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Desert Dave

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Posts posted by Desert Dave

  1. One quick question for you,

    As it is a long-standing obsession-compulsion

    Of mine.

    How do you intend to include?

    Surface Raiders! :cool:

    You had mentioned this some whiles back

    Mr T,

    But I ain't able to find

    Wherat it was, just now.

    I also have a few notions about

    What to do, though,

    Haven't had any time to test it out. :(


    With your already demonstrated agility

    At this mod craft,

    I'd be VERY curious to hear

    Your surf-raider solution. smile.gif

  2. Originally posted by Philippe:

    I think Nato icons work best in a two-dimensional environment. The 2-D icons here look a bit like Columbia Games wooden blocks, and somehow seem out of place. I keep wanting to tip them over to see if I can start a domino effect...

    THE most "miraculous" thing about "playing"

    With these VERY adeptly done 2D sprites,

    You can get many more unit-types

    Out of yer mind and -> into the game. :cool:

    In my own 39WIP (... grand campaign

    game, as work in progress)

    I have managed to include


    Separate and distinctly functional

    Military units.

    From the original 19,

    Not counting transports or amphib craft.

    Well, some would say - that ain't

    Old-school, punch-card cool 'cuz!

    It makes too much cloy & clutter. :rolleyes:

    I say - no way!

    An adroit example - WiF-FE

    The never-bored! game has MORE

    Unit types than even my modest # of 33

    And it don't detract nor

    Interfere with good old-fashioned

    War game play, IMO.

    OK, to accomplish this

    Requires a certain amount

    Of finesse & finagle

    With particular game features

    And, essentially,

    Being WILLING

    To change a received-perceived

    Gestalt - somewhat.

    Sure, you could also do such as that

    With the 3D sprites,

    BUT... you'd need be precociously clever

    At graphic arts,

    And from experience,

    And finally,

    In most cases - being half-satisfied

    With mis-matched sprites.

    After all,

    Aesthetics is, oh, IMHO, a good FIFTY (50) %

    Of any acutely accomplished

    War-game - board, or computer.

    Your sub-conscious rarely "sees"

    What yer lookin' at.

    THE best 2D sprites thus far

    (... and some some body's gotta go

    a ways further to do it enny better, IMO)

    Have been done by pzgndr

    For his outstanding Mod of A3R. ;)

    Alright, to my way of thinking,

    THE very best aspect of SC2-WaW,

    Is... that unprecedented Editor.

    (... no TOAW ain't even in the same

    league, more like sandlot ball

    compared to the Big Show)

    Learn how to use that

    (... it ain't all that difficult, rather,

    as with anything else unfamiliar, it's

    a matter of - simply, taking

    that FIRST - risking step)

    And ipso trismegistus,

    ANYONE could certainly open up

    Whole unknown worlds - brand new

    Chances for... grand adventure. :cool:

  3. Every game true value is measuring by only one thing – gameplay lifetime.

    Going by that particular criterium,

    Chess is the all time champeen! smile.gif


    Hmmmm... which game TODAY most resembles


    SC 1, 2 and - could it be - 3! :cool:

    As you can see 3R is released in 1970 and we still talk about it and play it. This is enough to say about how 3R game is good.
    Not bad.

    Though... the Battle of the Atlantic,

    And - the Allied Strategic Bombing campaign,

    Was a bit short-shrifted, nein? - vveedd?

    Mostly it was a small series

    Of pre-determined kleine conflicts

    So to get to the REAL


    4-6 VS 4-5 deal,

    The GErmans VS the Russians. ;)

    If someone today will make remake (please God or someone?) of 3R you will see for sure how this game is good.
    It will probably need to be Gott, vveedd,

    But... he or she seems to be

    Mighty busy these days

    Deciding which of his mortal minions

    Is the MOST back-brain lunatic.

    Actually, as I mentioned above, there is old computer version in MS DOS and it is quite good.
    It sucked.

    Waiting! For user input!

    LOLOL! :D

    DOS is history.

    History is a lost art.

    Art is taking what is COMPLEX

    And making it... simple,

    NOT the other way 'round.

    Chess is simple for those who don't

    Wish to study a LIFETIME

    To learn how to play it... superbly.


    Now you got Strategic Command

    In ALL it's various iterations,

    With some more - probably?

    On the drawing board.

    What more?

    Could you ask for?

    vveedd! :cool:

  4. My congratulations to Hubert and all those that assisted. A job well done, which I must remind everyone is a somewhat rare commodity in this day and age.
    Very true, Brad, about

    ALL of those who've - "assisted."

    I'd like to take a moment

    And mention one guy

    Who ain't enny overt advertisement

    For Himself, no, not hardly,

    That's not his kind of calling-card,

    In this - the day

    Of the celebrity Contestant & Tester,

    Who has been around since way, way back,

    And that is... Dan Fenton.

    Most don't know his name, but,

    He has indeed - contributed immensely.

    As have SC Cats like yerself,

    And Waltero and Jersey John,

    (... the one and only - Boardwalk Raconteur!)

    And very many others

    Back then and here and now - offering

    Their OWN vital-valuable comments,

    Ideas and suggestions. :cool:

    BTW - since I very well know of your own

    Long learned WW2 GS... ken & expertise,

    Might I ask?

    What kind of MOD might we expect

    From -> you?

    How about doing PTO!

    (... which you've merely mentioned by now, oh,

    about 6 or 17 times! tongue.gif )

    That way, we can all realize

    Some proto proofs

    And too, a few new possibilities.


    What else (... other than amphib-landable

    "beach tiles")

    Might be needed?

    So to fully appreciate - at least,

    One unique Texas way

    That high-romantic Naval War game

    Could be accomplished? smile.gif

  5. Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam:

    Sorry to say but the tactical aspect of SC2 is long understood,

    Yes, and long unloved by those of us who would like SC to actually MEAN "strategic".......

    Oddly a candidate for the best strategic level WW2 game might end up being one called "Advanced TACTICS"....now that'd be ironic :rolleyes: </font>

  6. Hmmmmm... thinking on it some more,

    You CAN indeed have EACH

    And every... single... individual ship,

    Uniquely outfit. :cool:

    You gotta sacrifice very little

    In yer ordinary "game schematic," however,


    Since the naval units are mostly arriving

    Off the production queu

    (... just too expensive, save for the subs

    and DD's)

    You can do this without losing

    ANY thing vitally vital, IMO.

    In my own mod, I have done it

    And it works out great.


    To me - that IS the main thing.

    It is beyond simply - astounding!

    How you can change so very many aspects

    Of this X-tremely flexible game.

    Said it before, will say it once more,

    EVERYBODY gets to have their very own

    Personalized WW2 GS game.

    Should they really desire it.

    And IF they aren't so inclined,

    SOMEBODY will do a mod

    That suits each Player... to a "T." smile.gif

  7. SC is great for what it does but all the extra detail in SaS is making me drool (design your own ships?!).

    Now you can pretty much design unique

    Naval units using the SC2WaW Editor.

    Mighty Behemoths,

    Everday average BB's,

    Battle Cruisers,

    Heavy Cruisers,

    Light Cruisers,


    Escort Carriers,

    Fast Carriers, and,

    Etc, etc.

    Each with their own individualized ratings.

    Can be done - by - anyone. :cool:

  8. You do not pile second upon second,

    Minute atop minute,

    The diurnal hours - STACKED

    Like clock-work bricks

    In some - steeply-stepped stairway to Heaven,

    Do you?

    No stacking!

    Who on this here fast-waning Planet would want?

    Such a clumsy cluttered, wrought

    Up wrangled tangle and bogged

    Clogged kind of congestion - as that? :confused:

    Click & click,

    Click and click and click and - click!

    Seeking for what?

    One tiny?

    Secretly hidden game piece?

    Through endless, interminable,

    Stacks & stacks

    Of minutes or pixels

    Or stick-figure depictions?

    It's ALL... only... abstraction.

    WW2 is... done been fought,

    The blood and viscera spilled forth

    Soaking the ground sullied insensate,

    60 years done and gone and now, just

    Settled dust,

    In that bottomless bin of History.


    No matter HOW you play it, or

    Sing it or song it or bring it

    Or essay it,

    With dice,

    With arcanely ordered, tandems of random

    Ones & zeroes, zeroes

    And ones,

    Whether it be about

    Hannibal riding along side-saddle

    Up on a lumbering, lop-ear elephant,


    In this particular instance,

    The - usually - guten burgher Deutsche Volk

    Convinced by - a hectoring Idiot

    Inartistically screaching - hey you!

    Most superior Dudes... yes you!

    Can indeed be! Foolish

    Stiff-limb, dumb-strutting animals!

    Or any another young, someone-loving Soldier

    For that matter,

    Just surviving it out,

    In a desert or a jungle or amid

    Green-folded fields of furrow & flowers,

    Ah, yea, it goes.

    On and on,

    Second by second,

    Minute by minute,

    Hour by hour,

    It's all of an all,

    Which War and why and when. :rolleyes:

    Nary a moment's Peace in between

    The next night fraught

    With daemon-begot dreams... now

    AND - then... the merest of... abstraction.

    Well how do ya do - lucky for us! smile.gif

    Hubert himself is not enny - ab-straction.

    He's the real thing alright,

    And has created THE best WW2 Grand Strategy,

    Turn-based and Euro-earth based,

    Intro-spective, intra-ultra, multi-contestable

    And vast and long-lasting

    SRO, stomp! the boards,


    Spec-tacular! :cool:

    Well, you'll get to play for yerself - soon.

    Play and play and play and play,

    Minute by minute, hour

    After hour, day - ah - s'gotten late?

    Driving the lady the mistress

    The latest mate anyway - antic & crazy!

    Weeks and weeks even! and you'll - maybe - never!

    See the sun or some other sorta fun, nor,

    Nay, for better or for worse,

    Our (... currently) un-crowded moon.

  9. As good as the team is now finessing the game, I am sure we can come up with some requests...
    I would surely hope so. :cool:

    It's what will make the game

    Even greater than it already is, yep,

    You'll soon enuff see

    What I mean. smile.gif


    You lurkers and first-time players!

    Get the heck - in here!

    And say it straight

    And right out loud,

    Just what you like, and don't like.

    ALL suggestions and comments

    Are equally valid, IMO.

    NO single person has the ONLY insight

    On what makes a truly outstanding,

    And long lasting, ever

    Re-playable game, and

    For sure, me included. smile.gif


    I am off on X-tended vacation, will

    See you'all - next month, probably.

  10. Originally posted by Konigs:

    Good to see many of the old guard are in agreement.... smile.gif

    To paraphrase a snatch of song

    From forever young singin' - Minnesota Zimmerman:


    ... the old guard is rapidly agin'

    you'd better start swimmin'

    or you'll sink like a stone,

    for the times they are a'changin'



    Well, some things ain't never go out of style,

    Some things stay strange yet always the same,

    Yep, are hand-tooled by

    Dudes & fools, outta - quick-silver,

    Quiet cool, and lotsa plain

    Old guile,

    Such like:


    Well, so long as you fine tune 'at wooden wagon,

    And hang C-shaped from a worked slick board, sure,

    So long as you've worn them - la di da - designer tags

    Clean off! Yer bleached-out baggies,

    Yep, it's then

    And ONLY then, you'll

    Keep within reach - that Sea-enclosed beach

    Of yer dreams, why,

    Whatever is new wave can be rode - endlessly,

    Winter into Summer into Winter

    Into Spring - uh huh, should you

    Believe it so, cast-away somebody

    Else's - logos and reason... it's ALWAYS

    A fun-in-the-sun season of... Spring!

    Best, anything at'all

    Can be just... that... easy. :cool:

    I tell you now,

    How it is


    Old guard stretches, yawns,

    Then the baby sharks come to play.

    I say again,

    How it is


    Old guard shows no casual interest

    In all 'em strollin' along young

    Lasses & lovelies, yeah, you know,

    The ones? In dis-appearing bikinis?

    Old guard... knows things.

    That the brand new hot-doggers gots to wait

    Like, way, way past last low tide, man,

    Before they can even - BEGIN... to understand. ;)

  11. But it persists me off that I have to put up with a system dumbed down to that level.

    LOL, know JUST how you feel,

    Kinda how the ever-fluctuant

    System named... "science,"

    And/or "progress @ ANY cost"

    Does dastardly things to me. :eek:

    [... what DO you do, Dudes, when

    logic & proportion

    have fallen sloppy dead? When the White

    Knights talking backwards, and

    The Red Queen's - off with her head! LOL!]

    Nice play on words there, BTW.

    "Persists me off." :cool:

    Thing is THIS:

    You are immensely more likely

    To -> at long last, and actually

    GET that great WW2 GS game... here,

    Than you are at enny a'them

    Exploitive rip-off places like Matrix

    Or Slithering-Snake, or who the hell

    Else is out-putting junk.

    So long as we don't succumb

    To the temptation

    To have the game MERELY or even,

    MOSTLY... for the head-hunters.


    Game buyers ain't give a rat's whiskers

    Whether the game is precisely "balanced"

    For a hand-full of -> uber competers.

    A billion humans in China don't

    Care who gives testimonial, eh? ;)

    It NEEDS be, more, a game for ALL

    Them crazed and antic Cats what plays

    It out solo.


    Modding it to be EXACTLY how they like it,

    If necessary.

    Lucky for us!

    We got a guy who provides the sort of Editor

    Where you can do - damn near - anything! :cool:


    You can mimic it but, not

    Perfectly duplicate it.

  12. Originally posted by Liam:

    Glad to hear the project is getting done and that those people who understand the Mechanics of SC2 and balance are involved refining the title as well.


    All youse other dirty dozen


    Plus or minus 2 to six in addition,

    Whoso ain't actually understandin'

    Nuthin' much about no "mechanics"

    Nor none a'that there

    WW2 GS game "balance,"

    Can go home now!

    Liam says so!

    Terif and EP

    Have arrived

    With wild gold chariot wheels a'fire!

    And have got this here conundrum thang

    Finally! Straightened out,

    But good! LOL! ;)

  13. OK, Everybody!

    Roll up yer sleeves,

    RE-apply that

    (... hard practised, in a mirror,

    any looking glass will do)

    Ham-acting Bad Cat visage

    (... who! IS! The Jolly Green

    Giant, IE, THE meanest!

    em-effer -> in the Valley! :mad: )


    How a REAL tough guy would do, oh,

    Hemingway or

    Cagney, VN-evading Stallone, and

    Likewise as it was with

    Dick Cheney

    (... Jean Paul Belmondo, in that

    borrowed-noir, new-wave French cinema

    verite - "Breathless?)


    Whilst rotating the forearm,

    Point to -> the bicep? And,


    Gnash incisors,


    Eat a large red beach-towel?

    LOLOLOL! ;)


    Ain't we come a long, long, long ways

    Since the cave days, uh huh,

    Ain't we just!

    I prefer this here comment by ev:



    Originally posted by arado234:

    ...all is fair in war...


    ...an often used euphemism often used as a cover up for the unpalatable truth it stands for: that most people throw fairness down the drain in times of war.

    So, instead of comfronting the despicable nature of any war act, we kid ourselves into believing that all concepts of fairness suddenly vanished and hence we no longer have to live up to our most basic human values.

    How does!

    That there wry and - ironic?

    Aside - go?

    "As a Species, we've become smarter


    Ack and alas also, not much wiser."

    Judging from some of the above

    Large, and small muscle flexing,

    Sure, 'at's about right. ;)

  14. Let's put it this way:

    Deep in Russia,

    You surely wouldn't "build up"

    Your TAC to be a "naval bomber,"

    Would you?


    Pay the extra cost every time

    You reinforce the "ground support unit."

    If you are playing as Axis,


    For Italy you'd likely "build up"

    A TAC to be a "naval bomber,'

    And... not necessarily upgrade

    It to also be a GSU, true?

    Why pay the added cost each reinforcement

    If ALL you really need to do,

    At that juncture of the Med

    Naval Wars,

    Is use your "naval bomber" to

    Attack the Royal Navy.


    NOW, it's all about... choices.

    Major and minor,

    Macro and micro,

    Involving every single facet of the game.

    So many, in fact, that you simply CANNOT

    Do everything,

    Or purchase everything!

    That you might want.

    No way.

    So the game has evolved to the point

    Where the # of possible

    Strategies AND Tactics

    Is approaching... the unlimited.

    EVERY game you play WILL present

    New and different pleasures and problems.

    What more could you ask for? :cool:

    [ September 02, 2007, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  15. SC2 limits only look at the total number of units you have on the board. You can have huge manpower losses, and, you can keep replacing them at “low cost” without triggering the soft/hard limit penalty. As long as you do not exceed the number of unit counters on the map, a player is not penalized for inordinate manpower losses.

    Having read all that's been said,

    I keep coming back to the simple,

    Yet truly intractable - fact,

    As mentioned above.

    No matter the "abstracted" mechanisms

    (... which, truly might approach the infinite)

    That any one game player might assume,

    Whether that be

    Coerced labor contributions,

    Industrial output/efficiency,

    Strategic, or even tactical bombing,

    Etc, and else, almost - ad infinitum,

    And no matter the fluid definition

    Of what a size "3" unit

    Might be, IE,

    It is then considered "shattered"

    Or "in imagined retreat" status,

    The fact is - on board,

    It has an effective value of "3"

    (... and as ever, modified by readiness

    and morale and supply status, etc)

    But, the one thing it is not - is zero

    Number of soldiers.

    OK, no matter all that,

    And much more besides,

    IF you can forever reconstitute

    Your @-start units + allowable builds

    At a very low cost,

    THEN you don't actually, strictly have

    "Force pool limits," IMO.


    Maybe these aren't necessary

    To have a fun, fairly historical

    And emminently re-playable game?

    Then again, for another player,

    Perhaps... they are.

    In which case,

    Each individual CAN indeed "tweak"

    Several editable factors

    To make the force-pool loose,

    Or quite constrained, as they'd prefer.

    One thing is certain, however,

    And that is... NO Nation,

    Large, small or middling sized

    Could continue to summon a never-ending

    Supply of combat capable soldiers.


    Russia and USA had the most flexibility

    Due to considerable reliance

    On women in the labor force.

    Even there,

    Some "hard & fast" limit would surely

    And FINALLY be reached, wouldn't it?

    When does a perfectly satisfactory

    WHAT IF?

    (... IE, YOU! As supreme commander CAN

    eke-out the absolute maximum from your

    native and foreign laborers)

    Become a possible, but highly unlikely

    WHY NOT?

    Have it where... anything goes?

    [ September 02, 2007, 05:18 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  16. Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

    And while I'm at it....Kudos to you, Blashy and Terif for the "Naval Warfare" tech change from GLR, most excellent. :cool:

    Love the interaction of land and sea effects.

    The list of contributors would be

    MUCH longer than the 3 of us,


    Me too!

    I like how - now, the "naval bombers"

    Will in fact be a separate component

    Built from "scratch," well


    That and some struts and metals,

    Decals, wheels and - push-pedals. smile.gif

    The Naval Game has always been

    (... along with North Afrika)

    My own favorite part of WW2.

    Don't know why exactly,

    Except... maybe?

    The old salt of the Sea

    Is coursing long along in all of us? :cool:

  17. Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

    DD, that's my favorite book! Memoriessss.....

    By the way, my birth was OT and my existence is such.

    My own favorite was

    "The Wind in the Willows,"

    Authored by Kenneth Grahame (1908);

    The poster below by Alan Bennett:



    Wore the cover clean off it. ;)

    I like that comment by C.S. Lewis


    "No book is worth reading

    at the age of 10 which is not

    equally worth reading

    at the age of 50."


    [ August 31, 2007, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  18. Originally posted by Exel:

    What does any of this have to do with encirclement and morale in SC2? :confused:

    How does this comment elucidate

    The issue at hand? :confused:

    Lighten up a little? smile.gif

    I have found that war-gamers

    Are a competitive

    And opinionated bunch.


    They're kinda like:


    And ipso - some times will blow off

    A little steam, eh?

    (... I DO appreciate that you and

    SeaMonkey have NEVER gone O/T yerselves, eh? ;) )


    Anyways - sooon enough you'll see

    Nuthin' but!

    Suggestions, comments and Mod stuff

    Having to do with SC WaW! smile.gif

    Main thing, I've found in playing it

    Is this:

    So very many CHOICES

    You gotta make.

    You can't have it all!


    The sheer # of different ways

    Of executing yer S&T is truly gonna make

    THIS game


    For years and years and years.

    Decades, even. smile.gif

  19. ... sometimes you gotta just flip over the furniture in order to get the job done.

    Well, jjr,

    Should you merely do that,

    Wouldn't the bottom parts

    Of yer, doubtless - stick & cloth furniture,

    YET be in the way

    Of yer l-o-o-o-o-n-g time

    NEEDED... sweeping? tongue.gif


    And seriously, you oughta start

    Yer very own blog.

    You could SWEEP away ANY sorta fog or smog,

    WRT - doggone near anything!

    War and peace.

    Hot-rod motors leaking 40 weight grease.

    The good and the bad.

    What's wack and ugly too!

    What's truly cool, and better

    What is - phat today, but tomorrow

    Gone again! Kinda low-brow fad!

    You could BE... a whole world! Renowned


    Not merely!

    A one to be found rending

    And a'sundering some innocent

    War gamers on a lonely outpost

    Sorta forum! :cool:

    [... as I've said before - write

    that book! If Paris Hilton

    can do it, having ONLY lived - what?

    just the 21 years? So can you! ;) ]

  20. By the way exploiting the poor kids from the Ghetto is just propaganda:

    Pardon, but what ACTUALLY happened is this:

    In the early stages of the war, there WERE

    IN FACT,

    MUCH higher casualties for the blacks

    Than for the whites.

    THEN -> a "critical mass" of influential

    Black leaders commenced to complain

    About this very FACT.

    What the Pentagon/D.C Establishment

    Did at that point,

    Was... ORDER the field Officers

    To "pull back" the blacks

    (... and, concomittently, draft AND send

    over the seas, FEWER of them)

    And send to the front,

    The whites.

    There is NO doubt about this,

    You can find it any historical account.

    Of this I am ABSOLUTELY convinced.

    It ain't no propaganda, my friend. ;)

    The one argument that DD puts forward that the cold statistics prove is that more of the less well off serve as opposed to the "rich" and privledged. Since the majority of the Country is not "rich" I hardly find it surprising that the "rich" serve is less numbers.

    When I said "rich kids,"

    I meant... upper AND middle class, ah,

    IOW - anyone not below

    The "poverty line."

    Most of the deferments

    Due to that "2S" I have mentioned.

    [... curious aside: the students most

    vehemently protested - then; now, there IS

    no draft, what protest do you

    notice on Main Street? LOL!]

    Some due to "family Doctors" being

    Submissive when the Mother

    Would "emotively" argue that

    The debilitation in question,

    Say the lingering sty on the eye,

    Surely was, well, debilitating. ;)

    Some due to "unholy influence"

    With a Draft Board selector.

    Some due to the lawyered up kid

    Who could convince the Board

    That they were "essential" somehow


    To their "family business,"

    Or, no matter how tortured

    The connection... to the "war effort."

    Some due to self-inflicted injury.

    Some due to having sufficient "wits

    About themselves,"

    They could convince a Board member

    That they were "gay" or

    O/W hindered, IE - "depressed"

    Or "psycho," and etc.

    The list could be even longer,

    But I believe I've made the point.

    Those who COULD muster some sort

    Of "excuse," did so

    With alarming - even, disarming,


    See what I mean?

    The poor kids HAD NO devises,

    No sleight of hand,

    No access to lawyers or doctors

    Or much of anything for that matter.

    What they had was a sturdy body

    And, apparently,

    A greater love of Country? and

    Stronger obligation?

    To do what was "honorable,"

    Even if - accidentally so. ;)

    BTW: I have no sympathy for those

    Who ran away and hid from it all, say,

    To Canada or Sweden.

    Nor for the suddenly "conscientiously

    objecting" sort of Cowards.

    You either "fight the fight" of yer Life

    Whereat you LIVE, or you die

    In a particular sort of way, way

    Down deep in yer... insides.

    You point out that 70% of all officers will admit they are Republican – and I ask so what? Isn’t that one of the liberties they are fighting for?
    The figure was ~ 80%

    When I was in (... same comparative

    research study) it was... 50/50

    Dems and Republicans.

    Now, that kind of drastic change DOES worry... me.

    NOT because it's a change toward

    Republicans, but, instead,

    That it is a significant change

    In and of itself.

    Military Officers are not elected, obviously,

    And, after all, it may well be

    A temporary representation.

    Nonetheless, I liked it better when

    It was 50/50. smile.gif

    I’d also point out that Congress did give approval for action in Iraq – that is a fact (Public Law 107–243 passed the Senate on 10-11-2002 by a vote of 77-23) that is often overlooked.

    "Resolutions" are one thing.

    Outright "declarations of War,"

    Are an ENTIRELY different thing.

    Since WW2, we have had these VERY flimsy

    Rationales for... WAR.

    U.N. decrees, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution,

    WHATEVER that latest "escape responsibility"

    THING was WRT Iraq,


    I am yet going to go with the Constitution:

    ONLY Congress can declare WAR.

    Doesn't say, for instance,

    "A piece of paper with vague scribbling on it

    will satisfy."

    See the difference? ;)


    I am a kind of hyprocrite, I admit.

    Notso long ago I had said:

    "Time to get OVER it."

    Apparently I haven't yet.

    Getting closer, though.

    Here's hoping I'll finally CLOSE

    That chapter in the VERY short

    Book of my life.

    I ain't wantin' to go to my grave

    STILL fretting about

    That relatively small # of pages

    In the Book.

    Which has a beginning, and an end.

    A front cover, and, yep,

    A back cover as well. ;)

    [ August 30, 2007, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

  21. Well said DD, and I agree with your logic...
    Well, SM, it warn't so much "logic"

    As it was... "gut-feeling"

    That a LOT is amiss these here strange

    Days in late great America.

    I would imagine that one's personal

    "Honor Code" would dictate

    Their decision whether to defend

    Their neighborhood,

    Their City,

    Their State,

    Or their Nation,

    From unruly gangsters

    (... "gangsters" truly being an

    all-inclusive, deliberately

    chosen word ;) ).


    I believe the majority of the men and women who join the service do it because they love there country and want to make a difference.

    THIS time I will use what logic

    I am able to muster:

    Hmmmm... so I am to assume

    That "poor kids" LOVE their country

    MORE than rich kids?

    MORE than students?

    MORE than athletes or celebrities?

    MORE than Politician's kids?

    MORE than the Politicos - themselves?

    Who never serve?

    Never DID serve during the quagmire times?

    "Chicken-hawks" we call 'em. ;)

    And BTW, IF you should need a LIST

    Of who served (... amongst the Pols)

    And who did NOT,

    I'd be happy to provide it.

    VERY curious the # of Republicans,

    As with messers Bush & Cheney,

    Who... somehow found

    "Other things to do."

    And so - I guess?

    THEY just didn't LOVE their country

    QUITE as much as did - say, the OVER

    Represented # of black kids

    From the Ghettos? ;)


    [ August 29, 2007, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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