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Desert Dave

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Posts posted by Desert Dave

  1. Anyhow, this thread is about SC2 & my battles. It's not your political catbox to spew anti-American crap, especially about 'Nam.

    When you are right, you are right.

    I shouldn't have busted up yer thread.

    My apologies.

    You are long-time and valued member,

    I gotta show more respect.

    See, old memories get mixed up

    With brand new disgusts,


    To DISSENT is "American"

    As... apple pie,

    As Chevrolet

    (... hmmm, sounds FRENCH to me, LOL! ;) )

    Or July 4th fireworks

    Exploding over the Potomac.

    Let's see... as I recall my History,

    The American Revolution

    Caused tremendous friction

    Between families.

    Father VS Son.

    Brother VS Sister.

    Neighbor VS Neighbor.

    Like now, eh? ;)


    I still think you should remove

    That "coward" part.

    From my reading of all that took place,

    I don't see it

    Where anybody WAS a coward.

  2. Dude, 'Nam is over, we won.
    We lost.

    Can you, at last, internalize that?

    Just like... we have already - LOST

    In Iraq.

    How many more?

    Gotta die... to satisfy?

    The very Old, Tired, Dumb-defeated,

    Clue-less and soft-hand'd... MEN

    Who will, at long last,

    QUIT acting as though American youth

    Are some kind of disposable OBJECTS?

    Get it straight, for once. :rolleyes:

    Too many, IMHO, flat-out "big-stick"

    (... note: I use the term - "stick"

    as deliberate IRONY... ah sure, I am ACTUALLY thinking of a term that rhymes

    with stick, LOL! ;) )


    Who cannot - who knows why or what-for?

    Come to grips with... necessary CHANGE.

    Well, they'd better, and REAL soon.

    Else... we'll run them the HELL out of there.

    It's really that simple... dude. ;)

  3. Yep, EASY to say,

    When you ain't been there, eh Bad Cat?

    Let's hearken to something original:


    Well come on all of you big strong men,

    Uncle Sam needs your help again,

    He got himself in a terrible jam,

    Way down yonder in Vietnam,

    Put down your books and pick up a gun,

    We're gonna have a whole lotta fun

    And its 1,2,3 what are we fighting for?

    Don't ask me I don't give a damn,

    The next stop is Vietnam,

    And its 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates,

    Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

    WHOOPEE we're all gonna die

    Well come on wall street don't be slow,

    Why man this is war go go go,

    There's plenty good money to be made,

    By supplying the army with the tools of the trade,

    Just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb

    They drop it on the Vietcong.

    And its 1,2,3 what are we fighting for?

    Don't ask me I don't give a damn,

    The next stop is Vietnam,

    And its 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates,

    Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

    WHOOPEE we're all gonna die

    Well come on generals let's move fast,

    Your big chance is come at last,

    Gotta go out and get those reds,

    The only good commie is one that's dead,

    And you know that peace can only be won,

    When you blow them all to kingdom come

    And its 1,2,3 what are we fighting for?

    Don't ask me I don't give a damn,

    The next stop is Vietnam,

    And its 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates,

    Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

    WHOOPEE we're all gonna die

    Well come on mothers across the land,

    Pack your boys off to Vietnam,

    Come on fathers don't hesitate,

    Send your sons off before its too late,

    Be the first one on your block,

    To have your boy come home in a box

    And its 1,2,3 what are we fighting for?

    Don't ask me I don't give a damn,

    The next stop is Vietnam,

    And its 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates,

    Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

    WHOOPEE we're all gonna die

    -- Country Joe and the Fish


    3,000 young Dudes dead

    'Cuz of Bush JUNIOR's obstinate

    SELF righteousness.

    Cool. :cool:

  4. What I want is a game where I don't feel like quitting my first HvH game before even Barbarossa because of bad luck, that's what I want...

    Why would you QUIT?

    Be like... the "head-hunters,"

    Who memorize each and every

    Script and Event %... line.


    You gotta take the good w/the BAD,


    It's how it IS.

    Make the BEST of what you got.


    HvsH is NOT the ONLY way to go, oh, LOL!

    Not hardly.

    Where are all these WW-2 "Experts?"

    When it comes to... making


    Out of... NOTHING,

    As Hubert has done?

    Where are all their AI enhancements?

    It's not so hard,

    Just READ the detailed instructions

    In EACH and every AI or Event script.

    As if... you are... now!

    THE innovator.

    Too MANY seem, to be... BIG on "hero-worship"

    LOLOLOL! :eek:


    woefully short on making something


    And... different!

    And... unique!

    The REAL challenge is... active creation.

    ANYBODY can... "game the system."

    Yawn. ;)

    [ January 03, 2007, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  5. Time to take that sorry, silly


    Out of yer Headline, jjr.

    You don't got the credentials

    To say - who is,

    Who ain't.

    There ARE no cowards among GENUINE gamers.

    Except, of late,

    Them faux-warriors in Washington D.C.

    Who "game" the World,

    And usually... LOSE... LOL!

    Let's get!

    Some REAL "been-there-soldiers,"

    'Stead of them

    "I had BETTER things to do"

    (... Strangelove Cheney's response

    to why? Didn't YOU serve in VN?)

    Kind of Soul-seeped COWARDS,

    Be a nice change, eh? ;)

  6. You want SOME variability,

    Game to game? Don't ya? :confused:

    Why on God's X-tremely!

    Fast-beserking Earth?

    Would you want ho-hum!

    PREDICTABLE events?

    Whether that be,

    In... research.

    Or... diplomacy.

    Or... dice-rolls.

    Or... in yer OWN fast!! dis-appearing




    One of the truly GREAT features

    Of Hubert's innovative Game,

    IS the un-predict-ability.

    What is this worrisome hand-wringing

    RE: a few games,

    A VERY few games,

    Where you don't get EXACTLY what you want?

    I'd advise... listen to the Rolling Stones

    A little more,

    And a LOT less to... Barry Manilow

    Singin' out them Elevator Tunes, eh? ;)

  7. I can not say that I understood everything you said, DD, but if you said that the development-attention of the game is a bit too much tweaked towards HvH and modding lately, then I agree.

    If that's not what you said : sorry :)

    You got the gist of it TJ,

    And your AI suggestions are appreciated. :cool:

    It's kinda like this... I got this friend,

    Taciturn and a "loner" he is, who

    Rebuilds and customizes

    Old, worn-down VW Kamper Wagens,

    Any year, any make, any condition.

    He is an artisan.

    A VERY particular and dedicated Craftsman.

    Only the very best parts,

    Only a faithful (... historical) adherence

    To the original design.

    He ONLY needs to sell one or two of these

    Each year,

    @ $30,000 - 40 thou - profit per, and!

    Man O Man, 'e's living the dream

    Skipping down Mainstreet,

    Right next door to... the Simpsons. ;)

    IF you are going to market

    Smaller items,

    Say, @ $30-40 per,

    You sure do gotta appeal, yea,

    You gotta listen to a greater,

    I say again,

    A MUCH larger audience

    Than some small Cadre of 20 or so,

    No matter how earnest and articulate.


    (... with some apt help from Edwin P)

    HAS indeed made the AI much, much better.

    Simply compare first version

    To the last.

    And so, Yippee!

    On a cool & brisk following-breeze

    We rare! To go! :cool:

  8. That´s the theory if no bad enemy would exist...
    Terif, Terif, Terif,

    There are all kinds! Of "bad enemies"

    When you play HvsH.

    I give you that, and many are the ones

    Who tell us all about those most incredible

    Adventures and "a-historical" exploits, yea,

    I am happy for them.

    Really-truly. smile.gif

    However... since the VAST majority

    Of casual, and even - dedicated gamers

    Play it out SOLO

    (... as with board-gaming of old, when

    you could hardly ever find someone

    to "stick it out" over the course

    of a lenghty game, other than the "clubs,"

    as I did @ University way back when... :cool: )

    You wouldn't want, IMHO, to make a game,


    Tailor and tweak a game,

    To satisfy - merely a hand-full of players.

    What we got?

    10-20, perhaps even 30?

    SC Cats that ONLY play HvsH?

    Who are most vociferous about what

    THEY want, and prefer.

    How about that 90 % ++

    Who also would like a great

    Gaming experience?


    Do NOT, insofar as I can tell, and

    Especially of late,

    Make their wishes known, possibly,


    By those are voluble vociferous,

    As priorly mentioned.


    Experience does make it difficult,

    Though NOT impossible - given

    The free-form Editor capabilites,

    To "balance" the game, or the "mods."

    Ask Kuniworth... though we don't have to

    As he's already made his frustration known.

    I too have had some difficulties

    In creating a mod that will "nullify"

    That tremendous advantage of Axis experience.

    Particularly with Air Fleets,

    As it was in SC-1.


    We NEED a "bad enemy" for an AI,

    And, for both sides, yes?

    Introducing, and MOSTLY improving a game,

    ANY game,

    To satisfy those realtive

    FEW who only play HvsH,

    Is NEVER enough, nope, not by a long shot.

    IMHO. smile.gif

    And so... the Quest - the tilting

    At ephemeral Windmills,

    There upon the sagging-staggering steed,

    Continues. ;)

    Who knows?

    Perhaps one fine blue-bird warbling day,

    We can say... NOW

    Here is a game that those silent 90 % ++

    Can ALSO enjoy.


    Enough of all that,

    I've said my piece,

    Time to give it a rest.

    NOBODY, as I have lived it out

    The hard-scrabble way,

    Is... the BEST.

    At playing the game,


    Equally important,

    IMPROVING the game.

    EVERYBODY has good ideas,

    Not just the HvsH'ers,

    And maybe?

    We'll finally hear some? :cool:

  9. For once, I have so far never seen or owned in several hundred games a ground unit with more than str 12 !
    I find this - ummm, somewhat hard to imagine.

    Then again,

    Your VERACITY has NEVER,

    Since December 2002, been in doubt,


    I take you at yer word. smile.gif

    At least I personally don´t care about experience for ground units...
    Your MAGNIFICENT playing record

    Speaks a language all it's own.

    Not German,

    Not English (... which is, a'times,

    even BETTER than mine! :rolleyes: )

    Nor Romance langauge

    Nor Sanskrit or what is writ

    By that perpetually moving finger.


    You know what's what,

    I am merely... Acolyte

    At some mythic altar,

    Is how we MIGHT phrase it. ;)

    only for air units it really matters for me smile.gif

    And that is become... problematical.

    Just - too much Air experience earned

    Too fast.

    Maybe trimmed... by half? :confused:

    ...lastly elite units are also a prestige object that you can be proud of (even if they have no real additonal use in combat tongue.gif ).

    You DO know America,

    And Americans,

    "Ami's" as I heard us termed

    Then I lived in your exceptionally

    Pristine clean and pretty green!

    And for - Millenia-storied Land,

    Circa 1960-63 it was. :cool:

    Yep, we seem to prefer... BIG.



    Oft utterly disregading the old,

    Good as Gold... shibboleth:


    Goes a l-o-o-nn-g ways!" ;)

  10. In consequence, experience doesn´t really matter in ground warfare, it is simply a more or less neglectable effect.

    Sure it does Terif,

    You better betcha it do indeed. ;)


    I wouldn't classify basic experiential effects

    As merely... negligable.

    More like - variable-valuable.


    You have a double benefit.


    The first and basic improvement,

    Und denn,

    The added ability to "over-strength" the unit.

    Surely you've played games where?

    A size "14" or "15" Army,

    Or Tank Group,

    Or Corps,

    Or Air Fleet,

    Will deal out some mighty devastating mayhem,

    All the while taking NO - none,

    I mean to say... zero

    Hits/damage themselves? :eek:


    More pronounced problem in SOLO games

    Since the AI hasn't become

    Proficient ENOUGH... as of yet,

    So to KNOW it is a grand stand,


    Last or - in honor of the Bugle Band,

    To UPGRADE units during those inactive

    Spells, as

    In winter months most especially.


    Your remark that "experience" per se,

    Doesn't MATTER,

    In ground combat,

    Ist kleine verfurhen, Ya? ;)


    And a happy!



    And plain old Cool Cat

    New Year's!

    To all! :cool:

    [ December 31, 2006, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  11. Re: many freebies for Allies - one way to see it. But on the other side this gives Allies the opportunity to take the initiative in certain areas and start some action or cause Axis to implement countermessures to prevent Allies from conquering certain nations...resulting e.g. in the race for Algier where it is a cat and mouse game who will get or keep it smile.gif .

    Sure, yep,

    But OTOH, I must ask?

    IRL War, exactly WHEN did the Allies,

    Or the Axis,

    Attack French Morocco,

    Algeria or Tunisia?


    IF - NEITHER side

    Did it... until Torch,

    WHY was that the case?


    IF there are any changes,

    (... and I'm NOT saying there will be - so,

    You may well have what you got

    From now 0 until Kingdom Come, LOL! ;) )

    They would be MINOR.


    If not in default, then surely some enterprising

    Soul will do so in an "historically-bent"

    Mod, eh? smile.gif

    You are right on

    When you advise that EVEN small changes

    CAN result in subtle,

    Yet lasting impact on the Grand Campaign.

    As I said,

    I have no more influence on these matters

    Than you do,

    Or many others on this board.



    I am, and have been since first buying

    AH's D-Day back in - oh, 1960

    Or so,

    A genuinely dedicated WW-2 GS gamer.

    My own concerns

    Are slightly different than yours, but,


    That's what makes the World go 'Round, eh?

    DIFFERENT points of reference, and How we view what's COOL. :cool:

  12. Morale of the story: be careful what you wish for...historical accurracy may be good, but sometimes even slight changes have a huge - and not always good - impact in the game ;)
    Superb analysis all around Terif,

    Though I would disagree with

    Some of your sentiments.

    IF there is not some adherence

    To... historical imperatives,

    You may as well be playing

    King Kong VS the US Air Forces! LOL!


    It is FAR preferred to maintain WW-2


    All the while providing AMPLE opportunity

    For "what-ifs"

    Than having a game that veers off into

    Exploits and mechanical "technique."

    IMHO. smile.gif


    Can and will agree with YOU,

    And that's cool.

    Hellraiser has made some good points

    RE: too many "freebies" for the Allies,

    In terms of conquests,

    And I personally hope that will be

    Changed around in the future.

    Though, it's not up to me - never has been,

    It's the proper province

    Of what the majority of Players

    Would most like to have, and

    So - we'll see.

    And Kuniworth

    Has valid concerns

    RE: too much GErman experience too soon.

    I would expect - just guessing,

    That a few of the MODS I have heard about,

    Yet in-the-making,

    To include unique AI scripting,

    Will present some new challenges

    WRT to present "exploits,"

    IF NOT addressed other-wise. smile.gif


    BTW, just a reminder... the game

    Is NOT meant merely for HvsH players,



    For all of those who enjoy solo contests also.

    NO apologies... I ALWAYS strive

    To insure that those folks

    CAN have a REALLY good game as well. smile.gif

    [ December 24, 2006, 05:49 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  13. This end of year we have SC2,

    Wonder what we'll get next year?

    Something new!

    And terrific different, I'd bet. ;)

    I like how that great creative

    John Lennon

    Has phrased it:


    So this is Christmas,

    And what have you done

    Another year over

    A new one's just begun

    And so this is Christmas

    I hope you have fun

    The near and the dear one

    The old and the young


    A very merry Christmas

    And a Happy New Year

    Let's hope it's a good one

    Without any fear

    And so this is Christmas

    For weak and for strong

    For rich and the poor ones

    The world is so wrong

    And so happy Christmas

    For black and for white

    For yellow and red ones

    Let's stop all the fight...


    No fear.

    Of... anything.

    Why buy into that?

    And no more "might-makes-right"

    Kinds of fights.

    How awful... Retro.

    Yea, Lennon made Grace-full music

    For ANY place, or Age. :cool:

  14. Of course, there could be smaller changes that makes ind tech more attracting for the Axis. A good example is Blashy's proposal to have 15% increase instead of 10 % but still only affect the Homeland ressources.

    It is not merely a "proposal" - incidentally,

    Made by SEVERAL testers,


    Some distant time ago at that,


    In V 1.05a... it is an implemented FACT.

    What does that mean, war-wise?

    Say you invest early and get a hit

    In a year's time.

    4 more years of 13 turns is ~50 turns

    **TIMES 17= ~850 added MPP's

    (... 110 resource value

    in "greater GErmany" Xs .15= 16.5,

    rounded off to 17)

    Now, subtract 125 initial investment

    And some variable amount for Strat Bombing,

    Let's say another ~125 or so

    (... though, yep, some HvsH'ers are Air Cowboys,

    so it would be some more)

    And you have a net profit for GErmany

    Of approximately 600 MPP's over

    The course of a game, and, assuming

    That GErmany manages to hold onto

    It's "home-lands" for the duration.

    Now, I usually do 2 chits for V 1.05a

    And IF I get that 2nd hit

    By the end of the 2nd year, well,

    Then I have 600 + about another 400

    (... 3 years= ~ 40 turns Xs .15, less cost

    and average bomb damage= 400)


    There you got a compelling rationale

    For making I.T. part of your

    Game Plan, eh? :cool:

    ... 2 chits, 2 hits

    2 years... and 1000 MPP's!

    What might you be able to buy

    For that kind of industrial largesse?

    Any doubts now IF I.T. is worth it?

    You know USSR & USA are going to get

    I.T. as soon as possible

    (... HvsH OR in Solo games, since AI scripting

    is also "geared" toward early investment for

    both Nations - you can make it even higher

    should you choose - AI scripting is quite easy

    as it turns out, thanks!! To Hubert's most amazing, and adeptly documented Editor smile.gif )

    Due to their very high

    Return on investment, and so

    Worrying over whether GErmany's investment

    Will actually help them do so,

    In some X-tremely miniscule way,

    Is a waste of woe & worry. ;)

  15. Head to head games are difficult, AI games are easy...
    Well well well.

    This and other akin/common comments

    Here & there and aboundin' 'round SC Town

    Would lead me to believe,

    Competitive SC-Cats are most out rageous, eh?


    Those 90% + of us

    Who ALSO enjoy Solo Games are like 'em

    Turnips what fell off a trundle truck?


    Uni-cell creatures only emerged from out

    The swampfires?

    That primordial... mire & muck?


    Nonsense! tongue.gif

    You should see!

    You should - hear tell!

    Of all 'em MODS coming soon!

    To a Theatre near you

    Or - on Mars, or on the Moon!

    Hey Liam!

    We enjoy hearing these most amazing exploits

    From you fair few who


    Like to write up a witching war-story,

    As Ernie Pyle

    And Bill Malden

    And Me-first! to Paris-first!


    Did also indeed do,

    In terms of WW-2 anyhow,


    Just you wait!

    Better AI and other stuff too

    Is on the way!

    Hey, say... Hooray?? ;)

    I can beat the AI on crack cocaine, crank, Acid and with half an eyeball.
    Also strict fictional nonsense.

    You doin' much of enny a' that there

    Soma AND Soul destroying



    You ain't a'knowin' nuthin' AT ALL,

    Yea Brother,

    I knows that much

    From up close 'n personal experientials.

    I'd advise,

    Stay OFF the Self-mugging drugs,

    Illegal AND,

    In the main,

    Them MUCH abused "legal" ones too. :cool:

    Insofar as "half an eye-ball,"

    That ain't no big news.

    Same way as we don't use but about 10 %

    Of our brains?

    We don't use, oh... maybe?

    About 5% of our (IN) sight abilities? ;)

    What I would really like to SEE, is,


    New and unique AI scripts written!

    Stuck in 'em new mods all over the place!

    Anybody can do it!



    Most Amazing!

    Editor the world has EVER known

    Is within a key-board-stroke - reach! :cool:

  16. Hey Man, what are you cooking?

    Well Skando Mod Man,

    Just tonight it'll be... Bueno

    Brand... red-chile TURKEY enchiladas,

    As, that 20# Thanksgiving bird

    Just... will... NOT go away! ;)

    Maybe we oughta join forces and do a scenario together some day.

    Thanks for the invite.

    Sounds like a plan.

    Gotta get my own MOD done first,


    Then we see... personally,

    I wouldn't mind trying

    Para Air Assault on Crete, though,

    I thought? I heard tell

    Somebody is already planning that one?

    Either that, OR... War of the Roses?

    Knights and their pages, and

    Bishops with idol dreams,

    Lancers and Jesters

    And impregnable Castles

    And... near impregnable Queens!

    It'd be a one for - all ages! :cool:

  17. Most X-cellent Post, WD Gent. :cool:

    One of my heroes from the WW-2 era

    Was... Ernie Pyle,

    The Pulitzer Prize winning

    War Correspondent.

    I can re-live some of his intrepid exploits

    By visiting his former home,

    Now turned into a Library,

    Not 10 blocks from where I live

    Here in Desert City... the Mayor

    Has just recently found many funds

    To re-hab this city landmark.

    [... when you visit, be sure to sign-in; you'll

    notice folks from all over the world; some,

    quite "famous"]


    At least once a month I will cycle up there

    And peruse the shelves and grab

    An arm-full of WW-2 books

    (... besides the PICS and Bio's of

    Ernie himself, the library specializes in all sorts of WW-2 histories & lit)

    And then sit outside,

    Under the favorite tree,

    And read read read.

    It's a genuine pleasure. smile.gif

    **Here's a VERY brief glimpse of this truly

    Courageous, and quite talented writer:


    "The American campaign against the Japanese on Okinawa still raged when a war correspondent new to the Pacific theater stepped ashore on Ie Shima, a small island just west of Okinawa. Traveling with a group of infantrymen, the reporter was killed by a sniper's machine-gun bullets. Saddened by their loss, the soldiers paid tribute to their fallen friend with a simple plaque reading: "At this spot, the 77th Infantry Division lost a Buddy, Ernie Pyle, 18 April 1945."

    To the millions on the American home front during World War II, Ernie Pyle's column offered a foxhole view of the struggle as he reported on the life, and sometimes death, of the average soldier. When he died, Pyle's readership was worldwide, with his column appearing in 400 daily and 300 weekly newspapers.

    ---Extract from... "Indiana Historical Society"


  18. Never saw this sort of behavior

    In 6 or 8 default '39 games.


    Play that one and see if it still occurs?

    As far as "overly aggressive" Naval AI,


    Used to hear manifold complaints! :eek:

    That Allied Navies didn't do nuthin' much!


    You got some fast action reaction,

    At least.

    Just finished one default '39 game

    Where the combined UK and USA Navies

    COMPLETELY eliminated

    ALL the Italian Navy. ;)

    EVEN... when I had (... early on) purchased

    A GErman Naval Bomber to help out.

    Let's see IF this unusual behavior

    Happens in default game?


    Let's see... I have, on various occasions,

    Attacked Norway

    With full Kriegsmarine,

    (... and UK WAS aggressive then!

    Sunk several sur-prized capital ships!)


    Have seen many D-Day's come & go,


    WHEN they happened,

    Kriegsmarine was already somewhat decimated,

    So it did not "interfere" with landings,

    Is that when all this amphib-as-assault boats sort of stuff takes place?

    [ November 24, 2006, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  19. ... something is obviously wrong. Very strange...

    Gee... Lookee!



    Musta had a hand in this particular difficulty?


    I told you,

    Skando Mondo,

    You gotta keep 'im locked in the trunk!


    Golden Hawk Studebaker trunk!

    The one you tool around in,

    Seeking lewdless pulchritude?

    LOL! ;)


    Keep on trying,

    You've made a helluva MOD :cool:

    Which is more than I can say for me!

    So far, anyhow.

    But... coming soon!

    To a Euro-Theatre near you!


    **[LOKI... was the scion of a Giant, and was a trickster god who deceived Balder, and therefore killed him. He was bound in a forgotten cave by the other gods, but was finally freed on Rognarok. He was the father of Fenrir and too, the Midgrad Serpent.]

  20. jjr, knowing things - instinctively:

    By the way, according to many, Mr. Pascal had a deathbed conversion...because his little mathematical equations couldn't save a billygoat, let alone himself.

    Pascal was a spiritual Being


    He reached 'is death-bed.

    Upon unfathomable skies,


    Honey-manna, had he fed.

    VERY many accomplished Mathematicians


    Insight-full Physicists, as well,

    Get that miniscule glimpse

    Of the Majestic... UN-speak-able.

    Can't be didacted aloud,

    It's a language of the heart

    And soul,

    And NO amount of logico-linear


    Were it to pile up as high!

    As Mount Olympus - no! Higher!

    Could come remotely CLOSE

    To... all that... is.

    This next Cat knew a thing or two,

    Wrote it,

    Etched it,

    Painted it,

    Heard the "harmonies"

    And hymned it in verse:



    To see a world in a grain of sand,

    And a heaven in a wild flower,

    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

    And eternity in an hour.

    --William Blake, "Auguries of Innocence"


    "Time" is not consulting

    A Rolex wrist-watch

    While awaiting Einstein's Train, nor,

    Some slim shadow

    Parsing a Sun-dial,

    The instant before a hailing rain.

    Time is... an arbitrary conceit,

    And actually,

    Greatly less than that.

    [ November 20, 2006, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  21. All this stuff brings a poem to mind;

    Can't, right off-hand,

    Think of anyone who said it better:


    I met a traveller from an antique land

    Who said:

    Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

    Stand in the desert.

    Near them on the sand,

    Half sunk,

    A shatter'd visage lies, whose frown

    And wrinkled lip

    And sneer of cold command

    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

    Which yet survive, stamp'd

    On these lifeless things,

    The hand that mock'd them

    And the heart that fed.

    And on the pedestal these words appear:

    "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

    Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"

    Nothing beside remains: round the decay

    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,

    The lone and level sands stretch far away.

    --- Percy Bysshe Shelley... 1817


    We are ALL standing on quick shifting sands.


    Over there

    (... there is ALWAYS an "over there"

    which is supposed as Wonder-filled

    and/or solute for interior ills)

    Where I live,

    There is sand & scrub

    As far as my tiny eye might see.

    It's a landscape... of the mind,

    Nothing more,

    Just cannot be.

    I've found,

    Those who imagine they are not

    Situated thus,

    Who suppose mighty works

    And very tall commerce buildings

    Are more than only momentary

    Self congratulation,

    Who make dust-mouthed mortals

    Into finely sculpt marble busts, well,

    These are usually those

    Who would wreck and wrack

    And disgrace other places,

    Harry some other souls to ruin.

    What super nation

    Can do what?


    What superior histories

    And received wisdoms,

    Merely partially heard,

    Will salve exactly... what?

    Where ever did ol'

    Ozymandias go?

    [ November 18, 2006, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  22. Gotta love Veterans Affairs DD. It takes me about four monthes to get an appointment for anything. :rolleyes:
    Know what you mean Chris,

    It's a real tangled wrangle to get SOMEBODY

    To pay heed, at times.


    When you get that appointment, at long last!

    SOMEBODY else will call and cancel

    And there you are,

    A new appointment 3 months later. :confused:

    I do some volunteer work,

    As time and energy allows,

    (.. in my specialty field

    IE, addictions counseling)

    And that alone... provides

    As much pleasure as ANYTHING

    Else that I do. smile.gif

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