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Desert Dave

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Posts posted by Desert Dave

  1. Originally posted by vveedd:

    I do realize that. Still, difference between first and second part of the game should be much bigger then we had in SC games case. And this is not my opinion; it is general public opinion for all PC games. Original SC2 release was step forward after SC1 but too little step. Actually if you excluded new graphic all other improvements should have been in Expansion Pack for SC1. With this Expansion Pack for SC2 it is big step forward. Of course, it is too early to be sure in this. We have to see this Expansion Pack first.

    Well, well,

    What do youse know!

    My old pal! :eek:

    Say, vveedd!

    Since you are beta boy for that OTHER game

    We know a bit about,

    Can you do us a wee little favor?

    If you please, tell us!

    What can be EDITED in

    That there other game?


    Be specific as you can.

    I would REALLY like to know!

    (... thatta way... I can COMPARE the 2

    and see which ALLOWS the very best

    options for any "modders," know

    what I'se means? ;) )

  2. Targul the Wise:

    I am presently in my first game of human vs human and I find it really horrible. It is so ahistorical it feels like a fantasy game.

    Do most games with human players end up with the players attempting to take every country in some race to capture the world. Or do some players play quasi historical and not attack Sweden, Switzerland, Vichy France, Algeria and every single place they can reach.

    I have pretty much decided to stick with AI play because it does play historically and I really enjoy playing against what happen.

    Please let me know because I like the AI game but as it stands I never intend to play another human because if I want fantasy I play Civ.


    That is my problem no consequences in game terms for invading.

    I know there was a plan to invade Switzerland but it was solved by agreement prior to the actual attack by Germany. The French colonies do not bother me.

    Sweden I really do not see the Axis invading but your allies would certainly question an invasion. It would have given thought to Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria I suspect.

    Ireland I really doubt would have been invaded by either side but no consequences.

    There is a diplomactic part to the game but nothing changes any opionions except diplomacy points? Churchill can attack Norway, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and whatever and the other nations would consider that okay. Not sure that much fantasy is where I want to be.

    I have stuck with games that where normally historical. War in Europe, Campaign for North Africa, War in the Pacific, Third Reich and Advanced. Each time I played a computer game without what I consider real limits on diplomacy I have backed off play.

    Luckily with this game I can play historically against the AI but I will have to really consider if I want to play a fantasy game against humans using WWII as the backdrop.


    Thanks for your opinions seems that many agree with my ideas here.

    I really enjoy the AI game it plays historically and I find alot of fun but I am doubtful I will play again verses a human unless I am sure we are going to have some history involved.

    I dont mind people invading something different but there should be reasons behind it not just random slaughter.

    Have fun catch you all after my rafting vacation.

    1,2,3 - bang, bang, bang,

    Just like Buffalo Bill Cody shootin'

    The eyes right outta the bull (...sh*t).

    I want this repeated,

    So everyone can see now & anew

    HOW the superior WW-2 GS game should be.

    From the apex of BF,

    To the nadir which is me,

    A fine reminder.

    Could NOT have said it any better

    So I desist, and let this be a lesson.

    If this thread dwindles

    Into wisps of forgotten cobweb,

    I'll bump it, and again, and again,

    Then I get back.

  3. Dave and Minty, both of you. It's true the collection of something from an Organization of Hardcore Murderers seems frightening.
    It ain't enny matter of being "frightened,"

    Not EVEN close, rather

    Remaining - unto Omega... ever VIGILANT.

    If there is going to be a Nazi revival,

    Anywhere - it will be in America.

    The White Cats are, increasingly,

    Fearful their (... largely) ill-begotten gains

    Will be snatched away by the Hordes.

    It's a huge topic, covering

    2500 years of human history,

    And NO WAY can we do it justice

    Here and now.

    I'll mention that both you and Minty

    Have made some valid points,

    And each in your own unique way,

    Being better, more "understandable"

    Writers than I.

    I can respect that.

    Though Right now as we speak, in a school in Iran Mickey Mouse is saying, "Burn the Infidel Americans," And then he's hugging and kissing the kiddies!

    If foreign troops were occupying YOUR

    Land, oh, let's say for nearly

    A whole Century now,

    How would you - personally,

    Take that?

    Would you stand idly by while these

    Foreign occupiers tromped all over

    Your most cherished, sacred, holy

    And private places?

    I think not.

    America's fealty to Israel is opportunistic

    And, likely, IMHO, will merely continue

    So long as there is OIL to be had.

    OTOH, yep, these COWARDS who would kill


    In the name of their god,

    Are as... anathema.

    We got 'em here in USA too.

    Enough for now... I am out of Town

    For a week or 2 or 3 depending

    On what happens where I am going.

    Yet... finally, curiosity surely

    Intrigues any old alley cat, as me:

    And to say all this being a female could be worse than all of the above! tongue.gif
    Are you of the female persuasion,

    So to speak?

    If so, you've fooled!

    The magic flute right outta my mouth! smile.gif

    [ May 23, 2007, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  4. That's why I say you people have issues.

    I still don't see where you NAME anyone,

    Nor, what "issue" you are talking about.

    Some general, dry as dust comment, as tho

    You were some clean-hand academic

    Squeaking yer chalk on a black-board.

    But, I'll say it out - plain.

    These creeping out-of-the-crypt

    Pansy-ass Neo-Fascists are scum.

    The kind of scum you would find

    In a toilet

    Hasnt' been flushed since August, 1945.

    Whenever I find one of these

    Sorts of prick-less punks,

    I most fervently hope there are no

    Cops around - not for 50 miles

    In any direction,


    No ACLU neither.

    That's when I'm feeling charitable.

    As for Lorelie and Hardy-har-har

    (... AKA: Clay & Goren)

    I ain't gettin'

    Yer message.

    Say it straight out,

    Stand up,

    Be a man

    Has got a soul.

    What the hell are you 2

    Cutesy-pie Cats - talking about? :confused:

  5. Originally posted by Minty:

    Er.... I'm confused

    On the collecting SS material front you people have issues. Each to their own and all. But you have serious issues.

    However I strongly suggest you see the following link on You tube. Very amusing.

    UN-confuse yerself Bad Cat.

    WHO, quite specifically,

    Has these so-called... "issues."

    And, quite specifically,

    What ARE those issues.

    I for one would really like to know

    The answers.

    Enumerate, and elaborate.

    Let's hear it, man.

  6. Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

    Just a matter of time before Terif pulls another rabbit (or something) out of his hat. I've lost faith that any of you guys can beat him...


    [Trying some reverse psychology for a change]

    True cool idea!

    Let me try that... "Boy howdy!

    Sure is great!

    We ain't got yer l-o-o-o-n-g ago


    Battle of the Atlantic!" ;)


    Soon enough - MAY be

    You'll have some X-tra ordinary ammunition

    To work with!

    Now wouldn't THAT be 'at Cat's meow! :cool:

    Yep, I echo/yodel the sentiments here.

    BOTH these guys are top-tier



    BOTH - can be had,


    They haven't even played the next!

    Great gunner/slinger

    Poised, oh, over to OK-Corral,

    Not making much noise - just now,

    And for better OR worse

    Depending if you go - forward

    Or in reverse... not much regarded

    As ANYBODY's pal. ;)

  7. SM is a true cool

    Alchemical Cat,

    This I know. :cool:

    Took time out from VERY hectic schedule

    To help me

    On a little project of mine.

    I tend to implicitly trust

    What he says, and BTW,

    Brad - all the best on preparing

    For the hurricane season

    Down there on the Gulf rim.

    As we know,

    CAN be terrible trial & trouble

    And you have to be prepared.

  8. Originally posted by Blashy:

    It is not history vs. balance it is historical balance and relevance.

    If you want to invade the whole of Europe go right ahead, but to just have every country sit by and do nothing is just nonsense.

    This can be rectified while still keeping balance.

    Blash Mon,

    Agree, has got it - figured.


    Has had, all throughout this thread.

    This ain't enny - either/or sorta

    Manichean thing.

    NOTHING in this whole wide world,


    Man, some changes a'comin' - galore!

    What more, SC Scat Cats!

    Could you ask for? :cool:

  9. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @T-Blashy --- Dude, you don't have a clue about the game or history. The game is simple, MMPs over the long haul is a trump card.

    Far as history. Who is going to stop anybody from trashing the little guys? It's ALWAYS the United States smile.gif Get us mad enough, and Uncle Sam will make a housecall.

    Now get back to work & sign up for some political science courses at a credible school...not that bleeding heart liberal professor socialist stuff in Canada.

    Setting the record straight,


    Where in dickens you been, ramblin' dude?

    Inspectin' pipe-lines

    Up 'er in Alaska?

    Abetting the Governor's attempt

    To destroy what little

    Pristine wilderness - we got left?

    Or was it?

    STUCK in Mobile?

    With them Memphis Blues - again?

    No doubt,

    On yer be-bop hip-hop

    On along to Beale Street,

    (... since, strangely, you ain't a'knowin'

    nuthin' much 'bout them there cross-roads

    whereat Johnson had his Faustian

    joust with the Devil? - HiWay 61?)

    You stopped over - at Bayou Teche?

    Paid reverent respects

    To ol' Jimmy Swag, him?

    How IS that groaning old poet?

    (... man, WAS he EVER, once; surely

    one of the top 2 or 3 - along with

    that great Canadian, Leonard Cohen...the last

    60 years, at least... IMHO),

    Now 'is once-swarming congregation hast

    Got up, and - like fire-flies

    Then the advent of sun-rise... went? ;)

  10. Liam:

    Though historically did U-boats challenge the RN? I highly doubt that challenged a tugboat that was adaquetly armed! They did however starve the home Isles


    1) BARHAM (31,100t, 1915), sunk by U-boat torpedoes, off Sollum, Egypt, November 25, 1941

    2) ROYAL OAK (29,150t, 1916), sunk by U-boat torpedo, Scapa Flow, Orkneys, October 14, 1939


    Fleet carriers

    3) ARK ROYAL (22,000t, 1938), torpedoed (13th) by U-boat and sunk, W Mediterranean, November 14, 1941

    4) COURAGEOUS (22,500t, 1917, ex-cruiser, carrier from 1928), sunk by U-boat torpedo W of Ireland, September 17, 1939

    5) EAGLE (22,600t, 1924), sunk by U-boat torpedo, W Mediterranean, August 11, 1942

    Escort carriers

    6) AUDACITY (ex-Hannover, German prize, 11,000t deep, 1939; as 9/41), sunk by U-boat torpedo, N Atlantic, December 21, 1941

    7) AVENGER (13,785t deep, 2/3/42), sunk by U-boat torpedo, W of Gibraltar Straits, November 15, 1942


    8) BONAVENTURE (5,450t, 24/5/40), sunk by U-boat torpedoes, S of Crete, March 31, 1941

    9) CAIRO (AA ship, 4,200t, 1919), sunk by U-boat torpedo, off Bizerta, Tunis, August 12, 1942

    10) CALYPSO (4,180t, 1917), sunk by U-boat torpedo, S of Crete, June 12, 1940

    11) DUNEDIN (4,850t, 1919), sunk by U-boat torpedo, between W Africa and Brazil, November 24, 1941

    12) EDINBURGH (10,000t, 6/7/39), sunk by destroyer, torpedoes, after U-boat damage (30th Apr), Barent's Sea, Arctic, May 2, 1942

    13) GALATEA (5,220t, 1935), sunk by U-boat torpedo, off Alexandria, December 14, 1941

    14) HERMIONE (5,450t, 25/3/41), sunk by U-boat torpedo, E Mediterranean, June 16, 1942

    15) NAIAD (5,450t, 24/7/40), sunk by U-boat torpedo, E Mediterranean,, March 11 1942

    16) PENELOPE (5,270t, 1936), sunk by U-boat, torpedeo, Anzio area, W Italy, February 18, 1944


    Scanning above list, SEEMS to be

    LOTS of "armed Tug-boats" sunk by them

    Piddling little U-boots

    With their torpedo pea-shooters, eh? ;)

  11. Originally posted by Retributar:

    AS 'Sir Percy' in the Movie... 'The Scarlet Pimpernel' used to so often reiterate!... "Ohhh!...Sink Me!!!".


    Ah me,

    Good to see some odd-fashioned Eidolons

    Now and then.

    Hmmm... seems to erupt forth from Canadians :cool:

    More than what's usual - hey maybe?

    Due to all that vast and yet

    Mostly pristine wilderness

    You guys got?

    For awhile longer, ennyhow.

    Tends to OPEN up the mind, I'd guess?

    Notso many brainwashed

    Into the terribly circumscribed confines

    Of "group-think."

    Youda fit in mighty fine, Retributar,

    With them other sorts

    Of spontaneous-speaking

    Rip-around tripping American flakes,

    The REAL deal ones

    We usta have in road-going abundance

    (... though, alas, notso very many

    enny more, it's - sacre bleu - a shame,

    I say :( )

    IE... The Beats.

    You and Ginsberg & Burroughs

    And Kerouac having lunch

    With them other late sprawling


    A naked lunch, uh huh,

    With rhyme & UN-reason crawling out the end

    Of them NON-confined - fork-tines.


    What's this got to do with Norway

    The nuts & bolts folks

    Wish to know, eh?

    Nuthin' much... other than,


    That EVERY single thing

    That has EVER occured

    In the immensely BRIEF time

    Of this our infinite Universe

    Is... connected.


    Richard apparently Groks

    An off-beat, jittering smatter of this

    And, that, too! smile.gif

    [ May 02, 2007, 06:06 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  12. And!

    Not only that,

    But what of... Vichy France

    And Switzerland?

    Why weren't they attacked

    During the real deal war?


    It SEEMS as though MANY Axis

    Players pile up them MPP's

    Doing just that, eh?

    IF the players are aggregating

    MORE MPP's than would,

    Or should be the case,

    THEN they are accumulating excessive

    Monies (... and morale)

    So to exaggerate the ACTUAL ability

    Of Axis to conduct

    Wide-spread conflict.

    Argue all you want about

    How everything is in apple-pie order,


    I say - some of these conquests

    Exceed the norm,

    And careen off into the X-treme

    A bit too often.

    Same for the Middle East.

    Since when did FM Rommel

    Have such a swift! Kick 'em

    Around time of it?

    Why should it be so freakin' easy

    For Axis to take Egypt

    And Syria and Iraq and Iran?


    And again - going by AAR's I have read,

    It seems to go

    WAY beyond the pale,

    And over the river and

    Into the neon-lighted dale.


    Am I missing the GIST of this? :confused:

  13. Well,

    Reading over the AAR's,

    And listening to such discussions

    As above and elsewhere, it seems,

    I say - SEEMS as though most players,

    Whether Axis or, even Allied,

    Think it an advantageous tactic

    To attack and,

    Fairly easily - conquer Spain.


    I gotta ask - how historical?

    Is the "what-if" MOSTLY

    Become - a sorta-gotta have?

    It... seems so? No?

    Did it happen, in

    Real deal War - as that?

    If not,

    Why not? ;)

  14. Simply, Spain has become just TOO "pivotal"

    A real-politik player,

    In the grand scheme of things.

    Seems as though some - Occam's Razor

    Sort of tweaking is needed, IMO.

    NO WAY Hitler lets his resentment

    (... having helped Franco win the Civil War)

    Interfere with his over-riding

    Necessity - nay, his dumb OBSESSION to secure

    That hyper-propagandized "liebensraum."

    In real deal WW-2 anyhow.

    Playing it out, well, that's another story,


    No doubt Liam's so-called premier players ;)

    Have gotten it gamed pret' good.

    [... no doubt! They ARE good, they just

    haven't played much beyond that small

    circle of dedicated competitors... that'll

    probably change in due time smile.gif ]

    As is, it's not enough.

    Not by a long shot.

    Needs be some creative re-thinking

    RE: that whole - Southern Crescent,

    Madrid -> Gibraltar -> Tunis ->

    Cairo -> Baghdad -> Tehran.

    Diplomatically, and militarily.

    Game ain't "balanced" if the "what-ifs"

    Become... unreal BIG difference makers.

    [ April 27, 2007, 04:03 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  15. After you been around awhile

    You get to know - a TINY mite,

    How Skando Mondo does

    His OWN thing.


    Seems, some times, he is "going straight."


    Since Loki is ever hanging out

    'Is tattered back pocket,

    Like some - HiWay 61

    Hiker's hitch-kerchief,

    Hard to say just WHAT he means.

    Usually. :confused:


    The 2 WW-2 Cats I like the finest

    Are - Bill Mauldin's

    Willie & Joe. :cool:


    Wonder if fandango Skando or, Loki

    The tag-along Imp

    With eyes like broken bits of ice

    Knows them 2 super cool heroes? ;)

    [ April 24, 2007, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  16. I have always been in favor of a mandatory 2-3 year service for everyone once you reach the age of 18.

    I'd agree with that idea Blash Mon. smile.gif

    I'd have it, for USA anyhow, as this:

    Once graduated from high school,

    You'd have three choices:

    1) Armed Forces

    2) VISTA (... volunteers in service to America)

    3) Peace Corps

    You would ONLY have to do ONE year

    Of whichever one you would want.

    IF you decided to do the 2nd year,

    THEN you'd get the "bonus benefits,"

    IE, what all US Soldiers get

    In the way of VA

    (... NOW! Finally!

    As per the common folk's wishes! Updated

    To minimun modern standards, at least,

    at last)

    And college assistance and home-buyer

    Loans and the like.

    IMO, we'd soon enough see

    FEWER bangers and hangers-around

    And plain old nihilist punks,

    And more of those have got that

    Great sort of "honor & integrity"

    CODE ... instilled,

    Willingly - same as them Knights of Olde.

    Mostly had - natural-like,


    Inside out. :cool:

  17. Hats off to these guys and everyone else who has become part of the SC2 community... and for my part I just hope I can continue to deliver up to standard.

    Ain't NOBODY - and I been around the block,

    Playing these WW-2 kinda games

    For a doggone long time,

    Done it QUITE like Mondo Mojo has.

    Yep, EVERYBODY - Jake, Juke, the Rake,

    Luke... has had a cool hand

    In this here premier production,

    Not merely the cadre of testers. :cool:

    Thing is this, as I see it:

    The rest of them PRETENDERS out there,



    So awful wring-hand

    Worried about KEEPING secrets,

    And preventing all the potential "modders"

    From doing damn near ANYTHING

    With their same-old, limping lame games,

    Due to - lack of "community sharing"

    Personality Trait, perhaps?

    Which Mondo Mojo has

    In abounding abundance?


    I myself have been honored

    To contribute what LITTLE I have

    Thus far up & done.

    EVERYBODY - going back 5 + years

    Has done their persistent part, too.

    And that's - mighty monumental cool. :cool:

  18. There are a few flaws in above mentioned

    Tactics, which,

    I won't relate in toto since I might

    Have to play - the Myth ist?

    Once the draw for the future

    Slingers VS Gunners

    Super-SC tournament is set.


    I'm more than a little dis-satisified

    With CA's having ANY shore-bombardment

    Capability (... should be = 0),

    And BB's - merely "1," IMHO.

    Not only that,

    But... may be - as Hubert has ALREADY


    Different sorts of Bombers next time around?

    Who knows, we'll have to see what

    Sleek winged creature-machine

    Rolls down the run-way, eh?


    Re-taking Brest is good "experience training"

    For the GErman fighter/interceptors,

    Not to mention,

    Same being true for naval bombers

    Cracking down!

    In shrieking! lightning strikes

    Upon them cumbersome old

    UK Battle Wagens.

    No air umbrella for them

    Obsolete dread-NOTS, I guess?

    Air being hid a'way up in Scot Highlands

    It seems?

    LOTS of spry antidote to above, as I say.

    MOST of which shall remain secreted

    In ein kleine box with a ribbon

    Wound 'round it,

    Just in case, ah,

    In the event of later surprise.

    Playing Terif,

    One SURELY would need ALL the tiniest

    Advantages one might muster, yep,

    Mister Bo - with them get-go riffs.


    As we suspect - ain't NO LUCK involved,

    And this particular Cat ain't gone CHOOSE

    To lose,

    Should the tourney draw

    Set such-like match-play stage. smile.gif

  19. As for the Pains of War, many of these boys volunteer to go.
    A Mercenary Army is never enny good.

    Never ever ever never.

    I say - bring back the draft.

    NO deferments of ANY kind,

    No 2-S for collegiate evaders,

    No "family business" exceptions,

    No "buy-outs" for rich kids,

    No faked physical or mental dis-ease

    (...yeah, they ARE diseased alright,

    diseased with cowardice)

    And! No farm boys excused

    (... ain't hardly none of them little

    "homestead farms" left anyhow, as my Grand Dad

    had stolen by 'em fat & crass bankers during

    the FIRST Great Depression... 2nd is on

    the way, sad to say...)

    All Congressional Reps sons & daughters

    Are eligible at age 18,

    You see what I mean... thatta way,

    You'd cut these illegal, UN-Constitutional,

    And "pre-emptive" and unjust wars

    By, oh - I'd guess - 98%? :cool:

    Not to mention - get rid of them

    "Civilian Armies" we got now,

    Working for them war-profiteering

    Mega-Corps, IE,

    The private mercenaries

    Getting paid a King's Ransom,

    Running around with NO

    Professional military oversight,yep

    Doing plenty of un-holy death-dealing

    For the Military Industrial Complex.

    Lots of those guys

    Are near socio-pathic freaks. :eek:

    (... good ol' Ike, General Eisenhower

    WARNED us about that in 1959)

    Comes down to legitimate National defense,

    I'd STILL volunteer,

    As I did in 1966,

    NO MATTER I am over 50 years old.

    O/W, fine and thoughtful

    Commentary all around Liam.

    [ April 23, 2007, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  20. Originally posted by foko:

    I think the easiest way to keep GB down, is buy 2 german bomber and bombard Liverpool.

    Wenn Liverpool is < 5 the convoy can not be unloaded and GB is getting max 50 MPP.

    When starting sommer 40, doing this konsequent the poor Tommies will not survive long term

    The Man with a plan. smile.gif

    Very surprised more folks don't do this. :confused:

    I'd imagine,

    UK could use another port,

    Farther north, let's say - Glasgow?


    I would have it where it is NOT automatic

    That ALL convoy income immediately ceases

    Merely because the port is less than 5.

    The income could be "pro-rated" according

    To Port size, IE,

    Size 5> would allow 100% income

    Size 4 = 80%

    Size 3 = 60%

    Size 2 = 40%

    Size 1 = 20%

    Size 0 = 0%

    [... ALL activities don't cease COMPLETELY

    just because of some bomb damage,

    that's hardly realistic or likely]

    As is, yer right foko,

    The VERY apparently UNDER utilised

    GErman bombers

    CAN indeed cut them convoys fair easily.

    Yeah yeah, I know,

    Invest in AA.

    Yeah yeah I keep hearing - the game

    Is balanced as is,


    Do nuthin!

    LOL, yea, it MIGHT be to those

    Who've got the thing gamed.

    Well, you either keep moving & improving

    Or you get stuck with... ugly exploits.

    Tell you what, I'll provide escorts,

    And trade damage with the Spits,

    And knock them ports down

    Below 5,

    And keep 'em there for the duration.

    It ain't so hard, nor as costly

    As you might suppose. ;)

    [ April 23, 2007, 05:18 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  21. Just goes to show how far we have to go before we really become 'evolved'.
    Today is "officially"... Earth Day.


    I celebrate that and those... 10 newly bloomed

    Daffodils up on my hill-side! smile.gif

    IF we might - somehow, save

    These hacking, gasping lands

    Which belong to ALL of us,



    One fine, sun-beaming day?

    Figure a way

    To QUIT all the sense-less quarreling

    Over... things.

    Inside out,

    It's the ONLY way it could work,

    As I've discovered while

    Trying to get life-long "addicts"

    OFF their drug dependencies.

    Then again,

    MANY are the items nowadays

    That we might term - "drugs."


    For one instance,

    The War-mongering/Gun-fondling

    Kind of retrograde and base "addiction"

    We have TOO MUCH of... over here. ;)



    Back to war-games - which I LOVE to play

    BTW, no matter some of the things

    I essay... VERY much looking FORWARD!

    To the next tournament

    (... I once proposed, but, gee whiz,

    nobody wanted it)

    Which would be... Old Slingers

    VS - them Young Gunners.

    IE, them over 40

    Years of age - on one side,

    Them 39.99 and under,

    On the other.

    THAT would be a shoot-out

    Would surely interest me.

    See if?

    Us old-timers could still hold our own? LOL! ;)

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