    This I know! :cool:

  11. It's your call mister. If you can't stand the challenge you can leave your old guard uniform at Sailor Heaven's Pub, San Franciso Harbour. Ask for Immer Etwas.

    Far better, Skando Kafka's K,

    You'd inquire after that Cool Old Shade,

    For ever known as Herb Caen,

    Columnist for The SF Chronicle,

    Circa '40s -> ~ '80s,

    And inventor of "3-dot journalism," IE,

    Liberal (... ooops! 'at 'er's some

    nasty bad word these dis-honorable

    days, I realize!)

    Use of ellipses (...like... this...),

    Not to mention the very first!

    To use the term... "beatnik." :cool:

    [... like most of the rest of the established

    Comfortable Classes, he hadn't really ANY clue

    of what he was talking about, in this

    regard anyhow]

    Who once mentioned that SF was like

    A beautiful whore walking lamp lighted streets

    All night in the fog & rain or,

    Some such wry aptness.


    I don't have the EXACT quote and really don't care

    If I do wacka do, and won't

    Be bothered, now, to search for it,


    There you have the essence,

    Based on avid readings of 40 odd

    Years ago.

    Close enough! smile.gif

    I liked SF well enough in the late 60s,

    Haight and People's Park and what-not, though

    Moreso, I spent time in Big Sur & Sausalito,

    Well, to each their own.

    Lately, however, we have some true tremendous!

    Hate-mongering, foul-lip Wrongo's

    Plying the air waves, as, witness:

    (... from a column authored by Joe Conason

    in Salon.com)


    July 14, 2006 | While Melanie Morgan debates with Ann Coulter about whether the executive editor of the New York Times should be killed by gas chamber or firing squad, the institutional forces behind the San Francisco radio host deserve to share in the national spotlight now focused on her. Morgan's brand of authoritarian extremism is brought to her radio listeners every day courtesy of the Disney Corp., which owns KSFO-AM -- a station that functions as a mouthpiece and fundraising mechanism for the Republican Party.


    Innocent little Disney Corp!

    Sponsoring, condoning such vile vitriol

    And actual!

    Callings for some Editor's head!

    Imagine that there!


    All them cute & spry cartoons and that

    White Castle!

    In Fairyland!

    I usta watch as a kid, gee,

    My... my. :rolleyes:

    Other matters:

    No question. There are a number of people who talk about Dresden or the nuclear bombings without knowing what they are talking about, and I can understand why you'd find them annoying.


    You done brung it up again,

    Pointilleux Cognoscenti,

    Whoso apparently espouses

    Midwest sort of rolling-shoulder

    Comedie Noire,

    And so I say it once again:

    As said in the past - ANYONE who bombs


    With ANY kind of explosive, incendiary

    Or other death-dealing device,

    SHOULD be prosecuted as a war criminal,

    NO exceptions.

    I must ask you: how is it

    That I don't know what

    I am talking about? :confused:

    How is it?

    That YOU know what I do NOT know?


    What I do ken or nary reckon?

    Amazing! langoureux legerdemain,

    All the way from hallow halls @ Chicago U

    Clean down to the Sun-slammed high desert!

    You know these things!

    Can't quite get over that!


    As for the rest:

    1) Too many humans chasing fast diminishing

    resources, at least, those... now KNOWN.

    2) Too many War Profiteers,

    My gut guess? More!

    Than EVER before, here in America (... largest

    supplier of annihilation devices

    of any nation on earth)

    And, in Europe & Asia & Arabia too.

    Other places also - wherever stocks

    And ill-begotten gains

    Are traded for human sweat,

    For... human life.

    3) Ego-centric world views will inevitably

    Lead to these sorts of selfish & avaricious Apprehensions.

    4) Palestine deserves their own State, yep,

    and this ends with a PERIOD.

    5) Russia DID in fact suffer FAR more than any Other Nation in World War II, what's

    The big argument?

    Whyso or who deserves what

    Doesn't change one essential thing.

    Millions upon millions upon millions

    Of humans died all over the damn place,

    Which brings us to:

    6) Approximately 30,000 deaths last year,

    Minimally deduced,

    Due to alcohol-related car accidents, which is, Incidentally - for all 'em claiming to value

    ALL of life,

    10 times! the number killed @ Twin Towers.

    And so, just gotta ask?

    Where the outrage there? :confused:

    Or, RE: 100s' of thousands NOW starving to death

    In them so-called 3rd World countries?

    LOL, gotta laugh how SOME life, I'd gather,

    Is worth MORE than other's lives,

    Go figure.


    Alcohol and tobacco are the single most Destructive drugs now on market.

    Hey! Why are these legal?

    And some other less offensive stuff,

    Such as that recently derided "weed"

    And peyote/mescaline and

    "Ecstasy" and even, dreaded old "lsd"

    Are illegal?

    VERY strange law-makers we got,

    Especially of late,

    What with this spying by telecommunications

    Corps, and 'em satellites in the sky

    And the old fashioned way too!

    RAT out!

    Yer neighbor, LOLOLOL! :D

    (... all them above mentioned drugs used within context of supervised and fully controlled religious or psychiatric purposes, but of course!)

    **Now, how about them XXXX (... insert yer very own favorite Sports team!) this year! smile.gif

    Got 'em a good shot at the ultimately

    Useless! title?

    Though, as group catharsis, I suppose it's better

    Than... waving around fists & personally

    Preferred epistles and received histories,


    As we certainly appreciate,

    Have been LOST! Baby, lost,

    In all them many & myriad (mis) translations!

    LOL! ;)

  12. Dave, played a game of it today against the ai, really enjoy the mod. Good job.

    Question - what is rain? is it mud?

    Thanks for the encouragement Curry.

    "Rainsqualls" in this scenario are the same as "rain & mud" in the default game, though, it is often referred to as merely mud. Can't have one without the other, eh? smile.gif

    The AI will improve as we go along, and I have some more time to enact better AI scripting.

    I have played Allies on Intermediate +1 against Axis AI and had one heck of a time holding back Rommel's desert toughened forces... in fact, he managed to destroy all my fortifications in and around El Alemein before reinforcements, and Montgomery HQ arrived... barely in time to push 'em back to Bardia.

    As I said, any comments, suggestions or ideas that would make this scenario better, don't hesitate to let me know. :cool:

  13. And infantry at level 3 AT can exact a toll on tanks, especially on the attack, as Blashy is demonstrating against my level 4 German armor in the game we have going.

    Good point JG,

    The game has just not been played ENOUGH

    To fully realize all the possible permutations.

    When you play Blashy you gotta be ready!

    For anything! :eek:

    Another month or two,

    Some more detailed AAR's and suggestions

    Based on MANY and varied reports,

    And THEN we'll know a lot more

    About what needs tweaking, and

    What is best left alone.

    Too powerful Air Fleets, or Bombers?


    How about researching your OWN interceptors

    Right from the get-go

    (... since you know your opponent just loves

    to bring the hard rains down)

    So that they can inflict great harm

    On those over-flights?

    Or, AA for that matter, it doesn't cost

    All that much.

    The U-boots, true,

    There could be some additional

    Assistance for them... and yet,

    Rambo has "lucked out" and managed, somehow?

    To decimate the RN?

    Rest assured, their are roughly 50 +

    Suggestions in Beta Forum covering

    Very nearly EVERY concern expressed

    By this time.

    Then, as per usual, Hubert will decide

    What, if anything, should be adjusted.


    We got it.

    No need to rush around and implement

    "Quick fixes" BEFORE there is

    Better, more complete datum,

    So we won't be "re-acting" to

    Those "outliers" on the game graph, eh? :cool:

  14. Just use the editor.

    LOL, well Skando M,

    You sure SEEMED to have a real good time

    When you made yer Russian Campaign,

    Using that unprecedented Editor, true? ;)

    You keep repeating this, it's

    Hard to tell you truly mean

    What you say, or

    Simply are being facetious?

    I give you the benefit,

    I assume you think it is a fantastic tool,

    That's cool, and so

    Eventually somebody else will make

    France 1940,

    Or perhaps?

    The Med Theatre,

    Start to finish?

    Now there's one I'd like to see done! :cool:

  15. I m sick of all the whiners...
    Could be, DH,

    You are getting "sick" because you worry


    About what somebody else is saying?

    How about?

    Leben und Leben, zulassen, Ya? smile.gif

    One Cat's "whining" is another's

    Genuine concern

    To have the game - they'd prefer?

    C'mon, lighten up.

    You been around quite awhile

    And have made many great contributions.

    Let everybody else make suggestions

    Comments, or even tell little stories,

    Without crashing down on 'em

    All the time, eh? :cool:

    [ July 12, 2006, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  16. Curry & SM,

    "Sand-storms" have the SAME effect

    As does "snow."

    I don't believe it was discussed

    Whether or not to have scenario-specific

    Notations in the Manual.

    I'll ask about it,

    WRT to all these smaller scaled sets,

    See what Hubert has to say. smile.gif

    As I've mentioned in the "designer notes"

    IF you have ANY

    Suggestions or comments

    WRT this scenario,

    By all means post 'em up

    Or send EM to me.

    You get to that point, or

    Anybody does,

    I'll provide EM address... O/W

    You could get it from SeaMonkey.

    Speaking of which,

    I owe you a turn don't I?

    Pardon, I been on this "forced fast"

    For an upcoming Test @ VA,


    I've been "out of it" awhile now,

    Hallucinating? Even? ;)

    [... ack! don't everbody agree at once! smile.gif ]

    **Here is the rule from the Manual

    Which, in effect, applies to BOTH

    Snow and Sandstorms, though,

    As you likely already know,

    Neither Amphib nor Op moves

    Are allowed in this scenario:


    Operational movement is allowed, but re-basing of air units is restricted

    Attack values halved for any unit type

    No AP penalty for crossing snowed enemy river tiles

    No amphibious loadings from a snowed port tile

    No amphibious unloading to a snowed coastal tile


  17. Originally posted by Dragonheart:

    With 10 ontopic posts and 100 offtopic crapposts i wonder why this tread is still open. Seems that moon or madmatt is on holiday. :rolleyes:

    And as it goes,

    Your post makes - number... 101,

    LOL! tongue.gif

    Old Eastern Saying:


    He who would assume

    The heart of a Dragon,

    Needs undertake the journey

    Of the everyday ordinary Hero,

    Occasionally, anyway,

    At least.

    Back & forth to Hades you'd go,

    By foot, or in a peasant's hay-cart


    Should you be wary, weary

    Or merely leery,

    Carried quite merry in

    An old Euro King's



    Consider this - you just might

    Take that inner-hipster trip

    Completely - in your... mind. :cool:


    You'll finally find,

    I'd imagine,

    That... it don't actually matter,

    Comes right down to

    The jive & jin of it,

    Who says, or,

    Acts-out what.

    Because YOU - the one who - claims!

    To have that great

    Beast be beating heart,

    Keeps safe,

    Their OWN sorta tough begotten learning,

    Close, close.

    And so,

    In the end, then

    You can't suck-up the tiniest breath,

    No! Not even then,

    Doth yer wisdom - do depart. smile.gif


    Either that there

    Sitzen shinola, or:

    What say, let's giv good ol' American Noir

    A shot:

    Ain't no Gunsel that I can see, see,

    Holdin' enny Heater to yer head,

    Makin' you read

    'At 'ere scat-O-logical stuff


    Of ALL that REALLY right on topical

    Grab-*ss and guff,

    Is there?

    That little lovely of yours didn't go by the name of Suzie Creamcheese by any chance? ;)
    Nope, SM,

    I never did knew Suzie

    Like, hmmmm... apparently,

    YOU knew Suzie, LOL!

    The only lithe lovelies

    I got to rap

    Around with,

    Had witchen names like:


    High Sky,


    And, sure, what else?


    LOLOL! :D

    Was at last, as this:

    I only went back to Laurel

    Just the one more time.

    Z requested - a mite too nonchalantly,

    You should ast me - to giv the heave-ho

    To a wild bunch of Oakland Chapter

    Hell's Angels, oh, 'bout

    8 or 11 of 'em

    All told.

    Well, I looked around

    And nowhere was my brother

    (... much, MUCH tougher than me)

    To be found.

    To have my back, since,

    Lo & behold!

    The rest of them "hippie" Cats

    Were cloistered in a tight circle

    Going - ohm, om, O - my!

    With 'em lassies of the night,

    And thus & so,

    I did the most prudent thing.

    ... gathered up my git,

    Kit, and 'at cool cold long-neck

    And... hit the road,

    Ne'er to return,

    You know? ;)

  18. Since we're all goin' a little cuckoo clock


    I gotta finish my own tick-tock

    With this...


    I'ma shoot

    I'ma smoke

    I'ma walk up on yo ass and bust yo ass in the eye

    I'ma roll this blunt up

    I'ma I'ma

    I'ma ride 2 da end (end)

    Ball till I fall (fall)

    I'm on the hunt for tha paper

    Gimme s'more

    I gotta get mine (hey)

    All about the currency (yea



    You ain't quite got the drift,

    That there great Galactic SHIFT

    In warped apperception

    Which occurred

    A VERY short while it was,

    Mid to late 60's or thereabouts.

    You know,

    Reading all about it in Time or Newsweek

    Ain't near the same thang.

    **[... fair warning, enny ain't cotton

    to 60's tales told by admitted Idiot,

    stop! right here,

    thatta way, no back-handed complaints

    later, eh? ;) ]


    For one instance,

    I used to go to these mad hatter happenings

    Up in Laurel Canyon,

    Back then I wuz auditionin'

    For B-movie parts (... lost one real rasty role

    in a biker movie to ol' D Hopper, that

    fast-action, show stopper)

    And I kinda accidentally got to know

    Frank Zappa.


    Once the meet was over and done,

    He'd call me up on the rotary phone

    As we had back then, oh,

    Down in Venice where I lived,

    If you want to call it that, LOL, in a 3 room

    Shack that set me back, oh,

    'Bout 90 smacks per month,

    Utils incl, what a sweet deal!

    And anyway,

    He'd juke around a bit and then

    Drawl it on out:

    "AD? Gonna get down tonight,

    here at the ranch,

    can you make the scene, Man?"

    I'd ponder, respond:

    "What's the ratio - gone be?"

    He'd pause, thinking 'er over and say:

    "60-30-10, but, AD, it's that 10 I got problems with, as you sure enuff know, dig it?"

    I knew.

    I could dig.

    Well, "AD"

    Was short hand for "Army Dude," see

    I had wandered into one of his blow-outs

    A lusty lively summer night

    In Levi cut-offs and unlaced jungle boots

    Carrying my usual long-neck

    Bottle a' Bud,

    And sure,

    Wouldn't you know, some

    Ruined through & through fruit-loop dudes

    Had been botherin' and

    Pesterin' the "hippie" chicks,

    You know? :rolleyes:

    [... I puts hippie in quotes cuz ONLY

    the Dumbell Media used that term, NOBODY

    I knew EVER did, LOL! smile.gif ]

    Had Zodiac rings on 3 or 4 fingers,

    And come-hither bo-jangle bells

    On they bare-foot toes?

    Long, ironed-straight hair w/shower of flowers

    Like honey-suckle & clover woven

    In purest innocent faith, in there?

    And anyway,

    Zappa was pretty "straight" in many ways

    But... 'e had this inside light gleaming,

    And, a'times - screaming out,

    Like some Magic Lantern

    Deep down in 'is gut, always weird aglow,

    [... as an aside, my old lady from

    High School days back in Desert City,

    Well now, she played in this all-girl

    Rip rock band, even, ironically,

    Went on tour with ol' Frankie Z,

    Up to Alaska,

    Where she did a tiny Mickey tab

    And damn near slid off the edge

    Of an ice-cliff, well, I had TOLD him

    Before they hit the road,

    "Look here Z machine, don't be messin' with

    my special girl, see?"

    And he'd looked me in the eye longest while,

    And finally flat out stated:

    "Ain't no come-on, in me; she floats & flits

    on the Boone's Farm, well, then we just gotta

    play it as it lays, wait and see."

    I stared back and then shrugged,

    I knew the way of it,

    How the "free-love apples"

    Fell easy off the tree]

    Far out, at's how it had to be. ;)


    As our Story goes,

    That particular eve,

    I got just disgusted enough, these

    High hard & wasted kind of Cats

    Harassin' and hasslin'

    Them dream-away lovelies,

    And I'd run a couple right on out,

    Told 'em to get their kicks down on Sunset,

    With all the rest of them sold

    'Ere mean-old-soul, psychotic

    Sorts a' hang-around 'causin

    Nuthin' but cap-T trouble,


    Ever since that occasion,

    He'd ever now & then ring me and giv

    That - "hey AD we could use you" sort of

    Grok-talking, fire-lighted

    Lantern kinda jive.


    He had plenty those Flower Childs

    Gone be listenin' to Sitar, there,

    I'd - maybe, stir it up and go.

    O/W, just

    Wander the beach, oh, didn't matter,

    Balboa, Venice, Manhattan, Hermosa,

    All the same to me, see, I had that

    Long-neck to keep cool company.

    Long story shortened... you had

    To a' been there, man,

    No use grindin' & groanin' over what you

    Didn't see or didn't get,

    How you missed out

    On that big bad Moon

    A'risin' over right raucous

    Laurel Canyon sorts of places

    All over!

    Captain America, ah, well,

    It's how folks can be these days - revisin'

    The hell out of what it WAS, man.

    Without the slimmest dimmest clue

    As to who was a Head,

    Who a' actin' aces Cat,

    And who a get down, stand up

    Kind of... Dude,

    Like in the picture show, see

    What I mean? :cool:

    [ July 09, 2006, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  19. Lars,... seemingly? Far afield, in a stream of altered consciousness?:

    Some days you eat the bear, some days the bear eats you.


    As that Tumbling Tumbleweed Hay-Seed

    Hollywood sort-of-a Cowboy

    Had said to The Dude,


    Jeff Bridges how he put it on, once upon a time, eh? LOL!

    Only, he'd said - "B'ar," and not - Bear ;)

    I like that surreal dream sequence,

    Trismegistus only knows what

    Was mixed in that drink,

    And I couldn't guess... well,


    I could, but that was LONG ago

    In another, much more interesting Dementian. :cool:

    But anyhow... here's the song that accompanied that there Coen Bros rendition of... almost like it really was, man:


    (Yeah, yeah, oh-yeah, what condition my condition was in)

    I woke up this mornin' with the sundown shinin' in

    I found my mind in a brown paper bag within

    I tripped on a cloud and fell-a eight miles high

    I tore my mind on a jagged sky

    I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

    (Yeah, yeah, oh-yeah, what condition my condition was in)

    I pushed my soul in a deep dark hole and then I followed it in

    I watched myself crawlin' out as I was a-crawlin' in

    I got up so tight I couldn't unwind

    I saw so much I broke my mind

    I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

    (Yeah, yeah, oh-yeah, what condition my condition was in)

    Someone painted "April Fool" in big black letters on a "Dead End" sign

    I had my foot on the gas as I left the road and blew out my mind

    Eight miles outta Memphis and I got no spare

    Eight miles straight up downtown somewhere

    I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

    I said I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in




    -- Music & Lyrics by Kenny Rogers


    **[... exceptionally odd to me that KRog would come up with somethin' digger 60's such as that little ditty... Lou Reed, or Ry Cooder, maybe, I can see it]

  20. What I fear will happen is that Blashy, Desert Dave and Hubert will keep adding "historical" features that will only break the game. It's like putting a golden roof on a wooden shack.

    Bill and I and Blashy (... and another 1 or 2 who may one day make themselves known) do NOT add anything.

    We, just like you, make suggestions.

    Hubert makes ALL the decisions.

    So, Diced Ice,

    What would you do, quite specifically, and in detail, to make the game... how you'd prefer it?

    See, I keep repeating myself, but... there needs be some more elaboration on these suggestions.

    Now, there are a few who HATE to hear about the Editor. :confused:

    Which is X-tremely strange indeed, considering the FACT, that, you can make almost any kind of game that you'd like.

    I have MY own MOD, which is very, VERY different than ANYTHING I've seen thus far.

    [... needs updating, which I'll do once Patch V 1.03 is out, but... I am happy as can be, because some "historical imperatives" that I personally like, are all in there, such as one I put in long time ago... Crete going over to UK control, with consequent "Crete Effect" IF GErmany should take it... one among countless other changes I have made]

    If I can do this, ANYBODY can do, I'm tellin' ya. :cool:

    You CAN have less luck-driven tech, for instance, there are, oh, about 10 ways to finesse it.

    Hence, I am able to play EXACTLY the kind of game I prefer.

    It ain't so hard, it's possibly just "intimidating" to those who haven't even ATTEMPTED to do it, is all. smile.gif

  21. Lars, patient:

    There are others, but I'm willing to give it time to mature.

    For my part, I wouldn't mind seeing a more complete list of your suggestions.

    And, what you have thus far mentioned could use a bit more elaboration.

    Some rationales as to WHY it should be different than what it currently is.

    So, how about #1-10 in order of importance, one of these days?

    This is what Hubert REQUIRES us to do as play-testers. He surely doesn't just take a one line opinion what's been tossed into the wind, and say:

    "Hey, that, like Betty Grable of yesterdays, has got some really shapely legs!" ;)

  22. -- To state the Russian Winter isn't so bad, in light of WWII and Napoleon's invasion seems very strange to me. It is a key factor, perhaps the most important single factor in waging war in that part of Europe.

    That first one was indeed an absolute horror, Boardwalk Raconteur, that's fer sure. smile.gif

    [... I hear yer writings have been going grand, accepted as outstanding... I congratulate you! :cool: ]

    You know, IF I were a betting man, which I'm not ordinarily

    (... all these Powerballs and Casinos on Reservations... merely a way to "tax" those who can least afford it, IMHO, IE, those most desperate who will wager rent monies and even, I've heard tell, their last pair of walk-the-road Moto Boots :eek: ),

    Well, anyway, I would - perhaps, bet on some "tweaks" to this here Russian Winter issue.

    Merely my opinion... which has now & then been disproved, if not attacked and smacked all up & down, over these 50 + years. LOL! smile.gif

    'At's alright, I'm thrilled when taken to task; how else would I ever learn nothin'?

    And so, like I mentioned, it WOULD be cool if some SC Cats would "mod" some different zones and weather percentages and the like, so to sufficiently ILLUSTRATE their points.

    You do need MANY plotted points on the graph, and not just the one or two possible outliers.

    Can't hardly draw in ANY kind of accurate "sine-sign line," eh? ;)

  23. "Semi-freakish"??? Damn man I live not far from Russia and you don't. And you have the nerve to come and talk to me about this crap from some desert in the US???

    Man what a joke! :eek:

    LOL, it IS kinda funny, ain't it! :D


    How many game-designers that you know of live in Arctic conditions?

    My best guess... most of 'em live it out in comfortable quarters and have NEVER been to Fort Lamy, HQ for the Free French there in Central Afrika, NOR to Murmansk to test the waters on a daily basis to determine WHEN the Port is inaccessible... have they?

    Likely, they go by historical references, and common knowledge and, not to omit, their very OWN "take" on what should be included in a game, and what not.

    Seems reasonable to me. THEY take the risks, they have EARNED the right to stick into THEIR game whatever they choose.

    Now, here you have a guy, Hubert, who is, IMHO, without doubt the BEST at listening to, and implementing Forum Members commentary and suggestions.

    Could be he will once again, WRT to weather, who knows, other than the Shadow?

    BTW, I got enough nerve to have survived this long, Skando Mondo, and I ain't much a'fearin' enny yer or any other's words, nor the surely impending mutational dis-eases comin' our way, neither. ;)

  24. I must say I to was very dissapointed. I waited three years and what did I get? A game with an AI like **** and if you say it on this forum all these idiots say "use the editor" "take a mod" but that wasn't why most of us bought the game.

    Then, simply wait for patch #3... which, as Hubert has mentioned already, should be out in August sometime... maybe September if need be, and anyway -->

    THEN! smile.gif

    You will have quite accomplished AI schemes and other new! features and will NOT have to use one of the many MODS now out there.

    Good as they are, and all deserve great credit for experimenting... so to offer all sorts of interesting "suggestions," they are NOT the default game.

    THAT will, sooner than later

    (... assuming you have some small modicum of patience, as is required for just about EVERY computer game made, these last several years, eh? ;) )

    Be... THE Gold Standard. :cool:

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