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Desert Dave

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Posts posted by Desert Dave

  1. Originally posted by Moonslayer:

    Cheers, Dave, and you are quite right, of course; there are many vets still around and most are suffering still. I was referring to WWII vets specifically as one of the two last ones I know personally died recently... only my Grandfather is left now (he was a tail gunner in a Wellington).

    As for band of brothers I will look out for it on the movie channels (Wouldn't want Normal Dude to quit making mods!).

    All the best to your Grandfather,

    He served in one of the few

    "Good Wars."

    Haven't had many of those since,

    Exceptions being

    Gulf War I,

    And Afghanistan

    (... from American perspective, and

    ONLY in my opinion - who else's should

    I have?).

    ALL the others, and

    I DO mean... every other one,

    Were notso good.

    My point was, and remains, that

    Our fat-*ssed politicos

    PROMISE these kids - MOSTLY

    Poor, with not enough "connections,"

    And so - unable

    To "buy" their way out of it,

    Yea verily, they

    Get out the jingoistic, chavaunistic

    Flim-flam and sham machismo rhetoric

    To promise those

    Great! War glories, and yet,

    Once maimed or O/W ripped all apart,


    They just can't seem to find enough $$$$$

    To pay for the rehabilitation necessary.

    THAT's the crime

    I was referring to, and, IMHO,

    We should see LOTS of our past

    AND current politicos

    Wearing prison garb.

    In a REAL prison, not enny Country Club,

    So - that way they can REALIZE

    The extent of their crime,


    Like the pot-smoker caught with

    A couple joints,

    Do the time, eh?

  2. but there are precious few veterans left these days so to lose one is sad indeed.
    Come to America M8,

    Take a tour of the VA Hospitals here,

    LOTS of Vets,

    From old and new wars - torn all to shreds,

    Physically, mentally,

    Or worse,

    Living and dying on the street,

    Nope - don't get much

    Accomplished medical attention, as,

    RE: recent developments revealed

    About Walter Reed there in D.C.

    Like in that Movie,

    Which I'd recommend you see,

    Once or a dozen times,

    Don't matter,

    You'll get the PIC, M8.

    "Coming Home"

    With Jon Voight

    And that true,

    Red white & blue American

    (... who is great enough

    to admit past mistakes, unlike WAY

    too many who cannot - EVER get over it)

    Jane Fonda.


    Every week I see 'em,

    When I go out there,

    Help out a little, as I can,


    Ride on out in the Gov't Van

    Friday or Saturday night,

    Sometimes when it is below freezing,

    TRY to talk them... home, come in

    Off the street.

    Some still in fatigues,

    Beaten, weary, drug-stricken,

    Carrying bad memories

    Like empty ammo clips

    Hanging off their ragged clothes.

    Cartoons are one thing.

    What it IS, brother,

    Is... another.

    Fat, tired old men

    Who NEVER were in any war,

    Nor their own sons neither,

    Sending the young ones

    Off to do their insanely

    Inspired - dirty work.

    It's a crime, a shame.

  3. More randomness is good in my view... the more random the better. War is random and so should games be.
    Couldn't agree more, Jeff,

    And I will continue to work diligently

    With manifold suggestions

    For more random/variant events,

    Rest assured. smile.gif

    Within reasonable "historical framework,"

    But of course,


    Also work to eliminate as many

    Of those - yet existant - "gamey exploits"

    As possible.

    There IS a huge difference between

    Random and Exploit,

    Literally or figuratively.

  4. Myth das ist Terif:

    Nevertheless bad luck can have a huge psychological influence, especially on how you continue a game (aggressive, passive, with rage in your stomage... ). But as long as you don´t let yourself throw off track, random effects only change the strategies under which you can or should choose, not the outcome of the game smile.gif .

    Cold as Ice.

    To the devil!

    With the suprising!

    Sides of the dice.

    I'll internalize the scripts,

    Will - tantalyze - the Lion

    With a dazzle

    Of mein whips,

    With... the... gift

    I was lucky enough to get, IE,

    A sweet & complete set of brains.

    That other - yip & yowl Cat?

    He can do the back & forth flips.


    Well, it's as I've ever surmised:

    Terif wins - since the other guy

    Chooses to lose. ;)

  5. Liam:

    Instead of a pure focal point on Mediterreanan supply on Gibraltar and Malta, how about Eastern Med supply from Crete??? It was bitterly fought over for that purpose, and could abstractly make the Mediterreanan war a little more intrigueing...


    So that the Allies could not base

    Long-range heavy bombers

    On Crete so to smash to smithereens

    The Ploesti oil-fields.

    I agree... could have a "Crete Effect"

    (... similar to, but less effective

    than "Malta Effect")

    And I have supported that very idea

    For a couple years now.

  6. - (Bug?) Once Egypt falls, there is a message that comes up after MOST turns: "Naval Units Proceed to South Atlantic"

    There is an AI event to evacuate Allied naval units so that's probably what you're seeing. Multiple units would take a couple of turns, generating a message each time.

    Bill... IF you are using a Fleet script (... and not a "naval loop script) similar to the one that follows:


    ; UK evacuates fleets from Red Sea


    #NAME= UK Evacuates Fleets from Red Sea

    #POPUP= UK Evacuates Fleet from Red Sea

    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 2

    #COUNTRY_ID= 1

    #TRIGGER= 100

    #LEVEL= 0

    #SIZE= 1


    #LENGTH= 10

    #GOAL_POSITION= 123,40

    #GOAL_POSITION= 36,33

    #GOAL_POSITION= 44,17

    #GOAL_POSITION= 52,11

    #DATE= 1939/09/01

    ; Set friendly positions:

    ; 1st Line - Glasgow Port


    ; Set variable conditions:

    ; 1st Line - UK politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0]

    ; Set tactical conditions:

    ; 1st Line - Jerusalem not tactically threatened (dummy condition)

    #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 119,34 [3]

    ; 1st Line Set activate position (Axis unit in Alexandria)

    ; 2nd Line Set activate position (Axis units approach Cairo)

    #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 111,34 [0,0] [1,1] [1]

    #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 114,37 [1,1] [2,2] [1]

    ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no

    ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION

    #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0]



    THEN - what you have to do is "instruct" the evacuating fleet (... which would NOT appear when FOW is off since it has already gone)

    To go BEYOND the 2nd Goal Position.

    IE, send it up towards mid Atlantic, or as in the above example, near Ireland.

    What is happening is this:

    There is no "transit DELAY" so the ship is immediately and constantly going back & forth in a loop.

    Try that and it should work... it did for me. smile.gif

  7. Ack and alack! :eek:

    Out-voted 101 to 1!

    [... here, as in Beta, Hubert gets 100 votes

    to each of our one]

    However, I STILL say the Panther

    SHOULD arrive before the Tiger.

    (... which was a "birthday TOY" for A Hit,

    who gushed over them rush-job wonder weapons,

    the un-holy, evil-dreaming - fool!)


    1) It was in service and effective

    FAR MORE than that lumbering fast flash one

    and done done! crash-machine, AKA: Tiger.

    2) Agree that it was, for the most part

    THE best Tank, oh, until the mid 1950's,

    AND ipso - should be ON the battlefield

    sooner than the Tiger.

    I say again,

    Panther should be ON the battlefied

    by July 1943 at the latest... if it remains

    at L-5, it may not even be available

    in most games to help turn aside the red tide

    at Orel/Kursk,

    [... especially for TaoJah, who NEVER has

    ANY luck! Seems impossible, but,

    he insists...) and so

    Da-Da Cabaret in Berlin will be demolished

    and turned into a humm-drum

    Soviet tractor factory

    too much sooner!


    No big deal, I've been out-voted MANY times.

    Last time,

    It was 7 billion to one.


    I had proposed a World wide requirement

    That ALL humans (... and a couple animals)

    Might ONLY use 1963 Schwinn 3-speed bike

    For transport to & fro upon the earth.

    [... no need to rely on dinosaur sediments!

    and too, Ozone layer will remain somewhat intact,

    thereby reducing 'em horrendous skin cancers!]

    THIS time I only lost by 100 votes! smile.gif

    But it's not over 'till it's OVER,

    What does ennybody else got to say?

    Panther first, or that... fast

    Flash & crash machine?

    [ April 11, 2007, 05:00 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  8. GErman tank production during WW-2:

    Panzer I... 1,500

    Panzer II... 1,000

    [Czech T-38... 1,400]

    Panzer III... 15,000 - primary tank from 1940-42

    Panzer IV... 9,000 (Guderian recommended many MORE)

    Panzer V ("Panther)... 4,800 - 1st used at Kursk in July 1943

    Panzer VI ("Tiger")... 1,400

    Panzer VII ("King Tiger")... 500 - 1st used May 1944

    Whichever sprites are used (... Fernando's are the best by far, IMO), the Panther should - whether by date or number produced,

    **PRECEDE the Tiger on the battlefield.

    T-38's could very well be omitted altogether. Instead, I would combine I & II,

    Then - III, IV(early & late), V and VI,

    In that order.


    BTW: Shouldn't this thread be over in the "mods" forum?

    [ April 10, 2007, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  9. Modern Times, more dangerous than any worn out 1890 Ideology
    Some things never change.

    The closed eyes you are born with,

    The surprised eyes when you


    First knowing not.

    Perhaps, happy day, knowing how.

    The fraction was Creation.

    The Golden Age of Greece.

    Charlemagne's Gual.

    The Beast in the labryinth,

    A myth received - about Crete?


    Not least,


    A leap-for-joy school-boy,


    In a bell-ringing hall.

    That was the day - recall?




    1890? ANY date and, all,

    Is... now!

    Nope, some things just

    Never change.

  10. Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

    I think the phrase "WTF?" :confused: applies here...

    A couple strange days later,

    It still applies.

    It's not always what something is WORTH,

    It's what it does to your soul.

    Sometimes a fetish is a fetish

    IS a fetish, and can

    Lead to really weird dreams.


    I used to see that kind of stuff

    When I lived in Germany.

    Down broken cobble-stone roads,

    In hidey-holes where there were cobwebs

    In all 4 corners of the narrow window, or,

    Poor German kids from poor families

    Would ask me if I would like to have

    Such & such a thing.

    For a price.

    Not knowing what else to do

    About this new intrigue,

    I had asked my Old Man about it.

    He said that if I brought ANY of that

    Trash into the house,

    He would throw it - and me,

    Should I insist on clutching it - out.

    Collecting is alright, but, personally,

    I think I'll stick to old

    Baseball cards and comic books.

    To each their own sort of totem

    I guess is how I'd say it.

  11. Originally posted by AZGungHo:

    Hey Dave,

    Ah - Kid Colt! I remember him well - not to mention the Two Gun Kid!

    There sure were a lotta kids running around the old west shooting people weren't there??

    My favorite Comic,

    I couldn't put it down hardly! :cool:


    STILL are folks shootin' each other

    All over the place,

    Only now,

    Some gangsters and punks

    THINK usin' an Uzi is cool.

    Gone are the days

    Of straight-shooting,

    Each man with equal

    Chance at - slap-holster

    And fastest draw.

    Liked it back then,

    A WHOLE lot better. smile.gif

  12. Originally posted by Canuck_TAR:

    DD.........you ever write a complete sentence?? :D:D;)tongue.gif

    Used to, old hand,

    In high school and Army tour

    And at University, but,

    Time went by,


    As you probably full well realize, and

    Time got... COMPRESSED, so to speak,

    And so,

    Decided to CONDENSE things

    A little more.

    On forums anyhow.

    When I'm tendin' the Garden,

    I'll speak with the shrubs & trees

    And the Yucca and Gila Monsters

    And Road-runners and what-not,

    In more, ummm... flowery prose. smile.giftongue.gif

  13. As originally proposed by SM:

    Wise words DD and what fun you can have creating that "man".........ehh? :cool:

    I'll respond over here, maybe

    No objections?

    (... could be? some ain't liken

    'at great Gestalt - is Daffodils

    before the torrents of Spring?)

    Since THIS thread seems

    To have run outta steam?

    I reckon we'll see on that

    There, but,

    My words ain't enny iota "wiser"

    Than what you've mentioned

    Over these many years, yep,

    I ALWAYS read yer posts, SM,

    No matter WHAT is tropic or topic,

    Nuts & bolts,

    Or - RE: "Kid Colt"

    (... do you happen to remember

    that FABULOUS Comic Book? I can't find

    NOBODY who does! :confused: )

    O/T even, or maybe a bit about

    Them Alamo kind of Guys,

    Travis, and Bowie, and Crockett,

    Who'all, IMO,

    VERY LIKELY learned stuff

    For themselves, as well.

    Can't imagine enny a' them

    Plainly American

    Pioneer sorts of Cats,

    Then the going got awful

    Wrack & ruin tough,

    Twistin' 'round - backwards,

    And askin', forlorn-like: "Hey,

    What do I... do... NOW!" LOL! ;)

    [ March 21, 2007, 08:04 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  14. AH darn...good all SC1. Damn do I miss the days or what...


    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit

    Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

    --- O Khayam


    Hey, Life,

    She just ain't fair ; sit

    Beside me - here,

    And relieve your weary

    Writing-wrist, and compare

    The following pair:

    One is pummeled with a cudgel,

    Often, woe, often - and for no

    Apparent reason; an other

    Fares better - and some would insist!

    It's surely due to wile & grit,

    A sturdy, brute, dilligence, and,

    That brawn, or wit, you are born with.

    But, it's

    Mostly - just... being - a lucky duck!

    Nothing to do about that,

    Except - simply, exist - under

    The mid-day sun, enhuddled

    In nocturnal shade and - yes! Refresh!

    In a gifted drifting of mist.

    --- the newly bloomed Daffodil!

    on the hill-side in my back-yard


  15. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    The Lizard Man is the dead one, Jim Morrison.

    That's Lizard King, jjr,

    Not Lizard Man

    Nor Lizard Dude,

    Or Lizard Wizard

    Has got sulphrous talons

    'Stead of only bony fingers, neither

    Either, eh?

    My kind of abnormal Cat, @-Man :cool:


    I had the - ummm, pleasure of knowin' 'im

    (... sort of, say, in the way

    you ken actually

    KNOW a Bengal Tiger, for instance)

    When he lived in my neighborhood

    Here in Desert City,

    And also out at Big LA's

    Whiskey A Go Go

    That one time, LOL, he was not

    So far ripped out and gone, baby, gone!

    You could NEARLY understand

    'Is X-tremely lively jive kinda

    Mad-hatter patter.

    Yep, jjr, MORE flat-out charisma flyin'

    Every witch-a-way offa

    That ACTUAL Bad Cat than ANY

    Person I've ever known, uh huh,

    (... tho, Bobby Kennedy had that same

    outrageous stuff, only different,

    whiter, so to speak)

    It was akin to... standin' alone

    In midst of mighty ferocious thunder

    And lightning storm!

    BTW... once did a 40 page research paper

    For an Abnormal Psych class

    On - WHY In tarnation!

    Are the really great "Show-Folks?"

    [... as you coulda been, IF only... ]

    Almost always... umm,what is ordinarily

    Considered by the crowd, as - freaks,


    No good-niks,

    Slap 'em 'n smack 'em sorts of

    Anti-social disordered dudes?


    Crazy *ss flakes, man, and too,

    Drivers of rods or

    Moto bikes - ain't got no brakes! :eek:


    This here "thesis" included

    A couple other back alley Cats

    That you would know:

    Jimmy Swaggert,

    And Ted Turner.

    [... I only considered characters from

    roughly, oh, 1963 to 1983]

    I would send you a copy of the treatise,


    You had PROMISED me

    One a' them there Camp Rambo


    Only I never did get it.

    Maybe IF I should join?

    One a' them there tree-house clubs?

    THEN I'd finally get mah cut-off T? :confused:

    (... gettin' closer to "The End," here,

    so not to worry O/T dis-liking Kin ;) )

  16. It is possible to believe white American's could have partaken in such a past time. It's in their blood...

    Well Liam,

    I'd have to say it's notso much

    "In the blood"

    (... though I think I understand what

    you are intending)

    As it is,

    In the brain.

    That ancient... Lizard Brain.

    The kind you find in this old creature

    Common hereabouts

    Where I live.


    Covered over with sheerest veneer

    Of ol' Huck Finn's

    Adolescently despised - "Civilization."

    And, IMHO,

    It ain't limited by skin colour,

    As Conquistadores and Idi Amin

    And Genghis and recent blood feud

    Between India & Pakistan

    Among VERY many other "races"

    Has amply vampirely proved,

    Over and over and over,

    All throughout the Ages.

    Whole clans have gone "mad."

    Are now.

    Will again.

    Though, I am optimistic.

    One day... a kind of "collective

    epiphany" shall occur.

    A "common and unspoken" agreement

    To QUIT!

    All the scratch and snatch & grab,

    That "base" sneer and ice

    Cold command.

    Proof of that?

    Have none,

    Empirically speaking.


    I'll say... it NEEDS to happen, and

    Fair soon.

    Perhaps that is the ONLY impetus

    Necessary? smile.gif

    [ March 15, 2007, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  17. P.S. Hello to Desert Dave. It is me again. Are you happy to see me?
    Hi-ho, vveedd.

    What you say?


    Given my isolated place and state,

    I am - once in a while,

    Happy to see almost ANYONE.

    The Beggar Man,

    The Tax Man,

    Flim Flam Man,

    Mad Max the anti-cop,

    Rag Man in 'is fly flop shoes,

    Pale Rider on plodding

    Plow Horse,

    And, of course,

    Even - this guy


    Who is,

    THIS time... I soon find out, savage!

    As a crazy radio talk-show host,

    And toting a sawed-off shot - e's after

    My 19 and 56 model... washer machine!

    Turns out 23 straight payments!

    PRECISELY - on time,

    Ain't gonna cut it.

    ... I had asked for - 3 day


    They say - NO way Jose!

    [... BTW, my name ain't Jose, they

    seem... a bit flippant, eh?]

    The TidePool

    Mega-Corp (... which is based

    in Bermuda, like so VERY many another

    USA - USA - USA!

    Kind of Corps - so to avoid paying ANY

    Taxes - hey what! Lucky ducks!)


    They have NO interest

    In... EXCUSES,

    They are like Saint Peter

    At the Gate, in that way,

    Oh say,

    As in THIS case - due to exorbitant

    Cost of gasoline - driving

    The (... coughing) VW Kamper Wagen

    Across Desert City

    So to visit a dying

    Friend... from days of Old,

    When it was

    We'd tripped the kaleido-light

    Out of sight... clear to Death Valley


    April of '69 it was,

    In search of Fool's gold,

    Well, why ever not?

    We ain't around for very long

    After all, as many right here

    Will soon enough learn, and so

    TidePool MegaCorp sent Repo


    So to yank the in/out-flow hoses,

    which he did proceed to do

    With a mighty crass alacrity!

    It's alright,

    I got this crick? Runs across

    The gulley-wash back yonder.

    Couple times a year

    I carry the heap on down,

    Then it rains a spell up

    In them Watermellon Mountains,

    And there's a couple flat rocks


    A Lime deposit close to hand, so,

    Knock-knock on green wood!

    All's right with the World,

    I am good!

    To go!

    You? smile.gif

  18. The map is done, just need to do the unit placement, balancing and scripting.

    One of the critical features

    Of the board game

    Was the "drift" of the Para units

    (... ack! Even into the Sea!)

    And the size of the landed troops.

    I guess you'll have some of the "engineers"

    At reduced size... what would be

    True cool,

    IF we had a script

    Where AB would become incapable

    Of further Air Assaults

    (... perhaps - "AI instructions"

    of some kind or editable ability to ONLY allow

    Air Ops within certain time frame?)

    Which would allow you to use the right sprite

    Throughout the game. :cool:

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